Es - interactive device-independent data display


Es (-i item) (-a item) (-s start) (-e end) (-f item lo hi) (-l labelname) (-12|-0) (-g spectitem) (-t) (-m) file


Es is a program to display portions of data sets in a file using device-independent graphics. Mouse interaction allows selective expansion of regions of the display, and replay of speech items. Options allow for the selection of items and the initial display of part of the timescale. Default operation is to display all items in file. Es may also be used to add/edit annotations using the '-l' option.

Options and their meanings are:

-I Identify program and exit.

-i item Select first item matching item specification.

-a type Select all items matching item specification.

-g spitem Select a speech item for display as a spectrogram using on-line FFT.

-G opt Control of spectrogram display. Argument is made from these letters: 'S' = display speech signal, 'W' = display wideband, 'N' = display narrowband. This applies to all speech items displayed.

-t Start up with file processing tree display for item selection.

-s start Specify a start time (in seconds) other than 0.0.

-e end Specify an end time (in seconds) other than the length of the first speech item in the file. If no speech item found, default timescale is 1 second.

-f "item lo hi" Fix all displays of a given type to the y-range lo..hi.

-l labelname Select labelling mode: an annotation editing facility. The annotations to be edited must be given a name (labelname) that is stored in the history for the annotation data set. If any existing annotation items in the file have the same name (i.e. with "type=<name>" in the history field), the last is used as the initial contents of the annotation data set.

-12 Specify that all SP items otherwise 'unmarked' will be treated as 12-bits (-2048..2047). The marking is shown by a parameter field entry of "bits=12" or "bits=16". Default: all unmarked items are treated as containing 16-bit data.

-m Select measurement mode. Cursor position is displayed in time and frequency in area normally used for bottom timescale.

-0 Disable replay.



Set "start" marker. For accurate placement, use '<' and '>' keys in combination with mouse.


Set "stop" marker.


Replay selected segment. Appropriate speech item chosen automatically. In labelling mode, the region to be replayed depends on the mouse location; normally the region between cursors is replayed wherever the mouse is positioned. SY items are replayed through hardware synthesizer or by software emulation of the SRU synthesizer (see hwsynth(3)). To move an annotation in labelling mode, click the middle button over the annotation in the annotation edit window and then the annotation will jump to the position indicated by the next click of the left or right buttons (or on hit of RETURN key). To deselect, click the middle button outside the annotation edit window.



(Any button, 'q', 'x', ESCAPE) Quit program.


(Any button, 'f') Display file sub-menu.


(Any button, 'p') Play region of signal between cursors. Or 'o' plays region to left cursor, and '[' plays region from right cursor. The speech item selected for replay is the one under the last known mouse position - note that this means that the 'play' button cannot be selected by the mouse!


(Left button, 'l') Scroll left. "stop" marker sets new right margin if present. (Right button, 'r') Scroll right. "start" marker sets new left margin if present. (Middle button, 'u') Undo previous "zoom". ('t') Go to top level of zoom.


(Any button, 'z') Zoom in to selected region. Or 'g' to goto a particular time in the file; you are prompted to enter the time.


(Any button, 'a'. Labelling mode only) Add an annotation at the current position of the left cursor. Type the name of the annotation and press [RETURN]. To replace an existing annotation, position the cursor on top of it, key 'a', the new annotation label and [RETURN]. To delete an existing annotation, position the cursor on top of it, key 'a' and type [RETURN] only. Or 'b' to input an annotation at the right cursor.



(Any button, 'q', 'x', 'm', ESCAPE or RETURN) Return to Main menu.


(Any button, 'h' or 'p') Print screen ("Hardcopy").


(Any button, 't') Display file history tree to reselect items for display.


(Any button, 'c') Copy displayed section of displayed items to a new file. (Currently only some items types may be copied).


(Any button, 'l') Link displayed section of displayed items to a new file. (Currently only some items types may be linked).



(Any button, 'q', 'x', 'o', ESCAPE, RETURN) Accept selections and return to Es display.


(Any button, 'p', 'h') Print hard copy of file history tree. Not yet implemented.


(Any button, 'a') Select all items.


(Any button, 'z') Clear selection of items.


1.xx Any speech item. Displayed as waveform with '-a' or '-i' switches, as spectrogram with '-g' switch.

2.xx Any excitation item. Displayed as waveform.

3.xx Any period data item. Displayed at period markers.

4.xx Any fundamental frequency item. Displayed as fx trace on linear scale.

5.xx Any annotation item. Displayed as markers.

7.xx Any synthesizer control data item. Displayed in graphical form.

9.xx Fixed frame Display data in SFS format. Displayed as grey scale.

10.xx Voice/Unvoiced markers. Voicing displayed as "V" annotations.

11.xx Any coefficient data item. Displayed as spectra.

12.xx Any raw formant estimates item. Displayed as numbered points.

16.xx Any parameter track item. Displayed as trace.

Other items are merely noted in the display.


5 Edited annotations.


The terminal type is determined from the environment variable GTERM if present, which is used to configure the graphics using the information in $SFSBASE/data/digmap. If GTERM is not set, then the TERM variable is used. The default printer is selected from the environment variable GPRINT, which is used to configure the printed graphics using $SFSBASE/data/digmap. If GPRINT is not set, it is assumed to have the value 'printer'. The replay device type is determined from the environment variable DAC, which is used to configure the replay according to a table built in to the software (sfsdac.c). If DAC is not set, no replay is available.


3.3 - Mark Huckvale


Ds(SFS1) dig(SFS3) dig(SFS1)
Fri Jul 09 14:54:30 2004