RT list: Re: RT list: looking for an articl

From: cqxi (cqxie@163.com)
Date: Tue Dec 06 2005 - 00:37:36 GMT

  • Next message: Borsley R D: "RT list: Look and listen"

    Nicolle, Steve (1998) A relevance theory perspective on grammaticalization. _Cognitive Linguistics_ 9, 1-35.

    Chaoqun Xie

    发件人:"Andre Sytnyk" <andre.sytnyk@gmail.com>
    发送时间:2005-12-06 02:48:57
    主题:RT list: looking for an article

    Dear All,
    Does anyone know where an electronic version of the following article can be found?
    "A relevance theory perspective on grammaticalisation" by Steve Nicolle.
    Thanks and all the best,

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