On Unger's new publication

From: FRANCISCO YUS (F.YUS@mail.ono.es)
Date: Sat Jul 15 2000 - 06:49:37 GMT

  • Next message: FRANCISCO YUS: "Review of Putnam's book"

    Dear all,

    Concerning Unger's new publication (Unger, Christoph 2000: 'Properties of procedurally encoded information and their implications for translation,' in Pilar Navarro Errasti, Rosa Lorés Sanz, Silvia Murillo Ornat, Carmina Buesa Gómez (eds) _Transcultural Communication: Pragmalinguistic Aspects_. Zaragoza: ANUBAR Ediciones. pp 139-149), I thought you'd like to know that both Unger's and the other RT-based articles of that book have already been listed in the "Relevance Theory Online Bibliographic Service" (http://www.ua.es/dfing/rt.htm). For convenience, I'll also list them below:

    Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez, F. (2000) "Developing explicatures." In: Transcultural Communication: Pragmalinguistic Aspects. Eds. MªP. Navarro Errasti, R. Lorés Sanz, S. Murillo Ornat and C. Buesa Gómez. Zaragoza: Anúbar, 123-129

    Gutt, E.-A. (2000) "Textual properties, communicative clues and the translator." In: Transcultural Communication: Pragmalinguistic Aspects. Eds. MªP. Navarro Errasti, R. Lorés Sanz, S. Murillo Ornat and C. Buesa Gómez. Zaragoza: Anúbar, 151-160.

    López Folgado, V. (2000) "The role of italics in translation: A pragmatic view." In: Transcultural Communication: Pragmalinguistic Aspects. Eds. MªP. Navarro Errasti, R. Lorés Sanz, S. Murillo Ornat and C. Buesa Gómez. Zaragoza: Anúbar, 91-98.

    Navarro Errasti, MªP. (2000) "Let us reprieve translators." In: Transcultural Communication: Pragmalinguistic Aspects. Eds. MªP. Navarro Errasti, R. Lorés Sanz, S. Murillo Ornat and C. Buesa Gómez. Zaragoza: Anúbar, 161-169.

    Quinteiro Pires, A.C. (2000) "The role of inferential processes in the interpretation and translation of language. A particular instance." In: Transcultural Communication: Pragmalinguistic Aspects. Eds. MªP. Navarro Errasti, R. Lorés Sanz, S. Murillo Ornat and C. Buesa Gómez. Zaragoza: Anúbar, 171-176.

    Ruiz Moneva, M.A. (2000) "Celestina as seen by English-speaking readers: A relevant account of early portraits." In: Transcultural Communication: Pragmalinguistic Aspects. Eds. MªP. Navarro Errasti, R. Lorés Sanz, S. Murillo Ornat and C. Buesa Gómez. Zaragoza: Anúbar, 177-183.

    Murillo Ornat, S. (2000) "English explicatory reformulative discourse markers: Conceptual or procedural?" In: Transcultural Communication: Pragmalinguistic Aspects. Eds. MªP. Navarro Errasti, R. Lorés Sanz, S. Murillo Ornat and C. Buesa Gómez. Zaragoza: Anúbar, 131-138.


    Dr. Francisco Yus
    University of Alicante
    Department of English Studies
    Apartado 99, E-03080 Alicante (Spain)
    Tel: +34 9653400 Extension: 3027 (university)
    Tel: +34 966085897 (home)
    e-mail: francisco.yus@ua.es (university)
    e-mail: f.yus@mail.ono.es (home)

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