RT list: Seeking help

From: lanyinghu1965 (lanyinghu1965@sina.com)
Date: Sun Sep 14 2003 - 14:20:53 GMT

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    Dear all,
    The following articles are needed in my research:
    1. Philip, William and Emily Lynch(2000) !0Felicity, relevance, and acquisition of the grammar of every and only.!1 In: Proceedings of the Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development. Cambridge, MA.: Harvard University Press, 24,2, 583-596.
    2. Milroy, L. (2000) !0Negotiating meanings with the least (collaborative) effort!*or how conversationalists help each other along.!1 University of Michigan, Program in Linguistics.
    3. Sroda, M.S. (2000) Relevance Theory and the Markedness Model in SLA :Cognitive Approaches to Pragmatics and Second Language Acquisition (Thesis ).University of South Carolina.
    4. Wong-Fillmore L. !0 Learning a language from learners!1 [A]. Kramsch C. & S. McConnell-Ginet. (eds.) Text and Context :Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives on Language Study [C]. Lexington, Mass: D.C. Heath and Company, 1992.
    5. Wolf, A.J.E. (1998) !0A study of L2 learners inferential abilities from a relevance-theoretic perspective.!1 Cahiers/Langues 1 (1), September 1998.
    6. Higashimori, I. (1998) !0 Discourse and relevance!1 Research Institute Reports (Kobe College) 44, 3.
    7. Ruiz, Moneva, M.A. (2003) !0Cognition and interpersonal communication in relevance theory.!1 In : Interaction and cognition in linguistics. Eds. C. Inchaurralde and C. Floren. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 111-121.
    8. Long M, L . Adams, M. McLean & F. Castanos. !0Doing things with words: verbal interaction in lockstep and small group classroom situations.!1 [A] . Fanselow J. & R.. Crymes. (eds.) On TESOL!/ 76 [C]. Washington D.C. :TESOL, 1976.
    9. Plann S. !0 Acquiring a second language in an immersion situation!1 [A].H. Brown et al. (eds.) On TESOL!/ 77 [C]. Washington D.C. :TESOL,1977.
    10. Pica, T. and C. Doughty . !0Effects of task and participation pattern on classroom interaction!1. In J. Fine (ed.) : Second Language Discourse. Norwood, NJ:ABLEX.
    11. O!/Donnell, William R. !0Interlanguage and Second Language Acquisition!1 . Journal of Applied Linguistics ,n2 p51-59 1986.
    12. Sharwood Smith, M. 1986: !0Comprehension versus acquisition: two ways of processing input.!1 Applied Linguistics 7, 239-74.
    13. Sharwood Smith, M. 1991: !0Speaking to many minds : on the relevance of different types of language information for the L2 learners.!1 Second Language Research, 7, 118-32.
    14. Watson, R. 1995: !0 Relevance and definition.!1 Journal of Child Language 22, 211-22.
    15. Ying, I. 1996: !0Multiple constraints on processing ambiguous sentences: evidence from adult L2 Learners.!1 Language Learning 46, 681-711.
    16. Beduizenhout, A. and Sroda, S. 1998: !0Children!/s use of contextual cues to resolve ambiguity: An application of Relevance Theory.!1 Pragmatics and Cognition 6, 255-90.
    17. Schmitt,E. 1998: !0Roots of miscommunication.!1 Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses 11:217-229.
    18. Cutler, A. 1987: !0The task of the speaker and the task of the hearer.!1 Behavioral and Brain Science 10: 715-716.
    19. Foster, P. !0A classroom perspective in the negotiation of meaning!1[J]. Applied Linguistics , 1998 (19) :1-23.
    20. Doughty, C. and T. Pica. !0 !.Information gap!/ tasks: do they facilitate second language acquisition?!1 [J]. TESOL Quarterly, 1986 (20):305-325.
    I would be very grateful if anyone could help me by sending me some of the above articles or telling me their authors!/ addresses.
    By the way, here!/s my address: Instructional Center for College Foreign Languages, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin 541004,Guangxi, P.R.C. My e-mail is "lanyinghu1965@sina.com.cn!1or "lanying_hu@hotmail.com".

    Sincerely yours,

    Lanying Hu



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