theory of mind

From: Barbara MacMahon (
Date: Tue Oct 30 2001 - 20:52:22 GMT

  • Next message: Francisco Yus: "Keith Green and RT"

    Dear All,

    I'm interested to know how relevance theorists view the simulation
    theory/theory theory debate in accounts of theory of mind. I don't know a
    lot about either, but have a feeling (for which the evidence has faded) that
    RT goes better with theory theory - perhaps because of the focus on
    inferencing in theory theory. However, I've recently read the simulationist
    Goldman's 'The Mentalizing Folk' in Sperber ed.'s Metarepresentations, and
    find it convincing, particularly in my own context of working on an
    explanation of the literary reading process. In fact Goldman says that
    versions of the two theories are not incompatible anyway. Does anyone have
    any thoughts on this?

    With best wishes,


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