Re: RT list: RT and Neuro-linguistic programming

From: Jose Luis Guijarro Morales (
Date: Sun Jan 18 2004 - 09:34:00 GMT

  • Next message: Andre Sytnyk: "RT list: graduate studies"

    The relationship, if any, between RT and a neuro-biological theory for me looks very similar to the relationship between the WORD XP OFFICE program and an IBM computer, an ACER computer, a PHILIPS computer and whathaveyou. You surely can't use XP OFFICE in your fridge or your microwaves, but apart from that, what interest is it to you whether my machine is different from yours or not? In other words, what is the INTERESTING relationship between hardware and software?

    To my knowledge, programmers don't have to know all the mysteries that happen inside one of these (for me: BLACK) boxes we use as computers.

    In the same sense, and for almost the same reasons, RT fans are very happy without neuro-biological knowledge, at least for the time being.

    Doesn't that make sense?


    Josi Luis Guijarro
    Facultad de Filosofma y Letras
    Universidad de Cadiz
    11002 Cadiz, Espaqa (Spain)
    tlf: (34) 956-011.613
    fax: (34) 956-015.505

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