English philosophers discuss _Relevance_

From: J L Speranza (jls@netverk.com.ar)
Date: Tue Sep 11 2001 - 03:07:36 GMT

  • Next message: J L Speranza: "Grice and RT as "pragmatic""

    Is Brockway Blackmore?

    In 'On defining relevance' (in Grandy P.G.R.I.C.E., Clarendon) DSM Wilson &
    D Sperber quote a no. of philosophers who have discussed relevance... May I
    add? PH Nowell Smith, of Trinity, Oxford, discusses relevance in _Ethics_
    (Penguin). There's a PhD on N-Smith's contextual implication as Gricean by
    an Italian philosopher (Nowell-Smith was a member of Grice's playgroup at
    Oxford). Then there's D. Holdcroft, Prof of Philosophy at Leeds, --
    although nonOxon educ. he did give lectures at Oxford & has a book which
    can be regarded as Gricean, _Words & Deeds_ (Oxford) -- anyway, he has
    discussed relevance in 'Conversational Relevance', in the APRA proceedings.
    Then there's also RM Hare. Hare writes in 'Relevance' (in his _Essays in
    Ethical Theory_, Oxford):

       In the mouth of many radicals, a piece
       [...] is said to be relevant it if lends
       support to the utterer's political opinions.

    But then can a piece fail to be relevant - in this usage?
        But then that's I suppose Sperber's interesting dilemma. It seems that,
    if relevancy is postulated a priori of everything, the problem becomes,
    "how can something _not_ be relevant?
        "I shall not be using the word in that sense" says Hare -- of course,
    for any Gricean, it's not a question of _sense_. It's a question of use.
        Relevantly, when in last post I wasted my day's energies in listing all
    the USES of _relevance_ as recognised by the OED, one lister of this list
    wrote offlist to me, and relevantly: "What is the purpose (relevance?) of
    the e-mail (below) you circulated to the relevance list?". Answer: to list
    all the uses of relevance.
        Also relevantly, an Italian speaker better than I noted that I'm not
    only irrelevant but impertinent. The offlister writes: "'Relevance theory'
    is often translated into Italian by "teoria della pertinenza", so I would
    accuse you of 'impertinenza' AND 'irrilevanza'. 'Impertinenza' does not
    mean 'non-pertinenza' but only impertinence in the sense of insolence
    (Insolents like you are, I regret, usually relevant)".
       Anyway, back to Hare. He commonsensically writes: "The claim that a
    certain feature is X-ly irrelevant can play a crucial part in a X argument"
     Hare being Oxford prof of moral philosophy is naturally concerned with
    "moral" and "morally" -- but RT-ists need not. Hare's two examples: "If I
    am being blamed for missing an appointment, the fact that there was a
    flight at such-and-such a time which would have enabled me to keep the
    appointment if I had caught it is irrelevant, if I could NOT have caught
    it." His example 2: "It is usually held that it is IR-relevant to a moral
    appraisal of my action that it was I, that particular, Devon-born English
    individual Richard Mervyn Hare, who did it". No individual constants can
    feature in a claim of moral relevance.====
       Incidentally, Wilson/Sperber mention in the op.cit above Brockway? Is
    that the maiden name of Blackwell published author D. Blackmore? I think I
    know that, but I forget what publications by DB are listed as DBrockway?
       Another incidentally: I was told offlist that Recanati's "essays" repr.
    in Kasher are not individual papers, but excerpts from his book with


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