RT list: SALT

From: Andre Sytnyk (danagro@kp.km.ua)
Date: Fri Feb 04 2005 - 21:50:42 GMT

  • Next message: Jlsperanza@aol.com: "Re: RT list: SALT"

    Dear All,

    Do native speakers of English notice that SALT in the much quoted
    example "Can you pass me the salt?" is itself a metonymy for a "container
    with salt"?

    and in case this sort of metonymy is not processed as an implicature, could
    it be that conceptual metonymy in general is part of the "what is
    said" - for example the target "I ask you to pass me the
    salt" of the source metonymy "Can you pass me the salt?" is communicated as an

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