RT list: ad hoc concepts and mirror neurons

From: Andre Sytnyk (danagro@kp.km.ua)
Date: Tue Nov 16 2004 - 07:02:10 GMT

  • Next message: Andre Sytnyk: "RT list: G&L misquoted"

    Dear All,

    In "Metaphor, ad hoc concepts and word meaning - more questions than
    answers" Robyn Carston poses the following questions:

    What relationship there is, if any, between ... imagistic mental representations and
    ... conceptual, propositional, syntactic...(C)ould it be that we derive
    conceptual representations through scrutinising the internal image, rather as we
    might form thoughts through looking at an external picture? If so, this would
    provide a ready explanation for the open-endedness and variability of metaphor

    Gallese & Lakoff (2005) claim that the same neural substrate used in imagining is used
    in understanding: "Consider a simple sentence, like 'Harry picked up the glass.'
    If you can't imagine picking up a glass or seeing someone picking up a glass, then
    you can't understand that sentence. Our hypothesis develops this fact one step further.
    It says that understanding is imagination, and that what you understand of a sentence
    is a contexts is the meaning of that sentence in that context".

    Away from modularity?


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