Exam 1998 Question 3
" Describe how the Laryngograph operates. Relate characteristics of the Laryngograph signal to the actions of the vocal folds in modal, creaky and falsetto voice."
20 things you should mention:
- Laryngograph
- electrode placement
- monitoring of current flow / impedance
- relate current flow to vocal fold contact area
- Lx waveform
- Modal
- Lx graph modal voice
- rapidity of closure
- regularity
- long closed / short open phase
- vocal fold cycle: closed: vf across airway
- opening: push apart
- open: max air flow, recoil
- closing: bernoulli effect, 'snap'
- Creaky
- Lx graph creaky voice
- lack of tension / low frequency
- small air flow / long closed phase
- irregularity
- Falsetto
- Lx graph falsetto
- very high tension, high frequency
- small amplitude