RT list:

From: <alessandro.capone@istruzione.it>
Date: Wed Jan 30 2008 - 20:39:56 GMT

Dear All,

is there someone interested in helping me with the transcription of Barack
Obama's South Carolina victory speech?

I transcribed the speech annotating pauses, length of pauses, audience's
responses, slower and softer speech.

Relevance theorists might be interested in how slower and softer speech
projects/ predicts pauses with turn transition ( an idea by Cameron).

I will give you the annotated transcritpion, but please can an American or
English native speaker help me with the transcription of a few
geographiocal names (3) and proper names (1) and something Obama says
about teachers being underpaid.

The speech is currently in Obama's webpage.

Tnanks so much.

Alessandro Capone

University of Messina / University of Palermo
Received on Wed Jan 30 20:40:18 2008

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