Exam 1999 Question 6
"Describe how distributions of fundamental frequency use may be obtained from laryngographic analysis. Discuss the problems of obtaining a reliable indication of fundamental frequency range from laryngographic analysis. Discuss the relative advantages of the laryngograph over narrow-band spectrograms for the study of intonation contours."
20 things you should mention:
- Laryngograph
- Lx waveform for monitoring current flow
- Tx = individual period estimates
- Fx = calculated from Tx of each cycle
- can have Fx display versus time
- build a histogram of Fx usage
- from (say) a read passage
- Dx1 includes all frequencies
- Dx2 includes only regular voicing
- Cx shows regular and irregular
- - pictures
- Range problems
- standard deviation problems
- - affected by outliers
- outliers caused by low-frequency creak (typically)
- better to use percentile-based measures
- 90% range better
- measuring max-min on Fx display also susceptible to errors
- c.f. Spectrogram
- spectrograph: contaminated by noise
- difficult to see harmonics for low-pitched voice, can't get period-by-period estimates
- doesn't need special equipment
- direct, reliable, automated analysis