RT list: Semiotic code model

From: Deirdre Wilson (deirdre@linguistics.ucl.ac.uk)
Date: Mon Nov 21 2005 - 14:59:17 GMT

  • Next message: mjmurphy: "RT list: Relevance and Mathematical Statements?"

    Dear Stefan,

    The issue is not whether SOME communication is achieved by coding, but
    whether ALL is.
    In RELEVANCE, Dan and I argue that communication can be achieved in two
    ways: by coding/decoding, and by ostension/inference. While the code model
    is adequate to account for much animal communication, it is grossly
    inadequate to account
    for much human communication, and verbal communication in particular.
    Although human
    natural languages are codes, there is a substantial gap between the encoded
    meaning of
    a sentence and the meaning a speaker may convey by uttering that sentence
    on a particular
    occasion. We claim that this gap between sentence meaning and speaker's
    meaning cannot
    be bridged by a further layer of coding, but must be bridged by inference.
    So verbal
    communication can be analysed as involving BOTH coding AND inference.

    All the best,

    >Dear all,
    >I am unclear as to how important the traditional semiotic code model of
    >communication is to RT. Dan Sperber and Deidre Wilson seem to both reject
    >it and then apparently integrate it into their RT model of communication.
    >Does anyone have views on the matter?
    >Best wishes to all
    >Stefan Malmberg
    >Måsvägen 3A1
    >22100 Mariehamn

    Deirdre Wilson
    Professor of Linguistics

    Department of Phonetics and Linguistics
    University College London
    Gower Street
    London WC1E 6BT
    Tel (0)20 7679 3153
    Home phone/fax (0)1865 862470
    Home page URL: http://www.phon.ucl.ac.uk/home/deirdre

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