RT list: Congress: 38 SLE

From: Salvador.Pons@uv.es
Date: Fri Jan 21 2005 - 06:45:03 GMT

  • Next message: Dan Sperber: "RT list: Alvin Golman online at interdisciplines.org"

    Societas Linguistica Europaea 38


    VALENCIA (Spain), 7-10 September 2005


    (a German, a French, and a Spanish version will be found shortly on
    the homepage)

    Meeting description
    Over the last decades discourse has taken up an important place in the
    field of linguistics. Nowadays the interface between grammar and
    language use is a demanding topic which many scholars deal with on a
    formal, functional and typological basis. Since the focus of this
    year’s conference will be the relation between discourse and grammar,
    we especially welcome contributions in the following domains:
    - formal, functional and typological accounts of grammatical and
    discourse-related issues;
    - formal, functional and typological analyses of morphological and
    syntactic structures;
    - formal, functional and typological accounts of textual phenomena
    (inversion, discourse anaphora, deixis, etc.);
    - historical pragmatics;
    - pragmatic analyses of functionally-grounded constructions;
    - theoretical studies aiming at grounding formal or functional
    accounts within a theory of science.
    Scholars are also encouraged to organize workshops dealing with
    specific topics. Workshops should be open to all participants and
    favor the debate on ongoing research.
    Individual papers are 20 minutes long, plus 10 minutes for questions
    and discussion. Workshop papers can last 30 minutes, provided that an
    additional time slot is reserved for discussion. To improve the
    interaction among scholars we invite all participants to prepare a
    hand-out, a computer assisted presentation or transparencies, or a
    combination of these.

    In the perspective of extending the membership of the SLE, both
    members and non- members are invited to send in an abstract.
    Conference organizers
    Salvador Pons (Valencia, President)
    María José Fernández (Valencia, Secretary).
    Valencia Organizing Committee
    Cesáreo Calvo Rigual, Hang Ferrer Mora, Antonio Hidalgo Navarro,
    Amparo Olivares Pardo, José Santaemilia and Tina Suau.
    Scientific Committee
    Marianna Chodorowska (Los Angeles), Bert Cornillie (Leuven-Antwerp),
    Ma Josep Cuenca (Valencia), Gabriele Diewald (Hannover), Ad Foolen
    (Nijmegen), Sophia Marmaridou (Athens), José Portolés (Madrid), Peter
    Pelyvás (Debrecen), Anna Siewierska (Lancaster), Mario Squartini
    (Torino), Maxim Stamenov (Göttingen), Elzbieta Tabakowska (Cracow),
    Richard Waltereit (Tübingen), Ilse Wischer (Postdam).
    Invited Speakers
    Johan van der Auwera (Antwerp, SLE-president)
    Antonio Briz (Valencia)
    Sonia Cristofaro (Pavia)
    Eva Hajicova (Prague)
    Emilio Ridruejo (Valladolid)

    Guidelines and deadline for the submission of abstracts
    Abstracts must (i) clearly state the topic/problem of the paper and
    the research questions to be discussed, (ii) specify the approach or
    method and data used, and (iii) announce the (expected) results.
    The abstract should be anonymous and contain no more than 500 words,
    exclusive of references. When printed out, the title and body should
    fit on a single page of 12-point type, with 2 cm. margins.

    The deadline for receipt of proposals is 1 April 2005. Before you
    submit your abstract to sle2005@sl-europaea.org, please fill out the
    registration form at the SLE website.
    Abstracts will be reviewed anonymously by the scientific committee.
    Submitters will be notified of acceptance by 30 April 2005 (by e-mail).
    Registration fees
    Fees include: all preparatory expenses; use of conference building and
    conference equipment; conference bags and set of abstracts; reception;
    all coffee breaks.

    All participants should pay the registration fee before 30 May 2005.
    General: 90 euro (120 euro after this date)
    Scholars from Central and Eastern Europe: 60 euro (90 euro after this
    Students: 30 euro (50 euro after this date)

    Payment must be made by a transfer to the following account:

    IBAN code (for euro area countries): ES47 0130 0051 06 0150077050
    SWIFT code (for non-euro area countries): CGDIESMM ES47 0130 0051 06
     The venue of the conference will be the Faculty of Philology
    (Facultad de Filología), located by the football stadium and within
    walking distance of the train station.
    By airplane you arrive at Valencia National Airport (Manises). Iberia
    offers regular flights to Valencia (via Madrid). Some low cost
    companies also offer unexpensive flights to Valencia ( www.vueling.com
    from Brussels, Milan, Paris; www.virgin.com from Brussels;
    www.ryanair.com from London, Rome and Milan). From the airport, it is
    advisable to take a taxi (they are not expensive, unless you arrive at
    rush hours). You can also fly to Alicante (170 km south of Valencia).
    Alicante and Valencia are linked by train (check the connections at
    www.renfe.es) or by bus (www.alsa.es). Furthermore, Valencia can be
    reached by car following the A7 from Barcelona, or the A3 from Madrid.
    Social programme
    There will be a full social programme, including a university
    reception, a guided tour through Valencia, a conference dinner, and a
    post-conference excursion.
    Important dates
    - 1 April 2005: Deadline for submission
    - 30 April 2005: Notification of acceptance
    - 30 May 2005: Payment
    - 7-10 September 2005: Conference

    For any further questions, please write or call:
    Salvador Pons (President)
    SLE Meeting 2005
    Departamento de Filología Española
    Avda. Blasco Ibáñez, 32
    46010 Valencia (Spain)
    Phone: 00 34 963983269
    Fax: 00 34 963864492
    E-mail: salvador.pons@uv.es

    Salvador Pons Bordería
    Dpto. Filología Española
    Avda. Blasco Ibáñez, 32
    46010 Valencia

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