Re[2]: RT list: the very first mention of inference?

From: Andre Sytnyk (
Date: Sat Jan 17 2004 - 17:44:16 GMT

  • Next message: Andre Sytnyk: "RT list: RT and Neuro-linguistic programming"

    No-no, I didn't say it anteceded RT.

    It just appears to me that the early Christian fathers (mystics and ascetics)
    treated comprehension as an (mutli-stage) inferential process, tambien.

    So it would be interesting to know if anybody shares this sentiment.

    The English text of this book is probably copyright, so I'm not sure
    if I can quote it online in full (also, what if it changes somebody's
    world-view. Too much of a responsibility :))
    It's probably available somewhere at

    I have my own copy of this text (called "Lestvitsa" (escada) in
    Russian), so I can mail the Russian version to you, Dr. Guijarro Morales.
    In Russia, to read this text, which is part of a 5-volume compilation
    called Philokalia, you need to get a blessing from a high-level clergy
    authority :)


    Saturday, January 17, 2004, 7:08:19 PM, you wrote:

    JLGM> Since some of us are not conversant with Christian tradition (I know I should, but there you are!), could you not give us a sketch of this chap's ideas so that we may understand why you say it
    JLGM> anteceded RT in one way or another?

    JLGM> I, for one, would be awfully grateful.

    JLGM> Josi Luis Guijarro
    JLGM> Facultad de Filosofma y Letras
    JLGM> Universidad de Cadiz
    JLGM> 11002 Cadiz, Espaqa (Spain)
    JLGM> tlf: (34) 956-011.613
    JLGM> fax: (34) 956-015.505

    Best regards,

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