RT list: Join SPP-ESPP conference

From: Richard Breheny (reb35@cam.ac.uk)
Date: Thu Feb 12 2004 - 14:34:14 GMT

  • Next message: Dan Sperber: "RT list: Web conference on the Coevolution of Language and Theory of Mind"

    Dear Listmembers,

    Here is the final call for papers for this year's ESPP conference. This
    year it is a joint event with the American counterpart (SPP). In the past,
    there has been a good number of papers on pragmatics and related subjects
    and there have been a number of people talking about relevance theory. I
    encourage you to submit an abstract or come along.


    Richard Breheny

    July 3 - July 6 2004
    Barcelona, Spain

    The aim of the European Society for Philosophy & Psychology is 'to promote
    interaction between philosophers and psychologists on issues of common
    concern'. Psychologists, neuroscientists, linguists, computer scientists
    and biologists are encouraged to report experimental, theoretical and
    clinical work that they judge to have philosophical significance; and
    philosophers are encouraged to engage with the fundamental issues addressed
    by and arising out of such work. In recent years ESPP sessions have covered
    such topics as spatial concepts, simulation theory, attention, joint
    attention, reference, problems of consciousness, introspection and
    self-report, emotion, perception, early numerical cognition, infants'
    understanding of intentionality, memory and time, motor imagery,
    counterfactuals, the semantics/pragmatics distinction, minimalism in
    linguistic theory, reasoning, vagueness, mental causation, action and
    agency, thought without language, externalism, connectionism, hypnosis, and
    the interpretation of neuropsychological results.

    The Society for Philosophy and Psychology is among the premier
    organizations of its kind in the world. SPP was founded in 1974 to provide
    a forum for exchanging ideas on the very latest empirical and philosophical
    approaches to the mind. The name of the Society signals the traditional
    liaison between philosophy and psychology, but our interests extend well
    beyond these fields. Our membership includes scholars from linguistics,
    neuroscience, evolutionary biology, cognitive anthropology, artificial
    intelligence, psychopathology, and cognitive ethology.

    Some of the most important and well-known research themes in the cognitive
    sciences were discussed in their nascent stages at the Society's annual
    meeting. These meetings are lively and collegial, and present an unrivaled
    opportunity for conversations that cross disciplines. The Society takes
    special pride in creating a supportive atmosphere for researchers at the
    beginning of their careers, including graduate students. Many of them have
    gone on to become prominent contributors to their fields and to the present
    life of the Society.

    In addition to invited lectures and symposia and contributed papers and
    posters, the Society has recently added focused workshops on empirical
    topics of interest to our members.


    Invited Speakers:
    Anthony Marcel (Cambridge)
    Michael Posner (Oregon)
    Francois Recanati (Paris)
    Elizabeth Spelke (Harvard)

    Invited Symposia:
    OBJECT PERCEPTION convened by Jonathan Cohen (San Diego)
            Including: Roberto Casati (CNRS), Susanna Siegel (Harvard), Brian Scholl
    OPACITY convened by Josef Perner (Salzburg)
            Including: Ian Apperly (Birmingham), Jill deVilliers (Smith College,
    Massachussetts), Jay Garfield (Smith College)
    LANGUAGE ACQUISITION convened by Nuria Sebastian (Barcelona)
    AGENCY convened by Karsten Steuber (College of the Holy Cross)
            Including: Luciano Fadiga (Medicine, Ferrara), Gregory Currie (Philosophy,

    SPP Presidential Address: Frank Keil, Yale
    Stanton Lecture: David Chalmers, Arizona

    The Societies invite submitted symposia, papers and posters for this
    Submitted papers are refereed and selected on the basis of quality and
    relevance to psychologists, philosophers and linguists. Papers should not
    exceed a length of 20 minutes (about 8 double-spaced pages) for a total 30
    minute session. Submissions may be by abstract but in the case of
    philosophical submissions a full paper is preferred. The Societies also
    encourage joint submission of papers as symposia topics (for 3 and up to 4
    speakers across different disciplines) - the convenor should submit a brief
    (1000 word) description of the symposium topic in addition to each
    participant submitting an abstract/paper - all papers considered as part of
    a submitted symposium will also be considered for independent presentation.
    There will also be poster presentations. A submission for a poster
    presentation should consist of a 500-word abstract. Submitted papers may
    also be considered for presentation as posters.


    Please use the online submission form to be found at:
    Otherwise electronic submissions are preferred (in PDF, PS or MS Word
    format) and should be sent to any ONE of the following:

    Colin Allen,
    Department of Philosophy, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
    77843-4237, USA
    Email: colin-allen@tamu.edu

    Paul Bloom,
    Department of Psychology, Yale University, P.O. Box 208205, New Haven, CT
    06520-8205, USA
    Email: paul.bloom@yale.edu

    Richard Breheny,
    Research Centre for English and Applied Linguistics, University of
    Cambridge, CAMBRIDGE CB2 1QA, UK
    Email: reb35@cam.ac.uk

    Zoltan Dienes,
    Laboratory of Experimental Psychology, School of Biological Sciences,
    University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton BN1 9QG, UK
    Email: dienes@biols.susx.ac.uk

    Michael Martin,
    Dept of Philosophy, UCL, LONDON WC1E 6BT, UK
    Email: michael.martin@ucl.ac.uk

    Jeffrey Poland,
    Dept of History, Philosophy and Social Science, Rhode Island School of
    Design, Two College Street, Providence, RI 02903, USA
    Email: Jeffrey_Poland@brown.edu

    History: At the 1996 annual Business Meeting, SPP membership moved to
    create AN AWARD FOR GRADUATE STUDENT PAPERS accepted for oral presentation
    in contributed sessions at subsequent annual meetings. The SPP funds up to
    two awards yearly, with no more than one award per discipline. Awards are
    $250 paid out of SPP funds, and a certificate. The yearly panel of judges
    includes the Program Co-Chairs and the President, as well as any other
    willing SPP officers, executive committee members, or regular members
    requested by this group. Having a paper accepted for oral presentation in a
    contributed session alone is not sufficient for receiving an award. At the
    1997 meeting, membership moved to rename the award The William James Prize,
    in light of James' contributions to both philosophy and psychology.

    Rules for Submission

    1. To be eligible for the William James Prize, one must be pursuing a
    doctoral degree in philosophy, psychology, or other relevant disciplines,
    and must not have received the Ph.D. by the submission deadline for
    contributed papers. This year's submission deadline is February 20, 2004.

    2. The William James Prize committee will determine the prize-winners (if
    any) only after the program decisions have been made.

    3. Prize-winners will be acknowledged by a special insert in the conference
    program, and will receive their check and certificate at the annual
    Presidential Address and Banquet.

    4. The author(s) of the winning paper(s) will have the option to publish a
    version of their paper, revised in light of the conference discussion, in
    the journal Philosophical Psychology.

    5. Please indicate your interest in being considered for the 2004 William
    James Prize in a cover letter accompanying your submission, if you send
    your paper by mail. If you submit it electronically, you have to check the
    appropriate box.

    6. Your submission should follow the guidelines outlined in the general
    call for papers.

    Please bring the SPP William James award to the attention of your graduate


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