Relevance Research Group


The Relevance Research Group at UCL is led by Deirdre Wilson and Robyn Carston. Members of the group include Tim Wharton (postdoctoral researcher), Richard Breheny (Lecturer) PhD students in Pragmatics (at the moment Nick Allott, Kate Scott, Alison Hall, Richard Horsey, Severyn Janes, Mark Jary, Patricia Kolaiti, Marie Taillard and Rosa E. Vega Moreno), MA students in Pragmatics, occasional MA students in Linguistics and academic visitors.

The group, which has been active since the publication in 1986 of Relevance: Communication and Cognition by Dan Sperber and Deirdre Wilson, meets weekly during term time to discuss papers of interest to research on Pragmatics and Relevance Theory. A Relevance E-mail list (see page links below) with more than 250 members from all over the world has been in operation since 1994. It has proved an excellent way of exchanging ideas, getting information about new publications and making contact with people who may be working on topics of mutual interest.

Archives of Relevance E-mail List (from late Feb 2000)

Subscribing to Relevance E-mail List

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UCL Division of Psychology & Language Sciences