SCRIBE - Spoken Corpus Recordings In British English

A one-year pilot project funded under the joint IED/SERC programme


  • Speech Research Unit, Malvern, (RSRE)
  • National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, (NPL)
  • Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, (CUED)
  • Centre for Speech Technology Research, University of Edinburgh, (CSTR)
  • Department of Phonetics and Linguistics, University College London, (UCL)

    August 1989 (Manual built from original documentation by Mark Huckvale, UCL, July 2004)



    The objective of this one-year project is to begin to collect and annotate a large corpus of British English speech: Spoken Corpus Recordings In British English:- `SCRIBE'. This pilot activity will lead into a larger, longer term project which is intended to provide infrastructure support for UK speech and language technology research and the pilot corpus is planned to be the first of a collection of corpora capable of supporting generic research in these areas. In the spirit of the Saltus-2000 initiative and the recommendations of the SALT community workshop at Keele University, the data collected would be made widely available to the whole UK speech and language technology community.


    The specific goal of the pilot project is to produce an initial corpus of British English recordings from a range of talkers. All of the data collected in the first year will be endpoint labelled at the sentence level and a proportion (5-15%) will be labelled down to a phonetic level. The corpus will be useful for speech modelling and for training and testing statistically-based algorithms for talker-dependent and talker-independent automatic speech recognition. The pilot project will also forge the standardisation of methods for labelling acoustic events. Semi-automatic methods of phonetic labelling speech will be investigated, but the project funding will not allow complete development of such a system.

    The data will be distributed in a standard format and form which agree with emerging international standards, and in particular with the standards currently being formulated by the ESPRIT SAM (Speech Assessment Methodology) project, the British STA (Speech Technology Assessment) project and the UK Speech Technology Assessment Group (STAG).

    The pilot project corpus has been jointly formulated by the five partners; a special meeting of STAG discussed and ratified the design. The corpus has thus been reviewed by a wide cross section of UK research groups, universities and speech technology companies. In particular, it has been agreed that in order to achieve consistency of data all the recordings will take place in one location:- UCL. All three university laboratories will be involved in the labelling of the data:- CSTR, CUED and UCL. NPL will participate in archiving and distribution, and RSRE is responsible for the overall management of the project.

    The task of the pilot project is similar to the collection and processing of the TIMIT and RM corpora for the multi-site DARPA project in the United States.

    The availability of common corpora played a crucial role in the success of the DARPA work. We plan to benefit from the experiences of the DARPA programme and `SCRIBE' differs in a number of points of detail from the DARPA approach.


    The `SCRIBE-1' pilot project will concentrate on collecting and part-labelling an acoustic-phonetic corpus (`SCRIBE-AP') and a task-specific corpus (`SCRIBE-TS').

    It is intended that the task-specific material will forge a link between the speech technology community and the natural language community by providing a focus for a national programme in speech and language technology research.

    Data will be recorded from two sets of talkers; a `many talker' set consisting of 120 talkers, and a `few talker' set consisting of 30 talkers. Proportionally more data will be obtained from talkers in the `few talker' set.

    Acoustic-Phonetic Corpus (`SCRIBE-AP')

    The material in the `SCRIBE-AP' corpus will consist of a mixture of read speech and spontaneous (but not interactive) speech. The read speech material will consist of sentences selected from a set of 200 `phonetically rich' sentences (see appendix A) and 460 `phonetically compact' sentences (see appendix B) and a two-minute continuous passage. The `phonetically rich' sentences have been designed at CSTR and they are phonetically balanced. The `phonetically compact' sentences are based on a British version of the MIT compact sentences (as in TIMIT) which has been expanded to include relevant RP contrasts (the set contains at least one example of every possible triphone in British English).

    The passage has been designed at UCL and it contains accent sensitive material.

    The spontaneous speech material will be collected from a constrained `free speech' situation such as a talker giving a verbal description of a suitable picture or photograph.

    In the `many talker' set, ten sentences will be taken from the `phonetically rich' sentences and ten sentences from the `phonetically compact' sentences.

    Ten additional `free-speech' sentences will be collected. Each talker in the `many talker' set would also record the accent diagnostic passage.

    In the `few talker' set, 200 sentences would be recorded from each talker: 100 from the `phonetically rich' sentences and 100 from the `phonetically compact' sentences.

    Task-Specific Corpus (`SCRIBE-TS')

    The Task corpus is intended to fall in line with the SALT strategy for speech and natural language research. It is estimated that the design of the corpus for a suitable task domain will take approximately three months. CUED will set up a working group, including representatives of the natural language community, which will be responsible for designing the task. The resulting design will be tabled at the STA, STAG and SALT-Club committees.

    Each talker in the `many talker' set will provide 30 sentences of task-specific material.


    The distribution of talkers will be 50% male and 50% female but the phonetic labelling will concentrate initially on the male talkers. Talkers will be selected to represent educated speech from four regional accent areas. An attempt will be made to obtain homogeneity within each accent group and it is likely that this will be achieved by using young adults from a suitably homogeneous linguistic environment such as a school. Talkers will be screened to exclude those with hearing or speech disorders and some effort will be made to obtain some older talkers to augment the core of younger subjects.

    Recording Conditions

    The ESPRIT SAM workstation (SESAM) will be used as a basis for prompting the talkers and for direct digitisation of the data onto disc. The recordings will be made in an anechoic chamber using both a close talking microphone and a half-inch B&K condenser microphone, with suitable auditory feedback to the talker. Each channel will be digitised at a sampling rate of 20 kHz with 16 bit resolution; the characteristics of the anti-aliasing filter will be considered with care. It is intended to digitise the two microphone channels directly using SESAM whilst provision will be made for a further two or three sensors (such as the laryngograph) using a Sony PCM tape system running in parallel.


    Several levels of annotation will be available from sentence endpoint markers to detailed phonetic labelling. No data will be released without some form of labelling.

    First pass sentence endpoint labelling will be achieved on-line during the recording and digitisation process by means of suitably modified prompting and recording software available on the SESAM workstation. The sentence endpoints will then be checked and corrected manually. This means that all of the read speech material will be available early in the project with orthographic sentence-level annotation.

    Initially phonetic labelling will be done manually by trained phoneticians. Quality control measures will be taken in order to assure the accuracy of the labelling and consistency across the three labelling sites. It has been agreed that labelling will be at the `phonemic' and `acoustic-allaphonic' (`acoustic segment') levels using standard SAM-PA representation. However, at present SAM-PA lacks the acoustic allophones which are used at UCL and CSTR, so an expanded set of SAM-PA symbols will be proposed to ESPRIT.

    It is intended that all the speech data collected within the one-year duration of the pilot project would be sentence endpointed. However it is unlikely that more than 5% to 15% of the data would be labelled phonetically in this period. The exact selection of data for annotation has yet to be agreed, but the task-specific data will be given a low priority and it is expected that a higher proportion of the data will be annotated for talkers in the `few talker' set than for those in the `many talker' set.

    Automatic aids to hand-labelling will be investigated, but may not be sufficiently sophisticated to be useful within the duration of this project. If such methods become available during the course of the project, then it is possible that up to 1/3 of the data could be labelled phonetically.

    Discussions on labelling workstations have been carried out between UCL, CSTR and CUED with the conclusion that the laboratories will use workstations which fit within their local computing cultures. An attempt to standardize on a single workstation such as SESAM would slow the start of the project and would involve retraining existing labelling staff. However, SESAM will be used at UCL.


    Within the project, digitised speech data will be exchanged between partners using magnetic tape technology since this is simpler than trying to standardise on optical disc technology. Digitised speech data will be distributed outside the project in the form of CD-ROM. This route has been chosen because CD-ROM is cheap, compact and incorruptible, and discs can be produced in the timescale of one to three weeks. Data in magnetic tape form will not be released outside the project due to the considerable overhead associated with tape copying.

    Each CD-ROM will consist of a number of binary files (containing sampled speech data) and associated text files (containing orthographic labelling and sentence endpoint data) in standard SAM format. In order to capture important inter-sentence events such as lip smacks and breathing noises, and to avoid problems associated with any particular endpointing algorithm, each speech file will contain continuously sampled data covering a period of several sentences. This strategy will mean that the `SCRIBE' CD-ROMs will be relatively quick and easy to produce and will be immediately useful to a wide section of the research community.

    Text files containing the subsequent phonetic annotation and labelling data will be released in standard SAM format as and when it becomes available. Since the amount of this data is small (in comparison to the sampled speech data) it will be distributed on floppy disc.

    RSRE will commission the CD-ROMs but all `SCRIBE' data will be distributed to the community by NPL. The CD-ROMs will be made available for a charge which is sufficient to cover production and distribution costs only. NPL will also act as a clearing-house for amending the labelling as users find errors, and they will be in a position to accept alternative and additional annotations for lodging in the national archive.

    Timetable and Deliverables

    Since this is a pilot project, an attempt has been made to get off to a flying start. Meetings have been held prior to the official beginning of the project and STAG has been used as a forum for ratifying the corpus design and working out some of the details of data collection. It is a priority of this project that speech data will be delivered to the UK Speech community in a timely fashion. It is hoped that the project will be under way from August 1989.

    The estimated timetable for the project is as follows:-

    Project Management

    The project will be managed by a steering committee consisting of a representative from each of the five partners, the chairman of STAG and a natural language nominee from the SALT Club Committee. The `SCRIBE' steering committee will be chaired by RSRE.

    Intellectual Property

    `SCRIBE' data will be available to the UK research community at the cost of the media. However, a suitable (quid-pro-quo?) policy will be established for non-UK organisations by the relevant IED/SERC committees (in consultation with the SALT Club and STAG).

    Appendix A: Examples of `Phonetically Rich' Sentences

    Appendix B: Examples of `Phonetically Compact' Sentences

    Appendix C: Technical Summary


    Acoustic-Phonetic Data (AP):-

    Task-Specific Data (TS):- (to be defined)

    `Few Talker' Set

    Total = 6000 sentences

    `Many Talker' Set

    Total = 7200 sentences and 120 passages

    Recording and Sentence-level Annotation

    Estimate:- 3 sec. to speak one sentence and 1 sec. for prompt = 15 sentences per minute

    Estimate:- session time : recording time = 10:1 Estimate:- checking and sentence level annotation : session time = 1:1

    Result:- data preparation time : recording time = 20:1

    Phonetic Labelling

    Estimate:- 1 hour per sentence i.e. 3600 seconds of labelling effort per 4 seconds of speech (approx = 1000:1)

    Estimate:- annotation time : recovery time = 1:1

    Result:- gross annotation time : recorded speech time = 2000:1


    `Few Talker' Set:-

    `Many Talker' Set:-

    Total AP = 14 hours 40 minutes Total TS = 4 hours

    Grand Total = 18 hours 40 minutes (roughly equivalent to four CD-ROMs - single microphone)


    (1 man-month = 20 man-days, 1 man-day = 6 man-hours)

    Total = 4800 hours


    Required recording effort:- 374 hours (18.7x20)

    Required annotation effort:-

    Total annotation effort = 4010 hours

    Grand Total = 4384 hours



    SCRIBE_0   Dialect Region 1  Pressure Microphone 	Many Talker Set
    SCRIBE_1   Dialect Region 1  Pressure Microphone	Few Talker Set
    SCRIBE_2   Dialect Region 1  Close talking Microphone	Many Talker Set
    SCRIBE_3   Dialect Region 1  Close talking Microphone	Few Talker Set
    SCRIBE_4   Dialect Region 2  Pressure Microphone	Many Talker Set
    SCRIBE_5   Dialect Region 2  Pressure Microphone	Few Talker Set
    SCRIBE_6   Dialect Region 2  Close talking Microphone	Many Talker Set
    SCRIBE_7   Dialect Region 2  Close talking Microphone	Few Talker Set
    SCRIBE_8   Dialect Region 3  Pressure Microphone	Many + Few Talker Sets
    SCRIBE_9   Dialect Region 3  Close talking Microphone	Many + Few Talker Sets
    SCRIBE_10  Dialect Region 4  Pressure Microphone	Many + Few Talker Sets
    SCRIBE_11  Dialect Region 4  Close talking Microphone	Many + Few Talker Sets
    Where :-
    	DR1 is South East
    	DR2 is Glascow
    	DR3 is Leeds
    	DR4 is Birmingham
    and :-
    	Pressure microphone is a B&K 4134
    	Close talking microphone is a SHURE SM10A boom mounted microphone


    1st level	Database name		SCRIBE
    2nd level	Documentation		DOCS
    		Dialect + Microphone	ddd_mm
    		where :-
    		ddd is the Dialect Region
    			DR1, DR2, DR3, DR4 - SE, Glascow, Leeds, Birmingham
    		mm is the Microphone type
    			PM, CM - Pressure, Close talking
    3rd level	Speaker Set		MT, FT - Many, Few Talker
    4th level	Sex + Speaker Code	sij
    		where :-
    		s is the Speaker's sex
    			M, F - Male, Female
    		ij is a code for the Speaker


    ijccnnnn OR ijcccnnn
    Where :-
    	ij is the speaker code
    		i = A or B for Dialect Region 1 (SE)
    		i = G for Dialect Region 2 (Glascow)
    		i = L for Dialect Region 3 (Leeds)
    		i = W for Dialect Region 4 (Birmingham)
    	cc(c) is the corpus code
    		SA, SB - SCRIBE set A, B
    		FTA, FTB - SCRIBE set A, B (Few Talkers)
    		PA - Passage
    		FS - Free Speech
    		TSN, TSS - Task Specific Natural, Synthetic
    	(n)nnn is the number of the set recorded by the speaker


    SES	Sentence(s) English Sampled	Pressure Microphone signal
    PES	Passage English Sampled		Pressure Microphone signal
    FES	Free-speech English Sampled	Pressure Microphone signal
    SE2	Sentence(s) Eng. 2nd channel	Close talking Microphone signal
    PE2	Passage Eng. 2nd channel	Close talking Microphone signal
    FE2	Free-speech Eng. 2nd channel	Close talking Microphone signal
    SET	Sentence English Text		Text used to prompt the subject
    PET	Passage English Text		Text used to prompt the subject
    FER	Free-speech Eng. tRanscription	Orthographic transcription as text
    SEO	Sentence Eng. Orthography	Orthographic time aligned labels
    SEA	Sentence Eng. Acoustic		Acoustic phonetic time aligned labels
    PEA	Passage Eng. Acoustic		Acoustic phonetic time aligned labels
    SEB	Sentence Eng. Broad		Broad phonetic time aligned labels
    PEB	Passage Eng. Broad		Broad phonetic time aligned labels


    The speech signal files (SES, PES, FES, SE2, PE2 and FE2) are held as binary
    16 bit data, the least significant byte first.
    The signal files from the Pressure Microphone (SES, PES and FES) have been
    high-pass filtered (see SCRIBE\DOCS\FILT_DES.TXT) at 30 Hz.
    All other files are held in ASCII form with   line termination.
    The file formats for the label files (.SEO, .SEA, .SEB, .PEA, PEB) are
    described in the ESPRIT-SAM document SAM-UCL-018, obtainable from NPL.  A brief
    description of the mnemonics used is contained in SCRIBE\DOCS\LABL_MNM.TXT .


    DR1__REP.DOC		(Report produced after SE recordings completed -
    			 this report is in Wordperfect form)
    FILT_DES.TXT		(High Pass Filter design)
    HRDW_DSC.TXT		(Recording hardware description)
    LABL_MNM.TXT		(An explanation of mnemonics used in Label files)
    SUBJ_INS.TXT		(The instructions given to subjects - including
    			 the directions for the Free-speech monologue)
    Copies of figures referred to in the above documents are available from NPL.


    The TSS005 text was revised after speaker AZ was recorded.  The associated
    text files (AZTSS005.SET and AZTSS005.SEO) represent the texts that WERE used
    to prompt speaker AZ.  However this text does not agree with the definitive
    texts in the documentation sub-directory.
    The signal file BDTSS048.SE2 (Close Mic.) was lost and so it and the associated
    files do not appear on SCRIBE_2.  However BDTSS048.SES (Pressure Mic.) and
    associated files DO appear on SCRIBE_0.
    The Free Speech recordings of speakers AB, AK, AQ, and AX were terminated
    before they had completed their monologues.  The orthographic transcription
    files represent the speech within the signal files.
    SCRIBE_0 had an error in the README.TXT file - incorrect description of the 3rd
    level in the directory structure.  This was corrected in subsequent volumes.




    Steve Nevard UCL

    October 1990



    The L.F. ambient noise in the U.C.L. anechoic room (Fig.1) was sufficiently large to necessitate H.P. filtering of the recordings made using the Bruel & Kjar half inch condenser microphone.

    The need to minimise distortion of speech data, placed an upper limit for the 3dB point of the filter at about 30Hz. The noise spectrum indicated that a filter roll-off in excess of 18dB/octave was required. Furthermore it was necessary that the filter did not introduce significant phase distortion in its passband. Because the filtering was not required in real time it was possible to use a two way filtering technique to eliminate phase distortion (Hamming R.W. 1977). In this method the data is applied to an I.I.R. filter. This will produce different time delays at different frequencies. However the filtered data is then reapplied in the reverse direction to the same filter. The second pass produces the same time delays, but with opposite sign, and therefore the two delays cancel. Because the data is filtered twice, the square of the magnitude of the transfer function is obtained. This is allowed for in the design of the I.I.R. filter coefficients.

    The filter was designed so that after two passes a 3dB point of 30Hz, with a roll-off of 24dB/octave was obtained. This required that after one pass the filter would have a 3dB point of 24Hz, with a roll-off of 12dB/octave. An I.L.S. routine was used to obtain the filter coefficients. An existing I.I.R. filter program (B.Lindberg 1990) was modified to incorporate the second backward pass of the filtered data.

    The following tests were carried out on the filter:


    Hamming R.W. (1977) "Removing the phase:two way filters". In Digital Filters (Prentice-Hall, Inc).

    Lindberg B. (1990) "General Program for digital filtering of an integer file". Part of the Esprit project 2589 (SAM) at IES, Aalborg, Denmark.



    The following equipment was used :-

    SG1 SIGNAL (*.?ES files).

    The signal path was in the following order:-

    1. Bruel & Kjar microphone cartridge type 4134
    2. Bruel & Kjar preamplifier type 2639
    3. Bruel & Kjar measurement amplifier type 2610
    4. U.C.L. unity gain inverting amplifier
    5. CH1 input of OROS AU22 card, set for a.c. coupled, single sided input. Card installed in Tulip 386/25 P.C. running OROS AU22DSK V.5.0 Rev.A Software.

    SG2 SIGNAL (*.?E2 files).

    The signal path was in the following order:-

    1. Shure microphone type SM10A.
    2. Central Recording Services Ltd microphone amplifier
    3. CH2 input of OROS AU22 card, set for a.c. coupled, single sided input.

    NOTE. For some early Many Talker recordings, with speaker codes AA-AK, a Bruel & Kjar type 2619 preamplifier was used and the OROS AU22 card was set for d.c. coupled inputs.



    See UCL-018 for more details


    In order of appearance :-

    LHD: <version> - start of label header and version number
    FIL: <type> - the type of file
    TYP: <label type> - specific type of labelling (of predominant type)
    VOL: <id> - volume name
    DIR: <path\> - directory
    SRC: <filename> - name of the signal file
    TXF: <filename> - name of the text file (usually the prompting text)
    SAM: <rate> - the sample rate of the signal file
    BEG: <sample> - the start of the signal  covered by this label file
    END: <sample> - the end of the signal covered by this label file
    EXP: <name> - the expert that produced this label file
    SYS: <name> - the name of the system used to do the labelling
    DAT: <date> - date of the compilation of this labelling
    SPA: <version> - version of SAMPA used
    LBD: - indicates start of (each) body of labelling
    LBA: <start>, <centre>, <end>, <label> - acoustic-phonetic label
    				(the centre is blank in this database)
    LBB: <start>, <centre>, <end>, <label> - broad phonetic label
    				(the centre is blank in this database)
    ELF: - indicates end of label file


    In order of appearance :-

    LHD: <version> - start of label header and version number
    FIL: <type> - the type of file
    TYP: <label type> - specific type of labelling (of predominant type)
    DBN: <name> - name of database
    VOL: <id> - volume name
    DIR: <path\> - directory
    SRC: <filename> - name of the signal file
    TXF: <filename> - name of the text file (usually the prompting text)
    SAM: <rate> - the sample rate of the signal file
    BEG: <sample> - the start of the signal  covered by this label file
    END: <sample> - the end of the signal covered by this label file
    SNB: <number> - number of (8-bit) bytes per sample
    SBF: <code> - byte order of samples (01 = LSB first)
    SSB: <number> - number of significant bits per sample
    NCH: <number> - number of channels recorded
    DAT: <date> - date of the compilation of this labelling
    LBD: - indicates start of (each) body of labelling
    LBR: <start>, <end>, <gain>, <min>, <max>, <label> - 'prompting' orthography
    			(gain, min and max are defaulted in this database)
    EXT: <more label> - extension line(s) of label
    ELF: - indicates end of label file


    In alphabetical order :-

    BEG: <sample> - the start of the signal  covered by this label file
    DAT: <date> - date of the compilation of this labelling
    DBN: <name> - name of database
    DIR: <path\> - directory
    ELF: - indicates end of label file
    END: <sample> - the end of the signal covered by this label file
    EXP: <name> - the expert that produced this label file
    EXT: <more label> - extension line(s) of label
    FIL: <type> - the type of file
    LBA: <start>, <centre>, <end>, <label> - acoustic-phonetic label
    				(the centre is blank in this database)
    LBB: <start>, <centre>, <end>, <label> - broad phonetic label
    				(the centre is blank in this database)
    LBD: - indicates start of (each) body of labelling
    LBR: <start>, <end>, <gain>, <min>, <max>, <label> - 'prompting' orthography
    			(gain, min and max are defaulted in this database)
    LHD: <version> - start of label header and version number
    NCH: <number> - number of channels recorded
    SAM: <rate> - the sample rate of the signal file
    SBF: <code> - byte order of samples (01 = LSB first)
    SNB: <number> - number of (8-bit) bytes per sample
    SPA: <version> - version of SAMPA used
    SRC: <filename> - name of the signal file
    SSB: <number> - number of significant bits per sample
    SYS: <name> - the name of the system used to do the labelling
    TXF: <filename> - name of the text file (usually the prompting text)
    TYP: <label type> - specific type of labelling (of predominant type)
    VOL: <id> - volume name


    wen eI seIl@ In eI smO:l krA:ft feIsIz Di: maIt Qv Di: vA:st @tl{ntIk @US@n t@deI hi: teIks Di: seIm rIsks D{t dZen@reIS@nz tUk bIfO: hIm bVt In kQntrA:st tu: Dem hi: k{n mi:t eni Im3:dZ@nsi D{t kVmz hIz weI wID eI kQnfId@ns D{t stemz frQm eI pr@faUnd trVst In Di: @dvA:nsIz Qv saI@ns b@Uts A: strQNg@ {nd mO: steIb@l pr@tektIN @genst Vndju: Iksp@UZ@ tu:lz {nd Instr@m@nts A: mO: {kj@r@t {nd mO: rIlaI@b@l helpIN In O:l weD@ {nd k@ndIS@nz fu:d {nd drINk A: bet@ rIs3:tSt {nd i:zi@ tu: kUk D{n ev@ bIfO:

    D@ vaIkINz lUkt fO: nju: l{ndz wID fli:ts Qv smO:l SIps i:tS paU@d baI T3:ti tu: fO:ti men pUlIN Qn sIksti:n fUt O:z DeI w3: gaIdId baI nVTIN bVt De@ nQlIDZ Qv Di: stA:z {nd @n VnSeIk@b@l feIT In De@ gQdz @Uv@ hA:f eI mIleni@m leIt@ sp{ni@dz pO:tj@gi:z {nd IlIz@bi:T@n fri:bu:t@z h{d Impru:vd De@ nQlIdZ eI lIt@l rIdju:st De@ gQdz tu: wVn {nd dIspenst wID O:zm@n In feIv@ Qv eI t@Ut@l rIlaI@ns Qn Di: wInd bVt dIspaIt De@ vIZ@n Qv greIt di:dz DeI w3: l@UD tu: ventS@ aUt fA: baI D@mselvz

    w3: DeI les @dventS@r@s O: mO: mQdIst dId DeI prIf3: Di: ri:@SU@rIN TO:t Qv help frQm sIst@ SIps tu: Di: haIt@nd glO:ri Qv sINg@l h{ndId eksplOIts bVt wQz De@ glO:ri In f{kt eni les dId eni memb@ Qv Di: kru: rIsi:v wVn aI@Ut@ Qv T{Nks rek@gnIS@n O: feIm wi: h{v n@U mi:nz Qv meZ@rIN Qv kO:s bVt Di: tru:T Iz nVn Qv Di: k@mA:nd@z Qv Di: SIps D{t @kVmp@nId frA:nsIs dreIk A: rImemb@d t@deI n@U mO: D{n Di: taIp Qv seIl Di: meIk Qv reIdi@U O: n{vIgeIs@n Instr@m@nt Di: self stI@rIN @kwIpm@nt O: Di: medIs@nz {nd fu:d s@plaId tu: aU@ mQd@n @dventS@r@z wIl bi: rImemb@d In fO: hVndrId jI@z taIm

    O: p@h{ps DeI wIl wVn ImpO:t@nt fi:tS@ dIstINgwISIz Di: selfl@s hju:m@n pA:ts Qv eI medii:v@l seIlIN m@Si:n frQm Di: selfl@s tekn@lQdZIk@l pA:ts Qv eI mQd@n seIlIN m@Si:n eI feIs dIspaIt De@ hju:m@n fi:tS@z Di: seIl@z Qv jest@jI@ w3: feisl@s dIspaIt De@ l{k Qv eni sVtS kwQlItiz t@deIz tu:lz {nd Instr@m@nts praUdli k{ri Di: aIdentIti Qv De@ kVmp@ni {nd kVmp@nIz du: h{v Di: feIs tu: kleIm eI bIt Qv glO:ri fO: De@ @Un prQdVkts s@U If Di: sek@nd s3: frA:nsIs Iz menS@nd In fO: hVndrId jI@z It wIl prQb@bli bi: {z Di: greItf@l ju:z@ Qv ke@fri: self stI@rIN gI@ O: mVltistreNT vIt@mInz nQt {z eI breIv {nd sINg@l maIndId @ksentrIk fQl@UIN Di: kO:l fO: {ktIv leZ@ In r@taI@m@nt


    Design Criteria for "Regional Accent Passage"

    W.J.Barry, University College London, 27 Feb. 1990

    1. Introduction

    This reading passage is intended to provide an example of each speaker's regional (and idiosyncratic) speech patterns within a larger continuous-speech frame than is offered by the individual, unlinked, and sometimes semantically and situationally obscure sentences.

    Although constrained by the reading nature of the task, general prosodic patterns (in the sense of intonational and rhythmic structure) and supra-segmental features (in the sense of continuous speech effects on segmental structure) are targeted as well as regionally differentiating segmental properties.

    The object of the passage is not to provide a basis for identifying a person's regional accent from a few carefully chosen features fitted together into a number of artificial diagnostic sentences (cf. Barry et al. 1989, cp. also the 2 TIMIT accent-diagnostic sentences), but to provide as wide a range of potential differences as possible. The passage thus becomes a general reflection of regional speech behaviour (in reading).

    With this general object in mind, the passage was composed such that the main systemic, structural, selectional, and realisational differences (Wells 1970) between the broad regional accent types (Scottish, Northern, Welsh, Southeastern, Southwestern) are potentially manifest.

    The main points of difference (relative to Southern Standard English) are summarised for Scottish and Northern English in section 2 below. The details are derived from Wells 1982. In section 3, a commentary of the first clause of the passage is given illustrating the extent to which potential for regional variants occurs throughout the passage.

    2. Synopsis of Scottish and Northern Pronunciation Features

    2.1 Scottish: (Wells, p.399 ff.)

    1. Differentiation of:
      • dirt - pert - hurt [3r] or [3r] + [Vr]
      • bird - heard - word or [Ir] + [3r] + [Vr]
      • /r/ most commonly realised as alveolar tap inter- and pre-vocalically, as a post-alveolar approximant post-vocalically and pre-consonantally.
    2. Differentiation of: short, cork, horse [Or] vs. sport, pork, hoarse [or]
    3. <ch> in "technical, patriarch, epoch, parochial": sometimes [x]
    4. Differentiation of:where, whine, whether [hw] vs. wear, wine, weather [w]
    5. Varied aspiration:unasp. in south; very strong asp. in Gaelic influenced Highlands and Islands.
    6. Varied dental/alveolar /t,d/
    7. Glottalling of word-medial /t/ before unstressed vowels in some areas (and also varying with social class).
    8. Mostly velarised /l/ in all positions, but clear /l/ in Gaelic areas.
    9. No phonemic long-short vowel opposition, but allophonic (preceding voiced fricatives and /r/) and morphemically conditioned lengthening (morpheme-final) giving long-short morpho-phonemic alternation; e.g. read vs. freed: /i/ vs. /i:/. Coalescence of vowel quality for RP FOOT-GOOSE opposition as central to fronted close rounded vowel, but NOT of /i:/-/I/ because /I/ is centralised.
    10. LOT-THOUGHT opposition may be lacking.
    11. Central onset to /aU/ (but also monophthongal [u+] variant) Variation in onset to /aI/ ([a_] and [V_}, covarying with length distinction). Open to central onset to /OI/ - sometimes merging with /aI/.
    12. TRAP-PALM opposition may be lacking; mostly central-open half-long vowel.

    2.2 North: Wells p. 349ff.

    1. FOOT-STRUT merger (put & putt homophones); but socially very variable, and also variation in incidence of neutralisation.
    2. BATH broadening (vowel in gas = glass); socially more robust than the FOOT- STRUT merger, but lexical incidence varies.
    3. START & PALM vowel quality: open back in midlands open central to fronted in mid-north
    4. FLEECE words sometimes have differentiated classes: [i:] or [@i] vs. [i@] for "meet" vs. "meat".
    5. FACE words have monophthongal vowel ([e:]) in some areas, a centring diphthong in others ([e@]).
    6. PRICE diphthongs vary in onset quality from open back rounded ([Q]) in the midlands to front, half open ([E]) in the far north, with often only weakly diphthongal quality in the mid-north ([aE])
    7. GOAT vowels vary considerably: [OU] - [VU] in the midlands, [oU] - [@U] in urban mid-north, to monophthongal [o:].
    8. MOUTH vowels: Far north often has monophthongal /u:/; mid-north a diphthong [aU] and also monophthongal [a:]; midlands has fronted first element [EU].
    9. THOUGHT vowels are often much more open than SE English, especially in accents with monophthongal realisation of GOAT vowels.
    10. NURSE & SQUARE merger in the western part of mid-north (spreading from Merseyside), ans even in areas where NURSE and SQUARE vowels are distinct, SQUARE vowels are often monophthongal [E:].
    11. NEAR and CURE vowels can vary from the more conservative [i:@] and [u:@] to RP-type [I@] and [O:].
    12. Unstressed HAPPY vowel tends to be [i] in the midlands and the far north, and [I] in the mid-north with even more open values (-> [E]) in some areas.
    13. Tendency for [Q] instead of [V] in words like "once, none, nothing".
    14. Strong vowels retained in unstressed syllables which have schwa in SE accents:
      • advance - /{d"v{ns/
      • compute - /kQm"pju:t/
      • examine - /Eg"z{mIn/
    15. Ng occurs word-finally (hang, sing) and is retained before suffixes (sing+er, hang+ing, etc.) in midlands and western parts of mid-north.
    16. Rhoticity in some areas; Northumbrian "burr" /r/ [r] replacement of /t/ before (unstressed) vowels: Get off = /gErQf/.
    17. Reduced aspiration of /p, t, k/ around Manchester Affrication of /t/ and /d/ in Liverpool; /k/ -> [x].
    18. Widespread lack of clear dark vs. light /l/ difference; Often a mid-quality /l/.

    3. Commentary on first clause of passage

    when: [hw] in Scottish vs. [w] in other accents. /e/ varying in quality from half-close to half-open.

    sailor:/eI/ as a closing diphthong in Southern accents with varying onset quality for the first element; monophthongal in Scotland and parts of the North and Wales, with half-close to half-open quality. /l/ "clear l" in most accents; differing degrees of "dark l" in some Scottish English accents. /@/ in non-rhotic accents; /@r/ or even /=r/ in rhotic acccents, whereby the realisation may be an apical tap or a post-alveolar approximant.

    small: /O:/ varies in degree of opening: almost half-close and quite tightly lip-rounded in Southeastern accents; half-open rounded in Scottish, Northern and East-Anglian accents; half-open with very little rounding in some Southwestern accents. /l/ "dark l" in most accents; "clear l" in Welsh and Irish.

    craft: /r/ realised as a devoiced apical flap in many Scottish accents, as a post-alveolar fricative in most other accents. /A:/ - /{/ variation: /{/ in accents with "BATH broadening" (Wells 1982, pp. 353- 6). Also variation in degree of fronting for non-broadening accents.

    faces: /eI/ as in "sailor" above. might /aI/ differences in onset quality: half-open to open front (Scottish), open central (Northern), open back (Southeastern), half-open back rounded (Midlands). Also variation in the relative duration of the first element: long in some Northern accents, medium in Southern, and short in Scottish accents. /t/ differences: glottalised in many Scottish, Northeastern, Welsh, and Southeastern accents; affricated or even spirantised in Merseyside.

    vast: /A:/ - /{/ variation; see "craft" above.

    Atlantic: /@/ - /{/ variation: some Northern accents tend to have unreduced unstressed vowels. /l/ quality; see "sailor" above. /{/ differences in degree of openness, backness and length.

    Ocean: /@U/ as a closing diphthong in Southern and Mid-Northern accents with onset quality varying from central to half-open back rounded; monophthongal half close back rounded quality in Scottish, some Northern and Welsh accents.


    Barry, W.J., Hoequist, C.E. and Nolan, F.J. (1989): An approach to the problem of reg- ional accent in automatic speech recognition. Computer Speech and Language 3, 355-366.

    Wells, J.C. (1970): Local accents in England and Wales. Journal of Linguistics 6, 231- 252.

    Wells, J.C. (1982): Accents of English. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


    When a sailor in a small craft faces the might of the vast Atlantic Ocean today, he takes the same risks that generations took before him. But, in contrast to them, he can meet any emergency that comes his way with a confidence that stems from a profound trust in the advances of science. Boats are stronger and more stable, protecting against undue exposure; tools and instruments are more accurate and more reliable, helping in all weather and conditions; food and drink are better researched and easier to cook than ever before.

    The Vikings looked for new lands with fleets of small ships, each powered by thirty to forty men pulling on sixteen foot oars. They were guided by nothing but their knowledge of the stars and an unshakeable faith in their gods. Over half a millenium later, Spaniards, Portuguese, and Elizabethan freebooters had improved their knowledge a little, reduced their gods to one, and dispensed with oarsmen in favour of a total reliance on the wind. But despite their vision of great deeds, they were loathe to venture out far by themselves.

    Were they less adventurous or more modest? Did they prefer the reassuring thought of help from sister-ships to the heightened glory of single-handed exploits? But was their glory in fact any less? Did any member of the crews receive one iota of thanks, recognition or fame? We have no means of measuring, of course, but the truth is, none of the commanders of the ships which accompanied Francis Drake are remembered today - no more than the type of sail, the make of radio or navigation instrument, the self-steering equipment, or the medicines and food supplied to our modern adventurers will be remembered in four hundred years time.

    Or perhaps they will! One important feature which distinguishes the selfless human parts of a medieval sailing machine from the selfless technological parts of a modern sailing machine - a face! Despite their human features, the sailors of yesteryear were faceless; despite their lack of any such qualities, today's tools and instruments proudly carry the identity of their Company. And companies do have the face to claim a bit of glory for their own products. So if the second Sir Francis is mentioned in four hundred years, it will probably be as the grateful user of Carefree self-steering gear, or Multi-strength vitamins, not as a brave and single-minded eccentric following the call for "active leisure in retirement".


    wen @ seIl@r In @ smO:l krA:ft feIsIz D@ maIt @v D@ vA:st @tl{ntIk @US@n t@deI hi teIks D@ seIm rIsks D@t dZen@reIS@nz tUk bIfO: hIm bVt In kQntrA:st t@ Dem hi k@n mi:t eni Im3:dZ@nsi D@t kVmz hIz weI wID @ kQnfId@ns D@t stemz fr@m @ pr@faUnd trVst In Di @dvA:nsIz @v saI@ns b@Uts @ strQNg@r @n mO: steIb=l pr@tektIN @genst Vndju: Iksp@UZ@ tu:lz @nd Instr@m@nts @ mO:r {kj@r@t @n mO: rIlaI@b=l helpIN In O:l weD@r @n k@ndIS@nz fu:d @n drINk @ bet@ rIs3:tSt @nd i:zi@ t@ kUk D@n ev@ bIfO:

    D@ vaIkINz lUkt f@ nju: l{ndz wID fli:ts @v smO:l SIps i:tS paU@d baI T3:ti t@ fO:ti men pUlIN Qn sIksti:n fUt O:z DeI w@ gaIdId baI nVTIN bVt De@ nQlIDZ @v D@ stA:z @nd @n VnSeIk@b=l feIT In De@ gQdz @Uv@ hA:f @ mIleni@m leIt@ sp{nj@dz pO:tj@gi:z @nd IlIz@bi:T@n fri:bu:t@z h@d Impru:vd De@ nQlIdZ @ lIt=l rIdju:st De@ gQdz t@ wVn @n dIspenst wID O:zm@n In feIv@r @v @ t@Ut=l rIlaI@ns Qn D@ wInd bVt dIspaIt De@ vIZ@n @v greIt di:dz DeI w@ l@UD t@ ventS@r aUt fA: baI D@mselvz

    w3: DeI les @dventS@r@s O: mO: mQdIst dId DeI prIf3: D@ ri:@SU@rIN TO:t @v help fr@m sIst@ SIps t@ D@ haIt=nd glO:ri @v sINg@l h{ndId eksplOIts bVt wQz De@ glO:ri In f{kt eni les dId eni memb@r @v D@ kru: rIsi:v wVn aI@Ut@ @v T{Nks rek@gnIS@n O: feIm wi: h{v n@U mi:nz @v meZ@rIN @v kO:s bVt D@ tru:T Iz nVn @v D@ k@mA:nd@z @v D@ SIps D@t @kVmp@nId frA:nsIs dreIk @ rImemb@d t@deI n@U mO: D@n D@ taIp @v seIl D@ meIk @v reIdi@U O: n{vIgeIS@n Instr@m@nt D@ self stI@rIN @kwIpm@nt O: D@ medIs@n @n fu:d s@plaId tu aU@ mQd@n @dventS@r@z wIl bi rImemb@d In fO: hVndrId jI@z taIm

    O: p@h{ps DeI wIl wVn ImpO:t=nt fi:tS@ dIstINgwISIz D@ selfl@s hju:m@n pA:ts @v @ medii:v@l seIlIN m@Si:n fr@m D@ selfl@s tekn@lQdZIk=l pA:ts @v @ mQd@n seIlIN m@Si:n @ feIs dIspaIt De@ hju:m@n fi:tS@z D@ seIl@z @v jest@jI@ w@ feisl@s dIspaIt De@ l{k @v eni sVtS kwQlItiz t@deIz tu:lz @nd Instr@m@nts praUdli k{ri Di aIdentIti @v De@ kVmp@ni @n kVmp@nIz du: h{v D@ feIs t@ kleIm @ bIt @v glO:ri f@ De@r @Un prQdVkts s@U If D@ sek=nd s@ frA:nsIs Iz menS@nd In fO: hVndrId jI@z It wIl prQb@bli bi: @z D@ greItf@l ju:z@r @v ke@fri: self stI@rIN gI@ O: mVltistreNT vIt@mInz nQt @z @ breIv @n sINg@l maIndId @ksentrIk fQl@UIN D@ kO:l f@r {ktIv leZ@r In r@taI@m@nt


    001.  Di: praIs reIndZ Iz smO:l@ D{n eni Qv Vs IkspektId.
    002.  DeI A:skt If aI wQntId tu: kVm @lQN Qn Di: bA:dZ trIp.
    003.  @mVNst h3: frendz Si: wQz k@nsId@d bju:tIf@l.
    004.  D@ smel Qv Di: freSli graUnd kQfi nev@ feIlz tu: IntaIs mi: Intu: Di: SQp.
    005.  aIm Qf@n p@plekst baI r{pId @dvA:nsIz In steIt Qv Di: A:t teknQl@dZi.
    006.  dZQn kUd lend hIm Di: leItIst drA:ft Qv hIz w3:k.
    007.  frQm fO:ti lVv Di: skO: wQz naU dju:s {nd Di: kraUd gru: tens.
    008.  D@ prezbItI@ri@n mInIst@ m{nIdZd tu: k3:b Di: drINkIN h{bIts Qv Di: lOIt@rIN ju:Dz.
    009.  D@ bVlb blu: wen hi: swItSt Qn Di: laIt.
    010.  It Iz fju:taIl tu: Qf@ eni f3:D@ rIzIst@ns.
    011.  DeI lO:ntSt Intu: b{t@l wID O:l Di: fO:sIz DeI kUd mVst@.
    012.  D@ tSIl wInd kO:zd Dem tu: SIv@ vaIl@ntli.
    013.  D@ gVv@nm@nt traIVmft fO: jI@z @g@U {nd wi: h{v evri ri:z@n tu: bIli:v D{t It wIl traIVmf @geIn.
    014.  hi: dZ3:kt raUnd In {n Inst@nt tu: feIs hIz @seIl@nt.
    015.  hi: empf@saIzd hIz streNTs waIl k@nsi:lIN hIz wi:knIsIz.
    016.  D@ teIb@l Iz meId s@U slQpIli D{t It tIlts.
    017.  It wQz ImpO:t@nt tu: bi: p3:fIkt sIns De@ w3: n@U prQmpts.
    018.  aI r{n fO: kVv@ waIlst hi: h3:ld sevr@l st@Unz.
    019.  wi: h{v pru:f D{t Di: reIZi:m wi:ldz sVfIS@nt paU@ In Di: nO:T tu: IksplOIt Di: IntaI@ pQpjuleIS@n.
    020.  Si: flIks Tru: eI m{g@zi:n wen Si: gets eI tSA:ns.
    021.  T{nk gUdnIs Its fraIdeI {nd taIm tu: g@U h@Um.
    022.  ItSIz A: O:lweIz s@U temptIN tu: skr{tS.
    023.  aIl hedZ maI bets {nd teIk n@U rIsks.
    024.  D@ leNkT Qv h3: sk3:t kO:zd Di: pA:s@z baI tu: ste@.
    025.  aI O:lweIz si:m tu: fQl@U maI InstINkts rA:D@ D{n ri:z@n.
    026.  Its streIndZ D{t aI slept fO: s@U lQN sIns aI wQz@nt fi:lIN taI@d.
    027.  aIl drA:ft D@Uz nju: pr@p@Uz@lz bIfO: Di: nekst mi:tIN.
    028.  D@ mVd skweltSt laUdli {nd hi: rI@laIzd D{t hIz sweId bu:ts w3: du:md.
    029.  hi: grA:spt Di: r@Up wID hIz fri: h{nd {nd swVN hIz legz raUnd tu: Di: saId.
    030.  Qp@tju:nItiz laIk DIs d@Unt gr@U Qn tri:z {z ju: SUd n@U baI naU.
    031.  Its dIfIk@lt tu: tSu:z bItwi:n tu: sVtS i:kw@li gUd O:lt3:n@tIvz.
    032.  henri nO:m@li vju:d rQbz zel@s InTju:zi{z@m wID dIsdeIn.
    033.  Si:l TINk Qv {n Ikskju:s If gIv@n InVf speIs {nd taIm.
    034.  wen fO:st tu: meIk eI tSOIs se@r@ tS@Uz pIN pQN {z h3: feIv@rIt geIm.
    035.  Its eI SeIm D{t A:kItekts dIzaIn fO: Demselvz {nd nQt fO: Di: dZenr@l pVblIk.
    036.  k@U bi:t him tu: Di: laIn baI faIv TaUz@nTs Qv eI sek@nd.
    037.  D@ bA:T plVg Iz mIsIN s@U jO:l h{v tu: teIk eI SaU@.
    038.  ju: O:t tu: brVS jO: ti:T bIfO: ju: g@U tu: bed.
    039.  Di: 3:T ju:st tu: bi: fl{t bVt naU Its eI sfI@.
    040.  aI wIS hi:d aID@ gr@U eI bI@d O: SeIv hIz m@stA:S.
    041.  dZu:dIT faUnd Di: m{njuskrIpts weItIN fO: h3: Qn Di: pi{n@U.
    042.  D@ hju:dZ kA:s@l wQz Ins3:k@ld baI eI di:p m@Ut.
    043.  dZeIn @dO:d m{Ts {nd frentS bVt heItId Di: rest Qv sku:l.
    044.  m{St p@teIt@Uz A: mO: f{t@nIN D{n aID@ bOIld O: beIkt wVnz.
    045.  D@ w3:ld Iz bIkVmIN INkri:sINli deIndZ@r@s bVt hA:dli eniwVN ke@z.
    046.  p{trIk wIl ni:d spi:tS Ter@pi bIkQz Qv hIz kleft p{lIt.
    047.  Di:z pr{ktIk@l dZ@Uks h{v bi:n teIk@n mVtS tu: fA:.
    048.  aI S{l peInt DIs ru:m m@Uv wID eI fju: beIZ dQts.
    049.  maI kA: wQz st@Ul@n waIl aI wQz SQpIN In kenzINt@n haI stri:t.
    050.  tSeIndZIN gI@ hA:fweI Vp eI sti:p hIl k{n bi: kwaIt rIski.
    051.  aI O:lweIz IndZOI eI paInt Qv lA:g@ wen aI kVm Qf Di: skwQS kO:t.
    052.  dZi:n maIt prIpe@ mO: s{m@n {nd kju:kVmb@ s{nwIdZIz If wi@ lVki.
    053.  De@l bi: bIg trVb@l If ju: de@ tu: tVtS D{t s3:fIs.
    054.  tQm sez D{t eInS@nt sA:bz A: fA: mO: staIlIS D{n brItIS leIl@nd traIVmfs.
    055.  dZIl tVmb@ld A:ft@ dZ{k bIkQz Si: wQz SVvd baI lIt@l mIs mVfIt.
    056.  dQkt@ fIlIps reIzd eI nVmb@ Qv mu:t pOInts @baUt Di: pr@fes@z A:tIk@l In Di: ri:s@nt dZ3:n@l.
    057.  DIs nju: dIspleI @tr{kts mO: kVst@m@z D{n ev@.
    058.  mIsIz stju:@t pli:zd h3: IntaI@ f{mIli wen Si: pr@dju:st mO:lt l@Uf fO: ti:.
    059.  pi:t kUd@nt be@ tu: S@U Vs hIz skA: s@U su:n A:ft@ Di: {ksId@nt.
    060.  dZOI fIbd @baUt Di: mVni mIsIN frQm Di: si:krIt k{SbQks.
    061.  D@ h3:s wIl @raIv {t Di: mO:g bItwi:n eI kwO:t@ {nd hA:f pA:st twelv.
    062.  wO:t@ wQz k{skeIdIN daUn Di: maUntIn {t eI reIt Qv nQts.
    063.  klA:r@ went Tru: eI feIz wen Si: O:lweIz s3:vd hVNge@ri@n gu:l{S fQl@Ud baI ru:bA:b krVmb@l.
    064.  wi:d bi: hA:d pUSt tu: k{tS Di: bVs tu: nju:kA:s@l t@naIt.
    065.  aU@ bUtS@ meIks hIz @Un pO:k {nd bi:f sQsIdZIz.
    066.  mA:tIn {nd kreIg gr@U dwO:f tju:lIps {nd IgzIbIt Dem O:l @Uv@ Di: kaUnti.
    067.  aU@ tu: kIdz @dO:d Di: lIt@l aIst bVnz wID Di: tSeriz Qn tQp.
    068.  hi: rememb@d hi: ni:dId eI pA:spO:t tu: get eI vi:z@ st{mp.
    069.  hIz @tempts tu: ju:z hIz kredIt kA:d feIld bIkQz hIz @kaUnt wQz In @rI@z.
    070.  DeI w3: stIl frIskt baI kVst@mz D@U DeI h{d nVTIN tu: dIkle@.
    071.  D@ n3:s tendId Di: fI@s lUkIN wu:nd Qn pO:lz sk{lp.
    072.  evriwVn tO:ks Qv Di: b3:dz {nd Di: bi:z bVt DeI nev@ menS@n wQsps.
    073.  m@Ust Qv Di: si:nz w3: fIlmd Qn l@UkeIS@n In Di: {lps.
    074.  mIst@ v3:n@n helpt hImself tu: dIz3:t {nd eI lA:dZ kVp Qv kQfi.
    075.  It wQz eI SI@ flu:k D{t aI bVmpt Intu: Di: seIm tS{p jest@deI.
    076.  djU@rIN hIz lA:st jI@ {t ju:nIv3:sIti DeI Se@d meni hIle@ri@s m@Um@nts.
    077.  aI lVvd tu: ped@l maI traIsIk@l In Di: b{kjA:d wen aI wQz eI tSaIld.
    078.  sVm pi:p@l faInd Di: welS l{NgwIdZ veri dIfIk@lt tu: l3:n.
    079.  D@ fu:d ve@riz frQm pleIs tu: pleIs b@t Di: praIs rImeInz fe@li kQnst@nt.
    080.  D@ ser@m@ni @Uv@welmd mi: {nd aI wQz mu:vd tu: tI@z.
    081.  Di: e@ri@ wQz s@U TVr@li blItst D{t naU v3:tS@li nVTIN rImeInz.
    082.  bQb mIlkt Di: kaUz A:ft@ hi:d g{D@d Di: tSIkInz egz.
    083.  wi: rI@li wIl ni:d tu: di:frQst Di: frIdZ naU D{t Di: strO:b@riz h{v u:zd aUt O:l @Uv@ Di: pleIs.
    084.  D@ k@UtS sw3:vd tu: Di: left In {n @tempt tu: @vOId Di: blaInd pIdestri@n.
    085.  A:ft@ Di: r@Ud vI@z tu: Di: saUT ju:l si: eI dZVNkS@n @hed.
    086.  h3: i:vnIN gaUn wQz eI traIf@l tu: ge@rIS fO: Di: @keIZ@n.
    087.  hi: glImpst Di: tr{fIk wO:d@n aUt Qv Di: kO:n@ Qv hIz aI.
    088.  Si: h{d ske@sli daIvVldZd Di: sk{nd@l bIfO: It wQz spl{t@d @Uv@ Di: frVnt peIdZIz Qv Di: t{blOIdz.
    089.  D@ kwestS@ne@ wQz SO:t {nd tu: Di: pOInt.
    090.  wi: w3: plVndZd Intu: dA:knIs {z Di: klaUdz IngVlft Di: mu:n.
    091.  S{r@n vaUd nev@ @gen tu: dZI@ {t Di: kQnsie@Z.
    092.  k@mpe@d wID Di: pri:vi@s gests Si: @pI@d kOI {nd dImjU@.
    093.  Si: rIt3:nd frQm hQlIdeI brQnzd baI Di: medIt@reInI@n sVn.
    094.  DeI s@dZestId D{t Di: aIs wUd TO: {z su:n {z sprIN @raIvd.
    095.  gO:d@nz w3:dz w3: lQst @mIdst Di: hVbVb Qv Di: kraUdId hO:l.
    096.  mIst@ fO:saIT h{z tSI@d Di: ti:m Qn naU fO: faIv h@Ul jI@z.
    097.  It si:mz {z If su:z@n dVz O:l Di: tSO:z fO: DIs haUsh@Uld.
    098.  aI wQnt i:tS p3:s@n hI@ tu: gIv dZO:dZ De@ rIpO:t baI T3:zdeI A:ft@nu:n.
    099.  beT tSe@d Di: f3:st mi:tIN In O:d@ tu: @blaIdZ h3: @Uv@w3:kt bQs.
    100.  aIv dZVst si:n tSA:lz te@rIN Qf In eI hVri.
    101.  wi:l ni:d tu: pUt Di: pu:d@l b{k Qn Di: li:S wen wi: li:v Di: pA:k.
    102.  Di: @lImpIk tO:tS SaInz {z eI sImb@l Qv h@Up wItS h{z pUSt @saId Di: b{ri@z Qv reIs.
    103.  D@ pleIntIf felt TwO:tId bIkQz Di: dZVdZ dId@nt rIv@Uk hIz dIsIZ@n.
    104.  maI mVD@ gets krQs wen aI seI je@ Insted Qv jes.
    105.  D@ fUtpA:Dz {t Di: b{k Qv Di: sku:l h{v bIkVm dIsaIdIdli @Uv@gr@Un.
    106.  DIs OIntm@nt wIl su:D Di: greIz Qn jO: hi:l.
    107.  waIlst Qn eI spendIN spri: blA:nS dZenINz bO:t sVm lVgZU@ri@s bA:T OIl {nd eI p3:p@l sIlk blaUz.
    108.  D@ fIfT dQl@p Qv freS kri:m mIst Di: keIk O:lt@geD@ {nd l{ndId Qn Di: peIp@ dOIli.
    109.  aI n@U meni pi:p@l hu: pr{ktIs j@Ug@ pjU@li fO: helT ri:z@nz.
    110.  Its kQm@n nQlIdZ D{t Di: k{Ng@ru: h{z eI paUtS.
    111.  D@Uz teksts ju: menS@n w3: dIskVst In depT baI Di: benIdIkti:n breDr@n lA:st sVndeI.
    112.  D@ wO:k@z tUk eI di:tU@ Tru: Di: fi:ldz tu: @vOId Di: bIzi TVr@fe@.
    113.  me@ri {nd @lIz@b@T b@UT eIm tu: bi: kVmp@ni daIrekt@z baI Di: eIdZ Qv T3:ti.
    114.  DIs gaI helps mIst@ jeIts dIvel@p hIz @Un f@Ut@grA:fs.
    115.  kQbwebz faInd De@ weI Intu: evri nUk {nd kr{ni.
    116.  wVns aIv vA:nISt Di: bedsaId teIb@l aI k{n stA:t Qn Di: wO:dr@Ub.
    117.  bUldQg teri@z j{p O:lm@Ust {z mVtS {z tSaUz.
    118.  aI wQz bIt@n baI Di: nA:sti dQg wItS ki:ps gA:d Qv aU@ neIb@z haUs.
    119.  D@ dI@ @Uld bIS@p wQz In trVb@l wID Di: me@.
    120.  aI sImp@TaIz wID rOI {nd h{v O:lredi sent him maI sInsI@ k@nd@Ul@nsIz.
    121.  aI beg ju: nQt tu: meIk eI SA:p dZaIb @baUt Di: staIl Qv hIz he@.
    122.  D@ saUnd Qv mju:zIk Iz eI fIlm wItS sent@z Qn Di: wO: taIm IkspI@ri@nsIz Qv Di: vQntr{p f{m@li.
    123.  If ju: li:v Di: rekO:d baI Di: faI@ It wIl wO:p.
    124.  hi: gr{bd eI taU@l {nd Den A:ns@d Di: f@Un.
    125.  d{d wQntId Vs tu: li:v Di: s3:fbO:d In Di: b@Ut VntIl aU@ rIt3:n.
    126.  D@ dju:tifri: kI@S nekst tu: Di: br{ndi wQz bO:t fO: m{gi.
    127.  wi: ni:d tu: baI sVm mO: ImbrOId@ri sIlks bIfO: wi: k{n fInIS Di: gA:m@nt.
    128.  D@ kaInd hA:tId g3:l bIg{n tu: waIp hIz fi:v@d braU wID eI ku:l fl{n@l.
    129.  D@ jQt k{psaIzd In Di: tSQpi si:z bVt O:l Di: kru: sw{m tu: seIfti.
    130.  mIst@ sImz wQz s@praIzd baI Di: nju:m@r@s dIgnItriz @tendIN Di: gr{dju:eIS@n bO:l.
    131.  aI dremt D{t eI dZezjuIt pri:st wQz k@nv3:sIN wID eI ser@f.
    132.  aI wVnd@ waI tSel@U Iz@nt spelt wID {n eItS.
    133.  aIm @blaIdZd tu: tel ju: D{t m@Ust wImIn l@UD De@ hVzb@ndz.
    134.  D@ dQkt@ wQz p@t3:bd baI Di: mIstI@ri@s gr@UTs wItS dIfaId daI@gn@UsIs.
    135.  sVm pQp stA:z dZVst maUD Di: w3:dz bIkQz DeI kA:nt sIN.
    136.  D@ tQd@l@ st{mt hIz fUt In @nOI@ns {nd gaUdZd eI lA:dZ h@Ul In hIz pe@r@nts teIb@l aUt Qv spaIt.
    137.  DeI n@UtIst D{t Di: dO: Qv Di: hVntIN lQdZ stUd @dZA: {nd DeI gr{bd De@ gVnz In fI@.
    138.  hIstO:ri@nz kleIm D{t kli@p{tr@ beIDd In {sIz mIlk.
    139.  D@ treZ@ wQz Vn3:Tt Tri: mVnTs bIfO: DeI stA:tId tu: A:gju: @Uv@ @Un@SIp.
    140.  hi: klentSt hIz fIst {nd h{m@d It @genst Di: wO:l wID eI rIzaUndIN sm{k Qv O:TQrIti.
    141.  @mi:li@ went tu: tSest@ zu: {nd sO: sVm tVftId aUlz {nd eI re@ dZaI@nt sl@UT.
    142.  ju: SUd i:t les Qv D{t fVdZ keIk If It rI@li Iz {gr@veItIN jO: sO: tu:T
    143.  D@ tSaIn@ nImf rImeInd VnskeIDd dIspaIt Di: Ikspl@UZ@n In Di: kIln.
    144.  bIl kUd Qv s{t Qn Di: treIn bVt tS@Uz tu: st{nd.
    145.  D{ts Di: naInT d3:ti S3:t ju:v Tr@Un In Di: lO:ndri sIns wenzdeI.
    146.  DIs Iz Di: eItT wi:k D{t pA:snIp su:p h{z bi:n s3:vd {t DIs h@Utel.
    147.  D@ Sef wQz In dIspju:t wID hIz kQli:gz {z tu: weD@ bA:li wQz eI pVls.
    148.  hi: T{Nkt hIz kQli:g fO: Di: Inv{ljub@l lIfts tu: Di: ve@ri@s kQnf@r@nsIz D{t t3:m.
    149.  D@ wQtS wQz Di: @Unli TIN hi: wQz eIb@l tu: fIltS frQm Di: k{mp@z rVks{k.
    150.  D@ mVNks k@l{pst wID hIsterIks wen brVD@ kA:l b{Nd hIz elb@U.
    151.  hi: kO:t eI glImps Qv wQt lUkt laIk eI b{dZ@.
    152.  D@ f{mIli e@lu:m Iz eI t3:kwOIz nekl@s meId baI eI bedUIn traIb.
    153.  Its sIli tu: @sju:m D{t sQljub@l {sprIn wIl @li:vieIt Di: sImt@mz Qv taIfOId.
    154.  se@r@ IkstSeIndZd Di: m{tSIN glVvz {nd Su:z fO: eI hQrIb@l sneIkskIn b{g.
    155.  Di: A:tSbIS@p h{z rIzQlvd nQt tu: dIskl@Uz Di: di:teIlz Qv Di: dIvO:s.
    156.  mOIr@ wQz SU@ D{t Di: @merIk@n w3:d fO: kO:Zets wQz zUki:ni.
    157.  Its In v@Ug tu: meIk fIlmz wItS IksplO: Di: rIleIS@nSIp bItwi:n kVltS@ {nd feIT.
    158.  hi: @knQlIdZd hIz sekr@triz prez@ns wID hIz ju:Z@l p@fVNkt@ri nQd.
    159.  D@ tSIldren k{m@flA:Zd D@mselvz wID kA:ki klQT wItS De@ d{d h{d faUnd In Di: g{rA:Z.
    160.  h3: sIlflaIk fO:m wQz IntrA:nsIN Di: jVN m{n.
    161.  D@ raIt@ Qv Di: @bItju@ri traId nQt tu: IndVldZ hIz predZ@dIs @genst Di: bU@ZwA:zi.
    162.  D@ kVTb@t f{mIli lIv baI Di: vIlIdZ tS3:tS.
    163.  D@ mVltibVlbd laIt fItIN In Di: laUndZ wQz {n Impru:vm@nt Qn Di: ni:Qn tju:b.
    164.  D@ gleIzi@ wQz e@rIN hIz vju:z Qn Di: w@Uf@l steIt Qv Di: helT s3:vIs rA:D@ D{n mendIN Di: wInd@U.
    165.  hi: SrVgd Qf eI Tret Qv s{b@tA:Z wID eI blaID steItm@nt @baUt Di: Impregn@b@l sIkjU@rIti sIst@m.
    166.  wen aIm pU@li aI laIk tu: s@raUnd maIself wID f@mIlI@ tSaIldhUd tOIz.
    167.  naU D{t wi: 3:n Di: seIm weIdZ wi: SUd g@U hA:vz Qn Di: bIl.
    168.  aI fi:l tu: l@TA:dZIk tu: wQS Vp t@naIt.
    169.  k{T @Up@nd Di: lA:d@ dO: tu: fetS Di: aIsb3:g letIs {nd eI tSVNk Qv tSed@.
    170.  D@ beIb wQz stA:tIN tu: ti:D bVt h3: feIv@rIt tOI @pI@d tu: su:D h3:.
    171.  {lfs brVD@ wQz t@Ut@li @bzO:bd In Di: v3:tju@Uz@U p@fO:m@ns Qv bA:ks t@kA:t@ {nd fju:g.
    172.  D@ fVnfe@ Iz mI@li eI step raUnd Di: kO:n@.
    173.  D@ tQpIk Qv dZefs Ti:sIs Iz bIgInIN tu: @nOI mi:.
    174.  D@ k{ndIdeIt felt D{t eI tr{pIzOId@l b{dZ wUd h{v mO: vIZ@l Imp{kt D{n Di: ju:Z@l r@Uzet.
    175.  h3: welTs s3:t@n tu: baI h3: nQt @Unli eI pO:S bVt O:ls@U kQnsIdr@b@l pQpjul{rIti.
    176.  aI kA:nt st{nd Si:ts {nd bl{NkIts {nd aI {ps@lu:tli l@UD aId@daUnz.
    177.  Di: aIvi waUnd Its weI gr@Uteskli raUnd Di: nek Qv Di: gA:gOIl.
    178.  evri taIm aI si: mIst@ hOIl aI get eI strQN 3:dZ tu: dQdZ aUt Qv hIz saIt.
    179.  ju: O:lweIz m{nIdZd tu: bIsi:dZ mi: wID VD@ pi:p@lz prQbl@mz.
    180.  Di: Qp@zIS@N kleIm D{t prez@nt gVv@nment pQlIsi Iz IndZ@r@s tu: Di: neIS@nz welbiIN.
    181.  sInd@rel@ wO:lst Tru: Di: naIt waIl pO: bVt@nz mu:tSt eIml@sli @baUt Di: haUs.
    182.  sA:ndr@z pe@r@nts w3: Imprest wen Si: sw{m tu: wItTs Qv b{kstr@Uk.
    183.  DIs hi:t@ gIvz aUt nVTIN k@mpe@d wID Di: wO:mT ju: get frQm maI g{s faI@.
    184.  D@ webst@z A: g@UIN tu: si: pUs In bu:ts dZVst A:ft@ krIsm@s.
    185.  venIs Iz fUl Qv teIstl@s p@UstkA:dz Qv Di: d@UdZ ste@rIN enIgm{tIkli aUt tu: si:.
    186.  aIm wel @we@ D{t rO: vedZt@b@lz k@nteIn mO: vIt@mInz D{n kUkt wVnz.
    187.  aIl nev@ n@U weD@ It wQz Di: {lk@hQl O: Di: l{k Qv sli:p D{t geIv mi: bl3:d vIZ@n.
    188.  aIm Intri:gd D{t s@US@l v{lju:z k{n tSeIndZ s@U kwIkli.
    189.  aI kA:nt prItend tu: n@U Di: Igz{kt A:ns@ bVt aI k{n meIk {n edjukeItId ges.
    190.  D@ m@Ust teIsti k{r@ts kVm frQm mIst@ braUnz fA:m.
    191.  wen aIm pregn@nt aI get eI kreIvIN fO: sm@Uki beIk@n krIsps {nd draI r@UstId pi:nVts.
    192.  lA:st jI@ aI f@gQt tu: teIk maI pennaIf wen wi: went k{mpIN.
    193.  D@ b{Nk rQb@z m{nIdZd tu: IskeIp bIfO: eniwVN kUd n@UtIfaI Di: p@li:s.
    194.  Its Qbvi@s D{t Di: stju:d@nt wQz {mpli rIwO:dId fO: hIz Indev@z.
    195.  aI j3:n fO: Di: deI wen sm@UkIN Iz b{nd Qn pVblIk tr{nspO:t.
    196.  aIl kO:l Intu: Di: kemIst Qn Di: weI b{k {nd baI sVm S{mpu:.
    197.  D@ m{nIdZ@res tri:tId O:l h3: SQp @sIst@nts laIk d3:t.
    198.  aI wIS aI lIvd eI lIt@l bIt nI@r@ tu: Di: su:p@mA:kIt.
    199.  Its IntaI@li In{pr@Upri@t tu: we@ bl{k {t eI wedIN.
    200.  O:l Di: kVl@d INks m3:dZd Intu: wVn @nVD@ wen hi: spIlt Di: wO:t@.


    ATR/CSTR Sentence Design

    J.Laver, C.Bennett, I.Cohen, J.Dalby, D.Davies, M.McAllister

    Centre for Speech Technology Research, University of Edinburgh October 1988

    Copyright Edinburgh University 1988

    I. Introduction

    Phonetically rich sentences have been developed for the ATR/CSTR Speech Database Project. (These are called Scribe-Set-A for the Scribe Project.) These 200 sentences have been constructed so as to provide almost total coverage of per- missible demi-syllables in English, where the demi-syllable is equal to an obligatory vowel nucleus optionally either preceded by or followed by a certain number of consonants.

    1) to 5) below are examples of possible syllable structures.

           1)		V
    	   2)	C	V
           3)	C	C	V
    	   4)		V	C
    	   5)		V	C	C

    (where V = vowel, and C = consonant.)

    According to Hultzen (1965), a vowel nucleus in a syllable may be preceded by up to three consonants and followed by up to four consonants.

    (C)(C)(C) V (C)(C)(C)(C)

    The 200 hundred sentences as a whole contain at least one example of all these possibilities.

    B) In addition, for each demi-syllable structure, the sentences as a whole contain (with the exception of a few very special cases) at least one example of: i) all the possible instantiations of onset clusters (i.e. all permissible sequences of initial C's) and ii) all the possible instantiations of offset clusters (i.e. all permissible sequences of final C's). Examples 6) - 11) below are possible instantiations of C clusters in onset and offset position.

    		C   C	C   V	C   C	C   C  	example
    	6)	s   t   r   - 			strengths	015
    	7)	s   p   l   -			splattered	088
    	8)	    n	y   -			new		041
    	9)		    -	s   t		past		061
    	10)		    -	m   p   t	stamped		136
    	11)		    -	m   p   s   t	glimpsed	087

    For a fuller account of what constitutes a permissible phonemic cluster the reader is referred to Hultzen.

    C) We have also ensured, within the limits of 200 sentences, that where there exists more than one token of some permissible onset or offset cluster, each token occurs with a different vowel and that preferably those vowels are taken from distinct vowel classes. 12) and 13) below are examples of two identical sequences of consonants followed by vowels from differing vowel classes while 14) and 15) show two identical sequences of consonants preceded by vowels from differing vowel classes.

    		C   C	C   V	C   C	C   C  	example
    	12)	s   k   r   a			scratch		022
    	13)	s   k	r   i			scripts		041
    	14)		    uh	n   z		buns		067
    	15)		    ii	n   z		scenes		073

    The vowel classes that we referred to in the construction of the sentences are as follows:

    High Mid Low Front Central Back Diphthongs

    According to Hultzen, these categories provide a useful set of parameters for covering major acoustic and articulatory distinctions.

    D) Although we were unable to include a full paradigm of possible combinations of clusters with vowel nuclei, the sentences as a whole achieve almost complete coverage of possible combinations between single consonants (in both initial and final position) and the obligatory vowel. That is, the sentences contain (with the exception of a few very special cases) one example of every RP consonant phoneme, both preceded by and followed by every RP vowel, where permissible within the syllable.

    E) The exceptions referred to in B) and D) above concern demi-syllable types which are of particularly low frequency, either because they occur in just one word in the language or because the word or set of words in which they occur are of recent foreign origin. As a matter of policy we decided to omit these demi- syllables from the sentences if they could only be included at the expense of more frequent demi-syllable patterns.

    These omissions have, though, been partially compensated for since we have tried to ensure that the sequences of phonemes constitutive of the missing demi-syllables occur somewhere in the corpus at least as a sequence across a syllable boundary. Thus, although there are no examples of an onset comprising the sequence /sh w/ (as in the recently imported word `schweppes'), we have included an example of that sequence across a syllable in sentence 101.

    / ... dh @ . l ii sh . w e n . w ii ... /

    A sequence of two phonemes (irrespective of whether it occurs in or across a syllable boundary) is referred to as a "diphone", and for the purposes of this definition, an utterance boundary, transcribed as /#/, is taken to count as a phoneme. A full list of the diphones and a specification of the demi-syllables along with the number of the sentences in which they occur is provided in the phonological index (Appendix 3), and a guide on how to interpret this index is given in note 6) below.

    F) As well as providing a substantial coverage of demi- syllable types, the sentences as a whole contain a representative sample of syllable types. This was obtained by ensuring that for all,

    (C)(C) C V C (C)(C)(C)

    syllables, the obligatory Cs either side of the vowel nucleus covered the full paradigm of combinations of sounds taken from the following broad classes,

    In other words, we have at least one example of the following types of syllables:

    and so forth.

    G) It is important to note that claims made about the coverage of syllables and demi-syllables within a given corpus are in part governed by one's methods of syllabification. We have adopted a version of the "rule of maximal onset" (Fujimura & Lovins 1977). This rule determines the pattern of a syllable both within the word and across adjacent words. Word internally, the rule states that for any given string of consonants between two vowel nuclei, e.g.

    V C C C V

    # a s p r i (n) #

    the syllable boundary should be placed so that as many Cs as are phonotactically permissible will form part of the onset of the second syllable. Thus the word `aspirin' (sentence 153) is syllabified as shown below in example 16 rather than as in example 17.

    16) # a . s p r i n #

    17) # a s . p r i n #

    (where `.' is a syllable boundary)

    For syllabification across adjacent words, the rule states that word final consonant phonemes should be attributed to the onset of the following word if the following word begins with a vowel (Kahn 1976). Thus, the phrase `zealous enthusiasm' (sentence 032) is syl- labified as 18) rather than as 19),

    18) / z e . l @ . s i n . th y uu . z ii* . a . z @ m* / +

    19) / z e . l @ s . i n . th y uu . z ii* . a . z @ m* /

    + The asterisk (*) notation is explained in H) below.

    However, this rule claims that resyllabification does not occur if the following word begins with a consonant. Thus in sentences 062, the phrase `the hearse will arrive' is syllabified as 20) rather than as 21),

    20) / dh @ . h @@ s . w i . l @ . r ai v /

    21) / dh @ . h @@ . s w i . l @ . r ai v /

    even though /s w/ is a permissible onset cluster in English. The rule also claims that resyllabification does not occur if the first word in some string ends with a possible syllabic consonant, namely /@ l*/, /@ m*/ or /@ n*/. Thus in sentence 056, the phrase `article in' is syllabified as 22) rather than as 23),

    22) /aa . t i . k @ l* . i n/

    23) /aa . t i . k @ . l i n/.

    It is important to stress that the rule we have adopted is only a hypothesis about the way speakers draw syllable boundaries and not a proven fact. The transcriptions may therefore need to be modified at a later stage should speakers show significant variations from these hypothesized forms. For instance, we anticipate that the rule might not apply to phrases which include certain pronouns and function words, but for consistency's sake, we have (at this stage) applied the rule wherever its segmental description is met.

    Since methods of syllabification can influence the claims one makes about coverage of demi-syllables, we have tried to ensure that demi-syllable tokens of debatable status do not furnish the only example of that demi-syllable type.

    H) Other variables we have had to take into account in the construction of the sentences are:

    i) possible vowel reduction in unstressed position,

    ii) possible segment deletion in certain contexts,

    iii) possible alternate realization of certain segments.

    Here again we have made sure, where possible, that demi-syllable tokens which are likely to be reduced or deleted or which are subject to varying forms of realization do not furnish the only example of that demi-syllable type. For instance while there are many occurrences of the word `to' in the sentences, these could not be accepted as reliable tokens of the demi- syllable /t uu/ since this word is likely to be reduced to /t @/ in most contexts. Therefore, in addition, we had to include that demi-syllable in a syntactic position or in a word where it was unlikely to be reduced, eg. `two' (sentence 031). Similarly, we have had to ensure that demi-syllable tokens which might be realised differently by different RP speakers are not used as the only example of that demi-syllable type if there exists another syllable in the language which doesn't contain that ambiguity. In our transcriptions, we have used an asterisk (`*') to indicate possible reductions or alternative realisations. A guide to interpretation is given below,

    /ii*/ can be optionally realized as /i/

    /uu*/ can be optionally realized as /u/ or /@/

    /ei*/ can be optionally realized as /ii/ or /i/

    /u@*/ can be optionally realized as /oo/

    /ou*/ can be optionally realized as /@/

    /i*/,/u*/,/o*/,/a*/,/aa*/ can all be optionally realized as /@/

    /@ l*/ can be optionally realized as /l=/

    /@ m*/ can be optionally realized as /m=/

    /@ n*/ can be optionally realized as /n=/

    /t y*/ can be optionally realized as /ch/

    /d y*/ can be optionally realized as /jh/

    Bracket notation has been used to indicate that a given segment may be optionally deleted, as in / f r e n (d) z / (sentence 003). Brace notation has been used to indicate optionality of realisation where the use of an asterisk would lead to ambiguity. For example, because we have transcribed the word `are' (sentence 022) as /aa*/ to indicate that /aa/ can be optionally realized as /@/, we have to transcribe the word `transport' (sentence 195) as

    /t r {aa}n . s p oo t/ {a}

    to indicate that /aa/ in this context may optionally be realized as /a/. The asterisk, bracket and brace notation are adjuncts to the MRPA and not part of the alphabet itself (see Appendix 4 and note 4 below).

    I) To aid readability, we have tried to ensure i) that each sentence is phonemically balanced, and ii) that the sentences vary from one another in terms of their structure and length (within the constraint of declarative syntax and 10 to 20 word limits.)

    To meet the first criterion, we composed each sentence using a varied selection of phonemes and cluster types. This reduces the possibility of speaker's faltering as they read the sentences, while the second consideration reduces the probability of speakers adopting an unnatural stress pattern.

    J) Once the sentences had been written, they were filtered for possible interpretations which might give offense. This operation had to be applied bearing in mind the variety of cultures from which prospective readers might be drawn.

    6. Phonological Index (Appendix 3) For ease of reference we have included an index which lists the demi-syllables and diphones occurring in the 200 sentences. The demi-syllables have been grouped into syllable- final and syllable-initial consonant cluster sub-sets and further subdivided by the vowel which forms the nucleus of the syllable, while the diphones have been grouped according to their initial phoneme. In addition, each demi-syllable entry has been annotated by the sentence number(s) in which that demi-syllable occurs. For example, the index entry,


    heads a list of all the sentences in which the syllable- final consonant cluster /s t/ is preceded by the vowel /a/, making up the demi-syllable /a s t/. While, the index entry,


    heads a list of all the sentences in which the syllable- initial consonant cluster /s t/ is succeeded by the vowel /a/, making up the demi-syllable /s t a/. The demi-syllable index is in alphabetical order. Therefore, these entries must be sought near the beginning and end of their respective lists, despite their being constructed from the same elements.

    7. MRPA (Appendix 4)

    MRPA stands for "Machine Readable Phonemic Alphabet". This is the notation, developed at CSTR, that we have used for training the research staff in transcription up to the present time. Appendix 4 gives a detailed description of how to interpret this alphabet.

    8. MRAA (Appendix 5)

    MRAA stands for "Machine Readable Allophonic Alphabet". This notation provides a way of making phonetically specific statements about any given segment in a stretch of speech. This notation has not been used up to present but will be used for limited allophonic comment once we start to transcribe actual recordings of the database text. Appendix 5 gives a detailed description of how to interpret this alpha- bet.


    Francis, W.N. and Kucera, H. 1982. Frequency Analysis of English Usage Lexicon and Grammar, Boston: Houghton Mifflin.

    Fujimura, O. and Lovins, J.B. 1982. Syllables as Concatenative Phonetic Units, I.U. Linguistics Club.

    Hultzen, L.S. 1965. Consonant Clusters in English, American Speech, Vol XL, pp 5-19.

    Kahn, D. 1976. Syllable-Based Generalizations in English Phonology, I.U Linguistics Club.

    McAllister, M. 1988. The Textual Normalisation of Numerical Strings in an Automatic Text-to-Speech System, in prepara- tion.

    Appendix 1: Transcribed list of words derived from the 200 sentences

    The 200 sentences word list

    a              # " @ #
    a              # " ei #
    able           # " ei . b @ l* #
    about          # @ . " b au t #
    absolutely     # " a b . s @ . " l uu t . l ii* #
    absorbed       # a* b . " z oo b d #
    accident       # " a k . s i . d @ n t #
    account        # @ . " k au n t #
    acknowledged   # a k . " n o . l i jh d #
    adored         # @ . " d oo d #
    advances       # a* d . " v aa n . s i z #
    after          # " aa f . t @ #
    afternoon      # aa f . t @ . " n uu n #
    again          # @ . " g ei n #
    against        # @ . " g ei n s t #
    age            # " ei jh #
    aggravating    # " a . g r @ . v ei . t i ng #
    ago            # @ . " g ou #
    ahead          # @ . " h e d #
    aim            # " ei m #
    aimlessly      # " ei m . l @ . s l ii* #
    airing         # " e@ . r i ng #
    ajar           # @ . " jh aa #
    alcohol        # " a l . k @ . h o l #
    alf's          # " a l f s #
    all            # " oo l #
    alleviate      # @ . " l ii . v ii* . ei t #
    almost         # " oo l . m ou s t #
    along          # @ . " l o ng #
    alps           # " a l p s #
    already        # oo l . " r e . d ii* #
    also           # " oo l . s ou #
    alternatives   # oo l . " t @@ . n @ . t i v z #
    altogether     # " oo l . t @ . " g e . dh @ #
    always         # " oo l . w ei z #
    amelia         # @ . " m ii . l y @ #
    american       # @ . " m e . r i . k @ n #
    amidst         # @ . " m i d s t #
    amongst        # @ . " m uh ng s t #
    amply          # " a m . p l ii #
    an             # " a n #
    ancient        # " ei n . sh @ n t #
    and            # " a n d #
    annoy          # @ . " n oi #
    annoyance      # @ . " n oi . @ n s #
    another        # @ ." n uh . dh @ #
    answer         # " aa n . s @ #
    answered       # " aa n . s @ d #
    any            # " e . n ii* #
    anyone         # " e . n ii* . w uh n #
    appeared       # @ . " p i@ d #
    archbishop     # " aa ch . " b i . sh @ p #
    architects     # " aa . k i . t e k t s #
    are            # " aa #
    area           # " e@ . r ii* . @ #
    argue          # " aa . g y uu #
    arrears        # @ . " r i@ z #
    arrive         # @ . " r ai v #
    arrived        # @ . " r ai v d #
    art            # " aa t #
    article        # " aa . t i . k @ l* #
    as             # " a z #
    aside          # @ . " s ai d #
    asked          # " aa s k t #
    aspirin        # " a . s p r i n #
    assailant      # @ . " s ei . l @ n* t #
    asses          # " a . s i z #
    assistants     # @ . " s i . s t @ n t s #
    assume         # @ . " s y uu m #
    at             # " a t #
    attempt        # @ . " t e m p t #
    attempts       # @ . " t e m p t s #
    attending      # @ . " t e n . d i ng #
    attracts       # @ . " t r a k t s #
    authority      # oo . " th o . r i . t ii* #
    avoid          # @ . " v oi d #
    aware          # @ . " w e@ #
    babe           # " b ei b #
    bach's         # " b aa k s #
    back           # " b a k #
    back-yard      # " b a k . " y aa d #
    bacon          # " b ei . k @ n* #
    badge          # " b a jh #
    badger         # " b a . jh @ #
    bag            # " b a g #
    baked          # " b ei k t #
    ball           # " b oo l #
    banged         # " b a ng d #
    bank           # " b a ng k #
    banned         # " b a n d #
    barge          # " b aa jh #
    barley         # " b aa . l ii* #
    barriers       # " b a . r i@ z #
    barriers       # " b a . r ii . @ z #
    bath           # " b aa th #
    bathed         # " b ei dh d #
    battle         # " b a . t @ l* #
    be             # " b ii* #
    bear           # " b e@ #
    beard          # " b i@ d #
    beat           # " b ii t #
    beautiful      # " b y uu . t i . f u l #
    because        # b i . " k o z #
    become         # b i . " k uh m #
    becoming       # b i . " k uh . m i ng #
    bed            # " b e d #
    bedouin        # " b e . d u . i n #
    bedouin        # " b e . d w i n #
    bedside        # " b e d . s ai d #
    beef           # " b ii f #
    been           # " b ii n #
    bees           # " b ii z #
    before         # b i . " f oo #
    beg            # " b e g #
    began          # b i . " g a n #
    beginning      # b i . " g i . n i ng #
    beige          # " b ei zh #
    believe        # b i . " l ii v #
    benedictine    # b e . n i* . " d i k . t ii* n #
    besiege        # b i* . " s ii jh #
    beth           # " b e th #
    bets           # " b e t s #
    between        # b i . " t w ii n #
    big            # " b i g #
    bill           # " b i l #
    birds          # " b @@ d z #
    bishop         # " b i . sh @ p #
    bit            # " b i t #
    bitten         # " b i . t @ n* #
    black          # " b l a k #
    blanche        # " b l aa n sh #
    blankets       # " b l a ng . k i t s #
    blew           # " b l uu #
    blind          # " b l ai n d #
    blitzed        # " b l i t s t #
    blouse         # " b l au z #
    blurred        # " b l @@ d #
    blythe         # " b l ai dh #
    boat           # " b ou t #
    bob            # " b o b #
    boiled         # " b oi l d #
    boots          # " b uu t s #
    boss           # " b o s #
    both           # " b ou th #
    bought         # " b oo t #
    bourgeoisie    # b u@* zh . w aa* . " z ii #
    brandy         # " b r a n . d ii* #
    brethren       # " b r e dh . r @ n #
    british        # " b r i . t i sh #
    bronzed        # " b r o n z d #
    brother        # " b r uh . dh @ #
    brow           # " b r au #
    brown's        # " b r au n z #
    brush          # " b r uh sh #
    bulb           # " b uh l b #
    bulldog        # " b u l . " d o g #
    bumped         # " b uh m p t #
    buns           # " b uh n z #
    bus            # " b uh s #
    busy           # " b i . z ii* #
    but            # " b uh t #
    butcher        # " b u . ch @  #
    buttons        # " b uh . t @ n* z #
    buy            # " b ai #
    by             # " b ai #
    cake           # " k ei k #
    call           # " k oo l #
    camouflaged    # " k a . m @ . f l aa zh d #
    camper's       # " k a m . p @ z #
    camping        # " k a m . p i ng #
    can            # " k a n #
    can't          # " k aa n t #
    candidate      # " k a n . d i . d @ t #
    capsized       # k a p . " s ai z d #
    car            # " k aa #
    card           # " k aa d #
    cares          # " k e@ z #
    carrots        # " k a . r @ t s #
    cascading      # k a* . " s k ei . d i ng #
    cashbox        # " k a sh . " b o k s #
    castle         # " k aa . s @ l #
    catch          # " k a ch #
    cath           # " k a th #
    caught         # " k oo t #
    caused         # " k oo z d #
    cello          # " ch e . l ou #
    centres        # " s e n . t @ z #
    ceremony       # " s e . r i . m @ . n ii* #
    certain        # " s @@ . t @ n* #
    chaired        # " ch e@ d #
    chance         # " ch aa n s #
    change         # " ch ei n jh #
    changing       # " ch ei n . jh i ng #
    chap           # " ch a p #
    charles        # " ch aa l z #
    cheddar        # " ch e . d @ #
    cheered        # " ch i@ d #
    chef           # " sh e f #
    chemist        # " k e . m i s t #
    cherries       # " ch e . r ii* z #
    chester        # " ch e . s t @ r #
    chickens       # " ch i . k i* n z #
    child          # " ch ai l d #
    childhood      # " ch ai l d . h u d #
    children       # " ch i l . d r @ n #
    chill          # " ch i l #
    china          # " ch ai . n @ #
    choice         # " ch oi s #
    choose         # " ch uu z #
    choppy         # " ch o . p ii* #
    chores         # " ch oo z #
    chose          # " ch ou z #
    chows          # " ch au z #
    christmas      # " k r i s . m @ s #
    chunk          # " ch uh ng k #
    church         # " ch @@ ch #
    cinderella     # s i n . d @ . " r e . l @ #
    claim          # " k l ei m #
    clara          # " k l aa . r @ #
    cleft          # " k l e f t #
    clenched       # " k l e n ch t #
    cleopatra      # k l ii . ou* . " p a . t r @ #
    cleopatra      # k l ii . ou* . " p aa . t r @ #
    cloth          # " k l o th #
    clouds         # " k l au d z #
    coach          # " k ou ch #
    cobwebs        # " k o b . w e b z #
    coe            # " k ou #
    coffee         # " k o . f ii* #
    collapsed      # k @ . " l a p s t #
    colleague      # " k o . l ii g #
    colleagues     # " k o . l ii g z #
    coloured       # " k uh . l @ d #
    come           # " k uh m #
    common         # " k o . m @ n #
    company        # " k uh m . p @ . n ii* #
    compared       # k @ m . " p e@ d #
    concealing     # k @ n . " s ii . l i ng #
    concierge      # k o n . s ii . " e@ zh #
    condolences    # k @ n . " d ou . l @ n . s i z #
    conferences    # " k o n . f (@ . )r @ n . s i z #
    considerable   # k @ n . " s i . d @ . r @ . b @ l* #
    considered     # k @ n . " s i . d @ d #
    constant       # " k o n . s t @ n t #
    contain        # k @ n . " t ei n #
    conversing     # k @ n . " v @@ . s i ng #
    cooked         # " k u k t #
    cool           # " k uu l #
    corner         # " k oo . n @ #
    could          # " k u d #
    couldn't       # " k u . d @ n* t #
    county         # " k au n . t ii* #
    courgettes     # k u@* . " zh e t s #
    court          # " k oo t #
    cover          # " k uh . v @ #
    cows           # " k au z #
    coy            # " k oi #
    craig          # " k r ei g #
    cranny         # " k r a . n ii* #
    craving        # " k r ei . v i ng #
    cream          # " k r ii m #
    credit         # " k r e . d i t #
    crew           # " k r uu #
    crisps         # " k r i s p s #
    cross          # " k r o s #
    crowd          # " k r au d #
    crowded        # " k r au . d i d #
    crumble        # " k r uh m . b @ l* #
    cucumber       # " k y uu . k uh m . b @ #
    culture        # " k uh l . ch @ #
    cup            # " k uh p #
    curb           # " k @@ b #
    customers      # " k uh . s t @ . m @ z #
    customs        # " k uh . s t @ m z #
    cuthbert       # " k uh th . b @ t #
    dad            # " d a d #
    dangerous      # " d ei n . jh @ . r @ s #
    dare           # " d e@ #
    darkness       # " d aa k . n @ s #
    day            # " d ei #
    dear           # " d i@ #
    decidedly      # d i* . " s ai . d i* d . lii* #
    decision       # d i . " s i . zh @ n* #
    declare        # d i* . " k l e@ #
    deep           # " d ii p #
    defied         # d i . " f ai d #
    defrost        # " d ii . " f r o s t #
    demure         # d i* . " m y u@* #
    depth          # " d e p th #
    design         # d i . " z ai n #
    despite        # d i* . " s p ai t #
    dessert        # d i . " z @@ t #
    details        # " d ii . " t ei l z #
    detour         # " d ii . t u@* #
    deuce          # " d y* uu s #
    develop        # d i . " v e . l @ p #
    diagnosis      # d ai . @ g . " n ou . s i s #
    didn't         # " d i . d @ n* t #
    difficult      # " d i . f i . k @ l t #
    dignitaries    # " d i g . n i* . t (@ . )r ii* z #
    directors      # d i . " r e k . t @ z #
    dirt           # d @@ t #
    dirty          # " d @@ . t ii* #
    disclose       # d i s . " k l ou z #
    discussed      # d i . " s k uh s t #
    disdain        # d i . " s t ei n #
    disdain        # d i s . " d ei n #
    display        # d i . " s p l ei #
    dispute        # d i* . " s p y uu t #
    divorce        # d i . " v oo s #
    divulged       # d ai . " v uh l jh d #
    doctor         # " d o k . t @ #
    dodge          # " d o jh #
    does           # " d uh z #
    dog            # " d o g #
    doge           # " d ou jh #
    doily          # " d oi . l ii* #
    dollop         # " d o . l @ p #
    don't          # " d ou n t #
    doomed         # " d uu m d #
    door           # " d oo #
    dots           # " d o t s #
    down           # " d au n #
    draft          # " d r aa f t #
    dreamed        # " d r e m (p) t #
    drinking       # " d r i ng . k i ng #
    dry            # " d r ai #
    during         # " d y u@ . r i ng #
    duty-free      # " d y uu . t ii* . " f r ii #
    dwarf          # " d w oo f #
    each           # " ii ch #
    earn           # " @@ n #
    earth          # " @@ th #
    eat            # " ii t #
    educated       # " e . d y* uu* . k ei . t i d #
    eggs           # " e g z #
    eiderdowns     # " ai . d @ . dau n z #
    eighth         # " ei t th #
    either         # " ai . dh @ #
    elbow          # " e l . b ou #
    elizabeth      # i . " l i . z @ . b @ th #
    embroidery     # e m . " b r oi . d @ . r ii* #
    embroidery     # i m . " b r oi . d @ . r ii* #
    emphasized     # " e m . f @ . s ai z d #
    encircled      # i n . " s @@ . k @ l d #
    endeavours     # i n . " d e . v @ z #
    engulfed       # i n . " g uh l f t #
    enigmatically  # e . n i g . " m a . t i . k (@ . )l ii* #
    enjoy          # i n . " jh oi #
    enough         # i . " n uh f #
    enthusiasm     # i n . " th y uu . z i . " a . z @ m #
    entice         # i n . " t ai s #
    entire         # i n . " t ai . @ #
    entirely       # i n . " t ai . @ . l ii* #
    entrancing     # i n . " t r aa n . s i ng #
    equally        # " ii . k w @ . l ii* #
    escape         # i* . " s k ei p #
    evening        # " ii v . n i ng #
    ever           # " e . v @ #
    every          # " e . v r ii* #
    everyone       # " e v . r ii* . w uh n #
    exact          # i g . " z a k t #
    excuse         # i k . " s k y uu s #
    excuse         # i k . " s k y uu z #
    exhibit        # i g . " z i . b i t #
    exhibit        # i k . " s i . b i t #
    expected       # i k . " s p e k . t i d #
    experiences    # i k . " s p i@ . r ii* . @ n . s i z #
    exploit        # i* k . " s p l oi t #
    explore        # i* k . " s p l oo #
    explosion      # i* k . " s p l ou . zh @ n* #
    exvhanged       # i k s . " ch ei n jh d #
    eye            # " ai #
    face           # " f ei s #
    failed         # " f ei l d #
    fails          # " f ei l z #
    fairly         # " f e@ . l ii* #
    faith          # " f ei th #
    familiar       # f @ . " m i . l y @ #
    family         # " f a . m i* . l ii* #
    far            # " f aa #
    farm           # " f aa m #
    fattening      # " f a . t @ n* . i ng #
    favourite      # " f ei . v (@ . )r i* t #
    fear           # " f i@ #
    feel           # " f ii l #
    feeling        # " f ii . l i ng #
    felt           # " f e l t #
    fetch          # " f e ch #
    fevered        # " f ii . v @ d #
    few            # " f y uu #
    fibbed         # " f i b d #
    fields         # " f ii l d z #
    fierce-looking # " f i@ s . " l u . k i ng #
    fifth          # " f i f th #
    filch          # " f i l ch #
    film           # " f i l m #
    filmed         # " f i l m d #
    films          # " f i l m z #
    find           # " f ai n d #
    finish         # " f i . n i sh #
    fire           # " f ai . @ #
    first          # " f @@ s t #
    fist           # " f i s t #
    fitting        # " f i . t i ng #
    five           # " f ai v #
    flannel        # " f l a . n @ l* #
    flat           # " f l a t #
    flicks         # " f l i k s #
    fluke          # " f l uu k #
    follow         # " f o . " l ou #
    followed       # " f o . " l ou d #
    food           # " f uu d #
    foot           # " f u t #
    for            # " f oo #
    forced         # " f oo s t #
    forces         # " f oo . s i z #
    forgot         # f @ . " g o t #
    form           # " f oo m #
    forsyth        # " f oo . s ai th #
    forsyth        # f @ . " s ai th #
    forty          # " f oo . t ii* #
    found          # " f au n d #
    four           # " f oo #
    free           # " f r ii* #
    french         # " f r e n ch #
    fresh          # " f r e sh #
    freshly        # " f r e sh . l ii* #
    friday         # " f r ai . d ei #
    fridge         # " f r i jh #
    friends        # " f r e n d z #
    frisked        # " f r i s k d #
    from           # " f r o m #
    front          # " f r uh n t #
    fudge          # " f uh jh #
    fugue          # " f y uu g #
    full           # " f u l #
    fun-fair       # " f uh n . " f e@ #
    further        # " f @@ . dh @ #
    futile         # " f y uu . t ai l #
    game           # " g ei m #
    garage         # " g a . r aa zh #
    gargoyle       # " g aa . g oi l #
    garish         # " g e@ . r i sh #
    garment        # " g aa . m @ n t #
    gas            # " g a s #
    gathered       # " g a . dh @ d #
    gave           # " g ei v #
    gear           # " g i@ #
    general        # " jh e . n (@ .) r @ l #
    george         # " jh oo jh #
    get            # " g e t #
    gets           # " g e t s #
    giant          # " jh ai . @ n t #
    girl           # " g @@ l #
    give           # " g i v #
    given          # " g i . v @ n* #
    gives          # " g i v z #
    glazier        # " g l ei . z i@ #
    glimpse        # " g l i m p s #
    glimpsed       # " g l i m p s t #
    gloves         # " g l uh v z #
    go             # " g ou #
    going          # " g ou . i ng #
    good           # " g u d #
    goodness       # " g u d . n @ s #
    gordon's       # " g oo . d @ n* z #
    gouged         # " g au jh d #
    goulash        # " g uu . l a sh #
    government     # " g uh . v @ (n) . m @ n t #
    gown           # " g au n #
    grabbed        # " g r a b d #
    graduation     # g r a . d y* uu . " ei . sh @ n* #
    grasped        # " g r aa s p t #
    graze          # " g r ei z #
    grew           # " g r uu #
    grotesquely    # g r ou* . " t e s . k l ii* #
    ground         # " g r au n d #
    grow           # " g r ou #
    growths        # " g r ou th s #
    guard          # " g aa d #
    guess          # " g e s #
    guests         # " g e s t s #
    guns           # " g uh n z #
    guy            # " g ai #
    h              # " ei ch #
    habits         # " h a . b i t s #
    had            # " h a d #
    hair           # " h e@ #
    half           # " h aa f #
    hall           # " h oo l #
    halves         # " h aa v z #
    hammered       # " h a . m @ d #
    hand           # " h a n d #
    hard           # " h aa d #
    hardly         # " h aa d . l ii* #
    has            # " h a z #
    hated          # " h ei . t i d #
    have           # " h a v #
    he             # " h ii* #
    he'd           # " h ii d #
    health         # " h e l th #
    hearse         # " h @@ s #
    heater         # " h ii . t @ #
    hedge          # " h e jh #
    heel           # " h ii l #
    heirloom       # " e@ . l uu m #
    helped         # " h e l p t #
    helps          # " h e l p s #
    henry          # " h e n . r ii* #
    her            # " h @@ #
    here           # " h i@ #
    high           # " h ai #
    hilarious      # h i . " l e@ . r ii* . @ s #
    hill           # " h i l #
    him            # " h i m #
    himself        # h i m . " s e l f #
    his            # " h i z #
    historians     # h i . " s t oo . r ii . @ n z #
    hole           # " h ou l #
    holiday        # " h o . l i* . d ei #
    home           # " h ou m #
    hope           # " h ou p #
    horrible       # " h o . r i* . b @ l* #
    hotel          # h ou . " t e l #
    house          # " h au s #
    household      # " h au s . h ou l d #
    hoyle          # " h oi l #
    hub-bub        # " h uh b . b @ b #
    huge           # " h y uu jh #
    hungarian      # h @ ng . " g e@ . r ii* . @ n #
    hunting        # " h uh n . t i ng #
    hurled         # " h @@ l d #
    hurry          # " h uh . r ii* #
    husbands       # " h uh z . b @ n d z #
    hysterics      # h i . " s t e . r i k s #
    i              # " ai #
    i'll           # " ai l #
    i'm            # " ai m #
    i've           # " ai v #
    ice            # " ai s #
    iceberg        # " ai s . b @@ g #
    iced           # " ai s t #
    if             # " i f #
    impact         # " i m . p a k t #
    important      # i m . " p oo . t @ n t #
    impregnable    # i m . " p r e g . n @ . b @ l* #
    impressed      # i m . " p r e s t #
    improvement    # i m . " p r uu v . m @ n t #
    in             # " i n #
    inappropriate  # i . n @ . " p r ou . p r ii* . @ t #
    increasingly   # i ng . " k r ii . s i ng . l ii* #
    indulge        # i n . " d uh l jh #
    injurious      # i n . " jh u@ . r ii* . @ s #
    inks           # " i ng k s #
    instant        # " i n . s t @ n t #
    instead        # i n . " s t e d #
    instincts      # " i n . s t i ng k (t) s #
    into           # " i n . t uu #
    intrigued      # i n . " t r ii g d #
    invaluable     # i n . " v a . l y uu* . (@ . )b @ l* #
    is             # " i z #
    isn't          # " i . z @ n* t #
    it             # " i t #
    it's           # " i t s #
    itches         # " i . ch i z #
    its            # " i t s #
    ivy            # " ai . v ii* #
    jack           # " jh a k #
    jane           # " jh ei n #
    jean           # " jh ii n #
    jeer           # " jh i@ #
    jeff's         # " jh e f s #
    jennings       # " jh e . n i ng z #
    jerked         # " jh @@ k t #
    jesuit         # " jh e . z y uu . i t #
    jibe           # " jh ai b #
    jill           # " jh i l #
    john           # " jh o n #
    jokes          # " jh ou k s #
    journal        # " jh @@ . n @ l #
    joy            # " jh oi #
    judge          # " jh uh jh #
    judith         # " jh uu . d i th #
    junction       # " jh uh ng k . sh @ n* #
    just           # " jh uh s t #
    kangaroo       # k a ng . g @ . " r uu #
    karl           # " k aa l #
    keeps          # " k ii p s #
    kensington     # " k e n . z i ng . t @ n #
    khaki          # " k aa . k ii* #
    kids           # " k i d z #
    kiln           # " k i l n #
    kind-hearted   # " k ai n d . " h aa . t i d #
    kirsch         # " k i@ sh #
    knots          # " n o t s #
    know           # " n ou #
    knowledge      # " n o . l i jh #
    lack           # " l a k #
    lager          # " l aa . g @ #
    landed         # " l a n . d i d #
    language       # " l a ng . g w i jh #
    larder         # " l aa . d @ #
    large          # " l aa jh #
    last           # " l aa s t #
    latest         # " l ei . t i* s t #
    launched       # " l oo n ch t #
    laundry        # " l oo n . d r ii* #
    learn          # " l @@ n #
    leash          # " l ii sh #
    leave          # " l ii v #
    left           # " l e f t #
    legs           # " l e g z #
    lend           # " l e n d #
    length         # " l e ng (k) th #
    less           # " l e s #
    lethargic      # l i* . " th aa . jh i k #
    lettuce        # " l e . t i* s #
    leyland        # " l ei . l @ n d #
    lifts          # " l i f t s #
    light          # " l ai t #
    like           # " l ai k #
    line           # " l ai n #
    little         # " l i . t @ l* #
    live           # " l i v #
    lived          # " l i v d #
    loaf           # " l ou f #
    loathe         # " l ou dh #
    location       # l ou* . k ei . sh @ n* #
    lodge          # " l o jh #
    loitering      # " l oi . t @ . r i ng #
    long           # " l o ng #
    looked         # " l u k t #
    lost           # " l o s t #
    loudly         # " l au d . l ii* #
    lounge         # " l au n jh #
    love           # " l uh v #
    loved          # " l uh v d #
    lucky          # " l uh . k ii* #
    luxurious      # l uh g . " zh u@ . r ii* . @ s #
    made           # " m ei d #
    magazine       # " m a . g @ . " z ii n #
    maggie         # " m a . g ii* #
    make           # " m ei k #
    makes          # " m ei k s #
    malt           # " m oo l t #
    malt           # " m oo l t #
    man            # " m a n #
    manage         # " m a . n i jh #
    managed        # " m a . n i jh d #
    manageress     # " m a . n i* . jh @ . r e s #
    manuscripts    # " m a . n y uu* . s k r i p t s #
    many           # " m e . n ii* #
    martin         # " m aa . t i n #
    mary           # " m e@ . r ii* #
    mashed         # " m a sh t #
    matching       # " m a . ch i ng #
    maths          # " m a th s #
    mauve          # " m ou v #
    mayor          # " m e@ #
    me             # " m ii* #
    mediterranean  # m e . d i . t i* . " r ei . n ii* . @ n #
    meeting        # " m ii . t i ng #
    mending        # " m e n . d i ng #
    mention        # " m e n . sh @ n* #
    merely         # " m i@ . l ii* #
    merged         # " m @@ jh d #
    might          # " m ai t #
    milk           # " m i l k #
    milked         # " m i l k t #
    minister       # " m i . n i . s t @ #
    miss           # " m i s #
    missed         # " m i s t #
    missing        # " m i . s i ng #
    moat           # " m ou t #
    moira          # " m oi . r @ #
    moments        # " m ou . m @ n t s #
    money          # " m uh . n ii* #
    monks          # " m uh ng k s #
    months         # " m uh n th s #
    mooched        # " m uu ch t #
    moon           # " m uu n #
    moot           # " m uu t #
    more           # " m oo #
    morgue         # " m oo g #
    most           # " m ou s t #
    mother         # " m uh . dh @ #
    mountain       # " m au n . t i n #
    moustache      # m @ . " s t aa sh #
    mouthe         # " m au dh #
    moved          # " m uu v d #
    mr             # " m i . s t @ #
    mrs            # " m i . s i z #
    much           # " m uh ch #
    mud            # " m uh d #
    muffet         # " m uh . f i t #
    multi-bulbed   # " m uh l . t ii* . " b uh l b d #
    music          # " m y uu . z i k #
    muster         # " m uh . s t @ #
    my             # " m ai #
    myself         # m ai . " s e l f #
    mysterious     # m i . " s t i@ . r i . @ s #
    nasty          # " n aa . s t ii* #
    nation's       # " n ei . sh @ n* z #
    nations        # " n ei . sh @ n* z #
    nearer         # " n i@ . r @ #
    neck           # " n e k #
    necklace       # " n e . k l @ s #
    need           # " n ii d #
    needed         # " n ii . d i d #
    neighbours     # " n ei . b @ z #
    neon           # " n ii . o n #
    never          # " n e . v @ #
    new            # " n y uu #
    newcastle      # " n y uu . " k aa . s @ l* #
    next           # " n e k s t #
    night          # " n ai t #
    ninth          # " n ai n th #
    no             # " n ou #
    nod            # " n o d #
    nook           # " n u k #
    normally       # " n oo . m @ . l ii* #
    north          # " n oo th #
    not            # " n o t #
    nothing        # " n uh . th i ng #
    noticed        # " n ou . t i s t #
    notify         # " n ou . t i . f ai #
    now            # " n au #
    number         # " n uh m . b @ #
    numerous       # " n y uu . m @ . r @ s #
    nurse          # " n @@ s #
    nymph          # " n i m f #
    obituary       # @ . " b i . ch u@ . r ii* #
    oblige         # @ . " b l ai jh #
    obliged        # @ . " b l ai jh d #
    obvious        # " o b . v ii . @ s #
    occasion       # @ . " k ei . zh @ n* #
    of             # " o v #
    off            # " o f #
    offer          # " o . f @ #
    often          # " o f . t @ n #
    oil            # " oi l #
    ointment       # " oi n t . m @ n t #
    old            # " ou l d #
    olympic        # @ . " l i m . p i k #
    on             # " o n #
    once           # " w uh n s #
    one            # " w uh n #
    ones           # " w uh n z #
    only           # " ou n . l ii* #
    oozed          # " uu z d #
    opened         # " ou . p @ n d #
    opportunities  # o . p @ . " t y uu . n i* . t ii* z #
    opposition     # " o . p @ . " z i . sh @ n* #
    or             # " oo #
    order          # " oo . d @ #
    other          # " uh . dh @ #
    ought          # " oo t #
    our            # " au . @ #
    out            # " au t #
    over           # " ou . v @ #
    overgrown      # ou . v @ . " g r ou n #
    overwhelmed    # ou . v @ . " w e l m d #
    overworked     # " ou . v @ . " w @@ k t #
    own            # " ou n #
    ownership      # " ou . n @ . sh i p #
    pages          # " p ei . jh i z #
    paint          # " p ei n t #
    palate         # " p a . l @ t #
    paper          # " p ei . p @ #
    parents        # " p e@ . r @ n t s #
    park           # " p aa k #
    parsnip        # " p aa . s n i p #
    passers-by     # " p aa . s @ z . " b ai #
    passport       # " p aa s . p oo t #
    past           # " p aa s t #
    paths          # " p aa dh z #
    patrick        # " p a . t r i k #
    paul's         # " p oo l z #
    peanuts        # " p ii . n uh* t s #
    pedal          # " p e . d @ l* #
    pedestrian     # p @ . " d e . s t r ii* . @ n #
    pen-knife      # " p e n . " n ai f #
    people         # " p ii . p @ l* #
    people's       # " p ii . p @ l* z #
    people's       # " p ii . p @ l* z #
    perfect        # " p @@ . f i k t #
    performance    # p @ . " f oo . m @ n s #
    perfunctory    # p @ . " f uh ng k . t @ . r ii* #
    perplexed      # p @ . " p l e k s t #
    person         # " p @@ . s @ n* #
    perturbed      # p @ . " t @@ b d #
    pete           # " p ii t #
    phase          # " f ei z #
    philips        # " f i . l i p s #
    phone          # " f ou n #
    photographs    # " f ou . t @ . g r aa f s #
    piano          # p ii . " a . n ou #
    ping-pong      # " p i ng . " p o ng #
    pint           # " p ai n t #
    place          # " p l ei s #
    plaintiff      # " p l ei n . t i f #
    pleased        # " p l ii z d #
    plug           # " p l uh g #
    plunged        # " p l uh n jh d #
    point          # " p oi n t #
    points         # " p oi n t s #
    police         # p @ . " l ii s #
    policy         # " p o . l @ . s ii* #
    poodle         # " p uu . d @ l* #
    poor           # " p u@ #
    poorly         # p u@ . l ii* #
    pop            # " p o p #
    popularity     # p o . p y u . " l a . r i* . t ii* #
    population     # p o . p y u . " l ei . sh @ n* #
    pork           # " p oo k #
    porsche        # " p oo sh #
    postcards      # " p ou s t . k aa d z #
    potatoes       # p @ . " t ei . t ou z #
    pouch          # " p au ch #
    power          # " p au . @ #
    practical      # " p r a k . t i . k @ l* #
    practise       # " p r a k . t i s #
    pregnant       # " p r e g . n @ n t #
    prejudice      # " p r e . jh u . d i s #
    prepare        # p r i . " p e@ #
    presbyterian   # p r e z . b i* . " t e@ . r ii* . @ n #
    presbyterian   # p r e z . b i* . " t i@ . r ii* . @ n #
    presence       # " p r e . z @ n s #
    present        # " p r e . z @ n* t #
    present        # p r i* . " z e n t #
    pretend        # p r i* . " t e n d #
    previous       # " p r ii . v ii* . @ s #
    price          # " p r ai s #
    priest         # " p r ii s t #
    problems       # " p r o . b l @ m z #
    produced       # p r @ . " d y uu s t #
    professor's    # p r @ . " f e . s @ z #
    professors     # p r @ . " f e . s @ z #
    prompts        # " p r o m p t s #
    proof          # " p r uu f #
    proposals      # p r @ . " p ou . z @ l z #
    public         # " p uh . b l i k #
    pulse          # " p uh l s #
    purely         # " p y u@ . l ii* #
    purple         # " p @@ . p @ l* #
    pushed         # " p u sh t #
    puss           # " p u s #
    put            # " p u t #
    quarter        # " k w oo . t @ #
    questionnaire  # k w e s . t y* @ . " n e@ #
    quickly        # " k w i . k l ii* #
    quite          # " k w ai t #
    race           # " r ei s #
    raised         # " r ei z d #
    ran            # " r a n #
    range          # " r ei n jh #
    rapid          # " r a . p i d #
    rare           # " r e@ #
    rate           # " r ei t #
    rather         # " r aa . dh @ #
    raw            # " r oo #
    realized       # " r ii . @ . l ai z d #
    really         # " r i@ . l ii* #
    reason         # " r ii . z @ n* #
    reasons        # " r ii . z @ n* z #
    recent         # " r ii . s @ n t #
    record         # " r e . k oo d #
    regime         # r ei . " zh ii m #
    relationship   # r i . " l ei . sh @ n* . sh i p #
    remained       # r i . " m ei n d #
    remains        # r i . " m ei n z #
    remembered     # r i . " m e m . b @ d #
    report         # r i . " p oo t #
    resistance     # r i* . " z i . s t @ n s #
    resolved       # r i . " z o l v d #
    resounding     # r i . " z au n . d i ng #
    rest           # " r e s t #
    return         # r i . " t @@ n #
    returned       # r i . " t @@ n d #
    revoke         # r i . " v ou k #
    rewarded       # r i . " w oo . d i d #
    rhubarb        # " r uu . b aa b #
    risks          # " r i s k s #
    risky          # " r i . sk ii* #
    road           # " r ou d #
    roasted        # " r ou . s t i d #
    rob's          # " r o b z #
    robbers        # " r o . b @ z #
    room           # " r uu m #
    rope           # " r ou p #
    rosette        # r ou* . " z e t #
    round          # " r au n d #
    roy            # " r oi #
    ruck-sack      # " r uh k . " s a k #
    saabs          # " s aa b z #
    sabotage       # " s a . b @ . t aa zh #
    safety         # " s ei f . t ii* #
    salmon         # s a . " m @ n #
    same           # " s ei m #
    sandra's       # " s aa n . d r @ z #
    sandwiches     # " s a m . w i . jh i z #
    sandwiches     # " s a n (d) . w i . jh i z #
    sarah          # " s e@ . r @ #
    sat            # " s a t #
    sausages       # " s o . s i* . jh i z #
    saw            # " s oo #
    say            # " s ei #
    says           # " s e z #
    scalp          # " s k a l p #
    scandal        # " s k a n . d @ l* #
    scarcely       # " s k e@ . s l ii* #
    scenes         # " s ii n z #
    school         # " s k uu l #
    score          # " s k oo #
    scratch        # " s k r a ch #
    sea            # " s ii* #
    seas           # " s ii z #
    second         # " s e . k @ n d #
    secret         # " s ii . k r i* t #
    secretary's    # " s e . k r i* . t r ii* z #
    security       # s i . " k y u@ . r @ . t ii* #
    see            # " s ii* #
    seem           # " s ii m #
    seems          # " s ii m z #
    seen           # " s ii n #
    sent           # " s e n t #
    seraph         # " s e . r @ f #
    served         # " s @@ v d #
    service        # " s @@ . v i s #
    several        # " s e . v @ . r @ l #
    shall          # " sh a l #
    shame          # " sh ei m #
    shampoo        # sh a m . " p uu #
    shared         # " sh e@ d #
    sharon         # " sh a . r @ n #
    sharp          # " sh aa p #
    shave          # " sh ei v #
    she            # " sh ii* #
    she'll         # " sh ii l #
    sheer          # " sh i@ #
    sheets         # " sh ii t s #
    shines         # " sh ai n z #
    shirt          # " sh @@ t #
    shiver         # " sh i . v @ #
    shoes          # " sh uu z #
    shop           # " sh o p #
    shopping       # " sh o . p i ng #
    short          # " sh oo t #
    should         # " sh u d #
    shoved         # " sh uh v d #
    show           # " sh ou #
    shower         # " sh au . @ #
    shrugged       # " sh r uh g d #
    side           # " s ai d #
    sight          # " s ai t #
    silk           # " s i l k #
    silks          # " s i l k s #
    silly          # " s i . l ii* #
    simms          # " s i m z #
    since          # " s i n s #
    sincere        # s i n . " s i@ #
    sing           # " s i ng #
    skirt          # " s k @@ t #
    sleep          # " s l ii p #
    slept          # " s l e p t #
    sloppily       # " s l o . p i* . l ii* #
    sloth          # " s l ou th #
    smack          # " s m a k #
    smaller        # " s m oo . l @ #
    smell          # " s m e l #
    smoking        # " s m ou . k i ng #
    smoky          # " s m ou . k ii* #
    snakeskin      # " s n ei k . s k i n #
    so             # " s ou #
    social         # " s ou . sh @ l #
    soluble        # " s o . l y uu* . b @ l* #
    some           # " s uh m #
    soon           # " s uu n #
    soothe         # " s uu dh #
    sore           # " s oo #
    sound          # " s au n d #
    soup           # " s uu p #
    south          # " s au th #
    space          # " s p ei s #
    speech         # " s p ii ch #
    spelled        # " s p e l t #
    spelled # " s p e l d #
    spending       # " s p e n . d i ng #
    sphere         # " s f i@ #
    spilled        # " s p i l d #
    spilled        # " s p i l t #
    spite          # " s p ai t #
    splattered     # " s p l a . t @ d #
    spree          # " s p r ii #
    spring         # " s p r i ng #
    squash         # " s k w o sh #
    squelched      # " s k w e l ch t #
    stamp          # " s t a m p #
    stamped        # " s t a m p t #
    stand          # " s t a n d #
    stare          # " s t e@ #
    staring        # " s t e@ . r i ng #
    stars          # " s t aa z #
    start          # " s t aa t #
    started        # " s t aa . t i d #
    starting       # " s t aa . t i ng #
    state          # " s t ei t #
    statement      # " s t ei t . m @ n t #
    steep          # " s t ii p #
    step           # " s t e p #
    stewart        # " s t y uu . @ t #
    still          # " s t i l #
    stolen         # " s t ou . l @ n #
    stones         # " s t ou n z #
    stood          # " s t u d #
    strange        # " s t r ei n jh #
    strawberries   # " s t r oo . b @ . r ii* z #
    strawberries   # " s t r oo . b r ii* z #
    street         # " s t r ii t #
    strengths      # " s t r e n th s #
    strengths      # " s t r e ng (k) th s #
    stroke         # " s t r ou k #
    strong         # " s t r o ng #
    student        # " s t y uu . d @ n t #
    style          # " s t ai l #
    stylish        # " s t ai . l i sh #
    such           # " s uh ch #
    suede          # " s w ei d #
    sufficient     # s @ . " f i . sh @ n t #
    suggested      # s @ . " jh e . s t i d #
    sun            # " s uh n #
    sunday         # " s uh n . d ei #
    supermarket    # " s uu . p @ . m aa . k i t #
    sure           # " sh u@ #
    surface        # " s @@ . f i s #
    surfboard      # " s @@ f . " b oo d #
    surprised      # s @ . " p r ai z d #
    surround       # s @ . " r au n d #
    susan          # " s uu . z @ n* #
    swam           # " s w a m #
    swerved        # " s w @@ v d #
    switched       # " s w i ch t #
    swung          # " s w uh ng #
    sylph-like     # " s i l f . " l ai k #
    symbol         # " s i m . b @ l* #
    sympathize     # " s i m . p @ . th ai z #
    symptoms       # " s i m p . t @ m z #
    system         # " s i . s t @ m #
    table          # " t ei . b @ l* #
    tabloids       # " t a . b l oi d z #
    take           # " t ei k #
    taken          # " t ei . k @ n #
    talks          # " t oo k s #
    tasteless      # " t ei s t . l @ s #
    tasty          # " t e i . s t ii* #
    tea            # " t ii #
    team           # " t ii m #
    tearing        # " t e@ . r i ng #
    tears          # " t e@ z #
    tears          # " t i@ z #
    technology     # t e k . " n o . l @ . jh ii* #
    teeth          # " t ii th #
    teethe         # " t ii dh #
    tell           # " t e l #
    tempting       # " t e m (p ). t i ng #
    tended         # " t e n . d i d #
    tense          # " t e n s #
    term           # " t @@ m #
    terriers       # " t e . r ii* . @ z #
    texts          # " t e k s t s #
    than           # " dh a n #
    thank          # " th a ng k #
    thanked        # " th a ng k t #
    that           # " dh a t #
    that's         # " dh a t s #
    thaw           # " th oo #
    the            # " dh @ #
    their          # " dh e@ #
    them           # " dh e m #
    themselves     # dh e m . " s e l v z #
    then           # " dh e n #
    therapy        # " th e . r @ . p ii* #
    there          # " dh e@ #
    there'll       # " dh e@ l #
    these          # " dh ii z #
    thesis         # " th ii . s i s #
    they           # " dh ei #
    thing          # " th i ng #
    think          # " th i ng k #
    thirty         # " th @@ . t ii* #
    this           # " dh i s #
    thoroughfare   # " th uh . r @ . f e@ #
    thoroughly     # " th uh . r @ . l ii* #
    those          # " dh ou z #
    though         # " dh ou #
    thousandths    # " th au . z @ n (t )th s #
    threat         # " th r e t #
    three          # " th r ii* #
    through        # " th r uu #
    thrown         # " th r ou n #
    thursday       # " th @@ z . d ei #
    thwarted       # " th w aa . t i d #
    tilts          # " t i l t s #
    time           # " t ai m #
    tired          # " t ai . @ d #
    to             # " t uu #
    toccata        # t @ . " k aa . t @ #
    toddler        # " t o d . l @ #
    tom            # " t o m #
    tonight        # t @ . " n ai t #
    too            # " t uu #
    took           # " t u k #
    tooth          # " t uu th #
    top            # " t o p #
    topic          # " t o . p i k #
    torch          # " t oo ch #
    totally        # " t ou . t @ l* . ii* #
    touch          # " t uh ch #
    towel          # " t au . @ l* #
    toy            # " t oi #
    toys           # " t oi z #
    traffic        # " t r a . f i k #
    train          # " t r ei n #
    transport      # " t r a n . s p oo t #
    transport      # t r a n . " s p oo t #
    trapezoidal    # t r a . p i* . " z oi . d @ l* #
    trapp          # " t r a p #
    treasure       # " t r e . zh @ #
    treated        # " t r ii . t i d #
    trees          # " t r ii z #
    tribe          # " t r ai b #
    tricycle       # " t r ai . s i . k @ l* #
    tried          # " t r ai d #
    trifle         # " t r ai . f @ l* #
    trip           # " t r i p #
    triumph        # " t r ai . uh m f #
    triumphed      # " t r ai . @ m (p) f t #
    triumphs       # " t r ai . @ m (p) f s #
    trouble        # " t r uh . b @ l* #
    tube           # " t y uu b #
    tulips         # " t y* uu . l i p s #
    tumbled        # " t uh m . b @ l* d #
    turquoise      # " t @@ . k w oi z #
    twelve         # " t w e l v #
    two            # " t uu #
    typhoid        # " t ai . f oi d #
    unearthed      # uh . " n @@ th t #
    university     # " y uu . n i . " v @@ . s i . t ii* #
    unscathed      # uh n . " s k ei dh d #
    until          # uh n . " t i l #
    up             # " uh p #
    urge           # " @@ jh #
    us             # " uh s #
    use            # " y uu s #
    use            # " y uu z #
    used           # " y uu s t #
    used           # " y uu z d #
    usual          # " y uu . zh uu . @ l #
    values         # " v a l . y uu z #
    varies         # " v e@ . r ii* z #
    various        # " v e@ . r ii* . @ s #
    varnished      # " v aa . n i sh t #
    veers          # " v i@ z #
    vegetables     # " v e . jh i* . t @ . b @ l* z #
    venice         # " v e . n i s #
    vernon         # " v @@ . n @ n #
    very           # " v e . r ii* #
    viewed         # " v y uu d #
    views          # " v y uu z #
    village        # " v i . l i jh #
    violently      # " v ai . @ . l @ n t . l ii* #
    virtually      # " v @@ . t y* uu . @ . l ii* #
    virtuoso       # v @@ . t y* uu* . ou . z ou #
    visa           # " v ii . z @ #
    vision         # " v i . zh @ n* #
    visual         # " v i . zh uu . @ l #
    vitamins       # " v i . t @ . m i n z #
    vogue          # " v ou g #
    von            # " v o n #
    vowed          # " v au d #
    vscar          # " s k aa #
    wage           # " w ei jh #
    waiting        # " w ei . t i ng #
    walkers        # " w oo . k @ z #
    wall           # " w oo l #
    waltzed        # " w oo l t s t #
    want           # " w o n t #
    wanted         # " w o n . t i d #
    war            # " w oo #
    warden         # " w oo . d @ n* #
    wardrobe       # " w oo . d r ou b #
    warmth         # " w oo m th #
    warp           # " w oo p #
    was            # " w o z #
    wash           # " w o sh #
    wasn't         # " w o . z @ n* t #
    wasps          # " w o s p s #
    watch          # " w o ch #
    water          # " w oo . t @ #
    way            # " w ei #
    we             # " w ii* #
    we'd           # " w ii d #
    we'll          # " w ii l #
    we're          # " w i@ #
    weaknesses     # " w ii k . n @ . s i z #
    wealth's       # " w e l th s #
    wear           # " w e@ #
    websters       # " w e b . s t @ z #
    wedding        # " w e . d i ng #
    wednesday      # " w e n z . d ei #
    week           # " w ii k #
    well           # " w e l #
    well-being     # " w e l . " b ii . i ng #
    welsh          # " w e l sh #
    went           # " w e n t #
    were           # " w @@ #
    what           # " w o t #
    when           # " w e n #
    whether        # " w e . dh @ #
    which          # " w i ch #
    while          # " w ai l #
    whilst         # " w ai l s t #
    who            # " h uu #
    whole          # " h ou l #
    why            # " w ai #
    widths         # " w i d th s #
    wields         # " w ii l d z #
    will           # " w i l #
    wind           # " w ai n d #
    wind           # " w i n d #
    window         # " w i n d ou #
    wipe           # " w ai p #
    wish           # " w i sh #
    with           # " w i dh #
    woeful         # " w ou . f u l #
    women          # " w i . m i n #
    wonder         # " w uh n . d @ #
    word           # " w @@ d #
    words          # " w @@ d z #
    work           # " w @@ k #
    world          # " w @@ l d #
    would          # " w u d #
    wound          # " w au n d #
    wound          # " w uu n d #
    writer         # " r ai . t @ #
    yacht          # " y o t #
    yap            # " y a p #
    yates          # " y ei t s #
    yeah           # " y e . @ #
    year           # " y i@ #
    yearn          # " y @@ n #
    years          # " y i@ z #
    yes            # " y e s #
    yesterday      # " y e . s t @ . d ei #
    yesterday      # " y e . s t @ . d ii* #
    yoga           # " y ou . g @ #
    you            # " y uu #
    you'll         # " y uu l #
    you've         # " y uu v #
    young          # " y uh ng #
    your           # " y oo #
    youths         # " y uu dh z #
    zealous        # " z e . l @ s #
    zoo            # " z uu #
    zuchini        # z u* . " k ii . n ii* #


    001.  The price range is smaller than any of us expected.
    001.  # dh @ . p r ai s . r ei n . jh i z . s m oo . l @ . dh a* . n e . n ii*
    001.  . o* . v uh . s i* k . s p e k . t i d #
    002.  They asked if I wanted to come along on the barge trip.
    002.  # dh ei . aa s k . t i . f ai . w o n . t i d . t uu* . k uh . m @ .
    002.  l o ng . o* n . dh @ . b aa jh . t r i p #
    003.  Amongst her friends she was considered beautiful.
    003.  # @ . m uh ng (k) s t . h @@ . f r e n (d) z . sh ii . w o* z . k @ n .
    003.  s i . d @ d . b y uu . t i* . f @ l #
    004.  The smell of the freshly ground coffee never fails to entice me into
    004.  the shop.
    004.  # dh @ . s m e . l o* v . dh @ . f r e sh . l ii* . g r au n d . k o .
    004.  f ii . n e . v @ . f ei l z . t uu* . i n . t ai s . m ii . i n . t uu* .
    004.  dh @ . sh o p #
    005.  I'm often perplexed by rapid advances in state of the art technology.
    005.  # ai . m {o f . t @ n} . p @ . p l e k s t . b ai . r a . p i . d a* d .
    005.           { o . f @ n}
    005.  v aa n . s i . z i n . s t ei . t o* v . dh ii . aa t . t e k . n o .
    005.  l @ . jh ii* #
    006.  John could lend him the latest draft of his work.
    006.  # jh o n . k u d . l e n d . h i m . dh @ . l ei . t i* s t . d r aa f .
    006.  t o* v . h i z . w @@ k #
    007.  From forty love the score was now deuce and the crowd grew tense.
    007.  # f r o* m . f oo . t ii* . l uh v . dh @ . s k oo . w o* z . n au .
    007.  d y uu . s a* n d . dh @ . k r au d . g r uu . t e n s #
    008.  The Presbyterian minister managed to curb the drinking habits of the
    008.  loitering youths.
    008.  # dh @ . p r e z . b i* . t {e@} . r ii* . @ n . m i . n i* . s t @ .
    008.                              {i@}
    008.  m a . n i jh d . t uu* . k @@ b . dh @ . d r i ng . k i ng . h a .
    008.  b i t . s o* v . dh @ . l oi . t @ . r i ng . y uu dh z #
    009.  The bulb blew when he switched on the light.
    009.  # dh @ . b uh l b . b l uu . w e n . h ii . s w i ch . t o n . dh @ .
    009.  l ai t #
    010.  It is futile to offer any further resistance.
    010.  # i . t i z . f y uu . t ai l . t uu* . o . f @ . (r) e . n ii* . f @@ .
    010.  dh @ . r i* . z i . s t @ n s #
    011.  They launched into battle with all the forces they could muster.
    011.  # dh ei . l oo n ch . t i n . t uu* . b a . t @ l* . w i . dh oo l . dh @
    011.  . f oo . s i z . dh ei . k u d . m uh . s t @ #
    012.  The chill wind caused them to shiver violently.
    012.  # dh @ . ch i l . w i n d . k oo z d . dh @ m . t uu* . sh i . v @ . v ai
    012.  . @ . l @ n t . l ii* #
    013.  The government triumphed four years ago and we have every reason to
    013.  believe that it will triumph again.
    013.  # dh @ . g uh . v @ (n*) . m @ n t . t r ai . @ m (p) f t . f oo . y i@
    013.  . z @ . g ou . a* n d . w ii . h a* . v e . v r ii* . r ii . z @ n* .
    013.  t uu* . b i* . l ii v . dh a* t . i t . w i* l . t r ai . @ m (p) . f @ .
    013.  g {e} n #
    013.    {ei}
    014.  He jerked round in an instant to face his assailant.
    014.  # h ii . jh @@ k t . r au n . d i . n @ . n i n . s t @ n t . t uu* .
    014.  f ei s . h i . z @ . s ei . l @ n t #
    015.  He emphasized his strengths while concealing his weaknesses.
    015.  # h ii . e m (p) . f @ . s ai z d . h i z . s t r e { n }   th s . w ai l
    015.                                                      { ng (k)}
    015.  . k @ n . s ii . l i ng . h i z . w ii k . n @ . s i z #
    016.  The table is made so sloppily that it tilts.
    016.  # dh @ . t ei . b @ . l i z . m ei d . s ou . s l o . p @ . l ii* .
    016.  dh a* . t i t . t i l t s #
    017.  It was important to be perfect since there were no prompts.
    017.  # i t . w o* z . i m . p oo . t @ n* t . t uu* . b ii . p @@ . f i k t .
    017.  s i n s . dh e@ . w @@* . n ou . p r o m p t s #
    018.  I ran for cover whilst he hurled several stones.
    018.  # ai . r a n . f oo* . k uh . v @ . w ai l s t . h ii . h @@ l d . s e .
    018.  v (@ .) r @ l . s t ou n z #
    019.  We have proof that the regime wields sufficient power in the North to
    019.  exploit the entire population.
    019.  # w ii . h a* v . p r uu f . th a* t . dh @ . r ei . zh ii m . w ii l d z
    019.  . s @ . f i . sh @ n* t . p au . @ . (r) i n . dh @ . n oo th . t uu* .
    019.  i* k . s p l oi t . dh ii . i* n . t ai . @ . p o . p y uu* . l ei .
    019.  sh @ n* #
    020.  She flicks through a magazine when she gets a chance.
    020.  # sh ii . f l i k s . th r uu . @ . m a . g @ . z ii n . w e n .
    020.  sh ii . g e t . s @ . ch aa n s #
    021.  Thank goodness it's Friday and time to go home.
    021.  # th a n k . g u d . n @ . s i t s . f r ai . d {ei} . a* n d . t ai m .
    021.                                                  {ii*}
    021.  t uu* . g ou . h ou m #
    022.  Itches are always so tempting to scratch.
    022.  # i . ch i . z aa* . (r) oo l . w ei* z . s ou . t e m p . t i ng .
    022.  t uu* . s k r a ch #
    023.  I'll hedge my bets and take no risks.
    023.  # ai l . h e jh . m ai . b e t . s a* n d . t ei k . n ou . r i s k s #
    024.  The length of her skirt caused the passers-by to stare.
    024.  # dh @ . l e { n } . th o* v . h @@ . s k @@ t . k oo z d . dh @ . p aa .
    024.              {ng (k)}
    024.  s @ z . b ai . t uu* . s t e@ #
    025.  I always seem to follow my instincts rather than reason.
    025.  # ai . oo l . w ei* z . s ii m . t uu* . f o . l ou . m ai . i n .
    025.  s t i ng k (t) s . r aa . dh @ . dh a* n . r ii . z @ n* #
    026.  It's strange that I slept for so long since I wasn't feeling tired.
    026.  # i t s . s t r ei n jh . dh a* . t ai . s l e p t . f oo* . s ou .
    026.  l o ng . s i n . s ai . w o . z @ n* t . f ii . l i ng . t ai . @ d #
    027.  I'll draft those new proposals before the next meeting.
    027.  # ai l . d r aa f t . dh ou z . n y uu . p r @ . p ou . s @ l* z . b i* .
    027.  f oo . dh @ . n e k s t . m ii . t i ng #
    028.  The mud squelched loudly and he realized that his suede boots were
    028.  doomed.
    028.  # dh @ . m uh d . s k w e l ch t . l au d . l ii* . a* n d . h ii . r ii*
    028.  . @ . l ai z d . dh a* t . h i z . s w ei d . b uu t s . w @@* .
    028.  d uu m d #
    029.  He grasped the rope with his free hand and swung his legs round to the
    029.  side.
    029.  # h ii . g r aa s p t . dh @ . r ou p . w i dh . h i z . f r ii .
    029.  h a n . d a* n d . s w uh ng . h i z . l e g z . r au n d . t uu* .
    029.  dh @ . s ai d #
    030.  Opportunities like this don't grow on trees as you should know by now.
    030.  # o . p @ . t y* uu . n @ . t ii* z . l ai k . dh i s . d ou n t .
    030.  g r ou . o n . t r ii . z a* z . y uu . sh u d . n ou . b ai . n au #
    031.  It's difficult to choose between two such equally good alternatives.
    031.  # i t s . d i . f i* . k u* l t . t uu* . ch uu z . b i* . t w ii n .
    031.  t uu . s uh . ch ii . k w @ . l ii* . g u . d oo* l . t @@ . n i* .
    031.  t i v z #
    032.  Henry normally viewed Rob's zealous enthusiasm with disdain.
    032.  # h e n . r ii* . n oo . m @ . l ii* . v y uu d . r o b z . z e . l @ .
    032.  s i n . th y uu . z ii* . a . z @ m* . w i dh . d i* {s . d} ei n #
    032.                                                       {. s t}
    033.  She'll think of an excuse if given enough space and time.
    033.  # sh ii l . th i ng . k o* . v @ . n i* k . s k y uu . s i f . g i .
    033.  v @ . n i* . n uh f . s p ei . s a* n d . t ai m #
    034.  When forced to make a choice, Sarah chose ping-pong as her favourite
    034.  game.
    034.  # w e n . f oo s t . t uu* . m ei . k @ . ch oi s . s e@ . r @ .
    034.  ch ou z . p i ng . p o ng . a* z . h @@ . f ei . v (@ .) r i t . g ei m #
    035.  It's a shame that architects design for themselves and not for the
    035.  general public.
    035.  # i t . s @ . sh ei m . th a* . t aa . k i* . t e k t s . d i* . z ai n .
    035.  f oo* . dh @ m . s e l v . z a* n d . n o t . f oo* . dh @ . jh e {. n @}
    035.                                                                     {n}
    035.  . r @ l . p uh . b l i k #
    036.  Coe beat him to the line by five thousandths of a second.
    036.  # k ou . b ii t . h i m . t uu* . dh @ . l ai n . b ai . f ai v . th au .
    036.  z @ n t th . s o* . v @ . s e . k @ n* d #
    037.  The bath plug is missing so you'll have to take a shower.
    037.  # dh @ . b aa th . p l uh . g i z . m i . s i ng . s ou . y oo l .
    037.  h a {f} . t uu* . t ei . k @ . sh au . @ #
    037.      {v}
    038.  You ought to brush your teeth before you go to bed.
    038.  # y uu . oo t . t uu* . b r uh sh . y oo . t ii th . b i* . f oo .
    038.  y uu . g ou . t uu* . b e d #
    039.  The earth used to be flat but now it's a sphere.
    039.  # dh ii . @@ th . y uu s . t uu* . b ii . f l a t . b uh* t . n au .
    039.  i t . s @ . s f i@ #
    040.  I wish he'd either grow a beard or shave his moustache.
    040.  # ai . w i sh . h ii . d ai . dh @ . g r ou . @ . b i@ . d oo . sh ei v .
    040.  h i z . m @ . s t aa sh #
    041.  Judith found the manuscripts waiting for her on the piano.
    041.  # jh uu . d i th . f au n d . dh @ . m a . n y uu* . s k r i p t s .
    041.  w ei . t i ng . f oo* . h @@ . (r) o n . dh @ . p ii* . a . n ou #
    042.  The huge castle was encircled by a deep moat.
    042.  # dh @ . h y uu jh . k aa . s @ l* . w o* . z i n . s @@ . k @ l d .
    042.  b ai . @ . d ii p . m ou t #
    043.  Jane adored maths and french but hated the rest of school.
    043.  # jh ei . n @ . d oo d . m a th . s a* n d . f r e n ch . b uh* t .
    043.  h ei . t i d . dh @ . r e s . t o* v . s k uu l #
    044.  Mashed potatoes are more fattening than either boiled or baked ones.
    044.  # m a sh t . p @ . t ei . t ou . z aa* . m oo . f a {. t @} . n i ng .
    044.                                                       { t }
    044.  dh a* . n {ai} . dh @ . b oi l . d oo . b ei k t . w uh n z #
    044.            {ii}
    045.  The world is becoming increasingly dangerous but hardly anyone cares.
    045.  # dh @ . w  @@ l . d i z . b i* . k uh . m i ng . i n . k r ii . s i ng .
    045.  l ii* . d ei n . {jh @ . r @ s} . b uh* t . h aa d . l ii* . e . n ii* .
    045.                    {d r @ s }
    045.  w uh* n . k e@ z #
    046.  Patrick will need speech therapy because of his cleft palate.
    046.  # p a . t r i k . w i* l . n ii d . s p ii ch . th e . r @ . p ii* .
    046.  b i* . k o* . z o* v . h i z . k l e f t . p a . l @ t #
    047.  These practical jokes have been taken much too far.
    047.  # dh ii z . p r a k . t i* . k @ l . jh ou k s . h a* v . b ii n .
    047.  t ei . k @ n . m uh ch . t uu . f aa #
    048.  I shall paint this room mauve with a few beige dots.
    048.  # ai . sh a* l . p ei n t . dh i s . r {uu} m . m ou v . w i . dh @ .
    048.                                         {u}
    048.  f y uu . b ei zh . d o t s #
    049.  My car was stolen while I was shopping in Kensington High Street.
    049.  # m ai . k aa . w o* z . s t ou . l @ n . w ai . l ai . w o* z . sh o .
    049.  p i ng . i n . k e n . z i ng . t @ n . h ai . s t r ii t #
    050.  Changing gear half way up a steep hill can be quite risky.
    050.  # ch ei n . jh i ng . g i@ . h aa f . w ei . uh . p @ . s t ii p .
    050.  h i l . k a* n . b ii* . k w ai t . r i . s k ii* #
    051.  I always enjoy a pint of lager when I come off the squash court.
    051.  # ai . oo l . w ei* . z i n . jh oi . @ . p ai n . t o* v . l aa . g @ .
    051.  w e . n ai . k uh . m o f . dh @ . s k w o sh . k oo t #
    052.  Jean might prepare more salmon and cucumber sandwiches if we're lucky.
    052.  # jh ii n . m ai t . p r @ . p e@ . m oo . s a . m @ . n a* n d .
    052.  k y uu . k uh m . b @ . s a {n d} . w i . jh i . z i f . w i@ .
    052.                              { m }
    052.  l uh . k ii* #
    053.  There'll be big trouble if you dare to touch that surface.
    053.  # dh e@ l . b ii . b i g . t r uh . b @ . l i f . y uu . d e@ . t uu* .
    053.  t uh ch . dh a t . s @@ . f i s #
    054.  Tom says that ancient Saabs are far more stylish than British Leyland
    054.  Triumphs.
    054.  # t o m . s e z . dh a* . t ei n . sh @ n* t . s aa b . z aa* . f aa .
    054.  m oo . s t ai . l i sh . dh a* n . b r i . t i sh . l ei . l @ n d .
    054.  t r ai . uh m (p) f s #
    055.  Jill tumbled after Jack because she was shoved by little Miss Muffet.
    055.  # jh i l . t uh m . b @ l* . d aa f . t @ . jh a k . b i* . k o* z .
    055.  sh ii . w o* z . sh uh v d . b ai . l i . t @ l* . m i s . m uh . f i t #
    056.  Doctor Philips raised a number of moot points about the Professor's
    056.  article in the recent journal.
    056.  # d o k . t @ . f i . l i p s . r ei z . d @ . n uh m . b @ . (r) o* v .
    056.  m uu t . p oi n t . s @ . b au t . dh @ . p r @ . f e . s @ . z aa .
    056.  t i . k @ l* . i n . dh @ . r ii . s @ n* t . jh @@ . n @ l* #
    057.  This new display attracts more customers than ever.
    057.  # dh i s . n y uu . d i* . s p l ei . @ . t r a k (t) s . m oo . k uh .
    057.  s t @ . m @ z . dh a* . n e . v @ #
    058.  Mrs. Stewart pleased her entire family when she produced malt loaf for
    058.  tea.
    058.  # m i . s i z . s t y uu . @ t . p l ii z d . h @@* . (r) i n . t ai .
    058.  @ . f a . m @ . l ii* . w e n . sh ii . p r @ . d y* uu s t . m oo* l t .
    058.  l ou f . f oo* . t ii #
    059.  Pete couldn't bear to show us his scar so soon after the accident.
    059.  # p ii t . k u . d @ n* t . b e@ . t uu* . sh ou . uh s . h i z .
    059.  s k aa . s ou . s uu . n aa f . t @ . dh ii . a k . s i* . d @ n t #
    060.  Joy fibbed about the money missing from the secret cashbox.
    060.  # jh oi . f i b . d @ . b au t . dh @ . m uh . n ii* . m i . s i ng .
    060.  f r o* m . dh @ . s ii . k r i* t . k a sh . b o k s #
    061.  The hearse will arrive at the morgue between a quarter and half past
    061.  twelve.
    061.  # dh @ . h @@ s . w i* . l @ . r ai . v a* t . dh @ . m oo g . b i* .
    061.  t w ii . n @ . k w oo . t @ . r a* n d . h aa f . p aa s t . t w e l v #
    062.  Water was cascading down the mountain at a rate of knots.
    062.  # w oo . t @ . w o* z . k a . s k ei . d i ng . d au n . dh @ .
    062.  m au n . t i . n a* . t @ . r ei . t o* v . n o t s #
    063.  Clara went through a phase when she always served Hungarian goulash
    063.  followed by rhubarb crumble.
    063.  # k l aa . r @ . w e n t . th r uu . @ . f ei z . w e n . sh ii . oo l .
    063.  w ei* z . s @@ v d . h u ng . g e@ . r ii . @ n . g uu . l a sh . f o .
    063.  l ou d . b ai . r uu . b aa b . k r uh m . b @ l* #
    064.  We'd be hard pushed to catch the bus to Newcastle tonight.
    064.  # w ii d . b ii . h aa d . p u sh t . t uu* . k a ch . dh @ . b uh s .
    064.  t uu* . n y uu . k aa . s @ l* . t @ . n ai t #
    065.  Our butcher makes his own pork and beef sausages.
    065.  #  {aa}  . b u . ch @ . m ei k s . h i . z ou n . p oo . k a* n d .
    065.   {au . @}
    065.  b ii f . s o . s i* . jh i z #
    066.  Martin and Craig grow dwarf tulips and exhibit them all over the county.
    066.  # m aa . t i . n a* n d . k r ei g . g r ou . d w oo f . t y* uu . l i p
    066.  . s a* n . d i {k . s }  i . b i t . dh e* . m oo . l ou . v @ . dh @ .
    066.                 {g . z }
    066.   k au n . t ii* #
    067.  Our two kids adored the little iced buns with the cherries on top.
    067.  #  {aa}  . t uu . k i d . z @ . d oo d . dh @ . l i . t @ l* . ai s t
    067.   {au . @}
    067.  . b uh n z . w i dh . dh @ . ch e . r ii* . z o n . t o p #
    068.  He remembered he needed a passport to get a visa stamp.
    068.  # h ii . r i* . m e m . b @ d . h ii . n ii . d i . d @ . p aa s .
    068.  p oo t . t uu* . g e . t @ . v ii . z @ . s t a m p #
    069.  His attempts to use his credit card failed because his account was in
    069.  arrears.
    069.  # h i . z @ . t e m p (t) s . t uu* . y uu z . h i z . k r e . d i t .
    069.  k aa d . f ei l d . b i* . k o* z . h i . z @ . k au n t . w o* . z i .
    069.  n @ . r i@ z #
    070.  They were still frisked by Customs though they had nothing to declare.
    070.  # dh ei . w @@* . s t i l . f r i s k t . b ai . k uh . s t @ m z .
    070.  dh ou . dh ei . h a* d . n uh . th i ng . t uu* . d i* . k l e@ #
    071.  The nurse tended the fierce-looking wound on Paul's scalp.
    071.  # dh @ . n @@ s . t e n . d i d . dh @ . f i@ s . l u . k i ng .
    071.  w uu n . d o n . p oo l z . s k a l p #
    072.  Everyone talks of the birds and the bees but they never mention wasps.
    072.  # e . v r ii* . w uh n . t oo k . s o* v . dh @ . b @@ d . z a* n d .
    072.  dh @ . b ii z . b uh* t . dh ei . n e . v @ . m e n . (t) sh @ n* .
    072.  w o s p s #
    073.  Most of the scenes were filmed on location in the Alps.
    073.  # m ou s . t o* v . dh @ . s ii n z . w @@* . f i l m . d o n . l ou .
    073.  k ei . sh @ n* . i n . dh ii . a l p s #
    074.  Mr. Vernon helped himself to dessert and a large cup of coffee.
    074.  # m i . s t @ . v @@ . n @ n . h e l p t . h i m . s e l f . t uu* .
    074.  d i* . z @@ . t a* n . d @ . l aa jh . k uh . p o* v . k o . f ii* #
    075.  It was a sheer fluke that I bumped into the same chap yesterday.
    075.  # i t . w o* . z @ . sh i@ . f l uu k . dh a* . t ai . b uh m p . t i n .
    075.  t uu* . dh @ . s ei m . ch a p . y e . s t @ . d {ei} #
    075.                                                   {ii*}
    076.  During his last year at university they shared many hilarious moments.
    076.  # d y* u@ . r i ng . h i z . l aa s t . y i@ . (r) a* . t y uu . n i* .
    076.  v @@ . s i* . t ii* . dh ei . sh e@ d . m e . n ii* . h i* . l e@ .
    076.  r ii* . @ s . m ou . m @ n t s #
    077.  I loved to pedal my tricycle in the back-yard when I was I child.
    077.  # ai . l uh v d . t uu* . p e . d @ l* . m ai . t r ai . s *i . k @ l* .
    077.  i n . dh @ . b a k . y aa d . w e . n ai . w o* . z @ . ch ai l d #
    078.  Some people find the Welsh language very difficult to learn.
    078.  # s uh m . p ii . p @ l* . f ai n d . dh @ . w e l sh . l a ng .
    078.  g w i jh . v e . r ii* . d i . f i* . k u* l t . t uu* . l @@ n #
    079.  The food varies from place to place but the price remains fairly
    079.  constant.
    079.  # dh @ . f uu d . v e@ . r ii* z . f r o* m . p l ei s . t uu* .
    079.  p l ei s . b uh* t . dh @ . p r ai s . r i* . m ei n z . f e@ . l ii* .
    079.  k o n . s t @ n t #
    080.  The ceremony overwhelmed me and I was moved to tears.
    080.  # dh @ . s e . r @ . m @ . n ii* . ou . v @ . w e l m d . m ii . a* n .
    080.  d ai . w o* z . m uu v d . t uu* . t i@ z #
    081.  The area was so thoroughly blitzed that now virtually nothing remains.
    081.  # dh ii . e@ . r ii* . @ . w o* z . s ou . th uh . r @ . l ii* .
    081.  b l i t s t . dh a* t . n au . v @@ . t y* uu* . (@ .) l ii* . n uh .
    081.  th i ng . r i* . m ei n z #
    082.  Bob milked the cows after he'd gathered the chickens' eggs.
    082.  # b o b . m i l k t . dh @ . k au . z aa f . t @ . h ii d . g a .
    082.  dh @ d . dh @ . ch i . k i* n . z e g z #
    083.  We really will need to defrost the fridge now that the strawberries have
    083.  oozed out all over the place.
    083.  # w ii . r ii . @ . l ii* . w i* l . n ii d . t uu* . d ii . f r o s t .
    083.  dh @ . f r i jh . n au . dh a* t . dh @ . s t r oo . b (@ .) r ii* z .
    083.  h a* . v uu z . d au t . oo . l ou . v @ . dh @ . p l ei s #
    084.  The coach swerved to the left in an attempt to avoid the blind
    084.  pedestrian.
    084.  # dh @ . k ou ch . s w @@ v d . t uu* . dh @ . l e f . t i . n @ . n a* .
    084.  t e m p . t uu* . @ . v oi d . dh @ . b l ai n d . p i* . d e .
    084.  s t r ii* . @ n #
    085.  After the road veers to the south you'll see a junction ahead.
    085.  # aa f . t @ . dh @ . r ou d . v i@ z . t uu* . dh @ . s au th .
    085.  y {uu} l . s ii . @ . jh uh ng k . sh @ n* . @ . h e d #
    085.    {u@}
    086.  Her evening gown was a trifle too garish for the occasion.
    086.  # h @@* . (r) { ii . v @} . n i ng . g au n . w o* . z @ . t r ai .
    086.                { ii v}
    086.  f @ l* . t uu . g e @ . r i sh . f oo* . dh ii . @ . k ei . zh @ n* #
    087.  He glimpsed the traffic warden out of the corner of his eye.
    087.  # h ii . g l i m p s t . dh @ . t r a . f i k . w oo . d @ . n au .
    087.  t o* v . dh @ . k oo . n @ . (r) o* v . h i . z ai #
    088.  She had scarcely divulged the scandal before it was splattered
    088.  over the front pages of the tabloids.
    088.  # sh ii . h a* d . s k e@ s . l ii* . d ai . v uh l jh d . dh @ . s k a n
    088.  . d @ l* . b i* . f oo* . (r) i t . w o* z . s p l a . t @ . d ou . v @ .
    088.  dh @ . f r uh n t . p ei . jh i . z o* v . dh @ . t a . b l oi d z #
    089.  The questionnaire was short and to the point.
    089.  # dh @ . k w e s . t y* @ . n e@ . w o* z . sh oo . t a* n d . t uu* .
    089.  dh @ . p oi n t #
    090.  We were plunged into darkness as the clouds engulfed the moon.
    090.  # w ii . w @@* . p l uh n jh* . d i n . t uu* . d aa k . n @ . s a* z .
    090.  dh @ . k l au d . z i* n . g uh l f t . dh @ . m uu n #
    091.  Sharon vowed never again to jeer at the concierge.
    091.  # sh a . r @ n . v au d . n e . v @ . (r) @ . g {e} n . t uu* . jh i@ .
    091.                                                  {ei}
    091.  r a* t . dh @ . k o n . s ii* . e@ zh #
    092.  Compared with the previous guests she appeared coy and demure.
    092.  # k @ m . p e@ d . w i dh . dh @ . p r ii . v ii* . @ s . g e s t s .
    092.  sh ii . @ . p i@ d . k oi . a* n d . d i* . m y {oo} #
    092.                                                  {u@}
    093.  She returned from holiday bronzed by the mediterranean sun.
    093.  # sh ii . r i* . t @@ n d . f r o* m . h o . l i* . d {ei} . b r o n z d
    093.                                                        {ii*}
    093.  . b ai . dh @ .  m e . d i . t i* . r ei . n ii* . @ n . s uh n #
    094.  They suggested that the ice would thaw as soon as spring arrived.
    094.  # dh ei . s @ . jh e . s t i d . dh a* t . dh ii . ai s . w u d . th oo .
    094.  (r) a* z . s uu . n a* z . s p r i ng . @ . r ai v d #
    095.  Gordon's words were lost amidst the hub-bub of the crowded hall.
    095.  # g oo . d @ n z . w @@ d z . w @@* . l o s . t @ . m i d s t . dh @ .
    095.  h uh b . b uh . b o* v . dh @ . k r au . d i d . h oo l #
    096.  Mr. Forsyth has cheered the team on now for five whole years.
    096.  # m i . s t @ . f oo . s ai th . h a* z . ch i@ d . dh @ . t ii . m o n .
    096.  n au . f oo* . f ai v . h ou l . y i@ z #
    097.  It seems as if Susan does all the chores for this household.
    097.  # i t . s ii m . z a* . z i f . s uu . z @ n . d uh . z oo l . dh @ .
    097.  ch oo z . f oo* . dh i s . h au s . h ou l d #
    098.  I want each person here to give George their report by Thursday
    098.  afternoon.
    098.  # ai . w o n . t ii ch . p @@ . s @ n* . h i@ . t uu* . g i v . jh oo jh
    098.  . dh e@ . r @ . p oo t . b ai . th @@ z . d {ei} . aa f . t @ . n uu n #
    098.                                              {ii*}
    099.  Beth chaired the first meeting in order to oblige her overworked boss.
    099.  # b e th . ch e@ d . dh @ . f @@ s t . m ii . t i ng . i . n oo . d @ .
    099.  t uu* . @ . b l ai jh . h @@* . (r) ou . v @ . w @@ k t . b o s #
    100.  I've just seen Charles tearing off in a hurry.
    100.  # ai v . jh uh s t . s ii n . ch aa l z . t e@ . r i ng . o . f i .
    100.  n @ . h uh . r ii* #
    101.  We'll need to put the poodle back on the leash when we leave the park.
    101.  # w ii l . n ii d . t uu* . p u t . dh @ . p uu . d @ l* . b a . k o* n
    101.  . dh @ . l ii sh . w e n . w ii . l ii v . dh @ . p aa k #
    102.  The Olympic torch shines as a symbol of hope which has pushed aside the
    102.  barriers of race.
    102.  # dh ii . @ . l i m . p i k . t oo ch . sh ai n . z a* . z @ . s i m .
    102.  b @ l* . o* v . h ou p . w i ch . h a* z . p u sh . t @ . s ai d . dh @ .
    102.  b a . r { i@ } . z o* v . r ei s #
    102.         {ii . @}
    103.  The plaintiff felt thwarted because the judge didn't revoke his decision.
    103.  # dh @ . p l ei n . t i f . f e l t . th w oo . t i d . b i* . k o* z .
    103.  dh @ . jh uh jh . d i . d @ n* t . r i* . v ou k . h i z . d i* . s i .
    103.  zh @ n* #
    104.  My mother gets cross when I say "yeah" instead of "yes".
    104.  # m ai . m uh . dh @ . g e t s . k r o s . w e . n ai . s ei . y e@ .
    104.  (r) i n . s t e . d o* v . y e s #
    105.  The foot paths at the back of the school have become decidedly overgrown.
    105.  # dh @ . f u t . p aa dh . z a* t . dh @ . b a . k o* v . dh @ . s k uu l
    105.  . h a* v . b i* . k uh m . d i* . s ai . d i* d . l ii* . ou . v @ .
    105.  g r ou n #
    106.  This ointment will soothe the graze on your heel.
    106.  # dh i . s oi n t . m @ n* t . w i* l . s uu dh . dh @ . g r ei . z o* n
    106.  . y {oo} . h ii l #
    106.      {u@}
    107.  Whilst on a spending spree Blanche Jennings bought some luxurious bath
    107.  oil and a purple silk blouse.
    107.  # w ai l s . t o . n @ . s p e n . d i ng . s p r ii . b l aa n sh . jh e
    107.  . n i ng z . b oo t . s uh m . l @ g . zh u@* . r ii* . @ s . b aa .
    107.  th oi . l a* n . d @ . p @@ . p @ l* . s i l k . b l au z #
    108.  The fifth dollop of fresh cream missed the cake altogether and landed
    108.  on the paper doily.
    108.  # dh @ . f i f th . d o . l @ . p @ v . f r e sh . k r ii m . m i s t .
    108.  dh @ . k ei . k oo l . t @ . g e . dh @ . (r) a* n d . l a n . d i .
    108.  d o n . dh @ . p ei . p @ . d oi . l ii* #
    109.  I know many people who  practise yoga purely for health reasons.
    109.  # ai . n ou . m e . n ii* . p ii . p @ l* . h uu . p r a k . t i s .
    109.  y ou . g @ . p  y u@* . l ii* . f oo* . h e l th . r ii . s @ n* z #
    110.  It's common knowledge that the kangaroo has a pouch.
    110.  # i t s . k o . m @ n . n o . l i jh . dh a* t . dh @ . k a ng . g @ .
    110.  r uu . h a* . z @ . p au ch #
    111.  Those texts you mention were discussed in depth by the Benedictine
    111.  brethren last Sunday.
    111.  # dh ou z . t e k s t s . y uu . m e n . sh @ n* . w @@* . d i .
    111.  s k uh s . t i n . d e p th . b ai . dh @ . b e . n i* . d i k .
    111.  t ii* n . b r e dh . r @ n . l aa s t . s uh n . d {ei} #
    111.                                                     {ii*}
    112.  The walkers took a detour through the fields to avoid the busy
    112.  thoroughfare.
    112.  # dh @ . w oo . k @ z . t u . k @ . d ii . t u@* . th r uu . dh @ .
    112.  f ii l d z . t uu* . @ . v oi d . dh @ . b i . z ii* . th uh . r @ .
    112.  f e@ #
    113.  Mary and Elizabeth both aim to be company directors by the age of
    113.  thirty.
    113.  # m e@ . r ii* . a* n . d i* . l i . z @ . b @ th . b ou . th ei m .
    113.  t uu* . b ii . k uh m . p @ . n ii* . d ai . r e k . t @ z . b ai .
    113.  dh ii . ei . jh o* v . th @@ . t ii* #
    114.  This guy helps Mr. Yates develop his own photographs.
    114.  # dh i s . g ai . h e l p s . m i . s t @ . y ei t s . d i* . v e .
    114.  l @ p . h i . z ou n . f ou . t @ . g r aa f s #
    115.  Cobwebs find their way into every nook and cranny.
    115.  # k o b . w e b z . f ai n d . dh e@ . w ei . i n . t uu* . e . v r ii*
    115.  . n u . k a* n d . k r a . n ii* #
    116.  Once I've varnished the bedside table I can start on the wardrobe.
    116.  # w uh n . s ai v . v aa . n i sh t . dh @ . b e d . s ai d . t ei .
    116.  b @ l* . ai . k a* n . s t aa . t o* n . dh @ . w oo . d r ou b #
    117.  Bulldog terriers yap almost as much as Chows.
    117.  # b u l . d o g . t e . r ii* . @ z . y a . p oo l . m ou s . t a* z .
    117.  m uh . ch a* z . ch au z #
    118.  I was bitten by the nasty dog which keeps guard of our neighbours'
    118.  house.
    118.  # ai . w o* z . b i . t @ n* . b ai . dh @ . n aa . s t ii* . d o g .
    118.  w i ch . k ii p s . g aa . d o* . v {au . @} . n ei . b @ z . h au s #
    118.                                       { aa }
    119.  The dear old bishop was in trouble with the mayor.
    119.  # dh @ . d i@ . (r) ou l d . b i . sh @ p . w o* . z i n . t r uh .
    119.  b @ l* . w i dh . dh @ . m e@ #
    120.  I sympathize with Roy and have already sent him my sincere condolences.
    120.  # ai . s i m . p @ . th ai z . w i dh . r oi . a* n d . h a* . v oo l .
    120.  r e . d ii* . s e n t . h i m . m ai . s i n . s i@ . k @ n . d ou .
    120.  l @ n . s i z #
    121.  I beg you not to make a sharp jibe about the style of his hair.
    121.  # ai . b e g . y uu . n o . t uu* . m ei . k @ . sh aa p . jh ai . b @ .
    121.  b au t . dh @ . s t ai . l o* v . h i z . h e@ #
    122.  "The Sound of Music" is a film which centres on the war time experiences
    122.  of the von Trapp family.
    122.  # dh @ . s au n . d o* v . m y uu . z i . k i . z @ . f i l m . w i ch .
    122.  s e n . t @ . z o n . dh @ . w oo . t ai . m {i} k . s p i@ . r ii* .
    122.                                               {e}
    122.  @ n . s i . z o* v . dh @ . v o n . t r a p . f a . m i* . l ii* #
    123.  If you leave the record by the fire it will warp.
    123.  # i f . y uu . l ii v . dh @ . r e . k oo* d . b ai . dh @ . f ai .
    123.  @ . (r) i t . w i* l . w oo p #
    124.  He grabbed a towel and then answered the phone.
    124.  # h ii . g r a b . d @ . t au (. @) . l a* n d . dh e . n aa n . s @ d .
    124.  dh @ . f ou n #
    125.  Dad wanted us to leave the surfboard in the boat until our return.
    125.  # d a d . w o n . t i . d uh s . t uu* . l ii v . dh @ . s @@ f .
    125.  b oo . d i n . dh @ . b ou . t @ n . t i . l { aa } . r i* . t @@ n #
    125.                                                 {au . @}
    126.  The duty-free kirsch next to the brandy was bought for Maggie.
    126.  # dh @ . d y uu . t ii* . f r ii . k i@ sh . n e k s t . t uu* . dh @ .
    126.  b r a n . d ii* . w o* z . b oo t . f oo* . m a . g ii* #
    127.  We need to buy some more embroidery silks before we can finish the
    127.  garment.
    127.  # w ii . n ii d . t uu* . b ai . s uh m . m oo . {i} m . b r oi . d @ .
    127.                                                   {e}
    127.  r ii* . s i l k s . b i* . f oo . w ii . k a* n . f i . n i sh . dh @ .
    127.  g aa . m @ n t #
    128.  The kind-hearted girl began to wipe his fevered brow with a cool
    128.  flannel.
    128.  # dh @ . k ai n d . h aa . t i d . g @@ l . b i . g a n . t uu* .
    128.  w ai p . h i z . f ii . v @ d . b r au . w i . dh @ . k uu l .
    128.  f l a . n @ l* #
    129.  The yacht capsized in the choppy seas but all the crew swam to safety.
    129.  # dh @ . y o t . k a p . s ai z . d i n . dh @ . ch o . p ii* . s ii z .
    129.  b uh* . t oo l . dh @ . k r uu . s w a m . t uu* . s ei f . t ii* #
    130.  Mr. Simms was surprised by the numerous dignitaries attending the
    130.  graduation ball.
    130.  # m i . s t  @ . s i m z . w o* z . s @ . p r ai z d . b ai . dh @ .
    130.  n y uu . m @ . r @ s . d i g . n i* . t (@ .) r ii* . z @ . t e n .
    130.  d i ng . dh @ . g r a . d y* uu . ei . sh @ n* . b oo l #
    131.  I dreamed that a Jesuit priest was conversing with a seraph.
    131.  # ai . d r e m (p) t . dh a* . t @ . jh e . z y uu . i* t . p r ii s t .
    131.  w o* z . k @ n . v @@ . s i ng . w i . dh @ . s e . r @ f #
    132.  I wonder why "cello" isn't spelled with an "h".
    132.  # ai . w uh n . d @ . w ai . ch e . l ou . i . z @ n* t . s p e l t .
    132.  w i . dh @ . n ei ch #
    133.  I'm obliged to tell you that most women loathe their husbands.
    133.  # ai . m ou* . b l ai jh* d . t uu* . t e l . y uu . dh a* t . m ou s t
    133.  . w i . m i n . l ou dh . dh e@ . h uh z . b @ n d z #
    134.  The doctor was perturbed by the mysterious growths which defied
    134.  diagnosis.
    134.  # dh @ . d o k . t @ . w o* z . p @ . t @@ b d . b ai . dh @ . m i .
    134.  s t i@ . r ii* . @ s . g r ou th s . w i ch . d i . f ai d . d ai . @ g
    134.  . n ou . s i s #
    135.  Some pop stars just mouthe the words because they can't sing.
    135.  # s uh m . p o p . s t aa z . jh uh s t . m au dh . dh @ . w @@ d z .
    135.  b i* . k o* z . dh ei . k aa n t . s i ng #
    136.  The toddler stamped his foot in annoyance and gouged a large hole
    136.  in his parents' table out of spite.
    136.  # dh @ . t o d . l @ . s t a m p t . h i z . f u . t i . n @ . n oi .
    136.  @ n . s a* n d . g au jh . d @ . l aa jh . h ou . l i n . h i z . p e@ .
    136.  r @ n t s . t ei . b @ l* . au . t o* v . s p ai t #
    137.  They noticed that the door of the hunting lodge stood ajar and they
    137.  grabbed their guns in fear.
    137.  # dh ei . n ou . t i s t . dh a* t . dh @ . d oo . (r) o* v . dh @ .
    137.  h uh n . t i ng . l o jh . s t u . d @ . jh aa . (r) a* n d . dh ei .
    137.  g r a b d . dh e@ . g uh n . z i n . f i@ #
    138.  Historians claim that Cleopatra bathed in asses' milk.
    138.  # h i . s t oo . r ii . @ n z . k l ei m . dh a* t . k l ii . ou* .
    138.  p {aa} . t r @ . b ei dh . d i . n a . s i z . m i l k #
    138.    {a}
    139.  The treasure was unearthed three months before they started to argue
    139.  over ownership.
    139.  # dh @ . t r e . zh @ . w o* . z uh n . @@ th t . th r ii . m uh n th s
    139.  . b i* . f oo . dh ei . s t aa . t i d . t uu* . aa . g y uu . ou . v @
    139.  . (r) ou . n @ . sh i p #
    140.  He clenched his fist and hammered it against the wall with a resounding
    140.  smack of authority.
    140.  # h ii . k l e n ch t . h i z . f i s . t a* n d . h a . m @ . d i .
    140.  t @ . g {e} n s t . dh @ . w oo l . w i . dh @ . r i . z au n . d i ng .
    140.          {ei}
    140.  s m a . k o* . v oo . th o . r i* . t ii* #
    141.  Amelia went to Chester Zoo and saw a rare giant sloth.
    141.  # @ . m ii . l y @ . w e n t . t uu* . ch e . s t @ . z uu .
    141.  a* n d . s oo . (r) @ . r e@ . jh ai . @ n t . s l ou th #
    142.  You should eat less of that fudge cake if it really is aggravating
    142.  your sore tooth.
    142.  # y uu . sh u . d ii t . l e . s o* v  . dh a* t . f uh jh . k ei .
    142.  k i . f i t . r ii* . @ . l ii* . i . z a . g r @ . v ei . t i ng .
    142.  y oo . s oo . t uu th #
    143.  The china nymph remained unscathed despite the explosion in the kiln.
    143.  # dh @ . ch ai . n @ . n i m f . r i* . m ei n . d uh n . s k ei dh d .
    143.  d i* . s p ai t . dh ii . {i*} k . s p l ou . zh @ n* . i n . dh @ .
    143.                            {e*}
    143.  k i l n #
    144.  Bill could have sat on the train but chose to stand.
    144.  # b i l . k u d . h a* v . s a . t o* n . dh @ . t r ei n . b uh* t .
    144.  ch ou z . t uu* . s t a n d #
    145.  That's the ninth dirty shirt you've thrown in the laundry since
    145.  Wednesday.
    145.  # dh a t s . dh @ . n ai n th . d @@ . t ii* . sh @@ t . y uu v .
    145.  th r ou . n i n . dh @ . l oo n . d r ii* . s i n s . w e n z . d {ei} #
    145.                                                                    {ii*}
    146.  This is the eighth week that parsnip soup has been served at this hotel.
    146.  # dh i . s  i z . dh ii . ei t th . w ii k . dh a* t . p aa . s n i p .
    146.  s uu p . h a* z . b ii n . s @@ v . d a* t . dh i s . h ou . t e l #
    147.  The chef was in dispute with his colleagues as to whether barley was a
    147.  pulse.
    147.  # dh @ . sh e f . w o* . z i n . d i* . s p y uu t . w i dh . h i z .
    147.  k o . l ii g . z a* z . t uu* . w e . dh @ . b aa . l ii* . w o* . z @ .
    147.  p uh l s #
    148.  He thanked his colleague for the invaluable lifts to the various
    148.  conferences that term.
    148.  # h ii . th a ng k t . h i z . k o . l ii g . f oo* . dh ii . i n . v a .
    148.  l y uu* . (@ .) b @ l* . l i f t s . t uu* . dh @ . v e@ . r ii* . @ s .
    148.  k o n . f (@ .) r @ n . s i z . dh a t . t @@ m #
    149.  The watch was the only thing he was able to filch from the camper's
    149.  ruck-sack.
    149.  # dh @ . w o ch . w o* z . dh ii . ou n . l ii* . th i ng . h ii .
    149.  w o* . z ei . b @ l* . t uu* . f i l ch . f r o* m . dh @ . k a m .
    149.  p @ z . r uh k . s a k #
    150.  The monks collapsed with hysterics when brother Karl banged his elbow.
    150.  # dh @ . m uh ng k s . k @  . l a p s t . w i dh . h i . s t e . r i k s
    150.  . w e n . b r uh . dh @ . k aa l . b a ng d . h i . z e l . b ou #
    151.  He caught a glimpse of what looked like a badger.
    151.  # h ii . k oo . t @ . g l i m (p) . s o* v . w o t . l u k t . l ai .
    151.  k @ . b a . jh @ #
    152.  The family heirloom is a turquoise necklace made by a Bedouin tribe.
    152.  # dh @ . f a . m i* . l ii* . e@ . l uu . m i . z @ . t @@ . k w oi z .
    152.  n e . k l @ s . m ei d . b ai . @ . b e . {d u . i n} . t r ai b #
    152.                                            {d w i n }
    153.  It's silly to assume that soluble aspirin will alleviate the symptoms of
    153.  typhoid.
    153.  # i t s . s i . l ii* . t uu* . @ . s y uu m . dh a* t . s o . l y uu* .
    153.  b @ l* . a . s p r i n . w i* . l @ . l ii . v ii* . ei t . dh @ .
    153.  s i m (p) . t @ m . z o* v . t ai . f oi d #
    154.  Sarah exchanged the matching gloves and shoes for a horrible snakeskin
    154.  bag.
    154.  # s e@ . r @ . i* k s . ch ei n jh d . dh @ . m a . ch i ng .
    154.  g l uh v . z a* n d . sh uu z . f oo* . (r) @ . h o . r i* . b @ l* .
    154.  s n ei k . s k i n . b a g #
    155.  The archbishop has resolved not to disclose the details of the divorce.
    155.  # dh ii . aa ch . b i . sh @ p . h a* z . r i . z o l v d . n o t .
    155.  t uu* . d i s . k l ou z . dh @ . d ii . t ei l . z o* v . dh @ . d i .
    155.  v oo s #
    156.  Moira was sure that the American word for courgettes was zuchini.
    156.  # m oi . r @ . w o* z . sh u@ . dh a* t . dh ii . @ . m e . r i . k @ n .
    156.  w @@ d . f oo* . k u@* . zh e t s . w o* z . z u* . k ii . n ii* #
    157.  It's in vogue to make films which explore the relationship between
    157.  culture and faith.
    157.  # i t . s i n . v ou g . t uu* . m ei k . f i l m z . w i . ch i* k .
    157.  s p l oo . dh @ . r i* . l ei . sh @ n* . sh i p . b i* . t w ii n .
    157.  k uh l . ch @ . (r) a* n d . f ei th #
    158.  He acknowledged his secretary's presence with his usual perfunctory
    158.  nod.
    158.  # h ii . @ k . n o . l i jh d . h i z . s e k . r @ . t r ii* z . p r e .
    158.  z @ n s . w i dh . h i z . y uu . zh uu . @ l . p @ . f uh ng k . t @ .
    158.  r ii* . n o d #
    159.  The children camouflaged themselves with some khaki cloth which their
    159.  dad had found in the garage.
    159.  # dh @ . ch i l . d r @ n . k a . m @ . f l aa zh d . dh @ m .
    159.  s e l v z . w i dh . k aa . k ii . k l o th . w i ch . dh e@ . d a d .
    159.  h a* d . f au n . d i n . dh @ . g a . r {i jh} #
    159.                                           {aa zh}
    160.  Her sylph-like form was entrancing the young man.
    160.  # h @@ . s i l f . l ai k . f oo m . w o* . z i n . t r aa n . s i ng .
    160.  dh @ . y uh ng . m a n #
    161.  The writer of the obituary tried not to indulge his prejudice against
    161.  the bourgeoisie.
    161.  # dh @ . r ai . t @ . (r) o* v . dh ii . @ . b i . t y* u@ . r ii* .
    161.  t r ai d . n o t . t uu* . i n . d uh l jh . h i z . p r e .
    161.  jh u* . d i . s @ . g {e} n s t . dh @ . b u@* zh . w aa* . z ii #
    161.                        {ei}
    162.  The Cuthbert family live by the village church.
    162.  # dh @ . k uh th . b @ t . f a . m i* . l ii* . l i v . b ai . dh @ .
    162.  v i . l i jh . ch @@ ch #
    163.  The multi-bulbed light fitting in the lounge was an improvement on the
    163.  neon tube.
    163.  # dh @ . m uh l . t ii* . b uh l b d . l ai t . f i . t i ng . i n . dh @
    163.  . l au n jh* . w o* . z a* . n i m . p r uu v . m @ n* . t o* n . dh @ .
    163.  n ii . o n . t y* uu b #
    164.  The glazier was airing his views on the woeful state of the Health
    164.  Service rather than mending the window.
    164.  # dh @ . g l ei . z i@ . w o* . z e@ . r i ng . h i z . v y uu . z o* n .
    164.  dh @ . w ou . f u l . s t ei . t o* v . dh @ . h e l th . s @@ . v i s .
    164.  r aa . dh @ . dh a* n . m e n . d i ng . dh @ . w i n . d ou #
    165.  He shrugged off a threat of sabotage with a blythe statement about the
    165.  impregnable security system.
    165.  # h ii . sh r uh g . d o f . @ . th r e . t o* v . s a . b @ . t aa zh .
    165.  w i . dh @ . b l ai dh . s t ei t . m @ n . t @ . b au t . dh ii . i m .
    165.  p r e g . n @ . b @ l* . s i* . k y u@ . r i* . t ii* . s i . s t @ m #
    166.  When I'm poorly I like to surround myself with familiar childhood toys.
    166.  # w e . n ai m . p u@* . l ii* . ai . l ai k . t uu* . s @ . r au n d .
    166.  m ai . s e l f . w i dh . f @ . m i . l i@ . ch ai l d . h u d . t oi z #
    167.  Now that we earn the same wage we should go halves on the bill.
    167.  # n au . dh a* t . w ii . @@ n . dh @ . s ei m . w ei jh . w ii .
    167.  sh u d . g ou . h aa v . z o* n . dh @ . b i l #
    168.  I feel too lethargic to wash up tonight.
    168.  # ai . f ii l . t uu . l i* . th aa . jh i k . t uu* . w o . sh uh p .
    168.  t u* . n ai t #
    169.  Cath opened the larder door to fetch the iceberg lettuce and a chunk of
    169.  cheddar.
    169.  # k a . th ou . p @ n* d . dh @ . l aa . d @ . d oo . t uu* . f e ch .
    169.  dh ii . ai s . b @@ g . l e . t i . s a* n . d @ . ch uh ng . k o* v .
    169.  ch e . d @ #
    170.  The babe was starting to teethe but her favourite toy appeared to
    170.  soothe her.
    170.  # dh @ . b ei b . w o* z . s t aa . t i ng . t uu* . t ii dh . b uh* t .
    170.  h @@* . f ei . v (@ . ) r i* t . t oi . @ . p i@ d . t uu* . s uu dh .
    170.  h @@* #
    171.  Alf's brother was totally absorbed in the virtuoso performance of Bach's
    171.  Toccata and Fugue.
    171.  # a l f s . b r uh . dh @ . w o* z . t ou . t @ . l ii* . @ b . z oo b .
    171.  d i n . dh @ . v @@ . t y* uu* . ou . z ou . p @ . f oo . m @ n .
    171.  s o* v . b aa k . s t @ . k aa . t @ . (r) a* n d . f y uu g #
    172.  The fun-fair is merely a step round the corner.
    172.  # dh @ . f uh n . f e@ . (r) i z . m i@ . l ii* . @ . s t e p .
    172.  r au n d . dh @ . k oo . n @ #
    173.  The topic of Jeff's thesis is beginning to annoy me.
    173.  # dh @ . t o . p i . k o* v . jh e f s . th ii . s i . s i z . b i* .
    173.  g i . n i ng . t uu* . @ . n oi . m ii #
    174.  The candidate felt that a trapezoidal badge would have more visual impact
    174.  than the usual rosette.
    174.  # dh @ . k a n . d i . d ei* t . f e l t . dh a* . t @ . t r a . p i* .
    174.  z o i . d @ l* . b a jh . w u d . h a* v . m oo . v i . zh uu . @ .
    174.  l i m . p a k t . t h a* n . dh @ . y uu . zh uu . @ l . r ou* . z e t #
    175.  Her wealth's certain to buy her not only a Porsche but also considerable
    175.  popularity.
    175.  # h @@* . w e l th s . s @@ . t @ n* . t uu* . b ai . h @@* . n o .
    175.  t ou n . l ii* . @ . p oo sh . b uh* . t oo l . s ou . k @ n . s i .
    175.  d @ . r @ . b @ l* . p o . p y u . l a . r i* . t ii* #
    176.  I can't stand sheets and blankets, and I absolutely loathe eiderdowns.
    176.  # ai . k aa n t . s t a n d . sh ii t . s a* n d . b l a ng . k i t .
    176.  s a* n . d ai . a {b} . s @ . l uu t . l ii* . l ou . dh ai . d @ .
    176.                    {p}
    176.  d au n z #
    177.  The ivy wound its way grotesquely round the neck of the gargoyle.
    177.  # dh ii . ai . v ii . w au n . d i t s . w ei . g r ou* . t e s . k l ii*
    177.  . r au n d . dh @ . n e . k o* v . dh @ . g aa . g oi l #
    178.  Every time I see Mr. Hoyle I get a strong urge to dodge out of his
    178.  sight.
    178.  # e . v r ii* . t ai . m ai . s ii . m i . s t @ . h oi . l ai . g e .
    178.  t @ . s t r o ng . @@ jh . t uu* . d o . jh au . t o* v . h i z .
    178.  s ai t #
    179.  You always manage to besiege me with other people's problems.
    179.  # y uu . oo l . w ei* z . m a . n i jh . t uu* . b i* . s ii jh . m ii .
    179.   w i . dh uh . dh @ . p ii . p @ l* z . p r o . b l @ m z #
    180.  The opposition claim that present government policy is injurious to the
    180.  nation's well-being.
    180.  # dh ii . o . p @ . z i . sh @ n* . k l ei m . dh a* t . p r e . z @ n* t
    180.  . g uh . v @ (n) . m @ n t . p o . l i* . s ii* . i . z i n . jh u@ .
    180.  r ii* . @ s . t uu* . dh @ . n ei . sh @ n* z . w e l . b ii . i ng #
    181.  Cinderella waltzed through the night while poor Buttons mooched
    181.  aimlessly about the house.
    181.  # s i n . d @ . r e . l @ . w o(o) l (t) s t . th r uu . dh @ . n ai t .
    181.  w ai l . p u@* . b uh . t @ n* z . m uu ch . t ei m . l @ s . l ii* .
    181.  @ . b au t . dh @ . h au s #
    182.  Sandra's parents were impressed when she swam two widths of back stroke.
    182.  # s aa n . d r @ z . p e@ . r @ n* t s . w @ . (r) i m . p r e s t .
    182.  w e n . sh ii . s w a m . t uu . w i d th . s o* v . b a k . s t r ou k #
    183.  This heater gives out nothing compared with the warmth you get from my
    183.  gas fire.
    183.  # dh i s . h ii . t @ . g i v . z au t . n uh . th i ng . k @ m . p e@ d
    183.  . w i dh . dh @ . w oo m th . y uu . g e t . f r o* m . m ai . g a s .
    183.  f ai . @ #
    184.  The Websters are going to see "Puss in Boots" just after Christmas.
    184.  # dh @ . w e b . s t @ . z aa* . g ou . i ng . t uu* . s ii . p u .
    184.  s i n . b uu t s . jh uh s . t aa f . t @ . k r i s . m @ s #
    185.  Venice is full of tasteless postcards of the doge staring enigmatically
    185.  out to sea.
    185.  # v e . n i . s i s . f u . l o* v . t ei s t . l @ s . p ou s t . k aa d
    185.  . z o* v . dh @ . d ou jh . s t e@ . r i ng . e . n i g . m a . t i .
    185.   k (@ .) l ii* . au t . t uu* . s ii #
    186.  I'm well aware that raw vegetables contain more vitamins than cooked
    186.  ones.
    186.  # ai m . w e . l @ . w e@ . dh a* t . r oo . v e . jh i* . t @ . b @ l* z
    186.  . k @ n . t ei n . m oo . v i . t @ . m i n z . dh a* n . k u k t .
    186.  w uh n z #
    187.  I'll never know whether it was the alcohol or the lack of sleep that gave
    187.  me blurred vision.
    187.  # ai l . n e . v @ . n ou . w e . dh @ . i t . w o* z . dh ii . a l .
    187.  k @ . h o* . l oo . dh @ . l a . k o* v . s l ii p . dh a* t . g ei v .
    187.  m ii . b l @@ d . v i . zh @ n* #
    188.  I'm intrigued that social values can change so quickly.
    188.  # ai . m i n . t r ii g d . dh a* t . s ou . sh @ l* . v a . l y uu z .
    188.  k a* n . ch ei n jh . s ou . k w i . k l ii* #
    189.  I can't pretend to know the exact answer but I can make an educated
    189.  guess.
    189.  # ai . k aa n t . p r i* . t e n d . t uu* . n ou . dh ii . i* g .
    189.  z a k . t aa n . s @ .  b uh* . t ai . k a* n . m ei . k @ . n e .
    189.  d y* uu* . k ei . t i d . g e s #
    190.  The most tasty carrots come from Mr. Brown's farm.
    190.  # dh @ . m ou s t . t ei . s t ii* . k a . r @ t s . k uh m . f r o* m .
    190.  m i . s t @ . b r au n z . f aa m #
    191.  When I'm pregnant I get a craving for smoky bacon crisps and dry roasted
    191.  peanuts.
    191.  # w e . n ai m . p r e g . n @ n . t ai . g e . t @ . k r ei . v i ng .
    191.  f oo* . s m ou . k ii* . b ei . k @ n . k r i s p . s a* n d . d r ai .
    191.  r ou . s t i d . p ii . n uh* t s #
    192.  Last year I forgot to take my pen-knife when we went camping.
    192.  # l aa s t . y i@ . (r) ai . f @ . g o t . t uu* . t ei k . m ai .
    192.  p e n . n ai f . w e n . w ii . w e n t . k a m . p i ng #
    193.  The bank robbers managed to escape before anyone could notify the police.
    193.  # dh @ . b a ng k . r o . b @ z . m a . n i jh d . t uu* . i* . s k ei p
    193.  . b i* . f oo* . (r) e . n ii* . w @ n . k u d . n ou . t i . f ai .
    193.  dh @ . p @ . l ii s #
    194.  It's obvious that the student was amply rewarded for his endeavours.
    194.  # i t . s o b . v ii . @ s . dh a* t . dh @ . s t y uu . d @ n t . w o* .
    194.  z a m . p l ii* . r i . w oo . d i d . f oo* . h i . z i* n . d e .
    194.  v @ z #
    195.  I yearn for the day when smoking is banned on public transport.
    195.  # ai . y @@ n . f oo* . dh @ . d ei . w e n . s m ou . k i ng . i z .
    195.  b a n . d o n . p uh . b l i k . t r {aa} n . s p oo t #
    196.  I'll call into the chemist on the way back and buy some shampoo.
    196.  # ai l . k oo . l i n . t uu* . dh @ . k e . m i s . t o* n . dh @ .
    196.  w ei . b a . k a* n d . b ai . s uh m . sh a m . p uu #
    197.  The manageress treated all her shop assistants like dirt.
    197.  # dh @ . m a . n @ . jh @ . r e s . t r ii . t i . d oo l . h @@* .
    197.  sh o . p @ . s i . s t @ n t s . l ai k . d @@ t #
    198.  I wish I lived a little bit nearer to the supermarket.
    198.  # ai . w i . sh ai . l i v . d @ . l i . t @ l* . b i t . n i@ . r @ .
    198.  t uu* . dh @ . s uu . p @ . m aa . k i t #
    199.  It's entirely inappropriate to wear black at a wedding.
    199.  # i t . s i n . t ai . @ . l ii* . i . n @ . p r ou . p r ii* . @ t .
    199.  t uu* . w e@ . b l a . k a* . t @ . w e . d i ng #
    200.  All the coloured inks merged into one another when he spilled the water.
    200.  # oo l . dh @ . k uh . l @ . d i ng k s . m @@ jh . d i n . t uu* . w uh
    200.  . n @ . n uh . dh @ . w e n . h ii . s p i l {d} . dh @ . w oo . t @ #
    200.                                               {t}

    Appendix 3: Phonological Index of Demi-Syllables and Diphones

    One consonant syllable-final index

    @.b    sentence.171
    @.d    sentence.003 sentence.026  sentence.068  sentence.082
           sentence.124 sentence.128
    @.f    sentence.131
    @.g    sentence.107 sentence.134
    @.k    sentence.158
    @.l    sentence.003 sentence.011  sentence.018  sentence.035
           sentence.042  sentence.047  sentence.055 sentence.056
           sentence.063 sentence.064  sentence.067  sentence.077
           sentence.078  sentence.086  sentence.088 sentence.101
           sentence.102 sentence.107  sentence.109  sentence.116
           sentence.119  sentence.128  sentence.136 sentence.148
           sentence.149 sentence.153  sentence.154  sentence.158
           sentence.165  sentence.174  sentence.175 sentence.188
    @.m    sentence.012 sentence.032  sentence.035  sentence.092
           sentence.153 sentence.159 sentence.165 sentence.183
    @.n    sentence.003 sentence.005  sentence.008  sentence.013
           sentence.015  sentence.019  sentence.025 sentence.047
           sentence.049 sentence.063  sentence.072  sentence.073
           sentence.074  sentence.084  sentence.085 sentence.086
           sentence.091 sentence.093  sentence.097  sentence.098
           sentence.103  sentence.110  sentence.111 sentence.118
           sentence.120 sentence.122  sentence.125  sentence.130
           sentence.131  sentence.136  sentence.143 sentence.148
           sentence.156 sentence.157  sentence.159  sentence.163
           sentence.165  sentence.171  sentence.175 sentence.180
           sentence.186 sentence.187  sentence.191  sentence.193
           sentence.072 sentence.093 sentence.111 sentence.143
    @.p    sentence.114 sentence.119 sentence.155
    @.s    sentence.045 sentence.076  sentence.092  sentence.107
           sentence.130  sentence.134  sentence.148 sentence.152
           sentence.180 sentence.181  sentence.184  sentence.185
           sentence.194 sentence.184
    @.t    sentence.046 sentence.058 sentence.162 sentence.199   sentence.113
    @.v    sentence.108
    @.z    sentence.024 sentence.057  sentence.112  sentence.113
           sentence.117  sentence.118  sentence.149 sentence.182
           sentence.193 sentence.194
    @@.b   sentence.008  sentence.162
    @@.d   sentence.072 sentence.156 sentence.187
    @@.f   sentence.125
    @@.g   sentence.169
    @@.jh  sentence.178 sentence.200
    @@.k   sentence.006
    @@.l   sentence.045 sentence.128
    @@.m   sentence.148
    @@.n   sentence.078 sentence.125 sentence.167 sentence.195
    @@.s   sentence.061 sentence.071
    @@.t   sentence.024 sentence.145 sentence.197  sentence.039
    @@.v   sentence.146
    @@.z   sentence.098
    a.b    sentence.124 sentence.176   sentence.022 sentence.064
    a.d    sentence.005 sentence.070  sentence.088  sentence.125
    a.f    sentence.037
    a.g    sentence.154
    a.jh   sentence.174
    a.k    sentence.047 sentence.055  sentence.059  sentence.077
           sentence.109  sentence.149  sentence.182 sentence.189
    a.l    sentence.048 sentence.187
    a.m    sentence.129 sentence.149  sentence.182  sentence.192
           sentence.194 sentence.196 sentence.196
    a.n    sentence.018 sentence.025  sentence.029  sentence.050
           sentence.054  sentence.066  sentence.074 sentence.080
           sentence.088 sentence.107  sentence.108  sentence.113
           sentence.116  sentence.126  sentence.127 sentence.128
           sentence.160 sentence.164  sentence.169  sentence.174
           sentence.176  sentence.186  sentence.188 sentence.189
           sentence.195 sentence.116   sentence.078 sentence.110 sentence.176
    a.p    sentence.075 sentence.122 sentence.129
    a.s    sentence.183   sentence.060 sentence.063
    a.t    sentence.013 sentence.019  sentence.028  sentence.039
           sentence.053  sentence.061  sentence.081 sentence.083
           sentence.091 sentence.094  sentence.105  sentence.110
           sentence.133  sentence.137  sentence.138 sentence.142
           sentence.146 sentence.148  sentence.153  sentence.156
           sentence.167  sentence.180  sentence.186 sentence.187
           sentence.188 sentence.194 sentence.039   sentence.043
    a.v    sentence.019 sentence.047  sentence.105  sentence.144
    a.z    sentence.030 sentence.034  sentence.090  sentence.094
           sentence.096  sentence.102  sentence.117 sentence.146
           sentence.147 sentence.155
    aa.b   sentence.054 sentence.063  sentence.155
    aa.d   sentence.045 sentence.064  sentence.069  sentence.077
    aa.dh  sentence.105
    aa.f   sentence.006 sentence.050  sentence.055  sentence.059
           sentence.061  sentence.082  sentence.085 sentence.098
    aa.jh  sentence.002 sentence.074 sentence.136
    aa.k   sentence.090 sentence.101 sentence.171
    aa.l   sentence.150
    aa.m   sentence.190 sentence.190
    aa.n   sentence.005 sentence.124  sentence.160  sentence.182
           sentence.189 sentence.195
    aa.p   sentence.121
    aa.s   sentence.068  sentence.040
    aa.t   sentence.005  sentence.037
    aa.v   sentence.167
    aa.z   sentence.135
    aa.zh  sentence.165
    ai.b   sentence.152
    ai.d   sentence.029 sentence.102  sentence.116  sentence.134
    ai.dh  sentence.165
    ai.f   sentence.192
    ai.jh  sentence.099
    ai.k   sentence.030 sentence.160 sentence.166 sentence.197
    ai.l   sentence.010 sentence.015  sentence.023  sentence.027
           sentence.181 sentence.187 sentence.196
    ai.m   sentence.021 sentence.033  sentence.166  sentence.186
    ai.n   sentence.035 sentence.036 sentence.051 sentence.102
    ai.p   sentence.128
    ai.s   sentence.001 sentence.004  sentence.079  sentence.094
    ai.t   sentence.009 sentence.050  sentence.052  sentence.064
           sentence.136  sentence.143  sentence.163 sentence.168
           sentence.178 sentence.181  sentence.096
    ai.v   sentence.036 sentence.096 sentence.100 sentence.116
    ai.z   sentence.120 sentence.129  sentence.110
    au.d   sentence.007 sentence.028  sentence.090  sentence.091
    au.dh  sentence.135
    au.jh  sentence.136
    au.n   sentence.014 sentence.062  sentence.066  sentence.086
           sentence.122 sentence.140 sentence.159 sentence.177
    au.s   sentence.097 sentence.118 sentence.181
    au.t   sentence.056 sentence.060  sentence.083  sentence.121
           sentence.165 sentence.181 sentence.183 sentence.185  sentence.085
    au.z   sentence.107 sentence.117
    e.b    sentence.184   sentence.169
    e.d    sentence.038 sentence.085 sentence.116
    e.dh   sentence.111
    e.f    sentence.084 sentence.147
    e.g    sentence.121 sentence.165 sentence.191 sentence.165
    e.jh   sentence.023
    e.k    sentence.001 sentence.005 sentence.113 sentence.158
    e.l    sentence.133 sentence.146 sentence.150 sentence.180
    e.m    sentence.068
    e.n    sentence.009 sentence.013  sentence.020  sentence.024
           sentence.032  sentence.034  sentence.049 sentence.058
           sentence.063 sentence.071  sentence.072  sentence.091
           sentence.101  sentence.107  sentence.111 sentence.122
           sentence.130 sentence.150  sentence.164  sentence.182
           sentence.192  sentence.195  sentence.200 sentence.072
    e.p    sentence.172
    e.s    sentence.043 sentence.089  sentence.104  sentence.177
           sentence.189 sentence.197   sentence.004 sentence.108
    e.t    sentence.020 sentence.023 sentence.174 sentence.183   sentence.099
    e.z    sentence.008 sentence.054
    e@.d   sentence.076 sentence.092 sentence.099 sentence.183
    e@.l   sentence.053
    e@.s   sentence.088
    e@.z   sentence.045
    e@.zh  sentence.091
    ei.b   sentence.170  sentence.132
    ei.d   sentence.016 sentence.028 sentence.152 sentence.028
    ei.dh  sentence.138
    ei.f   sentence.129
    ei.g   sentence.066
    ei.jh  sentence.167
    ei.k   sentence.023 sentence.154 sentence.157 sentence.192
    ei.l   sentence.155
    ei.m   sentence.034 sentence.035  sentence.075  sentence.113
           sentence.138  sentence.167  sentence.180 sentence.181
    ei.n   sentence.001 sentence.032  sentence.045  sentence.050
           sentence.054  sentence.103  sentence.143 sentence.144
           sentence.186 sentence.045 sentence.143
    ei.p   sentence.193
    ei.s   sentence.014 sentence.079 sentence.083 sentence.102
    ei.t   sentence.153 sentence.165 sentence.174  sentence.157
    ei.v   sentence.040 sentence.187
    ei.z   sentence.022 sentence.025  sentence.056  sentence.063
    ei.zh  sentence.048
    i.b    sentence.060   sentence.009 sentence.102  sentence.118  sentence.122
           sentence.134 sentence.159
    i.d    sentence.001 sentence.002  sentence.043  sentence.067
           sentence.071  sentence.094  sentence.095 sentence.103
           sentence.105 sentence.128  sentence.139  sentence.189
           sentence.191 sentence.194
    i.dh   sentence.029 sentence.032  sentence.067  sentence.092
           sentence.119  sentence.120  sentence.147 sentence.150
           sentence.158 sentence.159 sentence.166 sentence.183
    i.f    sentence.033 sentence.052  sentence.053  sentence.097
           sentence.103 sentence.123 sentence.033
    i.g    sentence.053 sentence.130 sentence.185 sentence.189
    i.jh   sentence.078 sentence.083  sentence.110  sentence.159
           sentence.162 sentence.179
    i.k    sentence.001 sentence.019  sentence.033  sentence.035
           sentence.046  sentence.066  sentence.087 sentence.102
           sentence.111 sentence.122  sentence.143  sentence.157
           sentence.168 sentence.195
    i.l    sentence.012 sentence.013  sentence.046  sentence.050
           sentence.055  sentence.070  sentence.083 sentence.106
           sentence.123 sentence.144 sentence.159 sentence.167
    i.m    sentence.006 sentence.017  sentence.036  sentence.074
           sentence.102  sentence.120  sentence.127 sentence.163
           sentence.165 sentence.174 sentence.182 sentence.127
    i.n    sentence.004 sentence.005  sentence.011  sentence.014
           sentence.019  sentence.025  sentence.026 sentence.032
           sentence.042 sentence.045  sentence.049  sentence.051
           sentence.056  sentence.058  sentence.073 sentence.075
           sentence.077 sentence.082  sentence.090  sentence.104
           sentence.111  sentence.115  sentence.119 sentence.120
           sentence.125 sentence.129  sentence.133  sentence.136
           sentence.137  sentence.143  sentence.145 sentence.147
           sentence.148 sentence.152  sentence.153  sentence.154
           sentence.157  sentence.159  sentence.160 sentence.161
           sentence.163 sentence.164  sentence.171  sentence.180
           sentence.181  sentence.184  sentence.188 sentence.194
           sentence.196 sentence.199  sentence.200  sentence.045
           sentence.111 sentence.137 sentence.143   sentence.008 sentence.015  sentence.022  sentence.026
           sentence.027  sentence.033  sentence.034 sentence.037
           sentence.041 sentence.044  sentence.045  sentence.049
           sentence.050  sentence.060  sentence.062 sentence.070
           sentence.071 sentence.076  sentence.081  sentence.086
           sentence.094  sentence.099  sentence.100 sentence.107
           sentence.130 sentence.131  sentence.135  sentence.137
           sentence.140  sentence.142  sentence.149 sentence.154
           sentence.160 sentence.163  sentence.164  sentence.170
           sentence.173  sentence.180  sentence.183 sentence.184
           sentence.185 sentence.191  sentence.192  sentence.195
           sentence.199 sentence.160
    i.p    sentence.002 sentence.066  sentence.139  sentence.146
    i.s    sentence.030 sentence.032  sentence.048  sentence.053
           sentence.055  sentence.057  sentence.097 sentence.109
           sentence.114 sentence.134  sentence.140  sentence.146
           sentence.155  sentence.164  sentence.183 sentence.184
           sentence.185 sentence.196 sentence.184   sentence.040 sentence.054 sentence.086 sentence.127
    i.t    sentence.008 sentence.013  sentence.016  sentence.017
           sentence.034  sentence.035  sentence.039 sentence.055
           sentence.060 sentence.066  sentence.069  sentence.075
           sentence.088  sentence.097  sentence.123 sentence.131
           sentence.142 sentence.157  sentence.170  sentence.176
           sentence.187  sentence.194  sentence.198 sentence.199
           sentence.039 sentence.170   sentence.041
    i.v    sentence.098 sentence.162 sentence.183 sentence.198
    i.z    sentence.001 sentence.006  sentence.010  sentence.011
           sentence.015  sentence.016  sentence.028 sentence.029
           sentence.037 sentence.040  sentence.045  sentence.046
           sentence.058  sentence.059  sentence.065 sentence.069
           sentence.076 sentence.103  sentence.120  sentence.121
           sentence.128  sentence.136  sentence.138 sentence.140
           sentence.146 sentence.147  sentence.148  sentence.158
           sentence.161  sentence.164  sentence.172 sentence.173
           sentence.178 sentence.195
    i@.d   sentence.092 sentence.096 sentence.170
    i@.s   sentence.071  sentence.126
    i@.z   sentence.069 sentence.080 sentence.085 sentence.096  sentence.046 sentence.098
    ii.d   sentence.046 sentence.064  sentence.082  sentence.083
           sentence.101 sentence.127
    ii.dh  sentence.170
    ii.f   sentence.065
    ii.g   sentence.147 sentence.148
    ii.jh  sentence.179
    ii.k   sentence.015 sentence.146
    ii.l   sentence.033 sentence.101 sentence.106 sentence.168
    ii.m   sentence.019 sentence.025 sentence.097 sentence.108
    ii.n   sentence.020 sentence.031  sentence.047  sentence.052
           sentence.100  sentence.111  sentence.146 sentence.157
    ii.p   sentence.042 sentence.050 sentence.187
    ii.s   sentence.193  sentence.101
    ii.t   sentence.036 sentence.049  sentence.059  sentence.142
           sentence.176  sentence.038
    ii.v   sentence.013 sentence.101 sentence.123 sentence.125
    ii.z   sentence.030 sentence.047  sentence.072  sentence.079
           sentence.083 sentence.129 sentence.158
    o.b    sentence.082 sentence.115 sentence.194   sentence.149
    o.d    sentence.136 sentence.158
    o.f    sentence.005 sentence.051 sentence.165
    o.g    sentence.117 sentence.118
    o.jh   sentence.137
    o.k    sentence.056 sentence.134
    o.m    sentence.007 sentence.054  sentence.060  sentence.079
           sentence.093  sentence.149  sentence.183 sentence.190
    o.n    sentence.002 sentence.006  sentence.009  sentence.030
           sentence.041  sentence.067  sentence.071 sentence.073
           sentence.079 sentence.091  sentence.096  sentence.098
           sentence.101  sentence.106  sentence.108 sentence.116
           sentence.122 sentence.125  sentence.144  sentence.148
           sentence.163  sentence.164  sentence.167 sentence.195
           sentence.196 sentence.116   sentence.002 sentence.026 sentence.034 sentence.178
    o.p    sentence.004 sentence.067 sentence.135
    o.s    sentence.095 sentence.099 sentence.104   sentence.051
    o.t    sentence.035 sentence.129  sentence.151  sentence.155
           sentence.161 sentence.192   sentence.159
    o.v    sentence.004 sentence.005  sentence.006  sentence.008
           sentence.024  sentence.043  sentence.046 sentence.051
           sentence.056 sentence.062  sentence.072  sentence.073
           sentence.074  sentence.087  sentence.088 sentence.095
           sentence.102 sentence.104  sentence.105  sentence.113
           sentence.121  sentence.122  sentence.136 sentence.137
           sentence.142 sentence.151  sentence.153  sentence.155
           sentence.161  sentence.164  sentence.165 sentence.169
           sentence.171 sentence.173  sentence.177  sentence.178
           sentence.182 sentence.185 sentence.187
    o.z    sentence.003 sentence.007  sentence.017  sentence.049
           sentence.055  sentence.062  sentence.069 sentence.080
           sentence.081 sentence.088  sentence.089  sentence.103
           sentence.118  sentence.126  sentence.130 sentence.131
           sentence.134 sentence.135  sentence.149  sentence.156
           sentence.170 sentence.171 sentence.187
    oi.d   sentence.084 sentence.112 sentence.153
    oi.l   sentence.044 sentence.177
    oi.s   sentence.034
    oi.t   sentence.019
    oi.z   sentence.152 sentence.166
    oo.b   sentence.171  sentence.102
    oo.d   sentence.043 sentence.067 sentence.123
    oo.f   sentence.066
    oo.g   sentence.061
    oo.jh  sentence.098
    oo.k   sentence.072
    oo.l   sentence.011 sentence.022  sentence.025  sentence.031
           sentence.037  sentence.051  sentence.063 sentence.095
           sentence.097 sentence.108  sentence.117  sentence.120
           sentence.129  sentence.130  sentence.140 sentence.175
           sentence.179 sentence.197 sentence.200
    oo.m   sentence.160
    oo.n   sentence.145
    oo.p   sentence.123
    oo.s   sentence.155  sentence.175
    oo.t   sentence.038 sentence.051  sentence.068  sentence.098
           sentence.107 sentence.126 sentence.195  sentence.019
    oo.z   sentence.097
    ou.b   sentence.116  sentence.084
    ou.d   sentence.063 sentence.085
    ou.dh  sentence.133
    ou.f   sentence.058
    ou.g   sentence.157
    ou.jh  sentence.185
    ou.k   sentence.103 sentence.182
    ou.l   sentence.096
    ou.m   sentence.021
    ou.n   sentence.065 sentence.105  sentence.114  sentence.124
           sentence.149 sentence.175
    ou.p   sentence.029 sentence.102
    ou.s   sentence.073 sentence.117
    ou.t   sentence.042  sentence.141
    ou.v   sentence.048
    ou.z   sentence.027 sentence.034  sentence.111  sentence.144
    u.d    sentence.006 sentence.011  sentence.021  sentence.030
           sentence.094  sentence.144  sentence.166 sentence.167
           sentence.174 sentence.193
    u.l    sentence.117 sentence.164   sentence.063   sentence.102
    u.t    sentence.101 sentence.105
    u@.zh  sentence.161
    uh.b   sentence.095  sentence.047 sentence.053
    uh.d   sentence.028 sentence.028
    uh.f   sentence.033 sentence.033
    uh.g   sentence.165 sentence.165
    uh.jh  sentence.103 sentence.142
    uh.k   sentence.149 sentence.149
    uh.l   sentence.157 sentence.163
    uh.m   sentence.113 sentence.127  sentence.190  sentence.196
           sentence.052  sentence.055  sentence.056 sentence.063
           sentence.078 sentence.105  sentence.107  sentence.113
           sentence.127 sentence.135 sentence.190 sentence.196
    uh.n   sentence.045 sentence.072  sentence.093  sentence.111
           sentence.116  sentence.137  sentence.143 sentence.045
           sentence.072 sentence.093  sentence.111  sentence.116
           sentence.132  sentence.137  sentence.139 sentence.143
           sentence.172  sentence.160 sentence.029 sentence.160 sentence.169
    uh.p   sentence.168
    uh.s   sentence.184 sentence.059  sentence.064  sentence.111
           sentence.125 sentence.184  sentence.038
    uh.t   sentence.039 sentence.170  sentence.039  sentence.043
           sentence.045  sentence.072  sentence.079 sentence.144
           sentence.170  sentence.162
    uh.v   sentence.007 sentence.154
    uh.z   sentence.133
    uu.b   sentence.163  sentence.181
    uu.d   sentence.032 sentence.079
    uu.dh  sentence.106 sentence.170
    uu.f   sentence.019
    uu.g   sentence.171
    uu.jh  sentence.042
    uu.k   sentence.075
    uu.l   sentence.043 sentence.085 sentence.105 sentence.128
    uu.m   sentence.048 sentence.153
    uu.n   sentence.071 sentence.090 sentence.098
    uu.p   sentence.146
    uu.s   sentence.039
    uu.t   sentence.056 sentence.147 sentence.176  sentence.142
    uu.v   sentence.145 sentence.163
    uu.z   sentence.031 sentence.069  sentence.083  sentence.154

    Two consonant syllable-final index

    @.l.d  sentence.042
    @.l.z  sentence.027 sentence.179 sentence.186
    @.m.p  sentence.013
    @.m.z  sentence.070 sentence.179
    @.n.d  sentence.036 sentence.054 sentence.169
    @.n.s  sentence.010 sentence.158
    @.n.t  sentence.012 sentence.013  sentence.014  sentence.017
           sentence.019  sentence.026  sentence.054 sentence.056
           sentence.059 sentence.079  sentence.103  sentence.106
           sentence.127  sentence.132  sentence.141 sentence.180
    @.n.z  sentence.095 sentence.109  sentence.138  sentence.180
    @.t.s  sentence.190
    @@.b.d sentence.134
    @@.d.z sentence.095 sentence.135
    @@.k.t sentence.014 sentence.099
    @@.l.d sentence.018
    @@.n.d sentence.093
    @@.s.t sentence.099
    @@.v.d sentence.063 sentence.084
    a.b.d  sentence.137
    a.k.t  sentence.174
    a.l.p  sentence.071
    a.m.p  sentence.068
    a.n.d  sentence.007 sentence.013  sentence.021  sentence.023
           sentence.028  sentence.029  sentence.033 sentence.035
           sentence.043 sentence.052  sentence.061  sentence.065
           sentence.066  sentence.072  sentence.089 sentence.092
           sentence.108 sentence.115  sentence.120  sentence.124
           sentence.136  sentence.137  sentence.140 sentence.141
           sentence.144 sentence.154  sentence.157  sentence.171
           sentence.176 sentence.191 sentence.196
    a.n.k  sentence.021 sentence.150 sentence.193 sentence.044
    a.t.s  sentence.145
    aa.f.s sentence.114
    aa.f.t sentence.027
    aa.l.z sentence.100
    aa.n.s sentence.020
    aa.n.t sentence.135 sentence.176 sentence.189
    aa.s.k sentence.002
    aa.s.t sentence.061 sentence.076 sentence.111 sentence.192
    ai.l.d sentence.077 sentence.166
    ai.l.s sentence.107
    ai.n.d sentence.078 sentence.084 sentence.115 sentence.128
    ai.s.t sentence.067
    ai.v.d sentence.094
    ai.z.d sentence.015 sentence.028 sentence.130
    au.n.d sentence.004 sentence.029  sentence.041  sentence.166
           sentence.172 sentence.177
    au.n.t sentence.069
    au.n.z sentence.176 sentence.190
    e.b.z  sentence.115
    e.f.s  sentence.173
    e.f.t  sentence.046
    e.g.z  sentence.029 sentence.082
    e.l.f  sentence.074 sentence.166 sentence.078
    e.l.t  sentence.103 sentence.132 sentence.174 sentence.109 sentence.164
    e.l.v  sentence.035 sentence.061
    e.m.p  sentence.015 sentence.022 sentence.084 sentence.043
    e.n.d  sentence.006 sentence.189
    e.n.s  sentence.007
    e.n.t  sentence.063 sentence.120 sentence.141 sentence.192
    e.n.z  sentence.145
    e.p.t  sentence.026 sentence.111
    e.s.t  sentence.182
    e.t.s  sentence.104 sentence.156
    ei.k.s sentence.065
    ei.k.t sentence.044
    ei.l.d sentence.069
    ei.l.z sentence.004
    ei.n.jhsentence.026 sentence.188
    ei.n.t sentence.048
    ei.n.z sentence.079 sentence.081
    ei.s.t sentence.185
    ei.t.s sentence.114
    ei.t.thsentence.146 sentence.182 sentence.108
    i.jh.d sentence.008 sentence.158 sentence.193
    i.k.s  sentence.020 sentence.150 sentence.154
    i.k.t  sentence.017 sentence.149
    i.l.d  sentence.200
    i.l.f  sentence.160
    i.l.k  sentence.107 sentence.138
    i.l.m  sentence.073 sentence.122
    i.l.n  sentence.143
    i.m.f  sentence.143
    i.m.p  sentence.151 sentence.153
    i.m.z  sentence.130
    i.n.d  sentence.012
    i.n.s  sentence.017 sentence.145
    i.n.z  sentence.186 sentence.186 sentence.107
    i.p.s  sentence.056
    i.s.p  sentence.191
    i.s.t  sentence.006 sentence.108 sentence.137 sentence.116
    i.t.s  sentence.021 sentence.026  sentence.031  sentence.110
           sentence.153 sentence.177
    i.v.z  sentence.031
    ii.g.d sentence.188
    ii.n.z sentence.073
    ii.p.s sentence.118
    ii.s.t sentence.131
    ii.z.d sentence.058
    o.b.z  sentence.032
    o.k.s  sentence.060
    o.s.t  sentence.083
    o.t.s  sentence.048 sentence.062
    oi.d.z sentence.088
    oi.n.t sentence.056 sentence.089 sentence.106
    oo.l.t sentence.058
    oo.l.z sentence.071
    oo.s.t sentence.034
    oo.z.d sentence.012 sentence.024
    ou.k.s sentence.047
    ou.l.d sentence.097 sentence.119
    ou.n.t sentence.030
    ou.n.z sentence.018
    ou.s.t sentence.133 sentence.185 sentence.190
    u.k.t  sentence.151 sentence.186
    u.l.t  sentence.031 sentence.078 sentence.064
    uh.l.b sentence.009
    uh.l.s sentence.147
    uh.m.p sentence.075
    uh.n.t sentence.088
    uh.n.z sentence.186 sentence.044 sentence.067 sentence.186 sentence.158
    uh.s.t sentence.100 sentence.135
    uh.t.s sentence.191
    uh.v.d sentence.055 sentence.077
    uu.m.d sentence.028
    uu.s.t sentence.058
    uu.t.s sentence.028 sentence.184
    uu.v.d sentence.080

    Three consonant syllable-final index

    @.n.t.ssentence.076 sentence.136 sentence.182 sentence.197
    e.k.s.tsentence.005 sentence.027 sentence.126
    e.n.s.tsentence.140 sentence.161
    ii.l.d.zsentence.019 sentence.112

    Four consonant syllable-final index


    One consonant syllable-initial index

    b.@    sentence.016 sentence.052  sentence.053  sentence.055
           sentence.056  sentence.063  sentence.068 sentence.083
           sentence.102 sentence.113  sentence.116  sentence.118
           sentence.119  sentence.121  sentence.133 sentence.136
           sentence.148 sentence.149  sentence.153  sentence.154
           sentence.162  sentence.165  sentence.175 sentence.186
    b.@@   sentence.072 sentence.169
    b.a    sentence.011 sentence.077  sentence.101  sentence.102
           sentence.105  sentence.150  sentence.151 sentence.154
           sentence.174 sentence.182  sentence.193  sentence.195
    b.aa   sentence.002 sentence.037  sentence.063  sentence.107
           sentence.147 sentence.171   sentence.005 sentence.024  sentence.030  sentence.036
           sentence.042  sentence.055  sentence.063 sentence.070
           sentence.093 sentence.098  sentence.111  sentence.113
           sentence.118  sentence.123  sentence.127 sentence.130
           sentence.134 sentence.152  sentence.162  sentence.175
           sentence.196   sentence.056 sentence.060  sentence.121  sentence.165
    b.e    sentence.023 sentence.038  sentence.099  sentence.111
           sentence.116 sentence.121 sentence.152
    b.e@   sentence.059
    b.ei   sentence.044 sentence.048  sentence.138  sentence.170
    b.i    sentence.008 sentence.013  sentence.027  sentence.031
           sentence.038  sentence.045  sentence.046 sentence.053
           sentence.055 sentence.061  sentence.066  sentence.069
           sentence.088  sentence.103  sentence.105 sentence.112
           sentence.118 sentence.119  sentence.127  sentence.128
           sentence.135  sentence.139  sentence.144 sentence.155
           sentence.157 sentence.161  sentence.167  sentence.173
           sentence.179 sentence.193 sentence.198
    b.i@   sentence.040
    b.ii   sentence.017 sentence.036  sentence.039  sentence.047
           sentence.050  sentence.053  sentence.064 sentence.065
           sentence.072 sentence.113 sentence.146 sentence.180
    b.o    sentence.060 sentence.082 sentence.095 sentence.099
    b.oi   sentence.044
    b.oo   sentence.107 sentence.125 sentence.126 sentence.130
    b.ou   sentence.113 sentence.125 sentence.150
    b.u    sentence.065 sentence.117
    b.u@   sentence.161
    b.uh   sentence.009 sentence.039  sentence.043  sentence.045
           sentence.064  sentence.067  sentence.072 sentence.075
           sentence.079 sentence.095  sentence.129  sentence.144
           sentence.163  sentence.170  sentence.175 sentence.181
    b.uu   sentence.028 sentence.184
    ch.@   sentence.065 sentence.157
    ch.@@  sentence.162
    ch.a   sentence.075 sentence.117
    ch.aa  sentence.020 sentence.100  sentence.077 sentence.143 sentence.166  sentence.117
    ch.e   sentence.067 sentence.132 sentence.141 sentence.169
    ch.e@  sentence.099
    ch.ei  sentence.050 sentence.154 sentence.188
    ch.i   sentence.012 sentence.022  sentence.082  sentence.154
           sentence.157 sentence.159
    ch.i@  sentence.096
    ch.ii  sentence.031
    ch.o   sentence.129
    ch.oi  sentence.034
    ch.oo  sentence.097
    ch.ou  sentence.034 sentence.144
    ch.uh  sentence.169
    ch.uu  sentence.031
    d.@    sentence.003 sentence.056  sentence.059  sentence.060
           sentence.068  sentence.074  sentence.077 sentence.087
           sentence.088 sentence.095  sentence.099  sentence.101
           sentence.103  sentence.107  sentence.124 sentence.127
           sentence.132 sentence.136  sentence.137  sentence.169
           sentence.174  sentence.175  sentence.176 sentence.181
           sentence.194 sentence.198
    d.@@   sentence.145 sentence.197
    d.a    sentence.005 sentence.029  sentence.125  sentence.146
    d.aa   sentence.055 sentence.090   sentence.040 sentence.080  sentence.088  sentence.113
           sentence.134 sentence.176   sentence.062 sentence.083 sentence.176
    d.e    sentence.084 sentence.111 sentence.194
    d.e@   sentence.053
    d.ei   sentence.021 sentence.032  sentence.045  sentence.075
           sentence.093  sentence.098  sentence.111 sentence.145
           sentence.174 sentence.195
    d.i    sentence.014 sentence.031  sentence.032  sentence.035
           sentence.041  sentence.045  sentence.057 sentence.062
           sentence.066 sentence.068  sentence.069  sentence.070
           sentence.071  sentence.074  sentence.078 sentence.090
           sentence.092 sentence.093  sentence.095  sentence.103
           sentence.105  sentence.107  sentence.108 sentence.111
           sentence.113 sentence.114  sentence.125  sentence.129
           sentence.130  sentence.134  sentence.138 sentence.140
           sentence.143 sentence.147  sentence.155  sentence.159
           sentence.161  sentence.164  sentence.171 sentence.174
           sentence.177 sentence.194 sentence.199 sentence.200
    d.i@   sentence.119
    d.ii   sentence.042 sentence.083  sentence.112  sentence.120
           sentence.126 sentence.142 sentence.155
    d.o    sentence.048 sentence.056  sentence.071  sentence.073
           sentence.104  sentence.108  sentence.117 sentence.118
           sentence.122 sentence.134  sentence.165  sentence.178
    d.oi   sentence.108
    d.oo   sentence.031 sentence.040  sentence.043  sentence.044
           sentence.067 sentence.137 sentence.169 sentence.197
    d.ou   sentence.030 sentence.088  sentence.120  sentence.164
    d.u    sentence.152
    d.uh   sentence.097 sentence.125 sentence.143 sentence.161
    d.uu   sentence.028
    dh.@   sentence.001 sentence.002  sentence.004  sentence.006
           sentence.007  sentence.008  sentence.009 sentence.010
           sentence.011 sentence.012  sentence.013  sentence.016
           sentence.019  sentence.024  sentence.025 sentence.027
           sentence.028 sentence.029  sentence.035  sentence.036
           sentence.037  sentence.040  sentence.041 sentence.042
           sentence.043 sentence.044  sentence.045  sentence.048
           sentence.051  sentence.056  sentence.060 sentence.061
           sentence.062 sentence.064  sentence.066  sentence.067
           sentence.071  sentence.072  sentence.073 sentence.075
           sentence.077 sentence.078  sentence.079  sentence.080
           sentence.082  sentence.083  sentence.084 sentence.085
           sentence.087 sentence.088  sentence.089  sentence.090
           sentence.091  sentence.092  sentence.093 sentence.095
           sentence.096 sentence.097  sentence.099  sentence.101
           sentence.102  sentence.103  sentence.104 sentence.105
           sentence.106 sentence.108  sentence.110  sentence.111
           sentence.112  sentence.116  sentence.118 sentence.119
           sentence.121 sentence.122  sentence.123  sentence.124
           sentence.125  sentence.126  sentence.127 sentence.128
           sentence.129 sentence.130  sentence.131  sentence.132
           sentence.134  sentence.135  sentence.136 sentence.137
           sentence.139 sentence.140  sentence.143  sentence.144
           sentence.145  sentence.147  sentence.148 sentence.149
           sentence.150 sentence.152  sentence.153  sentence.154
           sentence.155  sentence.157  sentence.159 sentence.160
           sentence.161 sentence.162  sentence.163  sentence.164
           sentence.165  sentence.167  sentence.169 sentence.170
           sentence.171 sentence.172  sentence.173  sentence.174
           sentence.177  sentence.179  sentence.180 sentence.181
           sentence.183 sentence.184  sentence.185  sentence.187
           sentence.190  sentence.193  sentence.194 sentence.195
           sentence.196 sentence.197 sentence.198 sentence.200
    dh.a   sentence.001 sentence.013  sentence.016  sentence.025
           sentence.026  sentence.028  sentence.044 sentence.053
           sentence.054 sentence.057  sentence.075  sentence.081
           sentence.083  sentence.094  sentence.110 sentence.131
           sentence.133 sentence.137  sentence.138  sentence.142
           sentence.145  sentence.146  sentence.148 sentence.153
           sentence.156 sentence.164  sentence.167  sentence.174
           sentence.180  sentence.186  sentence.187 sentence.188
           sentence.194  sentence.176
    dh.e   sentence.066 sentence.124
    dh.e@  sentence.017 sentence.053  sentence.098  sentence.115
           sentence.133 sentence.137 sentence.159
    dh.ei  sentence.002 sentence.011  sentence.070  sentence.072
           sentence.076  sentence.094  sentence.135 sentence.137
    dh.i   sentence.030 sentence.048  sentence.057  sentence.097
           sentence.106 sentence.114 sentence.146 sentence.183
    dh.ii  sentence.005 sentence.019  sentence.039  sentence.047
           sentence.059  sentence.073  sentence.081 sentence.086
           sentence.094 sentence.102  sentence.113  sentence.143
           sentence.146  sentence.148  sentence.149 sentence.155
           sentence.156 sentence.161  sentence.165  sentence.169
           sentence.177 sentence.180 sentence.187 sentence.189
    dh.oo  sentence.011
    dh.ou  sentence.027 sentence.070 sentence.111
    dh.uh  sentence.179
    f.@    sentence.003 sentence.010  sentence.013  sentence.015
           sentence.086 sentence.148 sentence.166 sentence.192
    f.@@   sentence.010 sentence.099
    f.a    sentence.044 sentence.058  sentence.122  sentence.152
    f.aa   sentence.047 sentence.054 sentence.190   sentence.002 sentence.036  sentence.078  sentence.096
           sentence.115  sentence.123  sentence.134 sentence.183
           sentence.193   sentence.041 sentence.159
    f.e    sentence.056 sentence.103 sentence.169 sentence.174
    f.e@   sentence.079 sentence.112 sentence.172
    f.ei   sentence.004 sentence.014  sentence.034  sentence.063
           sentence.069 sentence.157 sentence.170
    f.i    sentence.017 sentence.019  sentence.031  sentence.053
           sentence.055  sentence.056  sentence.060 sentence.073
           sentence.078 sentence.087  sentence.100  sentence.108
           sentence.122  sentence.127  sentence.140 sentence.142
           sentence.149 sentence.157 sentence.163
    f.i@   sentence.071 sentence.137
    f.ii   sentence.004 sentence.026  sentence.074  sentence.112
           sentence.128 sentence.168
    f.o    sentence.025 sentence.063
    f.oi   sentence.153
    f.oo   sentence.007 sentence.011  sentence.013  sentence.018
           sentence.026  sentence.027  sentence.034 sentence.035
           sentence.038 sentence.041  sentence.058  sentence.086
           sentence.088  sentence.096  sentence.097 sentence.109
           sentence.126 sentence.127  sentence.139  sentence.148
           sentence.154  sentence.156  sentence.160 sentence.171
           sentence.191 sentence.193 sentence.194 sentence.195
    f.ou   sentence.114 sentence.124
    f.u    sentence.105 sentence.136 sentence.164 sentence.185
    f.uh   sentence.142 sentence.158 sentence.172
    f.uu   sentence.079
    g.@    sentence.020 sentence.051 sentence.109 sentence.110
    g.@@   sentence.128
    g.a    sentence.082 sentence.128 sentence.159 sentence.183
    g.aa   sentence.118 sentence.127 sentence.177   sentence.114   sentence.086 sentence.136
    g.e    sentence.013 sentence.020  sentence.068  sentence.086
           sentence.091  sentence.092  sentence.104 sentence.108
           sentence.140 sentence.161  sentence.178  sentence.183
           sentence.189 sentence.191
    g.e@   sentence.063
    g.ei   sentence.034 sentence.187
    g.i    sentence.033 sentence.037  sentence.098  sentence.173
    g.i@   sentence.050
    g.ii   sentence.126
    g.o    sentence.192
    g.oi   sentence.177
    g.oo   sentence.095
    g.ou   sentence.013 sentence.021  sentence.038  sentence.167
    g.u    sentence.021 sentence.031
    g.uh   sentence.013 sentence.090 sentence.137 sentence.180
    g.uu   sentence.063
    h.@@   sentence.003 sentence.018  sentence.024  sentence.034
           sentence.041  sentence.058  sentence.061 sentence.086
           sentence.099 sentence.160  sentence.170  sentence.175
    h.a    sentence.008 sentence.013  sentence.019  sentence.029
           sentence.037  sentence.047  sentence.070 sentence.083
           sentence.088 sentence.096  sentence.102  sentence.105
           sentence.110  sentence.120  sentence.140 sentence.144
           sentence.146 sentence.155 sentence.159 sentence.174
    h.aa   sentence.045 sentence.050  sentence.061  sentence.064
           sentence.128 sentence.167   sentence.049   sentence.097 sentence.118 sentence.181
    h.e    sentence.023 sentence.032  sentence.074  sentence.085
           sentence.109 sentence.114 sentence.164
    h.e@   sentence.121
    h.ei   sentence.043
    h.i    sentence.006 sentence.014  sentence.015  sentence.028
           sentence.029  sentence.036  sentence.040 sentence.046
           sentence.050 sentence.059  sentence.065  sentence.069
           sentence.074  sentence.076  sentence.087 sentence.103
           sentence.114 sentence.120  sentence.121  sentence.128
           sentence.136  sentence.138  sentence.140 sentence.147
           sentence.148 sentence.150  sentence.158  sentence.161
           sentence.164 sentence.178 sentence.194
    h.i@   sentence.098
    h.ii   sentence.009 sentence.014  sentence.015  sentence.018
           sentence.028  sentence.029  sentence.040 sentence.068
           sentence.082 sentence.087  sentence.106  sentence.124
           sentence.140  sentence.148  sentence.149 sentence.151
           sentence.158 sentence.165 sentence.183 sentence.200
    h.o    sentence.093 sentence.154 sentence.187
    h.oi   sentence.178
    h.oo   sentence.095
    h.ou   sentence.021 sentence.096  sentence.097  sentence.102
           sentence.136 sentence.146
    h.u    sentence.063 sentence.166
    h.uh   sentence.095 sentence.100 sentence.133 sentence.137
    h.uu   sentence.109
    jh.@   sentence.045 sentence.151 sentence.197
    jh.@@  sentence.014 sentence.056
    jh.a   sentence.055
    jh.aa  sentence.137  sentence.121 sentence.141  sentence.178
    jh.e   sentence.035 sentence.094  sentence.107  sentence.131
    jh.ei  sentence.043
    jh.i   sentence.001 sentence.050  sentence.052  sentence.055
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    jh.i@  sentence.091
    jh.ii  sentence.005 sentence.052
    jh.o   sentence.006 sentence.113
    jh.oi  sentence.051 sentence.060
    jh.oo  sentence.098
    jh.ou  sentence.047
    jh.u   sentence.161
    jh.u@  sentence.180
    jh.uh  sentence.085 sentence.100  sentence.103  sentence.135
    jh.uu  sentence.041
    k.@    sentence.003 sentence.015  sentence.034  sentence.036
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           sentence.077 sentence.092  sentence.112  sentence.120
           sentence.121  sentence.131  sentence.150 sentence.151
           sentence.156 sentence.175  sentence.183  sentence.185
           sentence.186 sentence.187 sentence.189 sentence.191
    k.@@   sentence.008
    k.a    sentence.050 sentence.060  sentence.062  sentence.064
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           sentence.127 sentence.129  sentence.149  sentence.159
           sentence.169  sentence.174  sentence.188 sentence.189
           sentence.190 sentence.192 sentence.196 sentence.199
    k.aa   sentence.042 sentence.049  sentence.064  sentence.069
           sentence.135  sentence.150  sentence.159 sentence.171
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    k.e    sentence.049 sentence.196
    k.e@   sentence.045
    k.ei   sentence.073 sentence.086  sentence.108  sentence.142
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    k.i@   sentence.126
    k.ii   sentence.052 sentence.118  sentence.156  sentence.159
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           sentence.101 sentence.103  sentence.105  sentence.110
           sentence.115  sentence.135  sentence.140 sentence.147
           sentence.148 sentence.169  sentence.173  sentence.177
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    k.oo   sentence.012 sentence.024  sentence.051  sentence.087
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    k.ou   sentence.036 sentence.084
    k.u    sentence.006 sentence.011  sentence.031  sentence.059
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    k.u@   sentence.156
    k.uh   sentence.002 sentence.018  sentence.045  sentence.051
           sentence.052  sentence.057  sentence.070 sentence.074
           sentence.105 sentence.113  sentence.157  sentence.162
           sentence.190 sentence.200
    k.uu   sentence.128
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           sentence.032  sentence.046  sentence.049 sentence.054
           sentence.061 sentence.107  sentence.108  sentence.114
           sentence.120  sentence.136  sentence.153 sentence.181
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    l.@@   sentence.078
    l.a    sentence.063 sentence.078  sentence.107  sentence.108
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           sentence.125 sentence.136 sentence.169 sentence.192   sentence.009 sentence.028  sentence.030  sentence.036
           sentence.049  sentence.151  sentence.160 sentence.163
           sentence.166 sentence.178 sentence.197   sentence.028 sentence.163
    l.e    sentence.006 sentence.024  sentence.029  sentence.084
           sentence.142 sentence.169
    l.e@   sentence.076
    l.ei   sentence.006 sentence.019 sentence.054 sentence.157
    l.i    sentence.015 sentence.016  sentence.026  sentence.053
           sentence.054  sentence.055  sentence.056 sentence.066
           sentence.067 sentence.093  sentence.102  sentence.110
           sentence.113  sentence.136  sentence.148 sentence.158
           sentence.162 sentence.168  sentence.174  sentence.180
           sentence.196 sentence.198
    l.i@   sentence.166
    l.ii   sentence.004 sentence.012  sentence.013  sentence.016
           sentence.028  sentence.031  sentence.032 sentence.045
           sentence.058 sentence.079  sentence.081  sentence.083
           sentence.088  sentence.101  sentence.105 sentence.108
           sentence.109 sentence.122  sentence.123  sentence.125
           sentence.142  sentence.147  sentence.148 sentence.149
           sentence.152 sentence.153  sentence.162  sentence.166
           sentence.171  sentence.172  sentence.175 sentence.176
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    l.o    sentence.002 sentence.004  sentence.026  sentence.095
           sentence.121 sentence.137 sentence.185
    l.oi   sentence.008
    l.oo   sentence.011 sentence.145 sentence.187
    l.ou   sentence.025 sentence.058  sentence.063  sentence.066
           sentence.073  sentence.083  sentence.132 sentence.133
    l.u    sentence.071 sentence.151
    l.uh   sentence.007 sentence.052 sentence.077
    l.uu   sentence.152 sentence.176
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           sentence.080 sentence.106  sentence.110  sentence.127
           sentence.130  sentence.140  sentence.159 sentence.163
           sentence.165 sentence.171 sentence.180 sentence.184
    m.@@   sentence.200
    m.a    sentence.008 sentence.020  sentence.041  sentence.043
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    m.aa   sentence.066 sentence.198   sentence.023 sentence.025  sentence.049  sentence.052
           sentence.077  sentence.104  sentence.120 sentence.166
           sentence.178 sentence.183 sentence.192   sentence.062 sentence.135
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    m.e@   sentence.113 sentence.119
    m.ei   sentence.016 sentence.034  sentence.065  sentence.079
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           sentence.157 sentence.189
    m.i    sentence.008 sentence.037  sentence.045  sentence.055
           sentence.058  sentence.060  sentence.074 sentence.082
           sentence.095 sentence.096  sentence.108  sentence.114
           sentence.122  sentence.130  sentence.133 sentence.134
           sentence.138 sentence.152  sentence.162  sentence.166
           sentence.178  sentence.186  sentence.188 sentence.190
    m.i@   sentence.172
    m.ii   sentence.004 sentence.027  sentence.080  sentence.099
           sentence.141 sentence.173 sentence.179 sentence.187
    m.o    sentence.005 sentence.051 sentence.096
    m.oi   sentence.156
    m.oo   sentence.044 sentence.052  sentence.054  sentence.057
           sentence.058  sentence.061  sentence.066 sentence.127
           sentence.174 sentence.186
    m.ou   sentence.042 sentence.048  sentence.073  sentence.076
           sentence.117 sentence.133 sentence.190
    m.uh   sentence.003 sentence.011  sentence.028  sentence.047
           sentence.055  sentence.060  sentence.104 sentence.117
           sentence.139 sentence.150 sentence.163
    m.uu   sentence.056 sentence.080 sentence.090 sentence.181
    n.@    sentence.014 sentence.015  sentence.021  sentence.030
           sentence.035  sentence.043  sentence.056 sentence.061
           sentence.069 sentence.074  sentence.084  sentence.087
           sentence.090  sentence.100  sentence.107 sentence.128
           sentence.136 sentence.139  sentence.143  sentence.165
           sentence.172  sentence.191  sentence.197 sentence.199
    n.@@   sentence.071
    n.a    sentence.052 sentence.062  sentence.066  sentence.084
           sentence.094 sentence.138
    n.aa   sentence.059 sentence.118 sentence.124   sentence.044 sentence.051  sentence.064  sentence.077
           sentence.104  sentence.145  sentence.166 sentence.168
           sentence.181 sentence.191 sentence.192   sentence.007 sentence.030  sentence.039  sentence.081
           sentence.083 sentence.087 sentence.096 sentence.167
    n.e    sentence.001 sentence.004  sentence.027  sentence.057
           sentence.072  sentence.091  sentence.126 sentence.152
           sentence.177 sentence.187 sentence.189
    n.e@   sentence.089
    n.ei   sentence.118 sentence.132 sentence.180
    n.i    sentence.008 sentence.014  sentence.031  sentence.033
           sentence.044  sentence.076  sentence.086 sentence.107
           sentence.111 sentence.116  sentence.127  sentence.130
           sentence.143  sentence.145  sentence.163 sentence.173
           sentence.179 sentence.185 sentence.193
    n.i@   sentence.198
    n.ii   sentence.001 sentence.010  sentence.045  sentence.046
           sentence.060  sentence.068  sentence.076 sentence.080
           sentence.083 sentence.093  sentence.101  sentence.109
           sentence.113  sentence.115  sentence.127 sentence.156
           sentence.163 sentence.193
    n.o    sentence.005 sentence.035  sentence.062  sentence.110
           sentence.121  sentence.155  sentence.158 sentence.161
    n.oi   sentence.136 sentence.173
    n.oo   sentence.019 sentence.032 sentence.099
    n.ou   sentence.017 sentence.023  sentence.030  sentence.041
           sentence.109  sentence.134  sentence.137 sentence.187
           sentence.189 sentence.193
    n.u    sentence.115
    n.uh   sentence.033 sentence.056  sentence.070  sentence.081
           sentence.183 sentence.191 sentence.200
    n.uu   sentence.098
    p.@    sentence.005 sentence.016  sentence.030  sentence.044
           sentence.050  sentence.078  sentence.107 sentence.108
           sentence.109 sentence.113  sentence.120  sentence.134
           sentence.149  sentence.158  sentence.169 sentence.171
           sentence.179 sentence.180  sentence.193  sentence.197
    p.@@   sentence.017 sentence.098 sentence.107
    p.a    sentence.046 sentence.174
    p.aa   sentence.024 sentence.061  sentence.068  sentence.101
           sentence.105 sentence.138 sentence.146   sentence.051   sentence.019 sentence.110
    p.e    sentence.077 sentence.192
    p.e@   sentence.052 sentence.092  sentence.136  sentence.182
    p.ei   sentence.048 sentence.088 sentence.108
    p.i    sentence.005 sentence.034  sentence.049  sentence.084
           sentence.102 sentence.173 sentence.174 sentence.192
    p.i@   sentence.092 sentence.170
    p.ii   sentence.041 sentence.046  sentence.059  sentence.078
           sentence.109 sentence.129 sentence.179 sentence.191
    p.o    sentence.019 sentence.034  sentence.074  sentence.135
           sentence.175 sentence.180
    p.oi   sentence.056 sentence.089
    p.oo   sentence.017 sentence.065  sentence.068  sentence.071
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    p.ou   sentence.027 sentence.185
    p.u    sentence.064 sentence.101 sentence.102 sentence.184
    p.u@   sentence.166 sentence.181
    p.uh   sentence.035 sentence.147 sentence.195
    p.uu   sentence.101 sentence.196
    r.@    sentence.018 sentence.034  sentence.035  sentence.045
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           sentence.091 sentence.098  sentence.111  sentence.112
           sentence.130  sentence.131  sentence.136 sentence.141
           sentence.148 sentence.154  sentence.156  sentence.158
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    r.a    sentence.005 sentence.018  sentence.061  sentence.076
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           sentence.157 sentence.171
    r.aa   sentence.025 sentence.164   sentence.061 sentence.094 sentence.161 sentence.192   sentence.014 sentence.029  sentence.166  sentence.172
    r.e    sentence.010 sentence.043  sentence.113  sentence.120
           sentence.123 sentence.181 sentence.193 sentence.197
    r.e@   sentence.141
    r.ei   sentence.001 sentence.019  sentence.056  sentence.062
           sentence.093 sentence.102
    r.i    sentence.008 sentence.010  sentence.019  sentence.023
           sentence.034  sentence.050  sentence.058 sentence.068
           sentence.076 sentence.079  sentence.081  sentence.086
           sentence.088  sentence.093  sentence.100 sentence.103
           sentence.104 sentence.123  sentence.125  sentence.140
           sentence.143  sentence.150  sentence.154 sentence.155
           sentence.156 sentence.157  sentence.159  sentence.164
           sentence.165  sentence.170  sentence.172 sentence.175
           sentence.182 sentence.185 sentence.194
    r.i@   sentence.069 sentence.102
    r.ii   sentence.008 sentence.013  sentence.025  sentence.028
           sentence.032  sentence.056  sentence.063 sentence.067
           sentence.076 sentence.078  sentence.079  sentence.081
           sentence.083  sentence.086  sentence.100 sentence.107
           sentence.109 sentence.113  sentence.117  sentence.122
           sentence.127  sentence.130  sentence.134 sentence.138
           sentence.142 sentence.148  sentence.158  sentence.161
    r.o    sentence.032 sentence.041  sentence.056  sentence.087
           sentence.137 sentence.161 sentence.193
    r.oi   sentence.120
    r.oo   sentence.022 sentence.186
    r.ou   sentence.029 sentence.085  sentence.099  sentence.119
           sentence.139 sentence.174 sentence.191
    r.uh   sentence.149
    r.uu   sentence.048 sentence.063 sentence.110
    s.@    sentence.019 sentence.020  sentence.024  sentence.027
           sentence.035  sentence.039  sentence.042 sentence.056
           sentence.064 sentence.094  sentence.098  sentence.109
           sentence.124  sentence.130  sentence.161 sentence.166
           sentence.176 sentence.189
    s.@@   sentence.042 sentence.053  sentence.063  sentence.125
           sentence.146 sentence.164 sentence.175
    s.a    sentence.007 sentence.023  sentence.033  sentence.043
           sentence.052  sentence.066  sentence.090 sentence.136
           sentence.144 sentence.149  sentence.165  sentence.169
           sentence.176 sentence.191
    s.aa   sentence.054 sentence.182   sentence.015 sentence.026  sentence.029  sentence.096
           sentence.102  sentence.105  sentence.116 sentence.129
           sentence.178   sentence.085 sentence.122
    s.e    sentence.018 sentence.035  sentence.036  sentence.054
           sentence.074  sentence.080  sentence.120 sentence.122
           sentence.131 sentence.158 sentence.159 sentence.166
    s.e@   sentence.034 sentence.154
    s.ei   sentence.014 sentence.075  sentence.104  sentence.129
    s.i    sentence.001 sentence.003  sentence.005  sentence.011
           sentence.015  sentence.017  sentence.021 sentence.026
           sentence.032 sentence.033  sentence.037  sentence.045
           sentence.058  sentence.059  sentence.060 sentence.065
           sentence.066 sentence.076  sentence.077  sentence.102
           sentence.103  sentence.107  sentence.120 sentence.122
           sentence.127 sentence.130  sentence.131  sentence.134
           sentence.135  sentence.138  sentence.145 sentence.146
           sentence.148 sentence.153  sentence.157  sentence.160
           sentence.165  sentence.173  sentence.175 sentence.181
           sentence.184 sentence.185 sentence.197 sentence.199
    s.i@   sentence.120
    s.ii   sentence.015 sentence.025  sentence.060  sentence.073
           sentence.085  sentence.091  sentence.097 sentence.100
           sentence.129 sentence.178  sentence.179  sentence.180
           sentence.184 sentence.185
    s.o    sentence.008 sentence.036  sentence.065  sentence.072
           sentence.142  sentence.151  sentence.153 sentence.171
           sentence.182 sentence.194
    s.oi   sentence.106
    s.oo   sentence.141 sentence.142
    s.ou   sentence.016 sentence.022  sentence.026  sentence.037
           sentence.059 sentence.081 sentence.175 sentence.188
    s.uh   sentence.031 sentence.078  sentence.093  sentence.107
           sentence.111 sentence.127 sentence.135 sentence.196
    s.uu   sentence.059 sentence.094  sentence.097  sentence.106
           sentence.146 sentence.170 sentence.198
    sh.@   sentence.019 sentence.054  sentence.073  sentence.085
           sentence.111  sentence.119  sentence.130 sentence.155
           sentence.157 sentence.180 sentence.188
    sh.@@  sentence.145
    sh.a   sentence.048 sentence.091 sentence.196
    sh.aa  sentence.121  sentence.102 sentence.198  sentence.037
    sh.e   sentence.147
    sh.e@  sentence.076
    sh.ei  sentence.035 sentence.040
    sh.i   sentence.012 sentence.139 sentence.157
    sh.i@  sentence.075
    sh.ii  sentence.003 sentence.020  sentence.033  sentence.055
           sentence.058  sentence.063  sentence.088 sentence.092
           sentence.093 sentence.176 sentence.182
    sh.o   sentence.004 sentence.049 sentence.197
    sh.oo  sentence.089
    sh.ou  sentence.059
    sh.u   sentence.030 sentence.142 sentence.167
    sh.u@  sentence.156
    sh.uh  sentence.055 sentence.168
    sh.uu  sentence.154
    t.@    sentence.005 sentence.008  sentence.011  sentence.017
           sentence.044  sentence.049  sentence.055 sentence.056
           sentence.059 sentence.061  sentence.062  sentence.064
           sentence.067  sentence.068  sentence.082 sentence.085
           sentence.088 sentence.095  sentence.098  sentence.102
           sentence.108  sentence.113  sentence.114 sentence.118
           sentence.122 sentence.125  sentence.130  sentence.131
           sentence.134  sentence.140  sentence.151 sentence.153
           sentence.158 sentence.161  sentence.165  sentence.171
           sentence.174  sentence.175  sentence.178 sentence.181
           sentence.183 sentence.184  sentence.186  sentence.191
           sentence.198 sentence.199 sentence.200
    t.@@   sentence.031 sentence.093  sentence.125  sentence.134
           sentence.148 sentence.152
    t.a    sentence.074 sentence.088  sentence.089  sentence.117
    t.aa   sentence.035 sentence.165 sentence.184 sentence.189   sentence.004 sentence.010  sentence.019  sentence.021
           sentence.026  sentence.033  sentence.058 sentence.075
           sentence.122 sentence.153  sentence.178  sentence.189
           sentence.191 sentence.199   sentence.124
    t.e    sentence.005 sentence.007  sentence.022  sentence.035
           sentence.069  sentence.071  sentence.084 sentence.111
           sentence.117 sentence.130  sentence.133  sentence.146
           sentence.177 sentence.189
    t.e@   sentence.008 sentence.100
    t.ei   sentence.016 sentence.023  sentence.037  sentence.044
           sentence.047  sentence.054  sentence.116 sentence.136
           sentence.155 sentence.181  sentence.185  sentence.186
           sentence.190 sentence.192
    t.i    sentence.001 sentence.002  sentence.003  sentence.006
           sentence.010  sentence.011  sentence.016 sentence.022
           sentence.027 sentence.031  sentence.041  sentence.043
           sentence.047  sentence.054  sentence.056 sentence.062
           sentence.066 sentence.075  sentence.084  sentence.093
           sentence.099  sentence.103  sentence.109 sentence.111
           sentence.125 sentence.128  sentence.136  sentence.137
           sentence.139  sentence.142  sentence.163 sentence.169
           sentence.170 sentence.185  sentence.189  sentence.193
    t.i@   sentence.080
    t.ii   sentence.007 sentence.030  sentence.038  sentence.058
           sentence.066  sentence.076  sentence.096 sentence.098
           sentence.111 sentence.113  sentence.126  sentence.129
           sentence.140  sentence.145  sentence.163 sentence.165
           sentence.170 sentence.175
    t.o    sentence.005 sentence.006  sentence.009  sentence.043
           sentence.051  sentence.054  sentence.062 sentence.067
           sentence.073 sentence.087  sentence.107  sentence.116
           sentence.136  sentence.144  sentence.163 sentence.164
           sentence.165 sentence.173 sentence.178 sentence.196
    t.oi   sentence.166 sentence.170
    t.oo   sentence.072 sentence.102 sentence.129 sentence.175
    t.ou   sentence.044 sentence.171 sentence.175
    t.u    sentence.112 sentence.168
    t.u@   sentence.112
    t.uh   sentence.053 sentence.055
    t.uu   sentence.002 sentence.004  sentence.008  sentence.010
           sentence.011  sentence.012  sentence.013 sentence.014
           sentence.017 sentence.019  sentence.021  sentence.022
           sentence.024  sentence.025  sentence.029 sentence.031
           sentence.034 sentence.036  sentence.037  sentence.038
           sentence.039  sentence.047  sentence.053 sentence.059
           sentence.064 sentence.067  sentence.068  sentence.069
           sentence.070  sentence.074  sentence.075 sentence.077
           sentence.078 sentence.079  sentence.080  sentence.083
           sentence.084  sentence.085  sentence.086 sentence.089
           sentence.090 sentence.091  sentence.098  sentence.099
           sentence.101  sentence.112  sentence.113 sentence.115
           sentence.121 sentence.125  sentence.126  sentence.127
           sentence.128  sentence.129  sentence.133 sentence.139
           sentence.141 sentence.142  sentence.144  sentence.147
           sentence.148  sentence.149  sentence.153 sentence.155
           sentence.157 sentence.161  sentence.166  sentence.168
           sentence.169  sentence.170  sentence.173 sentence.175
           sentence.178 sentence.179  sentence.180  sentence.182
           sentence.184  sentence.185  sentence.189 sentence.192
           sentence.193 sentence.196  sentence.198  sentence.199
    th.@@  sentence.098 sentence.113
    th.a   sentence.019 sentence.021 sentence.035 sentence.148
    th.aa  sentence.168  sentence.120  sentence.036
    th.e   sentence.046
    th.ei  sentence.113
    th.i   sentence.033 sentence.070  sentence.081  sentence.149
    th.ii  sentence.173
    th.o   sentence.024 sentence.140
    th.oi  sentence.107
    th.oo  sentence.094
    th.ou  sentence.169
    th.uh  sentence.081 sentence.112
    v.@    sentence.004 sentence.012  sentence.013  sentence.018
           sentence.033  sentence.034  sentence.036 sentence.057
           sentence.066 sentence.072  sentence.080  sentence.083
           sentence.086  sentence.088  sentence.091 sentence.099
           sentence.105 sentence.128  sentence.139  sentence.170
           sentence.180 sentence.187 sentence.194
    v.@@   sentence.074 sentence.076  sentence.081  sentence.131
    v.a    sentence.061 sentence.148 sentence.188
    v.aa   sentence.005 sentence.116   sentence.012   sentence.091 sentence.118
    v.e    sentence.013 sentence.078  sentence.114  sentence.185
    v.e@   sentence.079 sentence.148
    v.ei   sentence.142
    v.i    sentence.162 sentence.164  sentence.174  sentence.186
           sentence.187 sentence.191
    v.i@   sentence.085
    v.ii   sentence.068 sentence.092  sentence.153  sentence.177
    v.o    sentence.122
    v.oi   sentence.084 sentence.112
    v.oo   sentence.120 sentence.140 sentence.155
    v.ou   sentence.103 sentence.157
    v.uh   sentence.001 sentence.088
    v.uu   sentence.083
    w.@    sentence.182 sentence.193
    w.@@   sentence.006 sentence.017  sentence.028  sentence.045
           sentence.070  sentence.073  sentence.090 sentence.095
           sentence.099 sentence.111 sentence.135 sentence.156
    w.aa   sentence.161   sentence.015 sentence.018  sentence.049  sentence.107
           sentence.128 sentence.132 sentence.181   sentence.177
    w.e    sentence.009 sentence.020  sentence.034  sentence.051
           sentence.058  sentence.063  sentence.077 sentence.078
           sentence.080 sentence.101  sentence.104  sentence.115
           sentence.141  sentence.145  sentence.147 sentence.150
           sentence.166 sentence.175  sentence.180  sentence.182
           sentence.184  sentence.186  sentence.187 sentence.191
           sentence.192 sentence.195 sentence.199 sentence.200
    w.e@   sentence.186 sentence.199
    w.ei   sentence.022 sentence.025  sentence.041  sentence.050
           sentence.051  sentence.063  sentence.115 sentence.167
           sentence.177 sentence.179 sentence.196
    w.i    sentence.011 sentence.012  sentence.013  sentence.029
           sentence.032  sentence.040  sentence.046 sentence.048
           sentence.052 sentence.061  sentence.067  sentence.083
           sentence.092  sentence.102  sentence.106 sentence.118
           sentence.119 sentence.120  sentence.122  sentence.123
           sentence.128  sentence.131  sentence.132 sentence.133
           sentence.134 sentence.140  sentence.147  sentence.150
           sentence.153  sentence.157  sentence.158 sentence.159
           sentence.164 sentence.165  sentence.166  sentence.179
           sentence.182 sentence.183 sentence.198
    w.i@   sentence.052
    w.ii   sentence.013 sentence.015  sentence.019  sentence.064
           sentence.083  sentence.090  sentence.101 sentence.127
           sentence.146 sentence.167 sentence.192
    w.o    sentence.002 sentence.003  sentence.007  sentence.017
           sentence.026  sentence.042  sentence.049 sentence.055
           sentence.062 sentence.069  sentence.072  sentence.075
           sentence.077  sentence.080  sentence.081 sentence.086
           sentence.088 sentence.089  sentence.098  sentence.118
           sentence.119  sentence.125  sentence.126 sentence.130
           sentence.131 sentence.134  sentence.139  sentence.147
           sentence.149  sentence.151  sentence.156 sentence.160
           sentence.163 sentence.164  sentence.168  sentence.170
           sentence.171 sentence.187 sentence.194
    w.oo   sentence.062 sentence.087  sentence.112  sentence.116
           sentence.122  sentence.123  sentence.140 sentence.181
           sentence.183 sentence.194 sentence.200
    w.ou   sentence.164
    w.u    sentence.094 sentence.174
    w.uh   sentence.044 sentence.045  sentence.072  sentence.116
           sentence.132 sentence.186 sentence.200
    w.uu   sentence.071
    y.@@   sentence.195
    y.a    sentence.117
    y.aa   sentence.077
    y.e    sentence.075 sentence.104
    y.e@   sentence.104
    y.ei   sentence.114
    y.i@   sentence.013 sentence.076 sentence.096 sentence.192
    y.o    sentence.129
    y.oo   sentence.037 sentence.038 sentence.106 sentence.142
    y.ou   sentence.109
    y.uh   sentence.160
    y.uu   sentence.008 sentence.030  sentence.038  sentence.039
           sentence.053  sentence.069  sentence.085 sentence.111
           sentence.121 sentence.123  sentence.133  sentence.142
           sentence.145  sentence.158  sentence.174 sentence.179
    z.@    sentence.013 sentence.014  sentence.025  sentence.026
           sentence.032  sentence.036  sentence.067 sentence.068
           sentence.069 sentence.075  sentence.077  sentence.086
           sentence.097  sentence.102  sentence.110 sentence.113
           sentence.122 sentence.130  sentence.132  sentence.147
           sentence.152 sentence.158 sentence.180
    z.@@   sentence.074
    z.a    sentence.030 sentence.035  sentence.072  sentence.097
           sentence.102  sentence.105  sentence.142 sentence.147
           sentence.154 sentence.163 sentence.189 sentence.194
    z.aa   sentence.022 sentence.044  sentence.054  sentence.056   sentence.035 sentence.087   sentence.140 sentence.183
    z.e    sentence.032 sentence.082 sentence.150 sentence.174
    z.e@   sentence.164
    z.ei   sentence.149
    z.i    sentence.005 sentence.010  sentence.042  sentence.049
           sentence.051  sentence.052  sentence.069 sentence.090
           sentence.097 sentence.119  sentence.122  sentence.137
           sentence.147 sentence.160 sentence.180 sentence.194
    z.i@   sentence.164
    z.ii   sentence.020 sentence.032 sentence.112 sentence.161
    z.o    sentence.046 sentence.067  sentence.088  sentence.102
           sentence.106  sentence.122  sentence.153 sentence.155
           sentence.164 sentence.167 sentence.174 sentence.185
    z.oo   sentence.097 sentence.171
    z.ou   sentence.065 sentence.114 sentence.171
    z.u    sentence.156
    z.uh   sentence.139
    z.uu   sentence.141
    zh.@   sentence.086 sentence.103  sentence.139  sentence.143
    zh.e   sentence.156
    zh.ii  sentence.019
    zh.u@  sentence.107
    zh.uu  sentence.158 sentence.174

    Two consonant syllable-initial index

    b.l.@  sentence.179
    b.l.@@ sentence.187
    b.l.a  sentence.176 sentence.199
    b.l.aa sentence.107 sentence.084 sentence.099 sentence.133 sentence.165 sentence.107
    b.l.i  sentence.035 sentence.081 sentence.195
    b.l.oi sentence.088
    b.l.uu sentence.009
    b.r.a  sentence.126 sentence.128 sentence.190
    b.r.e  sentence.111
    b.r.i  sentence.054
    b.r.o  sentence.093
    b.r.oi sentence.127
    b.r.uh sentence.038 sentence.150 sentence.171
    b.y.uu sentence.003
    d.r.@  sentence.159 sentence.182
    d.r.aa sentence.006 sentence.027 sentence.191
    d.r.e  sentence.131
    d.r.i  sentence.008
    d.r.ii sentence.145
    d.r.ou sentence.116
    d.w.oo sentence.066
    d.y.u@ sentence.076
    d.y.uu sentence.007 sentence.058  sentence.126  sentence.130
    f.l.a  sentence.039 sentence.128
    f.l.aa sentence.159
    f.l.i  sentence.020
    f.l.uu sentence.075 sentence.021
    f.r.e  sentence.003 sentence.004 sentence.043 sentence.108
    f.r.i  sentence.070 sentence.083
    f.r.ii sentence.029 sentence.126
    f.r.o  sentence.007 sentence.060  sentence.079  sentence.083
           sentence.093 sentence.149 sentence.183 sentence.190
    f.r.uh sentence.088
    f.y.uu sentence.010 sentence.048 sentence.171
    g.l.ei sentence.164
    g.l.i  sentence.087 sentence.151
    g.l.uh sentence.154
    g.r.@  sentence.142
    g.r.a  sentence.124 sentence.130 sentence.137
    g.r.aa sentence.029 sentence.114 sentence.004
    g.r.ei sentence.106
    g.r.ou sentence.030 sentence.040  sentence.066  sentence.105
           sentence.134 sentence.177
    g.r.uu sentence.007
    g.w.i  sentence.078
    g.y.uu sentence.139
    h.y.uu sentence.042
    k.l.@  sentence.152
    k.l.aa sentence.063 sentence.090
    k.l.e  sentence.046 sentence.140
    k.l.e@ sentence.070
    k.l.ei sentence.138 sentence.180
    k.l.ii sentence.138 sentence.177 sentence.188
    k.l.o  sentence.159
    k.l.ou sentence.155
    k.r.a  sentence.115 sentence.007 sentence.095
    k.r.e  sentence.069
    k.r.ei sentence.066 sentence.191
    k.r.i  sentence.060 sentence.184 sentence.191
    k.r.ii sentence.045 sentence.108
    k.r.o  sentence.104
    k.r.uh sentence.063
    k.r.uu sentence.129
    k.w.@  sentence.031 sentence.050
    k.w.e  sentence.089
    k.w.i  sentence.188
    k.w.oi sentence.152
    k.w.oo sentence.061
    k.y.u@ sentence.165
    k.y.uu sentence.052
    m.y.oo sentence.092
    m.y.uu sentence.122
    n.y.uu sentence.027 sentence.041  sentence.057  sentence.064
    p.l.e  sentence.005
    p.l.ei sentence.079 sentence.083 sentence.103
    p.l.ii sentence.058 sentence.194
    p.l.uh sentence.037 sentence.090
    p.r.@  sentence.027 sentence.052 sentence.056 sentence.058
    p.r.a  sentence.047 sentence.109 sentence.001 sentence.079 sentence.130
    p.r.e  sentence.008 sentence.158  sentence.161  sentence.165
           sentence.180 sentence.182 sentence.191
    p.r.i  sentence.189
    p.r.ii sentence.092 sentence.131 sentence.199
    p.r.o  sentence.017 sentence.179
    p.r.ou sentence.199
    p.r.uu sentence.019 sentence.163
    p.y.u  sentence.175
    p.y.u@ sentence.109
    p.y.uu sentence.019
    s.k.@@ sentence.024
    s.k.a  sentence.071 sentence.088
    s.k.aa sentence.059
    s.k.e@ sentence.088
    s.k.ei sentence.062 sentence.143 sentence.193
    s.k.i  sentence.154
    s.k.ii sentence.050
    s.k.oo sentence.007
    s.k.uh sentence.111
    s.k.uu sentence.043 sentence.105
    s.l.e  sentence.026
    s.l.ii sentence.187
    s.l.o  sentence.016
    s.l.ou sentence.141 sentence.136 sentence.143
    s.p.e  sentence.001 sentence.107 sentence.132
    s.p.ei sentence.033
    s.p.i  sentence.200
    s.p.i@ sentence.122
    s.p.ii sentence.046
    s.p.oo sentence.195
    s.t.@  sentence.008 sentence.010  sentence.011  sentence.014
           sentence.057  sentence.070  sentence.074 sentence.075
           sentence.079 sentence.096  sentence.114  sentence.130
           sentence.141  sentence.165  sentence.171 sentence.178
           sentence.184 sentence.190 sentence.197
    s.t.a  sentence.068 sentence.136 sentence.144 sentence.176
    s.t.aa sentence.040 sentence.116  sentence.135  sentence.139
           sentence.170 sentence.054 sentence.121
    s.t.e  sentence.104 sentence.150 sentence.172
    s.t.e@ sentence.024 sentence.185
    s.t.ei sentence.005 sentence.164 sentence.165
    s.t.i  sentence.025 sentence.070 sentence.094 sentence.191
    s.t.i@ sentence.134
    s.t.ii sentence.050 sentence.118 sentence.190
    s.t.oo sentence.138
    s.t.ou sentence.018 sentence.049
    s.t.u  sentence.137
    s.w.@@ sentence.084
    s.w.a  sentence.129 sentence.182
    s.w.ei sentence.028
    s.w.i  sentence.009
    s.w.uh sentence.029
    s.y.uu sentence.153
    t.r.@  sentence.138
    t.r.a  sentence.057 sentence.087 sentence.122 sentence.174
    t.r.aa sentence.160 sentence.195 sentence.013 sentence.054  sentence.077  sentence.086
           sentence.152 sentence.161
    t.r.e  sentence.139
    t.r.ei sentence.144
    t.r.i  sentence.002 sentence.046
    t.r.ii sentence.030 sentence.158 sentence.188 sentence.197
    t.r.uh sentence.053 sentence.119
    t.w.e  sentence.061
    t.w.ii sentence.031 sentence.061 sentence.157
    t.y.@  sentence.089
    t.y.u@ sentence.161
    t.y.uu sentence.030 sentence.066  sentence.076  sentence.081
           sentence.163 sentence.171
    th.r.e sentence.165
    th.r.uusentence.020 sentence.063 sentence.112 sentence.181
    v.r.ii sentence.013 sentence.072 sentence.115 sentence.178
    v.y.uu sentence.032 sentence.164

    Three consonant syllable-initial index

    s.p.r.isentence.094 sentence.153
    s.t.r.iisentence.049 sentence.084
    s.t.y.uusentence.058 sentence.194

    Diphone List from 200 Sentences

    #_@  #_a  #_aa  #_ai  #_b  #_ch  #_d  #_dh  #_e  #_f  #_g  #_h  #_i  #_jh
    #_k  #_l  #_m  #_n  #_o  #_oo  #_p  #_s  #_sh  #_t  #_th  #_v  #_w  #_y
    @_#  @_b  @_ch  @_d  @_dh  @_f  @_g  @_h  @_i  @_jh  @_k  @_l  @_m  @_n
    @_p  @_r  @_s  @_sh  @_t  @_th  @_v  @_w  @_y  @_z
    @@_#  @@_b  @@_ch  @@_d  @@_dh  @@_f  @@_g  @@_jh  @@_k  @@_l  @@_m  @@_n
    @@_p  @@_r  @@_s  @@_sh  @@_t  @@_th  @@_v  @@_w  @@_z
    a_b  a_ch  a_d  a_dh  a_f  a_g  a_jh  a_k  a_l  a_m  a_n  a_ng  a_p  a_r
    a_s  a_sh  a_t  a_th  a_v  a_z
    aa_#  aa_b  aa_ch  aa_d  aa_dh  aa_f  aa_g  aa_jh  aa_k  aa_l  aa_m  aa_n
    aa_p  aa_r  aa_s  aa_sh  aa_t  aa_th  aa_v  aa_w  aa_z  aa_zh
    ai_#  ai_@  ai_a  ai_b  ai_ch  ai_d  ai_dh ai_f  ai_g  ai_h  ai_i  ai_jh
    ai_k  ai_l  ai_m  ai_n  ai_oo  ai_p  ai_r  ai_s  ai_sh  ai_t  ai_th  ai_uh
    ai_v  ai_w  ai_y  ai_z
    au_#  au_@  au_ch  au_d  au_dh  au_f  au_i  au_jh  au_n  au_s  au_t  au_th
    au_v  au_w  au_z
    b_#  b_@  b_@@  b_a  b_aa  b_ai  b_au  b_b  b_d  b_dh  b_e  b_e@  b_ei  b_i
    b_i@  b_ii  b_k  b_l  b_m  b_o  b_oi  b_oo  b_ou  b_r  b_s  b_u  b_u@  b_uh
    b_uu  b_v  b_w  b_y  b_z
    ch_#  ch_@  ch_@@  ch_a  ch_aa  ch_ai  ch_au  ch_b  ch_d  ch_dh  ch_e  ch_e@
    ch_ei  ch_f  ch_h  ch_i  ch_i@  ch_ii  ch_k  ch_o  ch_oi  ch_oo  ch_ou  ch_p
    ch_s  ch_sh  ch_t  ch_th  ch_uh  ch_uu  ch_w
    d_#  d_@  d_@@  d_a  d_aa  d_ai  d_au  d_b  d_d  d_dh  d_e  d_e@  d_ei  d_f
    d_g  d_h  d_i  d_i@  d_ii  d_k  d_l  d_m  d_n  d_o  d_oi  d_oo  d_ou  d_p
    d_r  d_s  d_sh  d_t  d_th  d_u  d_uh  d_uu  d_v  d_w  d_y  d_z
    dh_@  dh_a  dh_ai  dh_b  dh_d  dh_dh  dh_e  dh_e@  dh_ei  dh_f  dh_h  dh_i
    dh_ii  dh_k  dh_oo  dh_ou  dh_r  dh_s  dh_uh  dh_z
    e_@  e_b  e_ch  e_d  e_dh  e_f  e_g  e_jh  e_k  e_l  e_m
    e_n  e_p  e_r  e_s  e_sh  e_t  e_th  e_v  e_z  e_zh
    e@_#  e@_b  e@_d  e@_dh  e@_g  e@_h  e@_jh  e@_l  e@_m
    e@_r  e@_s  e@_t  e@_w  e@_z  e@_zh
    ei_#  ei_@  ei_a  ei_aa  ei_b  ei_ch  ei_d  ei_dh  ei_f  ei_g  ei_h  ei_i
    ei_jh  ei_k  ei_l  ei_m  ei_n  ei_p  ei_s  ei_sh  ei_t  ei_th  ei_uh  ei_v
    ei_w  ei_y  ei_z  ei_zh
    f_#  f_@  f_@@  f_a  f_aa  f_ai  f_au  f_b  f_dh  f_e  f_e@  f_ei f_f  f_g
    f_i  f_i@  f_ii  f_l  f_o  f_oi  f_oo  f_ou  f_p  f_r  f_s  f_t  f_th  f_u
    f_uh  f_uu  f_w  f_y
    g_#  g_@  g_@@  g_a  g_aa  g_ai  g_au  g_b  g_d  g_e  g_e@  g_ei  g_f  g_g
    g_i  g_i@  g_ii  g_l  g_m  g_n  g_o  g_oi  g_oo  g_ou  g_r  g_t  g_u  g_uh
    g_uu  g_w  g_y  g_z  g_zh
    h_@@  h_a  h_aa  h_ai  h_au  h_e  h_e@  h_ei  h_i  h_i@  h_ii  h_o  h_oi
    h_oo  h_ou  h_u  h_uh  h_uu  h_y
    i_b  i_ch  i_d  i_dh  i_f  i_g  i_jh  i_k  i_l  i_m  i_n  i_ng  i_p  i_r
    i_s  i_sh  i_t  i_th  i_v  i_w  i_z  i_zh  T} T{ i@_#  i@_ch  i@_d  i@_f
    i@_h  i@_k  i@_l  i@_r  i@_s  i@_sh  i@_t  i@_w  i@_z
    ii_#  ii_@  ii_@@  ii_a  ii_aa  ii_ai  ii_au  ii_b  ii_ch  ii_d  ii_dh
    ii_e  ii_e@  ii_ei  ii_f  ii_g  ii_h  ii_i  ii_jh  ii_k  ii_l  ii_m
    ii_n  ii_o  ii_oo  ii_ou  ii_p  ii_r  ii_s  ii_sh  ii_t  ii_th  ii_v
    ii_w  ii_z
    jh_#  jh_@  jh_@@  jh_a  jh_aa  jh_ai  jh_au  jh_ch  jh_d  jh_dh  jh_e
    jh_ei  jh_h  jh_i  jh_i@  jh_ii  jh_k  jh_m  jh_n  jh_o  jh_oi  jh_oo
    jh_ou  jh_s  jh_t  jh_u  jh_u@  jh_uh  jh_uu  jh_v  jh_w
    k_#  k_@  k_@@  k_a  k_aa  k_ai  k_au  k_b  k_d  k_dh  k_e  k_e@  k_ei
    k_f  k_g  k_h  k_i  k_i@  k_ii  k_l  k_m  k_n  k_o  k_oi  k_oo  k_ou
    k_r  k_s  k_sh  k_t  k_u  k_u@  k_uh  k_uu  k_w  k_y
    l_#  l_@  l_@@  l_a  l_aa  l_ai  l_au  l_b  l_ch  l_d  l_dh  l_e  l_e@
    l_ei  l_f  l_h  l_i  l_i@  l_ii  l_jh  l_k  l_l  l_m  l_n  l_o  l_oi
    l_oo  l_ou  l_p  l_r  l_s  l_sh  l_t  l_th  l_u  l_uh  l_uu  l_v  l_w
    l_y  l_z
    m_#  m_@  m_@@  m_a  m_aa  m_ai  m_au  m_b  m_ch  m_d  m_dh  m_e  m_e@
    m_ei  m_f  m_h  m_i  m_i@  m_ii  m_l  m_m  m_o  m_oi  m_oo  m_ou  m_p
    m_s  m_sh  m_t  m_th  m_uh  m_uu  m_w  m_y  m_z
    n_#  n_@  n_@@  n_a  n_aa  n_ai  n_au  n_b  n_ch  n_d  n_dh  n_e  n_e@
    n_ei  n_f  n_g  n_h  n_i  n_i@  n_ii  n_jh  n_k  n_l  n_m  n_n  n_o
    n_oi  n_oo  n_ou  n_p  n_r  n_s  n_sh  n_t  n_th  n_u  n_uh  n_uu  n_v
    n_w  n_y  n_z
    ng_#  ng_@  ng_@@  ng_a  ng_d  ng_dh  ng_e  ng_f  ng_g  ng_h  ng_i  ng_k
    ng_l  ng_m  ng_o  ng_p  ng_r  ng_s  ng_t  ng_w  ng_y  ng_z
    o_b  o_ch  o_d  o_f  o_g  o_i  o_jh  o_k  o_l  o_m  o_n  o_ng  o_p  o_r
    o_s  o_sh  o_t  o_th  o_v  o_z
    oi_@  oi_a  oi_d  oi_f  oi_l  oi_m  oi_n  oi_r  oi_s  oi_t  oi_z
    oo_#  oo_b  oo_ch  oo_d  oo_dh  oo_f  oo_g  oo_h  oo_i  oo_jh  oo_k  oo_l
    oo_m  oo_n  oo_p  oo_r  oo_s  oo_sh  oo_t  oo_th  oo_v  oo_w  oo_y  oo_z
    ou_#  ou_@  ou_a  ou_b  ou_ch  ou_d  ou_dh  ou_f  ou_g  ou_h  ou_i  ou_jh
    ou_k  ou_l  ou_m  ou_n  ou_o  ou_p  ou_r  ou_s  ou_sh  ou_t  ou_th  ou_uh
    ou_v  ou_w  ou_y  ou_z  ou_zh
    p_#  p_@  p_@@  p_a  p_aa  p_ai  p_au  p_b  p_dh  p_e  p_e@  p_ei  p_f
    p_h  p_i  p_i@  p_ii  p_jh  p_l  p_m  p_o  p_oi  p_oo  p_ou  p_r  p_s
    p_t  p_th  p_u  p_u@  p_uh  p_uu  p_w  p_y
    r_@  r_a  r_aa  r_ai  r_au  r_e  r_e@  r_ei  r_i  r_i@  r_ii  r_o  r_oi
    r_oo  r_ou  r_uh  r_uu
    s_#  s_@  s_@@  s_a  s_aa  s_ai  s_au  s_b  s_ch  s_d  s_dh  s_e  s_e@
    s_ei  s_f  s_g  s_h  s_i  s_i@  s_ii  s_jh  s_k  s_l  s_m  s_n  s_o  s_oi
    s_oo  s_ou  s_p  s_r  s_s  s_sh  s_t  s_th  s_uh  s_uu  s_w  s_y
    sh_#  sh_@  sh_@@  sh_a  sh_aa  sh_ai  sh_au  sh_b  sh_dh  sh_e  sh_e@
    sh_ei  sh_f  sh_h  sh_i  sh_i@  sh_ii  sh_jh  sh_k  sh_l  sh_n  sh_o
    sh_oo  sh_ou  sh_r  sh_t  sh_u  sh_u@  sh_uh  sh_uu  sh_w  sh_y
    t_#  t_@  t_@@  t_a  t_aa  t_ai  t_au  t_b  t_ch  t_d  t_dh  t_e  t_e@
    t_ei  t_f  t_g  t_h  t_i  t_i@  t_ii  t_jh  t_k  t_l  t_m  t_n  t_o
    t_oi  t_oo  t_ou  t_p  t_r  t_s  t_sh  t_t  t_th  t_u  t_u@  t_uh  t_uu
    t_w  t_y
    th_#  th_@@  th_a  th_aa  th_ai  th_au  th_b  th_ch  th_d  th_e  th_ei
    th_f  th_h  th_i  th_ii  th_o  th_oi  th_oo  th_ou  th_p  th_r  th_s
    th_t  th_uh  th_w  th_y
    u_ch  u_d  u_i  u_k  u_l  u_n  u_ng  u_s  u_sh  u_t
    u@_b  u@_dh  u@_l  u@_r  u@_th  u@_zh
    uh_b  uh_ch  uh_d  uh_dh  uh_f  uh_g  uh_jh  uh_k  uh_l  uh_m  uh_n
    uh_ng  uh_p  uh_r  uh_s  uh_sh  uh_t  uh_th  uh_v  uh_z
    uu_#  uu_@  uu_a  uu_aa  uu_b  uu_ch  uu_d  uu_dh  uu_e  uu_ei  uu_f
    uu_g  uu_h  uu_i  uu_jh  uu_k  uu_l  uu_m  uu_n  uu_o  uu_oo  uu_ou
    uu_p  uu_s  uu_sh  uu_t  uu_th  uu_v  uu_w  uu_y  uu_z  uu_zh
    v_#  v_@  v_@@  v_a  v_aa  v_ai  v_au  v_b  v_ch  v_d  v_dh  v_e  v_e@
    v_ei  v_f  v_h  v_i  v_i@  v_ii  v_jh  v_k  v_l  v_m  v_n  v_o  v_oi
    v_oo  v_ou  v_p  v_r  v_s  v_t  v_th  v_uh  v_uu  v_v  v_w  v_y  v_z
    w_@  w_@@  w_a  w_aa  w_ai  w_au  w_e  w_e@  w_ei  w_i  w_i@  w_ii
    w_o  w_oi  w_oo  w_ou  w_u  w_uh  w_uu
    y_@  y_@@  y_a  y_aa  y_e  y_e@  y_ei  y_i@  y_o  y_oo  y_ou  y_u  y_u@
    y_uh  y_uu
    z_#  z_@  z_@@  z_a  z_aa  z_ai  z_au  z_b  z_ch  z_d  z_dh  z_e  z_e@
    z_ei  z_f  z_h  z_i  z_i@  z_ii  z_jh  z_k  z_l  z_m  z_n  z_o  z_oo
    z_ou  z_p  z_r  z_s  z_sh  z_t  z_u  z_uh  z_uu  z_v  z_w  z_y  z_z
    zh_#  zh_@  zh_d  zh_e  zh_ii  zh_u@
    zh_uu  zh_w

    Appendix 4: Machine Readable Phonemic Alphabet

    CSTR Machine Readable Phonemic Alphabet

    Simple Vowels

             Symbol  Use    Symbol  Use	Symbol  Use     Symbol  Use
             i    b_id	@@   b_i_rd	ii  b_e_ad	@    'schwa'
             e    b_ed	o    p_ot       a   b_ad	oo   p_o_rt
             aa   b_a_rd	u    p_ut 	uh  b_ud	uu   b_o_ot


             Symbol  Use    Symbol  Use     Symbol  Use     Symbol  Use
             ei   d_a_y     oi  b_o_y	ou   g_o	i@   b_e_e_r
             au   c_o_w     e@  b_a_r_e 	u@   t_o_u_r    ai    _e_y_e


             Symbol  Use    Symbol  Use     Symbol  Use     Symbol  Use
             p    _pea	v    _van	t    _tea	s    _sea
             k    _key	z    bu_z_z	b    _bee	sh   _s_he
             d    _dye	zh   bei_g_e	g    _guy	ch   ea_c_h
             m    _me	jh   e_d_g_e	n    _k_nee	h    _hat
             ng   si_n_g    y    _yes	th   _t_hin	w    _way
             dh   _t_hen    r    _ray	f    _fan	l    _lay

    Syllabic Consonants

    	 Symbol  Use
             l=    reduced form of /@ l/	  r=   reduced form of /@ r/
             m=    reduced form of /@ m/ 	  n=   reduced form of /@ n/
             ng=   reduced form of /@ ng/


             Name    		Symbol  Use   _
    	 Primary stress		 "  placed before 1ry stressed syllable.
    	 Secondary stress   	 '  placed before 2ry stressed syllable.
    	 Reduction enforcement   %  placed   before affected  vowel.
    	 Reduction   protection  ^  placed before affected vowel.
    	 Utterance boundary      /  delimits transcriptions in  text
    	 Word boundary   	 #  indicates  inter-word boundaries
    	 Syllable boundary       .  indicates  inter-syllable  boundaries
             Morph boundary  	 +  indicates inter-morph boundaries

    Appendix 5: Machine Readable Allophonic Alphabet

    The objective of providing a machine readable allophonic alphabet (MRAA) for English (Received Pronunciation) is to allow phonetically-specific comment to be made explicitly about the articulatory realisation of one or more segments in a stretch of speech that is in other respects transcribed phonemically, in CSTR databases or records. The basis for the CSTR MRAA system is that an allophonic transcription of any single segment is potentially made up of a combination of two different types of ASCII characters. One of these can be thought of as the `prime' character, to which is attached a modifier or `diacritic'. The prime character is always a capitalised version of one of the CSTR MRPA phonemic sym- bols, and diactritic modifiers, when present, are always lower-case or non-alphabetic characters chosen from the QWERTY keyboard set. An MRAA transcription thus shows a mixture of upper-case and lower-case characters, while solely phonemic transcriptions are written with only MRPA characters in lower case. A stretch of MRAA transcription will typically show a predominance of upper-case characters, with only a minority of segments transcribed allophonically with a mixed sequence of upper-case and lower-case charac- ters. A glance at the type of characters used hence allows easy identification of any given transcribed utterance asd using the MRP Alphabet (lower-case characters only) versus those using the MRA Alphabet (mostly upper-case characters, with lower-case characters attached to one or more of them). This identification is made even easier by the fact that MRAA transcriptions are always enclosed in square brackets [], while MRPA transcriptions are always surrounded by slant brackets //. A transcription is classified as phonemic if only one standard symbol (even though it may be a digraph symbol) is available for transcribing the occurrences of each individual phoneme, regardless of its context or struc- tural position. When a transcription provides a resource for differentiating between two or more instances of any given phoneme, in order to make explicit some detail of articulatory realisation differentiating the individual occurrences, it is classified as an allophonic transcrip- tion. Even if only one segment in a given utterance is transcribed allophonically, that transcription of the utter- ance then counts as an allophonic transcription. MRAA sym- bols should therefore by used throughout the transcription, and upper-case characters should be used for the remaining phonemically-transcribed segments. It should also be noted that any utterance can be transcribed with a greater or lesser density of allophonic comment. Examples of the same utterance transcribed by means of the two different alpha- bets, with some examples of the resources of the MRAA being used to make allophonic comments of different density, are as follows:

    Orthographic: String quartets last too long.

    MRPA: /s t r i ng # k w oo t e t s # l aa s t # t uu # l o ng/

    MRAA: [S T R I NG # K W OO Th E T S # L AA S T # Th UU # L O NG]

    MRAA: [S T R In NG # K W OO Th E T S # L AA S T # Th UU # L On NG]

    MRAA: [S T oR In NG # K oW OO Th E T S # L AA S T! # Thw UU # Lw On NGo]

    Allophonic comments made in the last example cover the following sequence of facts:

    There are many other allophonic details on which comment could have been made, but the example is perhaps sufficient to make the point that the presence of allophonic comment is clearly signalled by the lower-case status of the diacritics used. The table below sets out a list of some of the diacritic modifier symbols for use in MRAA transcriptions. The upper-case symbols used in the MRAA examples illustrate segment-types to which the diacritic modifiers apply, but the diacritic modifiers are of course not limited to these segment-types alone. For most purposes, a single allophone can be given a single (composite) symbol. Labelling a monosyllable such as the word "tea" as [Th II], however, implies not only that the stop was audibly aspirated, but also that (logically) it was released as well. For some purposes, though, it is necessary to make the fact of release explicit separately from the fact of aspiration. This is often the case in labelling spectrograms with MRAA symbols, where there are a number of segment-types in which the serial sequence of identifiable events is important. In voiceless stops, for example, in such circumstances, the closure phase should be labelled with the upper-case MRPA- equivalent (say, [T]). Then the burst should be labelled with [T!]; and the voice onset delay (aspiration) with [Th], giving the sequence [T T! Th]. Similarly, in the case of affricates, the closure phase should be labelled with the upper-case MRPA equivalent (say, [CH]). Then the fricative phase should be labelled with [CHsh], giving the sequence [CH CHsh]. Similarly, partially nasalised vowels should be labelled as a sequence of oral vowel followed by correspond- ing nasal vowel -- for example, a finally-nasalised pronun- ciation of /e/ would be indicated by the sequence [E En]. Another comparable sequence is found in devoicing. An ini- tially devoiced pronunciation of /z/ could be indicated by the sequence [oZ Z]. A finally devoiced instance could be represented by the sequence [Z Zo]. It may sometimes also be useful to be able to distinguish between points of a diphthong. in such cases, taking /AI/ as an example, the first element can be identified as [AIa], and the second as [AIi]. A comparable distinction within /AU/ would yield [AUa] and [AUu], and so forth.

    MRAA Diacritic Modifiers

    	Symbol  Meaning _
    	[Th]    aspirated, voice  onset  delay  phase
    	[T!]    released, or burst phase
    	[T^]    unreleased,   unexploded
    	[CH]	closure phase of affricate /ch/
    	[CHsh]	fricative phase of affricate /ch/
    	[JH]	closure phase of affricate /jh/
    	[JHzh]	fricative phase of affricate /jh/
    	[oZ]    initially devoiced
    	[Zo]    finally devoiced
    	[oZo]   fully devoiced
    	[En]    partially nasalised
    	[nEn]   fully nasalised
    	[Mv]    labiodental nasal
    	[Zw]    labialised
    	[Li]    palatalised,   clear
    	[Lu]	velarised,  dark
    	[Rt]	tapped stop
    	[Nt] 	flapped stop
    	[Rr]    alveolar trill
    	[Ret]   retroflex  /r/
    	[Nd]    dental
    	[?]     glottal stop
    	[AIa]   first element of diphthong
    	[AIi]   second element of


    001.  The price range is smaller than any of us expected.
    002.  They asked if I wanted to come along on the barge trip.
    003.  Amongst her friends she was considered beautiful.
    004.  The smell of the freshly ground coffee never fails to entice me into the shop.
    005.  I'm often perplexed by rapid advances in state of the art technology.
    006.  John could lend him the latest draft of his work.
    007.  From forty love the score was now deuce and the crowd grew tense.
    008.  The Presbyterian minister managed to curb the drinking habits of the loitering youths.
    009.  The bulb blew when he switched on the light.
    010.  It is futile to offer any further resistance.
    011.  They launched into battle with all the forces they could muster.
    012.  The chill wind caused them to shiver violently.
    013.  The government triumphed four years ago and we have every reason to believe that it will triumph again.
    014.  He jerked round in an instant to face his assailant.
    015.  He emphasized his strengths while concealing his weaknesses.
    016.  The table is made so sloppily that it tilts.
    017.  It was important to be perfect since there were no prompts.
    018.  I ran for cover whilst he hurled several stones.
    019.  We have proof that the regime wields sufficient power in the North to exploit the entire population.
    020.  She flicks through a magazine when she gets a chance.
    021.  Thank goodness it's Friday and time to go home.
    022.  Itches are always so tempting to scratch.
    023.  I'll hedge my bets and take no risks.
    024.  The length of her skirt caused the passers-by to stare.
    025.  I always seem to follow my instincts rather than reason.
    026.  It's strange that I slept for so long since I wasn't feeling tired.
    027.  I'll draft those new proposals before the next meeting.
    028.  The mud squelched loudly and he realized that his suede boots were doomed.
    029.  He grasped the rope with his free hand and swung his legs round to the side.
    030.  Opportunities like this don't grow on trees as you should know by now.
    031.  It's difficult to choose between two such equally good alternatives.
    032.  Henry normally viewed Rob's zealous enthusiasm with disdain.
    033.  She'll think of an excuse if given enough space and time.
    034.  When forced to make a choice, Sarah chose ping-pong as her favourite game.
    035.  It's a shame that architects design for themselves and not for the general public.
    036.  Coe beat him to the line by five thousandths of a second.
    037.  The bath plug is missing so you'll have to take a shower.
    038.  You ought to brush your teeth before you go to bed.
    039.  The earth used to be flat but now it's a sphere.
    040.  I wish he'd either grow a beard or shave his moustache.
    041.  Judith found the manuscripts waiting for her on the piano.
    042.  The huge castle was encircled by a deep moat.
    043.  Jane adored maths and french but hated the rest of school.
    044.  Mashed potatoes are more fattening than either boiled or baked ones.
    045.  The world is becoming increasingly dangerous but hardly anyone cares.
    046.  Patrick will need speech therapy because of his cleft palate.
    047.  These practical jokes have been taken much too far.
    048.  I shall paint this room mauve with a few beige dots.
    049.  My car was stolen while I was shopping in Kensington High Street.
    050.  Changing gear half way up a steep hill can be quite risky.
    051.  I always enjoy a pint of lager when I come off the squash court.
    052.  Jean might prepare more salmon and cucumber sandwiches if we're lucky.
    053.  There'll be big trouble if you dare to touch that surface.
    054.  Tom says that ancient Saabs are far more stylish than British Leyland Triumphs.
    055.  Jill tumbled after Jack because she was shoved by little Miss Muffet.
    056.  Doctor Philips raised a number of moot points about the professor's article in the recent journal.
    057.  This new display attracts more customers than ever.
    058.  Mrs. Stewart pleased her entire family when she produced malt loaf for tea.
    059.  Pete couldn't bear to show us his scar so soon after the accident.
    060.  Joy fibbed about the money missing from the secret cashbox.
    061.  The hearse will arrive at the morgue between a quarter and half past twelve.
    062.  Water was cascading down the mountain at a rate of knots.
    063.  Clara went through a phase when she always served Hungarian goulash followed by rhubarb crumble.
    064.  We'd be hard pushed to catch the bus to Newcastle tonight.
    065.  Our butcher makes his own pork and beef sausages.
    066.  Martin and Craig grow dwarf tulips and exhibit them all over the county.
    067.  Our two kids adored the little iced buns with the cherries on top.
    068.  He remembered he needed a passport to get a visa stamp.
    069.  His attempts to use his credit card failed because his account was in arrears.
    070.  They were still frisked by Customs though they had nothing to declare.
    071.  The nurse tended the fierce-looking wound on Paul's scalp.
    072.  Everyone talks of the birds and the bees but they never mention wasps.
    073.  Most of the scenes were filmed on location in the Alps.
    074.  Mr. Vernon helped himself to dessert and a large cup of coffee.
    075.  It was a sheer fluke that I bumped into the same chap yesterday.
    076.  During his last year at university they shared many hilarious moments.
    077.  I loved to pedal my tricycle in the back-yard when I was I child.
    078.  Some people find the Welsh language very difficult to learn.
    079.  The food varies from place to place but the price remains fairly constant.
    080.  The ceremony overwhelmed me and I was moved to tears.
    081.  The area was so thoroughly blitzed that now virtually nothing remains.
    082.  Bob milked the cows after he'd gathered the chickens' eggs.
    083.  We really will need to defrost the fridge now that the strawberries have oozed out all over the place.
    084.  The coach swerved to the left in an attempt to avoid the blind pedestrian.
    085.  After the road veers to the south you'll see a junction ahead.
    086.  Her evening gown was a trifle too garish for the occasion.
    087.  He glimpsed the traffic warden out of the corner of his eye.
    088.  She had scarcely divulged the scandal before it was splattered over the front pages of the tabloids.
    089.  The questionnaire was short and to the point.
    090.  We were plunged into darkness as the clouds engulfed the moon.
    091.  Sharon vowed never again to jeer at the concierge.
    092.  Compared with the previous guests she appeared coy and demure.
    093.  She returned from holiday bronzed by the mediterranean sun.
    094.  They suggested that the ice would thaw as soon as spring arrived.
    095.  Gordon's words were lost amidst the hub-bub of the crowded hall.
    096.  Mr. Forsyth has cheered the team on now for five whole years.
    097.  It seems as if Susan does all the chores for this household.
    098.  I want each person here to give George their report by Thursday afternoon.
    099.  Beth chaired the first meeting in order to oblige her overworked boss.
    100.  I've just seen Charles tearing off in a hurry.
    101.  We'll need to put the poodle back on the leash when we leave the park.
    102.  The Olympic torch shines as a symbol of hope which has pushed aside the barriers of race.
    103.  The plaintiff felt thwarted because the judge didn't revoke his decision.
    104.  My mother gets cross when I say "yeah" instead of "yes".
    105.  The foot paths at the back of the school have become decidedly overgrown.
    106.  This ointment will soothe the graze on your heel.
    107.  Whilst on a spending spree Blanche Jennings bought some luxurious bat oil and a purple silk blouse.
    108.  The fifth dollop of fresh cream missed the cake altogether and landed on the paper doily.
    109.  I know many people who  practise yoga purely for health reasons.
    110.  It's common knowledge that the kangaroo has a pouch.
    111.  Those texts you mention were discussed in depth by the Benedictine brethren last Sunday.
    112.  The walkers took a detour through the fields to avoid the busy thoroughfare.
    113.  Mary and Elizabeth both aim to be company directors by the age of thirty.
    114.  This guy helps Mr. Yates develop his own photographs.
    115.  Cobwebs find their way into every nook and cranny.
    116.  Once I've varnished the bedside table I can start on the wardrobe.
    117.  Bulldog terriers yap almost as much as Chows.
    118.  I was bitten by the nasty dog which keeps guard of our neighbours' house.
    119.  The dear old bishop was in trouble with the mayor.
    120.  I sympathize with Roy and have already sent him my sincere condolences.
    121.  I beg you not to make a sharp jibe about the style of his hair.
    122.  "The Sound of Music" is a film which centres on the war time experiences of the von Trapp family.
    123.  If you leave the record by the fire it will warp.
    124.  He grabbed a towel and then answered the phone.
    125.  Dad wanted us to leave the surfboard in the boat until our return.
    126.  The duty-free kirsch next to the brandy was bought for Maggie.
    127.  We need to buy some more embroidery silks before we can finish the garment.
    128.  The kind-hearted girl began to wipe his fevered brow with a cool flannel.
    129.  The yacht capsized in the choppy seas but all the crew swam to safety.
    130.  Mr. Simms was surprised by the numerous dignitaries attending the graduation ball.
    131.  I dreamed that a Jesuit priest was conversing with a seraph.
    132.  I wonder why "cello" isn't spelled with an "h".
    133.  I'm obliged to tell you that most women loathe their husbands.
    134.  The doctor was perturbed by the mysterious growths which defied diagnosis.
    135.  Some pop stars just mouthe the words because they can't sing.
    136.  The toddler stamped his foot in annoyance and gouged a large hole in his parents' table out of spite.
    137.  They noticed that the door of the hunting lodge stood ajar and they grabbed their guns in fear.
    138.  Historians claim that Cleopatra bathed in asses' milk.
    139.  The treasure was unearthed three months before they started to argue over ownership.
    140.  He clenched his fist and hammered it against the wall with a resounding smack of authority.
    141.  Amelia went to Chester Zoo and saw some tufted owls and a rare giant sloth.
    142.  You should eat less of that fudge cake if it really is aggravating your sore tooth.
    143.  The china nymph remained unscathed despite the explosion in the kiln.
    144.  Bill could have sat on the train but chose to stand.
    145.  That's the ninth dirty shirt you've thrown in the laundry since Wednesday.
    146.  This is the eighth week that parsnip soup has been served at this hotel.
    147.  The chef was in dispute with his colleagues as to whether barley was a pulse.
    148.  He thanked his colleague for the invaluable lifts to the various conferences that term.
    149.  The watch was the only thing he was able to filch from the camper's ruck-sack.
    150.  The monks collapsed with hysterics when brother Karl banged his elbow.
    151.  He caught a glimpse of what looked like a badger.
    152.  The family heirloom is a turquoise necklace made by a Bedouin tribe.
    153.  It's silly to assume that soluble aspirin will alleviate the symptoms of typhoid.
    154.  Sarah exchanged the matching gloves and shoes for a horrible snakeskin bag.
    155.  The archbishop has resolved not to disclose the details of the divorce.
    156.  Moira was sure that the American word for courgettes was zuchini.
    157.  It's in vogue to make films which explore the relationship between culture and faith.
    158.  He acknowledged his secretary's presence with his usual perfunctory nod.
    159.  The children camouflaged themselves with some khaki cloth which their dad had found in the garage.
    160.  Her sylph-like form was entrancing the young man.
    161.  The writer of the obituary tried not to indulge his prejudice against the bourgeoisie.
    162.  The Cuthbert family live by the village church.
    163.  The multi-bulbed light fitting in the lounge was an improvement on the neon tube.
    164.  The glazier was airing his views on the woeful state of the Health Service rather than mending the window.
    165.  He shrugged off a threat of sabotage with a blythe statement about the impregnable security system.
    166.  When I'm poorly I like to surround myself with familiar childhood toys.
    167.  Now that we earn the same wage we should go halves on the bill.
    168.  I feel too lethargic to wash up tonight.
    169.  Cath opened the larder door to fetch the iceberg lettuce and a chunk of cheddar.
    170.  The babe was starting to teethe but her favourite toy appeared to soothe her.
    171.  Alf's brother was totally absorbed in the virtuoso performance of Bach's Toccata and Fugue.
    172.  The fun-fair is merely a step round the corner.
    173.  The topic of Jeff's thesis is beginning to annoy me.
    174.  The candidate felt that a trapezoidal badge would have more visual impact than the usual rosette.
    175.  Her wealth's certain to buy her not only a Porsche but also considerable popularity.
    176.  I can't stand sheets and blankets and I absolutely loathe eiderdowns.
    177.  The ivy wound its way grotesquely round the neck of the gargoyle.
    178.  Every time I see Mr. Hoyle I get a strong urge to dodge out of his sight.
    179.  You always manage to besiege me with other people's problems.
    180.  The opposition claim that present government policy is injurious to the nation's well-being.
    181.  Cinderella waltzed through the night while poor Buttons mooched aimlessly about the house.
    182.  Sandra's parents were impressed when she swam two widths of back stroke.
    183.  This heater gives out nothing compared with the warmth you get from my gas fire.
    184.  The Websters are going to see "Puss in Boots" just after Christmas.
    185.  Venice is full of tasteless postcards of the doge staring enigmatically out to sea.
    186.  I'm well aware that raw vegetables contain more vitamins than cooked ones.
    187.  I'll never know whether it was the alcohol or the lack of sleep that gave me blurred vision.
    188.  I'm intrigued that social values can change so quickly.
    189.  I can't pretend to know the exact answer but I can make an educated guess.
    190.  The most tasty carrots come from Mr. Brown's farm.
    191.  When I'm pregnant I get a craving for smoky bacon crisps and dry roasted peanuts.
    192.  Last year I forgot to take my pen-knife when we went camping.
    193.  The bank robbers managed to escape before anyone could notify the police.
    194.  It's obvious that the student was amply rewarded for his endeavours.
    195.  I yearn for the day when smoking is banned on public transport.
    196.  I'll call into the chemist on the way back and buy some shampoo.
    197.  The manageress treated all her shop assistants like dirt.
    198.  I wish I lived a little bit nearer to the supermarket.
    199.  It's entirely inappropriate to wear black at a wedding.
    200.  All the coloured inks merged into one another when he spilled the water.


    001.  D@ praIs reIndZ Iz smO:l@ D@n eni @v @s IkspektId.
    002.  DeI A:skt If aI wQntId t@ kVm @lQN Qn D@ bA:dZ trIp.
    003.  @mVNst @ frendz Si w@z k@nsId@d bju:tIf@l.
    004.  D@ smel @v D@ freSli graUnd kQfi nev@ feIlz tu IntaIs mi Int@ D@ SQp.
    005.  aIm Qf=n p@plekst baI r{pId @dvA:nsIz In steIt @v Di A:t teknQl@dZi.
    006.  dZQn k@d lend hIm D@ leItIst drA:ft @v hIz w3:k.
    007.  fr@m fO:ti lVv D@ skO: w@z naU dju:s @n D@ kraUd gru: tens.
    008.  D@ prezbItI@ri@n mInIst@ m{nIdZd t@ k3:b D@ drINkIN h{bIts @v D@ lOIt@rIN ju:Dz.
    009.  D@ bVlb blu: wen hi swItSt Qn D@ laIt.
    010.  It Iz fju:taIl tu Qf@r eni f3:D@ rIzIst@ns.
    011.  DeI lO:ntSt Int@ b{t=l wID O:l D@ fO:sIz DeI k@b mVst@.
    012.  D@ tSIl wInd kO:zd D@m t@ SIv@ vaI@l@ntli.
    013.  D@ gVv@nm@nt traIVmft fO: jI@z @g@U @nd wi h{v evri ri:z=n t@ bIli:v D@t It wIl traIVmf @geIn.
    014.  hi dZ3:kt raUnd In @n Inst@nt t@ feIs hIz @seIl@nt.
    015.  hi emf@saIzd hIz streNTs waIl k@nsi:lIN hIz wi:knIsIz.
    016.  D@ teIb=l Iz meId s@U slQpIli D@t It tIlts.
    017.  It w@z ImpO:t@nt t@ bi p3:fIkt sIns De@ w@ n@U prQmps.
    018.  aI r{n f@ kVv@ waIlst i h3:ld sevr@l st@Unz.
    019.  wi h{v pru:f D@t D@ reIZi:m wi:ldz s@fIS@nt paU@r In D@ nO:T tu IksplOIt Di IntaI@ pQpjuleIS@n.
    020.  Si flIks Tru @ m{g@zi:n wen Si gets @ tSA:ns.
    021.  T{nk gUdnIs Its fraIdeI @n taIm t@ g@U h@Um.
    022.  ItSIz @r O:lweIz s@U temptIN t@ skr{tS.
    023.  aIl hedZ maI bets @n teIk n@U rIsks.
    024.  D@ leNkT @v h@ sk3:t kO:zd D@ pA:s@z baI t@ ste@.
    025.  aI O:lweIz si:m t@ fQl@U maI InstINkts rA:D@ D@n riz=n.
    026.  Its streIndZ D@t aI slept f@ s@U lQN sIns aI wQz=nt fi:lIN taI@d.
    027.  aIl drA:ft D@Uz nju: pr@p@Uz=lz bIfO: D@ nekst mi:tIN.
    028.  D@ mVd skweltSt laUdli @nd hi rI@laIzd D@t Iz sweId bu:ts w@ du:md.
    029.  hi grA:spt D@ r@Up wID hIz fri: h{nd @n swVN hIz legz raUnd t@ D@ saId.
    030.  Qp@tju:n@tiz laIk DIs d@Unt gr@U Qn tri:z @z ju: SUd n@U baI naU.
    031.  Its dIfIk@lt t@ tSu:z bItwi:n tu: sVtS i:kw@li gUd O:lt3:n@tIvz.
    032.  henri nO:m@li vju:d rQbz zel@s InTju:zi{z@m wID dIsdeIn.
    033.  Sil TINk @v @n Ikskju:s If gIv=n InVf speIs =n taIm.
    034.  wen fO:st t@ meIk @ tSOIs se@r@ tS@Uz pIN pQN @z h@ feIv@rIt geIm.
    035.  Its @ SeIm D@t A:kItekts dIzaIn f@ D@mselvz @n nQt f@ D@ dZenr@l pVblIk.
    036.  k@U bi:t Im t@ D@ laIn baI faIv TaUz@nTs @v @ sek@nd.
    037.  D@ bA:T plVg Iz mIsIN s@U jul h{v t@ teIk @ SaU@.
    038.  ju O:t t@ brVS j@ ti:T bIfO: ju: g@U t@ bed.
    039.  Di 3:T ju:st t@ bi fl{t b@t naU Its @ sfI@.
    040.  aI wIS hid aID@ gr@U @ bI@d O: SeIv hIz m@stA:S.
    041.  dZu:dIT faUnd D@ m{njuskrIpts weItIN f@ h@r Qn D@ pi{n@U.
    042.  D@ hju:dZ kA:s=l w@z Ins3:k=ld baI @ di:p m@Ut.
    043.  dZeIn @dO:d m{Ts =n frentS b@t heItId D@ rest @v sku:l.
    044.  m{St p@teIt@Uz @ mO: f{t=nIN D@n aID@ bOIld O: beIkt wVnz.
    045.  D@ w3:ld Iz bIkVmIN INkri:sINli deIndZ@r@s b@t hA:dli eniwVN ke@z.
    046.  p{trIk wIl ni:d spi:tS Ter@pi bIk@z @v hIz kleft p{lIt.
    047.  Di:z pr{ktIk=l dZ@Uks h@v bIn teIk@n mVtS tu: fA:.
    048.  aI S@l peInt DIs ru:m m@Uv wID @ fju: beIZ dQts.
    049.  maI kA: w@z st@Ul@n waIl aI w@z SQpIN IN kenzINt@n haI stri:t.
    050.  tSeIndZIN gI@ hA:fweI Vp @ sti:p hIl k@m bi kwaIt rIski.
    051.  aI O:lweIz IndZOI @ paInt @v lA:g@ wen aI kVm Qf D@ skwQS kO:t.
    052.  dZi:n maIt prIpe@ mO: s{m@n @N kju:kVmb@ s{nwIdZIz If wi@ lVki.
    053.  De@l bi bIg trVb=l If j@ de@ t@ tVtS D{t s3:fIs.
    054.  tQm sez D@t eInS@nt sA:bz @ fA: mO: staIlIS D@m brItIS leIl@nd traIVmfs.
    055.  dZIl tVmb=ld A:ft@ dZ{k bIk@z Si w@z SVvd baI lIt=l mIs mVfIt.
    056.  dQkt@ fIlIps reIzd @ nVmb@r @v mu:t pOInts @baUt D@ pr@fes@z A:tIk=l In D@ ri:s@nt dZ3:n=l.
    057.  DIs nju: dIspleI @tr{kts mO: kVst@m@z D@n ev@.
    058.  mIsIz stju:@t pli:zd h@r IntaI@ f{mIli wen Si pr@dju:st mO:lt l@Uf f@ ti:.
    059.  pi:t kUd=nt be@ t@ S@U @s hIz skA: s@U su:n A:ft@ Di {ksId@nt.
    060.  dZOI fIbd @baUt D@ mVni mIsIN fr@m D@ si:krIt k{SbQks.
    061.  D@ h3:s wIl @raIv @t D@ mO:g bItwi:n @ kwO:t@r @n hA:f pA:st twelv.
    062.  wO:t@ w@z k{skeIdIN daUn D@ maUntIn @t @ reIt @v nQts.
    063.  klA:r@ went Tru @ feIz wen Si O:lweIz s3:vd hVNge@ri@n gu:l{S fQl@Ud baI ru:bA:b krVmb=l.
    064.  wid bi hA:d pUSt t@ k{tS D@ bVs t@ nju:kA:s=l t@naIt.
    065.  aU@ bUtS@ meIks hIz @Un pO:k @m bi:f sQsIdZIz.
    066.  mA:tIn @N kreIg gr@U dwO:f tju:lIps @nd IgzIbIt D@m O:l @Uv@ D@ kaUnti.
    067.  aU@ tu: kIdz @dO:d D@ lIt=l aIst bVnz wID D@ tSeriz Qn tQp.
    068.  hi rImemb@d hi ni:dId @ pA:spO:t t@ get @ vi:z@ st{mp.
    069.  hIz @tempts t@ ju:z hIz kredIt kA:d feIld bIk@z hIz @kaUnt w@z In @rI@z.
    070.  DeI w@ stIl frIskt baI kVst@mz D@U DeI h{d nVTIN t@ dIkle@.
    071.  D@ n3:s tendId D@ fI@s lUkIN wu:nd Qn pO:lz sk{lp.
    072.  evriwVn tO:ks @v D@ b3:dz =n D@ bi:z b@t DeI nev@ menS@n wQsps.
    073.  m@Ust @v D@ si:nz w@ fIlmd Qn l@UkeIS@n In Di {lps.
    074.  mIst@ v3:n@n helpt Imself t@ dIz3:t @nd @ lA:dZ kVp @v kQfi.
    075.  It w@z @ SI@ flu:k D@t aI bVmpt Int@ D@ seIm tS{p jest@deI.
    076.  djU@rIN hIz lA:st jI@r @t ju:nIv3:sIti DeI Se@d meni hIle@ri@s m@Um@nts.
    077.  aI lVvd t@ ped=l maI traIsIk=l In D@ b{kjA:d wen aI w@z @ tSaIld.
    078.  sVm pi:p=l faInd D@ welS l{NgwIdZ veri dIfIk@lt t@ l3:n.
    079.  D@ fu:d ve@riz fr@m pleIs t@ pleIs b@t D@ praIs rImeInz fe@li kQnst@nt.
    080.  D@ ser@m@ni @Uv@welmd mi @nd aI w@z mu:vd t@ tI@z.
    081.  Di e@ri@ w@z s@U TVr@li blItst D@t naU v3:tS@li nVTIN rImeInz.
    082.  bQb mIlkt D@ kaUz A:ft@ hid g{D@d D@ tSIkInz egz.
    083.  wi rI@li wIl ni:d t@ di:frQst D@ frIdZ naU D@t D@ strO:b@rIz h@v u:zd aUt O:l @Uv@ D@ pleIs.
    084.  D@ k@UtS sw3:vd t@ D@ left In @n @tempt tu @vOId D@ blaInd pIdestri@n.
    085.  A:ft@ D@ r@Ud vI@z t@ D@ saUT jul si @ dZVNkS@n @hed.
    086.  h@r i:vnIN gaUn w@z @ traIf=l tu: ge@rIS f@ Di @keIZ@n.
    087.  hi glImpst D@ tr{fIk wO:d=n aUt @v D@ kO:n@r @v hIz aI.
    088.  Si h@d ske@sli daIvVldZd D@ sk{nd=l bIfO:r It w@z spl{t@d @Uv@ D@n frVnt peIdZIz @v D@ t{blOIdz.
    089.  D@ kwestS@ne@ w@z SO:t @n t@ D@ pOInt.
    090.  wi w@ plVndZd Int@ dA:knIs @z D@ klaUdz IngVlft D@ mu:n.
    091.  S{r@n vaUd nev@r @gen t@ dZI@r @t D@ kQnsie@Z.
    092.  k@mpe@d wID D@ pri:vi@s gests Si @pI@d kOI @n dImjU@.
    093.  Si rIt3:nd fr@m hQlIdeI brQnzd baI D@ medIt@reInI@n sVn.
    094.  DeI s@dZestId D@t Di aIs w@d TO:r @z su:n @z sprIN @raIvd.
    095.  gO:d=nz w3:dz w@ lQst @mIdst D@ hVbVb @v D@ kraUdId hO:l.
    096.  mIst@ fO:saIT h@z tSI@d D@ ti:m Qn naU f@ faIv h@Ul jI@z.
    097.  It si:mz @z If su:z=n dVz O:l D@ tSO:z f@ DIs haUsh@Uld.
    098.  aI wQnt i:tS p3:s=n hI@ t@ gIv dZO:dZ De@ rIpO:t baI T3:zdeI A:ft@nu:n.
    099.  beT tSe@d D@ f3:st mi:tIN In O:d@ tu @blaIdZ h@r @Uv@w3:kt bQs.
    100.  aIv dZVst si:n tSA:lz te@rIN Qf In @ hVri.
    101.  wil ni:d t@ pUt D@ pu:d=l b{k Qn D@ li:S wen wi li:v D@ pA:k.
    102.  Di @lImpIk tO:tS SaInz @z @ sImb=l @v h@Up wItS h@z pUSt @saId D@ b{ri@z @v reIs.
    103.  D@ pleIntIf felt TwO:tId bIk@z D@ dZVdZ dId=nt rIv@Uk Iz dIsIZ@n.
    104.  maI mVD@ gets krQs wen aI seI je@ Insted @v jes.
    105.  D@ fUtpA:Dz @t D@ b{k @v D@ sku:l h@v bIkVm dIsaIdIdli @Uv@gr@Un.
    106.  DIs OIntm@nt wIl su:D D@ greIz Qn j@ hi:l.
    107.  waIlst Qn @ spendIN spri: blA:nS dZenINz bO:t s@m lVgZU@ri@s bA:T OIl @nd @ p3:p=l sIlk blaUz.
    108.  D@ fIfT dQl@p @v freS kri:m mIst D@ keIk O:lt@geD@r @nd l{ndId Qn D@ peIp@ dOIli.
    109.  aI n@U meni pi:p=l hu pr{ktIs j@Ug@ pjU@li f@ helT ri:z=nz.
    110.  Its kQm@n nQlIdZ D@t D@ k{Ng@ru: h{z @ paUtS.
    111.  D@Uz teksts ju: menS@n w@ dIskVst In depT baI D@ benIdIkti:n breDr@n lA:st sVndeI.
    112.  D@ wO:k@z tUk @ di:tU@ Tru: D@ fi:ldz tu @vOId D@ bIzi TVr@fe@.
    113.  me@ri @nd @lIz@b@T b@UT eIm t@ bi kVmp@ni daIrekt@z baI Di eIdZ @v T3:ti.
    114.  DIs gaI helps mIst@ jeIts dIvel@p Iz @Un f@Ut@grA:fs.
    115.  kQbwebz faInd De@ weI Intu evri nUk @N kr{ni.
    116.  wVns aIv vA:nISt D@ bedsaId teIb=l aI k@n stA:t Qn D@ wO:dr@Ub.
    117.  bUldQg teri@z j{p O:lm@Ust @z mVtS {z tSaUz.
    118.  aI w@z bIt=n baI D@ nA:sti dQg wItS ki:ps gA:d @v aU@ neIb@z haUs.
    119.  D@ dI@r @Uld bIS@p w@z IntrVb=l wID D@ me@.
    120.  aI sImp@TaIz wID rOI @nd h@v O:lredi sent Im maI sInsI@ k@nd@Ul@nsIz.
    121.  aI beg ju: nQt t@ meIk @ SA:p dZaIb @baUt D@ staIl @v hIz he@.
    122.  D@ saUnd @v mju:zIk Iz @ fIlm wItS sent@z Qn D@ wO: taIm IkspI@ri@nsIz @v D@ vQntr{p f{mIli.
    123.  If ju: li:v D@ rekO:d baI D@ faI@r It wIl wO:p.
    124.  hi gr{bd @ taU@l @n Den A:ns@d D@ f@Un.
    125.  d{d wQntId @s t@ li:v D@ s3:fbO:d In D@ b@Ut @ntIl aU@ rIt3:n.
    126.  D@ dju:tifri: kI@S nekst t@ D@ br{ndi w@z bO:t f@ m{gi.
    127.  wi ni:d t@ baI s@m mO:r ImbrOId@ri sIlks bIfO: wi k@n fInIS D@ gA:m@nt.
    128.  D@ kaInd hA:tId g3:l bIg{n t@ waIp Iz fi:v@d braU wID @ ku:l fl{n=l.
    129.  D@ jQt k{psaIzd In D@ tSQpi si:z b@t O:l D@ kru: sw{m t@ seIfti.
    130.  mIst@ sImz w@z s@praIz baI D@ nju:m@r@s dIgnItrIz @tendIN D@ gr{djueIS@n bO:l.
    131.  aI dremt D@t @ dZezjuIt pri:st w@z k@nv3:sIN wID @ ser@f.
    132.  aI wVnd@ waI tSel@U Iz=nt spelt wID @n eItS.
    133.  aIm @blaIdZd t@ tel ju: D@p m@Ust wImIn l@UD De@ hVzb@ndz.
    134.  D@ dQkt@ w@z p@t3:bd baI D@ mIstI@ri@s gr@UTs wItS dIfaId daI@gn@UsIs.
    135.  sVm pQp stA:z dZVst maUD D@ w3:dz bIk@z DeI kA:nt sIN.
    136.  D@ tQd=l@ st{mt Iz fUt In @nOI@ns @N gaUdZd @ lA:dZ h@Ul In hIz pe@r@nts teIb=l aUt @v spaIt.
    137.  DeI n@UtIst D@t D@ dO:r @v D@ hVntIN lQdZ stUd @dZA:r @n DeI gr{bd De@ gVnz In fI@.
    138.  hIstO:ri@nz kleIm D@k kli@p{tr@ beIDd In {sIz mIlk.
    139.  D@ treZ@ w@z Vn3:Tt Tri: mVnTs bIfO: DeI stA:tId tu A:gju @Uv@r m@Un@SIp.
    140.  hi klentSt Iz fIst @nd h{m@d It @genst D@ wO:l wID @ rIzaUndIN sm{k @v O:TQrIti.
    141.  @mi:li@ went t@ tSest@ zu: @n sO: s@m tVftId aUlz @nd @ re@ dZaI@nt sl@UT.
    142.  ju: SUd i:t les @v D{t fVdZ keIk If It rI@li Iz {gr@veItIN j@ sO: tu:T.
    143.  D@ tSaIn@ nImf rImeInd VnskeIDd dIspaIt Di Ikspl@UZ@n In D@ kIln.
    144.  bIl k@d h@v s{t Qn D@ treIn b@t tS@Uz t@ st{nd.
    145.  D{ts D@ naInT d3:ti S3:t juv Tr@Un In D@ lO:ndri sIns wenzdeI.
    146.  DIs Iz Di eItT wi:k D@p pA:snIp su:p @z bin s3:vd @t DIs h@Utel.
    147.  D@ Sef w@z In dIspju:t wID hIz kQli:gz @z t@ weD@ bA:li w@z @ pVls.
    148.  hi T{Nkt Iz kQli:g f@ Di Inv{ljub=l lIfts t@ D@ ve@ri@s kQnf@r@nsIz D{t t3:m.
    149.  D@ wQtS w@z Di @Unli TIN hi w@z eIb=l t@ fIltS fr@m D@ k{mp@z rVks{k.
    150.  D@ mVNks k@l{pst wID hIsterIks wen brVD@ kA:l b{Nd hIz elb@U.
    151.  hi kO:t @ glImps @v wQt lUkt laIk @ b{dZ@.
    152.  D@ f{mIli e@lu:m Iz @ t3:kwOIz nekl@s meId baI @ bedUIn traIb.
    153.  Its sIli tu @sju:m D@t sQljub=l {sprIn wIl @li:vieIt D@ sImt@mz @v taIfOId.
    154.  se@r@ IkstSeIndZd D@ m{tSIN glVvz @n Su:z f@r @ hQrIb=l sneIkskIn b{g.
    155.  Di A:tSbIS@p @z rIzQlvd nQt t@ dIskl@Uz D@ di:teIlz @v D@ dIvO:s.
    156.  mOIr@ w@z SU@ D@t Di @merIk@n w3:d f@ kO:Zets w@z zUki:ni.
    157.  Its In v@Ug t@ meIk fIlmz wItS IksplO: D@ rIleIS@nSIp bItwi:n kVltS@r @n feIT.
    158.  hi @knQlIdZd hIz sekr@triz prez@ns wID hIz ju:Zu@l p@fVNkt@ri nQd.
    159.  D@ tSIldr@N k{m@flA:Zd D@mselvz wID kA:ki klQT wItS De@ d{d h@d faUnd In D@ g{rA:Z.
    160.  h@ sIlflaIk fO:m w@z IntrA:nsIN D@ jVN m{n.
    161.  D@ raIt@r @v Di @bItju@ri traId nQt tu IndVldZ hIz predZ@dIs @genst D@ bU@ZwA:zi.
    162.  D@ kVTb@t f{mIli lIv baI D@ vIlIdZ tS3:tS.
    163.  D@ mVltibVlbd laIt fItIN In D@ laUndZ w@z @n Impru:vm@nt Qn D@ ni:Qn tju:b.
    164.  D@ gleIzi@ w@z e@rIN hIz vju:z Qn D@ w@Uf@l steIt @v D@ helT s3:vIs rA:D@ D@m mendIN D@ wInd@U.
    165.  hi SrVgd Qf @ Tret @v s{b@tA:Z wID @ blaID steItm@nt @baUt Di Impregn@b=l sIkjU@rIti sIst@m.
    166.  wen aIm pU@li aI laIk t@ s@raUnd maIself wID f@mIli@ tSaIldhUd tOIz.
    167.  naU D@t wi 3:n D@ seIm weIdZ wi S@g g@U hA:vz Qn D@ bIl.
    168.  aI fi:l tu: l@TA:dZIk t@ wQS Vp t@naIt.
    169.  k{T @Up@nd D@ lA:d@ dO: t@ fetS Di aIsb3:g letIs @nd @ tSVNk @v tSed@.
    170.  D@ beIb w@z stA:tIN t@ ti:D b@t @ feIv@rIt tOI @pI@d t@ su:D h@.
    171.  {lfs brVD@ w@z t@Ut=li @bzO:bd In D@ v3:tSu@Uz@U p@fO:m@ns @v bA:ks t@kA:t@ @n fju:g.
    172.  D@ fVnfe@r Iz mI@li @ step raUnd D@ kO:n@.
    173.  D@ tQpIk @v dZefs Ti:sIs Iz bIgInIN tu @nOI mi:.
    174.  D@ k{ndIdeIt felt D@t @ tr{pIzOId=l b{dZ wUd h{v mO: vIZ@l Imp{kt D@n D@ ju:Z@l r@Uzet.
    175.  h@ welTs s3:t=n t@ baI h@ nQt @Unli @ pO:S bVt O:ls@U k@nsIdr@b=l pQpj@l{rIti.
    176.  aI kA:nt st{nd Si:ts @m bl{NkIts @nd aI {ps@lu:tli l@UD aId@daUnz.
    177.  Di aIvi waUnd Its weI gr@Uteskli raUnd D@ nek @v D@ gA:gOIl.
    178.  evri taIm aI si: mIst@ hOIl aI get @ strQN 3:dZ t@ dQdZ aUt @v hIz saIt.
    179.  ju O:lweIz m{nIdZ t@ bIsi:dZ mi wID VD@ pi:p=lz prQbl@mz.
    180.  Di Qp@zIS@N kleIm D@p prez@nt gVv@nm@nt pQlIsi Iz IndZ@r@s t@ D@ neIS@nz welbiIN.
    181.  sInd@rel@ wO:ltst Tru D@ naIt waIl pO: bVt@nz mu:tSt eIml@sli @baUt D@ haUs.
    182.  sA:ndr@z pe@r@nts w@r Imprest wen Si sw{m tu: wItTs @v b{kstr@Uk.
    183.  DIs hi:t@ gIvz aUt nVTIN k@mpe@d wID D@ wO:mT ju: get fr@m maI g{s faI@.
    184.  D@ webst@z @ g@UIN t@ si: pUs Im bu:ts dZVst A:ft@ krIsm@s.
    185.  venIs Iz fUl @v teIstl@s p@UstkA:dz @v D@ d@UdZ ste@rIN enIgm{tIkli aUt t@ si:.
    186.  aIm wel @we@ D@t rO: vedZt@b@lz k@nteIn mO: vIt@mInz D@N kUkt wVnz.
    187.  aIl nev@ n@U weD@r It w@z Di {lk@hQl O: D@ l{k @v sli:p D@k geIv mi bl3:d vIZ@n.
    188.  aIm Intri:gd D@t s@US@l v{lju:z k@n tSeIndZ s@U kwIkli.
    189.  aI kA:nt prItend t@ n@U Di Igz{kt A:ns@ b@t aI k{n meIk @n edjukeItId ges.
    190.  D@ m@Ust teIsti k{r@ts kVm fr@m mIst@ braUnz fA:m.
    191.  wen aIm pregn@nt aI get @ kreIvIN f@ sm@Uki beIk@n krIsps @n draI r@UstId pi:nVts.
    192.  lA:st jI@r aI f@gQt t@ teIk maI pennaIf wen wi went k{mpIN.
    193.  D@ b{Nk rQb@z m{nIdZd tu IskeIp bIfO:r eniwVN k@d n@UtIfaI D@ p@li:s.
    194.  Its Qbvi@s D@t D@ stju:d@nt w@z {mpli rIwO:dId f@ hIz Indev@z.
    195.  aI j3:n f@ D@ deI wen sm@UkIN hIz b{nd Qm pVblIk tr{nspO:t.
    196.  aIl kO:l Int@ D@ kemIst Qn D@ weI b{k @m baI s@m S{mpu:.
    197.  D@ m{nIdZ@res tri:tId O:l h@ SQp @sIst@nts laIk d3:t.
    198.  aI wIS aI lIvd @ lIt=l bIt nI@r@ t@ D@ su:p@mA:kIt.
    199.  Its IntaI@li In@pr@Upri@t t@ we@ bl{k @t @ wedIN.
    200.  O:l D@ kVl@d INks m3:dZd Int@ wVn @nVD@ wen hi spIlt D@ wO:t@.


    001.  DIs wQz i:zi fO: Vs.
    002.  Iz DIs si:sO: seIf.
    003.  D@Uz Ti:vz st@Ul T3:ti dZu:lz.
    004.  dZeIn meI 3:n mO: mVni baI w3:kIN hA:d.
    005.  Si: Iz TIn@ D{n aI {m.
    006.  braIt sVnSaIn SIm@z Qn Di: @US@n.
    007.  nVTIN Iz {z @fensIv {z In@s@ns.
    008.  waI jel O: wVri @Uv@ sIli aIt@mz.
    009.  we@ w3: ju: waIl wi: w3: @weI.
    010.  A: jO: greIdz haI@ O: l@U@ D{n n{nsiz.
    011.  hi: wIl @laU eI re@ laI.
    012.  wIl rQbIn we@ eI jel@U lIli.
    013.  swIN jO: A:m {z haI {z ju: k{n.
    014.  bIfO: T3:zdeIz Igz{m rIvaIz evri fO:mjul@.
    015.  Di: mjuzI@m haI@z mjuzIS@nz evri i:vnIN.
    016.  eI r@Ul Qv waI@ leI nI@ Di: wO:l.
    017.  kA:l lIvz In eI laIvli h@Um.
    018.  {lIm@ni hA:mz eI dIvO:st m{nz welT.
    019.  {ljumInj@m kVtl@ri k{n Qft@n bi: flImzi.
    020.  Si: wO: wO:m fli:si wUl@n @Uv@rO:lz.
    021.  {lf{lf@ Iz helTi fO: ju:.
    022.  wen O:l els feIlz ju:z fO:s.
    023.  D@Uz mjuzIS@nz hA:m@naIz mA:v@l@sli.
    024.  O:lD@U O:lweIz @l@Un wi: s@vaIv.
    025.  @Unli lOI@z lVv mIlj@ne@z.
    026.  m@Ust jVN r{bIts raIz 3:li In Di: mO:nIN.
    027.  dId d{d du: {k@demIk ri:dIN.
    028.  beg D{t gA:d fO: wVn g{l@n Qv petr@l.
    029.  help greg tu: pIk eI pep@ {nd sVm t@mA:t@Uz.
    030.  get eI t{bi k{t tu: ki:p Di: r@Ud@nts @weI.
    031.  eI gUd {tItju:d Iz Vnbi:t@b@l.
    032.  ti:n@ t3:n@ Iz eI pQp sIN@.
    033.  k@Uk@nVt kri:m keIk meIks eI naIs dIz3:t.
    034.  d@Unt du: tSA:liz d3:ti dISIz.
    035.  help sel@breIt jO: brVD@z s@kses.
    036.  @Unli Di: m@Ust @kVmplISt A:tIsts @teIn pQpjul{rIti.
    037.  krItIk@l IkwIpm@nt ni:dz prQp@ meInt@n@ns.
    038.  jVN pi:p@l pA:tIsIpeIt In {TletIk {ktIvItiz.
    039.  bQbz g@Uld breIslIt wQz eI gr{djueIS@n prez@nt.
    040.  stImjuleItIN dIskVS@nz ki:p stju:d@nts @tenS@n.
    041.  etIket rIkwaI@z k@mplaI@ns wID IgzIstIN regjuleIS@nz.
    042.  bIblIk@l skQl@z A:gju hIst@ri.
    043.  eld@li pi:p@l A: Qft@n Iksklu:dId.
    044.  bA:skItbO:l k{n bi: {n ent@teInIN spO:t.
    045.  @dIS@n {nd s@btr{kS@n A: l3:nd skIlz.
    046.  D{t pIkpQkIt wQz kO:t redh{ndId.
    047.  mVm strQNli dIslaIks {pItaIz@z.
    048.  gr{ndmVd@ aUtgru: h3: VpbrININ In petik@Uts.
    049.  {t twaIlaIt Qn Di: twelfT deI wi:l h{v S{bli.
    050.  k{t@strQfIk i:k@nQmIk kVtb{ks nev@ wVns nIglekt Di: pO:.
    051.  {mbIdekstr@s pIkpQkIts @kVmplIS mO:.
    052.  h3: kl{sIk@l rep@twA: geInd krItIk@l @kleIm.
    053.  i:v@n eI sImp@l v@Uk{bjul@ri k@nteInz sImb@lz.
    054.  Di: i:st@n k@Ust Iz eI pleIs fO: pjU@ pleZ@ {nd IksaItm@nt.
    055.  Di: l{k Qv hi:t k@mpaUndId Di: ten@nts gri:v@nsIz.
    056.  {k@demIk {ptItju:d g{r@nti:z jO: dIpl@Um@.
    057.  Di: praUl@ wO: eI ski: mA:sk fO: eI dIsgaIz.
    058.  wi: IkspI@ri@ns dIstres {nd frVstreIS@n w3:kIN fO: aU@ dIgri:z.
    059.  Di: sIN@z fINg@ h{d eI splInt@.
    060.  pA:l@m@nt met tu: dZVdZ Di: steIt Qv pVblIk edjukeIS@n.
    061.  tSQkl@t {nd r@UzIz nev@ feIl {z eI r@Um{ntIk gIft.
    062.  eni kQntrIbju:S@nz wIl bi: greItli @pri:SieItId.
    063.  kQntInent@l drIft Iz eI dZI@lQdZIk@l TI@ri.
    064.  regjul@ @tend@ns Iz seld@m rIkwaI@d.
    065.  tS{lIndZ i:tS dZen@r@lz IntelIdZ@ns.
    066.  wi: gQt drentSt frQm Di: VnInt@rVptId reIn.
    067.  lA:st jI@z glA:s SO:tIdZ kO:zd sti:p praIs Inkri:sIz.
    068.  VpgreId jO: steIt@s tu: rIflekt jO: welT.
    069.  i:t jO: reIzInz aUtsaId Qn Di: pO:tS steps.
    070.  dId ju: i:t lVntS jest@deI.
    071.  pO:kjupaInz rIzemb@l si: 3:tSInz.
    072.  sprIN stri:t Iz streIt @hed.
    073.  klIfs dIspleI wQz mIspleIst Qn Di: skri:n.
    074.  {n @fIS@l dedlaIn k{nQt bi: p@Ustp@Und.
    075.  fIl D{t k{n {nd spreI Di: skri:n wID freS sprIN wO:t@.
    076.  dZentli pleIs dZImz f@Um skVlptS@ In Di: bQks.
    077.  b{gpaIps {nd bQNg@Uz A: mju:zIk@l Instr@m@nts.
    078.  dQkt@z prIskraIb drVgz tu: fri:li.
    079.  wIl ju: pli:z dIskraIb De@ IdiQtIk pr@dIk@m@nt.
    080.  Its Ili:g@l tu: p@UstdeIt eI tSek.
    081.  Its ImpQsIb@l tu: di:l wID bjurQkr@si.
    082.  gUd s3:vIs SUd bi: rIwO:did baI bIg tIps.
    083.  maI InstrVkS@nz desp@r@tli ni:d VpdeItIN.
    084.  k@UQp@reIS@n {nd Vnd@st{ndIN g@U eI lQN weI tu: @li:vieIt dIspju:t.
    085.  sIment Iz meZ@d In kju:bIk jA:dz.
    086.  hIsp{nIk kQstju:mz A: kwaIt kVl@f@l.
    087.  prImItIv traIbz d@Unt h{v {n Vpbi:t {tItju:d.
    088.  flaIIN st{ndbaI k{n bi: pr{ktIk@l If ju: wQnt tu: seIv mVni.
    089.  Its hA:d tu: tel {n @rIdZIn@l frQm eI fO:dZ@ri.
    090.  Di: TINk@ Iz eI feIm@s skVlptS@.
    091.  Di: mIsprInt pr@v@Ukt {n Imi:di@t dIskleIm@.
    092.  eI lA:dZ haUsh@Uld ni:dz lQts Qv @plaI@nsIz.
    093.  kVt eI smO:l kO:n@ Qf i:tS edZ.
    094.  jVNst@z lVv k{ndi flQs {z eI tri:t.
    095.  IgjuA:n@z {nd {lIgeIt@z A: trQpIk@l reptaIlz.
    096.  mA:sk meIkIN fO: pA:tiz t{ksIz wVnz Im{dZIneIS@n.
    097.  glu:k@Us {nd frUkt@Uz A: n{tSr@l SUg@z faUnd In fru:t.
    098.  peNgwInz lIv nI@ Di: aIsi {ntA:ktIk.
    099.  ges Di: kwestS@n frQm Di: A:ns@.
    100.  medii:v@l s@saI@ti wQz beIst Qn haI@rA:kiz.
    101.  prQdZekt dIvel@pm@nt wQz pr@si:dIN tu: sl@Uli.
    102.  kInd@gA:ten tSIldr@n dek@reIt De@ klA:sru:mz fO: O:l hQlIdeIz.
    103.  speS@l tA:sk fO:sIz reskju hQstIdZIz frQm kIdn{p@z.
    104.  kO:l {n {mbjul@ns fO: medIk@l @sIst@ns.
    105.  hi: st@Ul eI paUnd kOIn frQm eI beg@.
    106.  fju: pi:p@l lIv tu: bi: eI hVndr@d.
    107.  ju: mVst IksplIsItli d@li:t faIlz.
    108.  eI hju:dZ t{p@stri hVN In h3: hO:lweI.
    109.  b3:TdeI pA:tiz h{v kVp keIks {nd aIskri:m.
    110.  hIz sk{lp wQz blIst@d frQm t@deIz hQt sVn.
    111.  Si: slIpt {nd spreInd h3: {Nk@l Qn Di: sti:p sl@Up.
    112.  Di: best weI tu: l3:n Iz tu: sQlv ekstr@ prQbl@mz.
    113.  hIz sVd@n dIpA:tS@ SQkt Di: kA:st.
    114.  tVgb@Uts A: keIp@b@l Qv hO:lIN hju:dZ l@Udz.
    115.  eI mVskjul@ {bd@m@n Iz gUd fO: jO: b{k.
    116.  Di: kA:tu:n fi:tS@z eI Sru: {nd eI t{dp@Ul.
    117.  Di: embl@m dIpIkts Di: @krQp@lIs O:l @gl@U.
    118.  klA:sp Di: skru: In jO: left h{nd.
    119.  Di: m{Ng@U {nd Di: p{paI@ A: In eI b@Ul.
    120.  k@mbaIn O:l Di: Ingri:di@nts In eI lA:dZ b@Ul.
    121.  Di: mIskw@Ut wQz rItr{ktId wID {n @pQl@dZi.
    122.  Di: dZ{k@l lINks {nd haIi:n@ A: waIld {nIm@lz.
    123.  tresp@sIN Iz f@bId@n {nd sVbdZekt tu: pen@lti.
    124.  InsaIkl@pi:di@z seld@m prIzent {nIkd@Ut@l evId@ns.
    125.  eI skru:draIv@ Iz meId frQm vQdk@ {nd QrIndZ dZu:s.
    126.  QbdZekts meId Qv pju:t@ A: bju:tIf@l.
    127.  westtSest@ Iz eI kVntri t@Un nO:T Qv jO:k.
    128.  A:tIfIS@l IntelIdZ@ns sQlvz rI@l prQbl@mz.
    129.  Di: emp@r@ h{d eI mi:n temp@.
    130.  lQts Qv fQr@n mu:viz h{v sVbtaIt@lz.
    131.  {NgO:r@ k{ts A: f3:ri@ D{n saI@mi:z.
    132.  hi: eIt fO: ekstr@ egz fO: brekf@st.
    133.  wi: pl{n tu: bIld eI nju: bQt@lIN plA:nt.
    134.  pVblIsIti {nd n@Ut@raI@ti g@U h{nd In h{nd.
    135.  pi:ts@ri@z A: k@nvi:ni@nt fO: eI kwIk lVntS.
    136.  dIsemb@ {nd dZ{nju@ri A: naIs mVnTs tu: spend In maI{mi.
    137.  teknIk@l raIt@z k{n @bri:vieIt In bIbliQgr@fiz.
    138.  saI@ntIfIk pr@Ugres kVmz frQm Di: dIvel@pm@nt Qv nju: tekni:ks.
    139.  tr@dIS@n rIkwaI@z pe@rent@l @pru:v@l fO: Vnd@eIdZ m{rIdZ.
    140.  Di: klVmzi kVst@m@ spIld sVm IkspensIv p3:fju:m.
    141.  Di: bVNg@l@U wQz plez@ntli sItjueItId nI@ Di: SO:.
    142.  {grIkVltS@r@l prQdVkts A: Vni:v@nli dIstrIbjutId.
    143.  pledZ jO: pA:tIsIpeIS@n In n@vA:d@z @kw{tIk kQmp@tIS@n.
    144.  sVtS lQN A:tIk@lz A: @UpeIk {nd ni:d kl{rIfIkeIS@n.
    145.  Di: saUnd Qv dZenIf@z bju:g@l ske@d Di: {ntIl@Up.
    146.  Di: wIl@Ui wUm@n wO: eI g{b@di:n k@Ut.
    147.  tu: mVtS kjuriQsIti k{n get ju: Intu trVb@l.
    148.  saIklIk@l pr@Ugr{mz wIl nev@ k@mpaIl.
    149.  k@rekt eksIkju:S@n Qv maI InstrVkS@nz Iz kru:S@l.
    150.  m@Ust k@nstItju@nsiz h{d eI T3:d Qv Di: v@Uts kaUntId.
    151.  waIl weItIN fO: Di: skIp@ Si: krIskrQst Di: skwe@ meni taImz.
    152.  vietn@mi:z kwIzi:n Iz IkskwIzIt.
    153.  Di: pri:vi@s spi:k@ prIzentId {mbIgju@s rIzVlts.
    154.  mQski:t@Uz IgzIst In wO:m hju:mId klaImIts.
    155.  {k@demIk {ptItju:d In sku:l Iz dZVdZd baI st{nd@daIzd tests.
    156.  QrIndZ dZu:s teIsts fVni A:ft@ tu:TpeIst.
    157.  Di: wO:t@ k@nteInd tu: mVtS klO:ri:n {nd stVN hIz aIz.
    158.  aU@ IksperIm@nts pQzItIv aUtkVm wQz VnIkspektId.
    159.  rImu:v Di: splInt@ wID eI pe@ Qv twi:z@z.
    160.  Di: drVNk@d Iz eI s@US@l aUtkA:st.
    161.  Di: gVv@nm@nt sO:t O:T@raIzeIS@n Qv hIz sItIz@nSIp.
    162.  {z k@UO:T@z wi: prIzentId aU@ nju: bUk tu: Di: hO:ti O:di@ns.
    163.  {z eI prIkO:S@n Di: aUtlO:z bO:t gVnpaUd@ fO: De@ strQNh@Uld.
    164.  h3: O:b@n he@ rImaIndId hIm Qv O:t@m li:vz.
    165.  DeI rImeInd laIflQN frendz {nd k@mp{nj@nz.
    166.  kjuriQsIti {nd mi:diQkr@ti seld@m k@UIgzIst.
    167.  Di: i:zi g@UIN zu:Ql@dZIst rIl{kst Tru:aUt Di: vOIIdZ.
    168.  baIQl@dZIsts ju:z reIdi@U{ktIv aIs@t@Ups tu: stVdi maIkr@UO:g@nIz@mz.
    169.  emplOIi: rIdVnd@nsiz k@UInsaIdId wID Di: kVmp@niz riO:g@naIzeIS@n.
    170.  hu: tUk Di: kaI{k daUn Di: f3:st r{pIdz.
    171.  haU wUd ju: Iv{ljueIt DIs {ldZIbreIIk IkspreS@n.
    172.  Di: maI@n ni:@Ukl{sIk@l skQl@ dIs@pI@d waIl s@veIIN eInS@nt ru:Inz.
    173.  Di: daI@gn@UsIs wQz dIskVrIdZIN bVt hi: wQz nQt @Uv@li wVrid.
    174.  Di: {ltruIstIk daU@dZ@ helpt meni m{lnVrISt veIgr@nts.
    175.  Di: traIVmf@nt wQri@ IgzIbItId naIi:v her@UIsm.
    176.  huev@ k@UQp@reIts In faIndIN mVmz k{mi@U wIl bi: rIwO:dId.
    177.  Di: hO:ntId haUs wQz eI hIt dju: tu: aUtst{ndIN O:di@UvIZu@l Ifekts.
    178.  s@vI@ maI@Upi@ k@ntrIbjutId tu: rQnz InfI@riQrIti kQmpleks.
    179.  baIIN eI TVr@bred hO:s rIkwaI@z IntjuIS@n {nd eksp@ti:z.
    180.  dVz kri@Ul kUkIN ju:z kVri.
    181.  Si: InkVrIdZd h3: tSIldr@n tu: meIk De@ @Un h{l@Ui:n kQstju:mz.
    182.  wi: kUd be@li si: Di: fjO:dz Tru: Di: sn@U flVriz.
    183.  O:lm@Ust O:l kQlIdZIz A: naU k@UedjukeIS@n@l.
    184.  Di: rItS lUkt fO: spQtId haIi:n@z {nd dZ{gju@z Qn Di: s@fA:ri.
    185.  TIk glu: u:zd aUt Qv Di: tju:b.
    186.  DeI O:l IndZOI aIskri:m sVndeIz.
    187.  waI els wUd d{ni @laU VD@z tu: g@U.
    188.  Di: k{ts mi:aU O:lweIz h3:ts maI I@z.
    189.  dId ju: baI eni kO:djurOI @Uv@rO:lz.
    190.  wUd eI tQmbOI Qft@n pleI aUtdO:z.
    191.  DeI Qft@n g@U aUt In Di: i:vnIN.
    192.  hu: O:T@raIzd Di: VnlImItId Ikspens @kaUnt.
    193.  dIstrOI evri faIl rIleItId tu: maI O:dIts.
    194.  s3:v Di: k@UlslO: A:ft@ aI {d Di: OIl.
    195.  wIDdrO: O:l fO:ls {kjuzeIS@nz {t wVns.
    196.  strO: h{ts A: aUt Qv f{S@n DIs jI@.
    197.  waI baI OIl wen ju: O:lweIz ju:z maIn.
    198.  DeI IndZOI It wen aI O:dIS@n.
    199.  wUd ju: @laU {kts Qv vaI@l@ns.
    200.  haU du: OIst@z meIk p3:lz.
    201.  drO: i:tS grA:f Qn eI nju: {ksIs.
    202.  nO:wi:dZ@n swet@z A: meId Qv l{mz wUl.
    203.  jVN tSIldr@n SUd @vOId Iksp@UZ@ tu: k@nteIdZ@s dIzi:zIz.
    204.  r{lf k@ntr@Uld Di: stQpwQtS frQm Di: b{k si:t.
    205.  @pr@UtS jO: Int@vju: wID stedi k@mp@UZ@.
    206.  haU mVtS @laU@ns du: ju: get.
    207.  Di: kO:zweI endId @brVptli {t Di: SO:.
    208.  i:v@n aI @keIZ@nli get Di: mVndeI blu:z.
    209.  mIlIt@ri p3:s@nel A: IkspektId tu: @UbeI gVv@nm@nt O:d@z.
    210.  wen pi:lIN @n QrIndZ It Iz hA:d nQt tu: spreI dZu:s.
    211.  du: ju: hI@ Di: sleI belz rININ.
    212.  rQb s{t baI Di: pQnd {nd sketSt Di: streI gi:s.
    213.  maIk@l kVl@d Di: bedru:m wO:l wID kreIQnz.
    214.  dZefs tOI g@UkA:t nev@ w3:kt.
    215.  @Unli Di: best pleI@z IndZOI pQpjul{rIti.
    216.  aI geIv Dem sevr@l tSOIsIz {nd let Dem set Di: praIQrItiz.
    217.  Di: nju:zeIdZ@nsi haI@d eI greIt dZ3:n@lIst.
    218.  Di: mO:nIN dju: Qn Di: spaId@z web glIs@nd In Di: sVn.
    219.  Di: s3:m@n emf@saIzd Di: ni:d fO: @f3:m@tIv {kS@n.
    220.  Di: smO:l bOI pUt Di: w3:m Qn Di: hUk.
    221.  haU p3:m@n@nt A: De@ rekO:dz.
    222.  traI tu: rIkO:l Di: Ivents In krQn@lQdZIk@l O:d@.
    223.  nQnprQfIt meIkIN O:g@naIzeIS@nz h{v fri:kw@nt fVndreIzIN Ivents.
    224.  Di: m@Ust ri:s@nt dZi@lQdZIk@l s3:veI faUnd saIzmIk {ktIvIti.
    225.  g{ri @t{kt Di: prQdZekt wID ekstr@ dIt3:mIneIS@n.
    226.  ju: O:lweIz kVm Vp wID p{T@lQdZIk@l IgzA:mp@lz.
    227.  pUt Di: bUtS@ blQk teIb@l In Di: g{rIdZ.
    228.  haU gUd Iz jO: IndjU@r@ns.
    229.  ki:p Di: T@mQmIt@ Vnd@ jO: tVN.
    230.  dZef kUd be@li h{nd@l Di: saIk@lQdZIk@l trO:m@.
    231.  Its helTi@ tu: kUk wIDaUt SUg@.
    232.  k{Ng@ru pOInt @Uv@lUkt Di: @US@n.
    233.  A: ju: lUkIN fO: ImplOIm@nt In eIpr@l.
    234.  @laU li:weI hI@.
    235.  aI Qn@ maI mVm.
    236.  hIz feIlj@ tu: @Up@n Di: stO: baI eIt kQst hIm hIz dZQb.
    237.  r{S@n@laIz O:l er@z.
    238.  haIweI {nd fri:weI mi:n Di: seIm TIN In @merIk@n INglIS.
    239.  Di: peIp@ bOI bO:t tu: {p@lz {nd Tri: aIsIz.
    240.  aI aIt@maIz O:l @kaUnts In maI eIdZ@nsi.
    241.  klI@ pr@nVnsieIS@n Iz @pri:SieItId.
    242.  Di: kUri@ wQz eI dwO:f.
    243.  eI dQkt@ wQz In Di: {mbjul@ns wID Di: peIS@nt.
    244.  pjU@reI sVm fru:t bIfO: pr@pe@rIN Di: skju@d mi:t.
    245.  Its nQt i:zi tu: krieIt Ilu:mIneItIN IgzA:mp@lz.
    246.  Di: hO:lweI @Up@nz Intu eI hju:dZ tSeImb@.
    247.  meI aI O:d@ {n eIprIkQt mu:s A:ft@ aI it dIn@.
    248.  DeI O:l @gri D{t Di: eseI Iz be@li IntelIdZ@b@l.
    249.  h3:b@ts b3:TdeI fri:kw@ntli @k3:z Qn T{NksgIvIN.
    250.  dVz hIndu: aIdiQl@dZi Qn@ kaUz.
    251.  haU eInS@nt Iz DIs Vnd@graUnd esk@leIt@.
    252.  Di: sIg@rets In Di: kleI {StreI @Uv@fl@Ud Qntu Di: @Uk teIb@l.
    253.  ri:dIN In pU@ laIt gIvz ju: aIstreIn.
    254.  aI eIt evri OIst@ Qn nO:r@z pleIt.
    255.  Di: bQst@n b{leI @Uv@keIm De@ fVndIN SO:tIdZ.
    256.  wi: @plaI O:dIt@ri mQd@lIN tu: k@mpjut@ spi:tS rek@gnIS@n.
    257.  Di: gO:dZ@s bVt@flaI eIt eI lQt Qv nekt@.
    258.  baI i:tIN jQg@t ju: meI lIv lQNg@.
    259.  du: DeI @laU eITiIsts In tS3:tS.
    260.  maI aIdI@l mO:nIN bIgInz wID hQt kQfi.
    261.  Di: aIreIt {kt@ stQmpt @weI IdiQtIkli.
    262.  wi: A: @Up@n evri mVndeI i:vnIN.
    263.  Di: eseI VndInaI@bli rIflekts aU@ vju: eIbli.
    264.  tO:neId@Uz Qft@n dIstrOI eIv@riz.
    265.  rImemb@ tu: @laU aIdentIk@l twInz tu: ent@ fri:li.
    266.  du: ju: h{v Di: jel@U OIntm@nt redi.
    267.  k{n Di: eIdZ@nsi @Uv@Tr@U eIlI@n fO:sIz.
    268.  haU OIli du: ju: laIk jO: s{l@d dresIN.
    269.  wi: sO: eIt taIni aIsIk@lz bIl@U aU@ ru:f.
    270.  Di: sO: Iz br@Uk@n s@U tSQp Di: wUd Insted.
    271.  wIDdrO: @Unli {z mVtS mVni {z ju: ni:d.
    272.  drO: evri aUt@ laIn f3:st Den fIl In Di: IntI@ri@.
    273.  Di: dZO: Qp@reIts baI ju:zIN {nt{g@nIstIk mVs@lz.
    274.  du: eItIpIk@l fA:m@z gr@U @Uts.
    275.  A: hQlIdeI vaUtS@z @veIl@b@l tu: Vs.
    276.  bi: ke@f@l nQt tu: plaU @Uv@ Di: flaU@ bedz.
    277.  @laU i:tS tSaIld tu: h{v @n aIs lQli.
    278.  Di: {Ngri bOI A:ns@d bVt dId@nt lUk Vp.
    279.  klIf wQz su:Dd baI Di: lVkSU@ri@s m{sA:dZ.
    280.  sti:v wO: eI braIt red k{SmI@ swet@.
    281.  dZQnz brVD@ ripeIntId Di: g{rIdZ dO:.
    282.  Di: r@Uz trelIs smelt swi:t.
    283.  tu: f3:D@ hIz presti:Z hi: @keIZ@nli ri:dz Di: wO:lstri:t dZ3:n@l.
    284.  {lIsIz @bIl@ti tu: w3:k wIDaUt su:p@vIZ@n Iz n@Utw3:Di.
    285.  Di: @UeIsIs wQz eI mIrA:Z.
    286.  k{r@l {nd trIS pleId t{g wID bi:tS bO:lz fO: aU@z.
    287.  Di: tu:T fe@ri f@gQt tu: kVm wen rQdZ@z tu:T fel aUt.
    288.  pl{nd pe@r@nthUd O:g@naIzeIS@nz pr@m@Ut b3:T k@ntr@Ul.
    289.  dZef TO:t ju: A:gju:d In feIv@ Qv eI sentrIfju:dZ p3:tSIs.
    290.  Di: tS3:tS p3:tSIst sevr@l saInd lIT@grA:fs.
    291.  tr{fIk dZ{mz @k3: Qn meni rIli:f trVNk r@Udz.
    292.  In Di: lQN rVn It peIz tu: baI kwQlIti kl@UDIN.
    293.  brVS faI@z A: kQm@n In Di: draI Vnd@gr@UT Qv n@mIbI@.
    294.  weD@pru:f g@lQSIz A: veri ju:sf@l In si{t@l.
    295.  DIs br@US@ Iz p@tIkjul@li InfO:m@tIv fO: eI pr@spektIv baI@.
    296.  Di: {v@lA:ntS trIg@d eI maIn@ 3:TkweIk.
    297.  Di:z Iksklu:sIv dQkjum@nts mVst bi: lQkt Vp {t O:l taImz.
    298.  pli:z teIk DIs d3:ti teIb@l klQT tu: Di: kli:n@z fO: mi:.
    299.  SUd dZIrA:fs bi: kept In smO:l zu:z.
    300.  If k{r@l kVmz t@mQr@U @reIndZ fO: h3: tu: h{v eI mi:tIN {t tu:.
    301.  Di: tu: A:tIsts IkstSeIndZd O:t@grA:fs.
    302.  rQk {nd r@Ul mju:zIk h{z eI greIt rID@m.
    303.  aId rA:D@ nQt baI Di:z Su:z D{n bi: @Uv@tSA:dZd.
    304.  SeIvIN f@Um Iz eI pQpjul@ aIt@m Qn h{l@Ui:n.
    305.  @mi:b@z tSeIndZ SeIp kQnst@ntli.
    306.  wi: laIk blu: tSi:z bVt vIkt@ laIks bri:.
    307.  t@Ufu: Iz meId frQm pr@Usest sOIbi:nz.
    308.  Di: dZeI flu: dZVst @Uv@ Di: haI bIldIN.
    309.  tSi:p stQkINz l{d@ Di: f3:st taIm De@ wO:n.
    310.  kQtIdZ tSi:z wID tSaIvz Iz dIlIS@s.
    311.  eI tS@Uz@n fju: wIl bIkVm dZen@r@lz.
    312.  Di: mi:tIN Iz naU @dZ3:nd.
    313.  SIpbIldIN Iz eI m@Ust f{sIneItIN pr@Uses.
    314.  Di: pru:f D{t ju: A: si:kIN Iz nQt @veIl@b@l In bUks.
    315.  Di: bQnIt Qv Di: dZi:p wQz sti:mIN In Di: hQt sVn.
    316.  maI dIzaI@z A: sImp@l s@U gIv mi: wVn InfO:m{tIv p{r@grA:f Qn Di: sVbdZekt.
    317.  D@Uz A:ns@z wIl bi: streItfO:w@d If ju: TINk Dem Tru: ke@f@li f3:st.
    318.  drQp faIv fO:mz In Di: bQks bIfO: ju: g@U aUt.
    319.  If pi:p@l w3: mO: dZen@r@s De@ wUd bi: n@U ni:d fO: welfe@.
    320.  bQb faUnd mO: kl{mz {t Di: rQk pu:lz edZ.
    321.  D{t dQg tSeIsIz k{ts m3:sIl@sli.
    322.  Di: kr{mb@ri bQg gets veri prIti In O:t@m.
    323.  pli:z dIg maI p@teIt@Uz Vp bIfO: Di: frQst.
    324.  eI bIg g@Ut aId@li {mb@ld Tru: Di: fA:mjA:d.
    325.  Di: nI@rIst sIn@gQg meI nQt bi: wIDIn wO:kIN dIst@ns.
    326.  Di: hedZhQg klI@li sO: hIz S{d@U bVt steId aUt @Unli eI m@Um@nt.
    327.  eI leD@ h{ndb{g wUd bi: eI su:t@b@l gIft.
    328.  Di: fQg prIventId Dem frQm @raIvIN Qn taIm.
    329.  Di: kemIst {t Di: l@Uk@l su:p@stO: wQz tSA:dZd wID Ili:g@li dIspensIN tr{NkwIlaIzIN drVgz.
    330.  Di: fUl mu:n SQn braItli D{t naIt.
    331.  sti:v k@lekts re@ {nd nQv@l kOInz.
    332.  pO:l rIsi:vd eI dZOInt @pOIntm@nt In Di: baIQl@dZi {nd Di: endZInI@rIN dIpA:tm@nts.
    333.  greg@ri {nd tQm tS@Uz tu: wQtS kA:tu:nz In Di: A:ft@nu:n.
    334.  fIlIp p@Ustp@Und {lIm@ni peIm@nts VntIl Di: leItIst pQsIb@l deIt.
    335.  kaUnt Di: nVmb@ Qv ti:spu:nz Qv sOIsO:s D{t ju: {d.
    336.  Di: bIg dQg lVvd tu: tSu: Qn Di: @Uld r{g dQl.
    337.  tQd pleIst tQp praIQrIti Qn getIN hIz baIk fIkst.
    338.  {n {dVlt meIl b@bu:nz ti:T A: nQt su:t@b@l fO: i:tIN SelfIS.
    339.  Qft@n ju:l get b{k mO: D{n ju: pUt In.
    340.  rVs sO: paIn tri:z {nd redwUdz Qn hIz wO:k Tru: Di: n{S@n@l fQrIst.
    341.  rQb meId hVNge@ri@n gu:l{S fO: dIn@ {nd gUzb@ri paI fO: dIz3:t.
    342.  bQb b{ndIdZd b@UT wu:ndz wID Di: skIl Qv eI dQkt@.
    343.  Di: dA:k m3:ki l@gu:n waUnd @raUnd fO: maIlz.
    344.  dId SO:n k{tS D{t bIg gu:s wIDaUt help.
    345.  dVks h{v webd fi:t {nd kVl@fUl feD@z.
    346.  Di: haI sIkjU@rIti prIz@n wQz s@raUndId baI bA:bd waI@.
    347.  teIk tSA:dZ Qv tSu:zIN h3: braIdzmeIdz gaUnz.
    348.  Di: fraIt@nd tSaIld wQz dZentli s@bdju:d baI hIz bIg brVD@.
    349.  aI n@U aI dId@nt mi:t h3: 3:li InVf.
    350.  trIS sO: aU@z {nd aU@z Qv mu:viz DIs s{t@deI.
    351.  Di: b{r@ku:d@ rikOIld frQm Di: si:s3:p@nts pOIz@n@s f{Nz.
    352.  D@ peIS@nt {nd Di: s3:dZ@n A: b@UT rIku:p@reItIN frQm Di: leNTi Qp@reIS@n.
    353.  aIl h{v eI sku:p Qv D{t IgzQtIk p3:p@l {nd t3:kwOIz S3:b@t.
    354.  D@ sku:l g3:l kUd@nt dIsgaIz h3: fi:lINz @baUt Di: Im3:dZ@nsi k@ndIS@nz.
    355.  meni welTi taIku:nz w3: 3:dZd tu: baI b@UT eI jQt {nd eI sku:n@.
    356.  Di: nju: s@b3:b@naIts w3:kt hA:d Qn rif3:bISIN De@ @Uld@ h@Um.
    357.  @kO:dIN tu: maI Int3:prIteIS@n Qv Di: prQbl@m tu: laInz mVst bi: p3:p@ndIkjul@.
    358.  eI kQn@s3: wIl IndZOI DIs SelfIS dIS.
    359.  eI lOIj@ wQz @pOIntId tu: eks@kju:t h3: wIl.
    360.  dQlfInz A: IntelIdZ@nt m@ri:n m{m@lz.
    361.  daI{n meI spl3:dZ {nd baI eI t3:kwOIz nekl@s.
    362.  Di: mOIsdZ@ In maI aIz Iz frQm aIdrQps nQt frQm tI@z.
    363.  dZO:dZ seld@m wQtSIz deItaIm tel@vIZ@n.
    364.  Di: sIst@m meI breIk daUn su:n s@U seIv jO: faIlz fri:kw@ntli.
    365.  aI @sju:m mOIsdZ@ wIl d{mIdZ DIs SIps hVl.
    366.  Di: spi:tS sImp@Uzi@m maIt bIgIn Qn mVndeI.
    367.  Di: @nOIIN r@ku:nz slIpt Intu fIlz gA:d@n evri naIt.
    368.  Di: kaU wQnd@d frQm Di: fA:ml{nd {nd bIkeIm lQst.
    369.  i:tS VntaImli INkVm lQs k@UInsaIdId wID Di: breIkdaUn Qv eI hi:tIN sIst@m pA:t.
    370.  Di: gVnm@n kept hIz vIktIm kO:n@d {t gVnpOInt fO: Tri: aU@z.
    371.  wIl ju: pli:z k@nf3:m gVv@nm@nt pQlIsi rIgA:dIN weIst rImu:v@l.
    372.  Di: s3:pl@s Su:z w3: s@Uld {t eI dIskaUnt praIs.
    373.  lO:r@z kQstju:m ni:dId bl{k glVvz tu: bi: k@mpli:tli elIg@nt.
    374.  bQb peIp@d @Uv@ Di: lIvIN ru:m mjU@r@lz.
    375.  D{t nOIz prQbl@m gr@Uz mO: @nOIIN i:tS deI.
    376.  raIt naU meI nQt bi: Di: best taIm fO: bIznIs m3:dZ@z.
    377.  D{t daI@gr{m meIks sens @Unli A:ft@ mVtS stVdi.
    378.  gremlInz Iz jet @nVD@ IksaItIN mu:vi baI sti:ven spI@lb3:g.
    379.  eI bO:rIN nQv@l Iz eI su:p3:b sli:pIN pIl.
    380.  dZQn kli:nz SelfIS fO: eI lIvIN.
    381.  gr@UIN welkept gA:d@nz Iz veri taIm k@nsju:mIN.
    382.  wImIn meI nev@ bIkVm k@mpli:tli i:kw@l tu: men.
    383.  Si: O:lweIz dZ@Uks @baUt tu: mVtS gA:lIk In hIz fu:d.
    384.  aI dZUst sO: dZIm nI@ Di: nju: A:ki@lQdZIk@l mjuzI@m.
    385.  p{m gIvz draIvIN les@nz Qn T3:zdeIz.
    386.  waI tSA:dZ mVni fO: sVtS rVbIS.
    387.  wi: welk@m meni nju: stju:d@nts i:tS jI@.
    388.  dZO:dZ Iz p{r@nOId @baUt eI fju:tS@ g{s SO:tIdZ.
    389.  Di: kA:pIt kli:n@z S{mpud aU@ O:rient@l rVg.
    390.  pli:z SO:t@n DIs sk3:t fO: dZOIs.
    391.  hIz S@Uld@ felt {z If It w3: br@Uk@n.
    392.  wItS tS3:tS du: Di: smITs w3:SIp In.
    393.  Di: dZaI@nt redwUdz SIm@d In Di: glIs@nIN sVn.
    394.  Iz Si: g@UIN wID ju:.
    395.  h3: raIt h{nd eIks wenev@ Di: b{r@metrIk preS@ tSeIndZIz.
    396.  DeI @Un eI bIg haUs In Di: rIm@Ut kVntrisaId.
    397.  hi: pIkt Vp naIn pe@z Qv sQks fO: i:tS brVD@.
    398.  DeI O:l laIk lQN hQt SaU@z.
    399.  eI jVN maUs sk{mp@d @krQs Di: fI@ld {nd dIs@pI@d.
    400.  Si: ju:zIz b@UT neImz Int@tSeIndZ@bli.
    401.  k{lsi@m meIks b@Unz {nd ti:T strQN.
    402.  aI tUk h3: w3:d fO: It.
    403.  Di: fIS bIg{n tu: li:p fr{ntIkli Qn Di: s3:fIs Qv Di: smO:l leIk.
    404.  tIm teIks Si:l@ tu: si: @merIk@n mu:viz twaIs eI wi:k.
    405.  tSIldr@n k{n k@nsju:m meni fru:t tA:ts In wVn sItIN.
    406.  DeI @sju:m n@U b3:g@l@ wIl ev@ ent@ hI@.
    407.  dZVst drQp n@Uts In eni s@dZestS@n bQks.
    408.  Di: t{ksi k{b br@Uk daUn {nd kO:zd eI tr{fIk dZ{m.
    409.  wi:l s3:v ru:bA:b paI A:ft@ reItS@lz tO:k.
    410.  h3: wO:dr@Ub k@nsIsts Qv @Unli sk3:ts {nd blaUzIz.
    411.  bQb b3:nd peIp@ {nd li:vz In eI bIg bQnfaI@.
    412.  Qv kO:s ju: k{n h{v @nVD@ tju:n@fIS s{nwIdZ.
    413.  De@ wQz eI dZaIg{ntIk wQsp nekst tu: 3:vINz bIg tQp h{t.
    414.  lA:f dA:ns {nd sIN If fO:tju:n smaIlz @pQn ju:.
    415.  aId traId Di: tju:b bVt aI h{d@nt InVf tSeIndZ.
    416.  i:tIN spInIdZ naItli Inkri:sIz streNT mIr{kj@l@sli.
    417.  pi:p@l maIt nQt drINk mVtS wO:t@ wID hO:sr{dIS sO:s.
    418.  bVt@skQtS fVdZ g@Uz wel wID v@nIl@ aIskri:m.
    419.  gwen gr@Uz gri:n bi:nz In h3: vedZIt@b@l gA:d@n.
    420.  d{fniz swi:dIS ni:d@lpOInt skA:f m{tSt h3: sk3:t.
    421.  aIrIS jVNkst@z i:t freS kIp@z fO: brekf@st.
    422.  mu:v Di: hQstIdZ nI@r@ tu: Di: lA:dZ wInd@U.
    423.  eI hju:dZ paU@ kVt re@li @k3:z.
    424.  v{li lQdZ jI@li sel@breItz Di: f3:st kA:f bO:n.
    425.  aIrIs TINks DIs zu: h{z Ilev@n sp{nIS zebr@z.
    426.  Di: fUtbO:l ti:m k@UtS h{z eI wQtS {z TIn {z eI weIf@.
    427.  si:mstr@sIz @t{tS zIps wID eI TImb@l ni:d@l {nd Tred.
    428.  D@Uz hu: ti:tS v{ljuz mVst f3:st {bQlIS tSi:tIN.
    429.  wVns ju: fInIS gri:sIN jO: tSeIn bi: SU@ tu: wQS TVr@li.
    430.  sm{S laItbVlbz {nd De@ k{S v{lju wIl dImInIS tu: nVTIN.
    431.  tQp zInI@z re@li h{v krUkId stemz.
    432.  kQm@diz nev@ h{v InVf vIl@nz.
    433.  eI mQT zIgz{gd @lQN Di: pA:T Tru: QlIv@z gA:d@n.
    434.  evri k{b ni:dz ripeIntIN Qft@n.
    435.  eI vaIl@nt krImIn@l tS{lIndZd mi: bVt eI kwIk st{b v{NkwISt hIm.
    436.  eI tu:TpeIst tju:b SUd bi: skwi:zd frQm Di: bQt@m.
    437.  D@Uz hu: A: nQt pjU@rIsts ju:z tInd vedZIt@b@lz wen meIkIN stju:.
    438.  Di: fifT dZA: k@nteInz bIg dZu:si pi:tSIz.
    439.  kQfi Iz gr@Un Qn sti:p dZVNg@llaIk sl@Ups In temp@r@t z@Unz.
    440.  Di:  @Uv@weIt tSA:m@ kUd slIp pOIz@n Intu eniwVnz ti:.
    441.  i:tS st{g SU@li faIndz eI bIg fO:n.
    442.  Di: rItS SUd Invest In bl{k lIm@zi:nz Insted Qv staIlIS Su:z.
    443.  pli:z sIN dZVst Di: kQt@n klVb Ti:m.
    444.  DeI ju:zd {n @gresIv p@li:sm@n tu: fl{g daUn TO:tl@s m@Ut@rIsts.
    445.  Sel SQk kO:zd baI Sr{pn@l Iz sVmtaImz kjU@d Tru: gru:p Ter@pi.
    446.  T{t stININ veIp@ Iz kO:zd baI klO:raId veIp@raIzeIS@n.
    447.  Di: {dv@taIzIN dZINg@l In Di: plIm@T v@raI@ti stO: nev@ tSeIndZIz.
    448.  d@Unt lUk fO: VnwQntId v{ljub@lz In eI b{Nk vO:lt.
    449.  s@b3:b@n haUswaIvz Qft@n sVf@ frQm Di: gIft Qv Ti: g{b.
    450.  eI l@Un stA: SQn In Di: 3:li i:vnIN skaI.
    451.  Di: tQdl@ faUnd eI kl{mSel nI@ Di: k{mp saIt.
    452.  wQt Iz DIs lA:dZ TIN baI Di: aI@nINbO:d.
    453.  tQm@s TINks eI lA:dZ@ kl{mp sQlvz Di: prQbl@m.
    454.  f3:st {d mIlk tu: Di: SredId spInIdZ {nd greItId tSi:z.
    455.  sferIk@l gIfts A: dIfIk@lt tu: r{p.
    456.  r{lf pr@pe@d red s{m@n wID freS lem@n sO:s fO: dIn@.
    457.  rOI IgnO:d Di: spjU@ri@s deIt@ pOInts In drO:IN Di: grA:f.
    458.  Di: TIk elm fQrIst wQz nI@li @Uv@welmd baI dVtS elm dIzi:z.
    459.  In dIvel@pIN fIlm meni tQksIk kemIk@lz A: ju:zd.
    460.  wItS TI@t@ S@Uz mVD@ gu:s.


    Criteria for Sentence Changes in SCRIBE Appendix B

    Duncan Young, CUED, 16th January 1990

    a) The Material

    The partners in the SCRIBE project decided to use the body of `phonetically compact' sentences used in the TIMIT database work as one of two sets of sentences which speakers would read aloud for recording purposes. Nine sentences originally included in the TIMIT set, but eventually discarded by them (not for linguistic reasons) were also included in the SCRIBE set. According to Lamel et al. (1986) the `phonetically compact' sentences were:

    `...hand-designed by MIT with emphasis on as complete a coverage of phonetic pairs as is practical.'

    The aim of the TIMIT workers was to try and keep the set of sentences relatively compact while at the same time yielding at least one representation of as many pairs of American English phones as possible. The sentences themselves came from two sources. Some originated in the `summer' corpus used by MIT in speech spectrogram reading courses. These gave basic phonetic coverage and some interesting environments. More sentences were devised by the researchers in an attempt to incorporate as many phoneme pairs as possible, with emphasis being given to `difficult' sequences such as vowel-vowel and stop-stop.

    `However, ...little attention was paid to the word sequences, the sentential position of the phonemes, or the sentence type.' Lamel (1989), p.1

    b) The Problems

    Inspection of the sentences by the SCRIBE partners led to the feeling that there were many instances of terms or idioms contained in them which would be unacceptable for a database which purported to represent British, rather than American, English. For example, sentence 291 read:

    `In every major cloverleaf, traffic sometimes gets backed up.'

    whereas a `translation' of this, albeit rather a free one, into British English might read:

    `At every major junction, traffic sometimes becomes jammed.'

    It was decided to remove as many of these American, and more specifically non-British, elements as possible, along with altering some other sentences which seemed nonsensical or `forced'. There were five basic reasons for changing a sentence:

    1. The presence of an obvious American name, word, phrase or idiom.
      • `Barb burned paper and leaves in a big bonfire.'
      • `Why charge money for such garbage?'
      • `Are holiday aprons available to us?'
      • `Suburban housewives often suffer from the gab habit.'

      There were 85 examples of these.

    2. The presence of a name or word which, while not purely American English, sounds `uncomfortable' in British English, and for which there is a more suitable British English substitute.
      • `May I order a parfait after I eat dinner.'
      • `A moth zig-zagged along the path through Otto's garden.'
      • `The rich should invest in black zircons instead of stylish shoes.

      There were 5 examples of these.

    3. The meaning of a sentence being hazy, ambiguous or apparently nonsensical.
      • 'Catastrophic economic cutbacks neglect the poor.'
      • `A crab challenged me, but a quick stab vanquished him.'
      • `Those who teach values first abolish cheating.'
      • `Don't look for cheap valuables in a bank vault.

      There were 9 examples of these.

    4. A sentence, or elements of it, sounding `forced' and/or unnecessarily difficult to say.
      • `Did dad do academic bidding?'
      • `Etiquette mandates compliance with existing regulations.'
      • `Which long article was opaque and needed clarification?'
      • `Will you please describe the idiotic predicament.'

      There were 8 examples of these.

    5. The presence of an unnecessary pause in the sentence causing it to be rendered aloud as if it were two sentences.
      • `The diagnosis was discouraging; however, he was not overly worried.'
      • `My desires are simple; give me one informative paragraph on the subject.'

        There were 2 examples of these.

    c) The Solutions

    Whilst considering changes the SCRIBE workers kept in mind that what was required was to replace the unwanted elements with more suitable alternatives while trying to retain the phoneme coverage of the original body of sentences and retain sensible meaning in the changed sentences. The criteria for phoneme coverage changed emphasis somewhat from that in TIMIT in that the SCRIBE partners concentrated more on how far the sentences covered the set of possible British English `tri-phonemes' (strings of three phonemes), rather than phoneme pairs, thus giving more emphasis to environments than TIMIT had done, although they had performed analysis of `consonant sequence coverage' (Lamel et al., (1986), p.2). Thus, from the originals:

    these new versions were devised:

    In one case an addition was made to an acceptable sentence in order to regain tri-phonemes lost by the removal of a word elsewhere. In sentence 275, the word `aprons' was removed in favour of `vouchers'. In order to retain as many tri-phonemes as possible, those lost by this removal were regained by adding `in April' to sentence 233, to make it read `Are you looking for employment in April?'. Furthermore, one completely new sentence (number 460) was devised by researchers at Edinburgh to cover one or two phoneme sequences, such as /i:/ followed by schwa in `theatre', which they felt were prominent in British English, but not covered by the existing sentences. In many respects, the changes could have gone further. The original body of sentences contained a preponderance of references to American placenames, and other proper nouns such as `Thanksgiving'. It was felt desirable to remove some of these in favour of British replacements, but some were allowed to remain, often because their removal would cause tri-phonemes to be lost. Problems with meaning were also overlooked in favour of tri-phoneme coverage at times, as in the case of cement (rather than concrete) being measured in cubic yards. The SCRIBE workers were also conscious of the fact that exhaustive changes would be undesirable for those wishing to make comparisons between speakers contributing to the TIMIT project and those recorded for SCRIBE. It seemed that such comparisons, looking for variance between accents and linguistic backgrounds, could best be served under the circumstances by leaving the maximum possible number of sentences unchanged, while at the same time removing the worst problem elements. In all, 105 sentences out of 460 were changed at the phonemic level, a further three undergoing spelling revision only (numbers 276, 344 and 347). Finally, it should be noted that the changes came as a result of long individual and corporate deliberation with reference to the tri-phoneme distribution data. More comprehensive changes could probably be made, but the time-scale of the project demanded that such deliberation must be limited in order to produce a working set of sentences in time for recordings while removing the worst problems. The SCRIBE partners feel that this has been achieved.


    Lamel, L.F., R.H. Kassel and S. Seneff (1986), `Speech Database Development: design and analysis of the acoustic-phonetic corpus', MIT, reprinted in the Proceedings of the ESCA Workshop on Speech Input/Output Assessment and Speech Databases (1989).

    Lamel, L.F., (1989), `Some Perspectives on Speech Database Development', Proceedings of the ESCA Workshop on Speech Input/Output Assessment and Speech Databases.


    001.  This was easy for us.
    002.  Is this seesaw safe?
    003.  Those thieves stole thirty jewels.
    004.  Jane may earn more money by working hard.
    005.  She is thinner than I am.
    006.  Bright sunshine shimmers on the ocean.
    007.  Nothing is as offensive as innocence.
    008.  Why yell or worry over silly items?
    009.  Where were you while we were away?
    010.  Are your grades higher or lower than Nancy's?
    011.  He will allow a rare lie.
    012.  Will Robin wear a yellow lily?
    013.  Swing your arm as high as you can.
    014.  Before Thursday's exam, revise every formula.
    015.  The museum hires musicians every evening.
    016.  A roll of wire lay near the wall.
    017.  Carl lives in a lively home.
    018.  Alimony harms a divorced man's wealth.
    019.  Aluminium cutlery can often be flimsy.
    020.  She wore warm, fleecy woollen overalls.
    021.  Alfalfa is healthy for you.
    022.  When all else fails, use force.
    023.  Those musicians harmonise marvellously.
    024.  Although always alone, we survive.
    025.  Only lawyers love millionaires.
    026.  Most young rabbits rise early in the morning.
    027.  Did dad do academic reading?
    028.  Beg that guard for one gallon of petrol.
    029.  Help Greg to pick a pepper and some tomatoes.
    030.  Get a tabby cat to keep the rodents away.
    031.  A good attitude is unbeatable.
    032.  Tina Turner is a pop singer.
    033.  Coconut cream cake makes a nice dessert.
    034.  Don't do Charlie's dirty dishes.
    035.  Help celebrate your brother's success.
    036.  Only the most accomplished artists attain popularity.
    037.  Critical equipment needs proper maintenance.
    038.  Young people participate in athletic activities.
    039.  Bob's gold bracelet was a graduation present.
    040.  Stimulating discussions keep students' attention.
    041.  Etiquette requires compliance with existing regulations.
    042.  Biblical scholars argue history.
    043.  Elderly people are often excluded.
    044.  Basketball can be an entertaining sport.
    045.  Addition and subtraction are learned skills.
    046.  That pick-pocket was caught red-handed.
    047.  Mum strongly dislikes appetisers.
    048.  Grandmother outgrew her upbringing in petticoats.
    049.  At twilight on the twelfth day we'll have Chablis.
    050.  Catastrophic economic cutbacks never once neglect the poor.
    051.  Ambidextrous pick-pockets accomplish more.
    052.  Her classical repertoire gained critical acclaim.
    053.  Even a simple vocabulary contains symbols.
    054.  The eastern coast is a place for pure pleasure and excitement.
    055.  The lack of heat compounded the tenant's grievances.
    056.  Academic aptitude guarantees your diploma.
    057.  The prowler wore a ski mask for a disguise.
    058.  We experience distress and frustration working for our degrees.
    059.  The singer's finger had a splinter.
    060.  Parliament met to judge the state of public education.
    061.  Chocolate and roses never fail as a romantic gift.
    062.  Any contributions will be greatly appreciated.
    063.  Continental drift is a geological theory.
    064.  Regular attendance is seldom required.
    065.  Challenge each general's intelligence.
    066.  We got drenched from the uninterrupted rain.
    067.  Last year's glass shortage caused steep price increases.
    068.  Upgrade your status to reflect your wealth.
    069.  Eat your raisins outside on the porch steps.
    070.  Did you eat lunch yesterday?
    071.  Porcupines resemble sea urchins.
    072.  Spring Street is straight ahead.
    073.  Cliff's display was misplaced on the screen.
    074.  An official deadline cannot be postponed.
    075.  Fill that can and spray the screen with fresh spring water.
    076.  Gently place Jim's foam sculpture in the box.
    077.  Bagpipes and bongos are musical instruments.
    078.  Doctors prescribe drugs too freely.
    079.  Will you please describe their idiotic predicament?
    080.  It's illegal to postdate a cheque.
    081.  It's impossible to deal with bureaucracy.
    082.  Good service should be rewarded by big tips.
    083.  My instructions desperately need updating.
    084.  Co-operation and understanding go a long way to alleviate dispute.
    085.  Cement is measured in cubic yards.
    086.  Hispanic costumes are quite colourful.
    087.  Primitive tribes don't have an upbeat attitude.
    088.  Flying standby can be practical if you want to save money.
    089.  It's hard to tell an original from a forgery.
    090.  The Thinker is a famous sculpture.
    091.  The misprint provoked an immediate disclaimer.
    092.  A large household needs lots of appliances.
    093.  Cut a small corner off each edge.
    094.  Youngsters love candy floss as a treat.
    095.  Iguanas and alligators are tropical reptiles.
    096.  Mask making for parties taxes one's imagination.
    097.  Glucose and fructose are natural sugars found in fruit.
    098.  Penguins live near the icy antarctic.
    099.  Guess the question from the answer.
    100.  Medieval society was based on hierarchies.
    101.  Project development was proceeding too slowly.
    102.  Kindergarten children decorate their classrooms for all holidays.
    103.  Special task forces rescue hostages from kidnappers.
    104.  Call an ambulance for medical assistance.
    105.  He stole a pound coin from a beggar.
    106.  Few people live to be a hundred.
    107.  You must explicitly delete files.
    108.  A huge tapestry hung in her hallway.
    109.  Birthday parties have cup cakes and ice cream.
    110.  His scalp was blistered from today's hot sun.
    111.  She slipped and sprained her ankle on the steep slope.
    112.  The best way to learn is to solve extra problems.
    113.  His sudden departure shocked the cast.
    114.  Tugboats are capable of hauling huge loads.
    115.  A muscular abdomen is good for your back.
    116.  The cartoon features a shrew and a tadpole.
    117.  The emblem depicts the Acropolis all aglow.
    118.  Clasp the screw in your left hand.
    119.  The mango and the papaya are in a bowl.
    120.  Combine all the ingredients in a large bowl.
    121.  The misquote was retracted with an apology.
    122.  The jackal, lynx and hyena are wild animals.
    123.  Trespassing is forbidden and subject to penalty.
    124.  Encyclopaedias seldom present anecdotal evidence.
    125.  A screwdriver is made from vodka and orange juice.
    126.  Objects made of pewter are beautiful.
    127.  Westchester is a country town north of York.
    128.  Artificial intelligence solves real problems.
    129.  The emperor had a mean temper.
    130.  Lots of foreign movies have subtitles.
    131.  Angora cats are furrier than Siamese.
    132.  He ate four extra eggs for breakfast.
    133.  We plan to build a new bottling plant.
    134.  Publicity and notoriety go hand in hand.
    135.  Pizzerias are convenient for a quick lunch.
    136.  December and January are nice months to spend in Miami.
    137.  Technical writers can abbreviate in bibliographies.
    138.  Scientific progress comes from the development of new techniques.
    139.  Tradition requires parental approval for under-age marriage.
    140.  The clumsy customer spilled some expensive perfume.
    141.  The bungalow was pleasantly situated near the shore.
    142.  Agricultural products are unevenly distributed.
    143.  Pledge your participation in Nevada's aquatic competition.
    144.  Such long articles are often opaque and need clarification.
    145.  The sound of Jennifer's bugle scared the antelope.
    146.  The willowy woman wore a gaberdine coat.
    147.  Too much curiosity can get you into trouble.
    148.  Cyclical programs will never compile.
    149.  Correct execution of my instructions is crucial.
    150.  Most constituencies had a third of the votes counted.
    151.  While waiting for the skipper she criss-crossed the square many times.
    152.  Vietnamese cuisine is exquisite.
    153.  The previous speaker presented ambiguous results.
    154.  Mosquitoes exist in warm, humid climates.
    155.  Academic aptitude in school is judged by standardised tests.
    156.  Orange juice tastes funny after toothpaste.
    157.  The water contained too much chlorine and stung in his eyes.
    158.  Our experiment's positive outcome was unexpected.
    159.  Remove the splinter with a pair of tweezers.
    160.  The drunkard is a social outcast.
    161.  The government sought authorisation of his citizenship.
    162.  As co-authors, we presented our new book to the haughty audience.
    163.  As a precaution, the outlaws bought gunpowder for their stronghold.
    164.  Her auburn hair reminded him of autumn leaves.
    165.  They remained lifelong friends and companions.
    166.  Curiosity and mediocrity seldom co-exist.
    167.  The easy going zoologist relaxed throughout the voyage.
    168.  Biologists use radioactive isotopes to study micro-organisms.
    169.  Employee redundancies coincided with the company's reorganisation.
    170.  Who took the kayak down the first rapids?
    171.  How would you evaluate this algebraic expression?
    172.  The Mayan neoclassical scholar disappeared while surveying ancient ruins.
    173.  The diagnosis was discouraging, but he was not overly worried.
    174.  The altruistic dowager helped many malnourished vagrants.
    175.  The triumphant warrior exhibited naive heroism.
    176.  Whoever co-operates in finding mum's cameo will be rewarded.
    177.  The haunted house was a hit due to outstanding visual effects.
    178.  Severe myopia contributed to Ron's inferiority complex.
    179.  Buying a thoroughbred horse requires intuition and expertise.
    180.  Does Creole cooking use curry?
    181.  She encouraged her children to make their own Hallowe'en costumes.
    182.  We could barely see the fjords through the snow flurries.
    183.  Almost all colleges are now co-educational.
    184.  The rich looked for spotted hyenas and jaguars on the safari.
    185.  Thick glue oozed out of the tube.
    186.  They all enjoy ice cream sundaes.
    187.  Why else would Danny allow others to go?
    188.  The cat's meow always hurts my ears.
    189.  Did you buy any corduroy overalls?
    190.  Would a tomboy often play outdoors?
    191.  They often go out in the evening.
    192.  Who authorised the unlimited expense account?
    193.  Destroy every file related to my audits.
    194.  Serve the coleslaw after I add the oil.
    195.  Withdraw all false accusations at once.
    196.  Straw hats are out of fashion this year.
    197.  Why buy oil when you always use mine?
    198.  They enjoy it when I audition.
    199.  Would you allow acts of violence?
    200.  How do oysters make pearls?
    201.  Draw each graph on a new axis.
    202.  Norwegian sweaters are made of lamb's wool.
    203.  Young children should avoid exposure to contagious diseases.
    204.  Ralph controlled the stopwatch from the back seat.
    205.  Approach your interview with steady composure.
    206.  How much allowance do you get?
    207.  The causeway ended abruptly at the shore.
    208.  Even I occasionally get the Monday blues!
    209.  Military personnel are expected to obey government orders.
    210.  When peeling an orange, it is hard not to spray juice.
    211.  Do you hear the sleigh bells ringing?
    212.  Rob sat by the pond and sketched the stray geese.
    213.  Michael coloured the bedroom wall with crayons.
    214.  Jeff's toy go-cart never worked!
    215.  Only the best players enjoy popularity.
    216.  I gave them several choices and let them set the priorities.
    217.  The news agency hired a great journalist.
    218.  The morning dew on the spider's web glistened in the sun.
    219.  The sermon emphasised the need for affirmative action.
    220.  The small boy put the worm on the hook.
    221.  How permanent are their records?
    222.  Try to recall the events in chronological order.
    223.  Non-profit making organisations often have frequent fundraising events.
    224.  The most recent geological survey found seismic activity.
    225.  Gary attacked the project with extra determination.
    226.  You always come up with pathological examples.
    227.  Put the butcher's block in the garage.
    228.  How good is your endurance?
    229.  Keep the thermometer under your tongue!
    230.  Geoff could barely handle the psychological trauma.
    231.  It's healthier to cook without sugar.
    232.  Kangaroo point overlooked the ocean.
    233.  Are you looking for employment in April?
    234.  Allow leeway here.
    235.  I honour my mum.
    236.  His failure to open the store by eight cost him his job.
    237.  Rationalise all errors.
    238.  `Highway' and `freeway' mean the same thing in American English.
    239.  The paper boy bought two apples and three ices.
    240.  I itemise all accounts in my agency.
    241.  Clear pronunciation is appreciated.
    242.  The courier was a dwarf.
    243.  A doctor was in the ambulance with the patient.
    244.  Puree some fruit before preparing the skewered meat.
    245.  It's not easy to create illuminating examples.
    246.  The hallway opens into a huge chamber.
    247.  May I order an apricot mousse after I have eaten dinner?
    248.  They all agree that the essay is barely intelligible.
    249.  Herbert's birthday frequently occurs on Thanksgiving.
    250.  Does Hindu ideology honour cows?
    251.  How ancient is this underground escalator?
    252.  The cigarettes in the clay ashtray overflowed onto the oak table.
    253.  Reading in poor light gives you eyestrain.
    254.  I ate every oyster on Nora's plate.
    255.  The Boston Ballet overcame their funding shortage.
    256.  We apply auditory modelling to computer speech recognition.
    257.  The gorgeous butterfly ate a lot of nectar.
    258.  By eating yoghurt, you may live longer.
    259.  Do they allow atheists in church?
    260.  My ideal morning begins with hot coffee.
    261.  The irate actor stomped away idiotically.
    262.  We are open every Monday evening.
    263.  The essay undeniably reflects our view ably.
    264.  Tornadoes often destroy aviaries.
    265.  Remember to allow identical twins to enter freely.
    266.  Do you have the yellow ointment ready?
    267.  Can the agency overthrow alien forces?
    268.  How oily do you like your salad dressing?
    269.  We saw eight tiny icicles below our roof.
    270.  The saw is broken, so chop the wood instead.
    271.  Withdraw only as much money as you need.
    272.  Draw every outer line first, then fill in the interior.
    273.  The jaw operates by using antagonistic muscles.
    274.  Do atypical farmers grow oats?
    275.  Are holiday vouchers available to us?
    276.  Be careful not to plough over the flower beds.
    277.  Allow each child to have an ice lolly.
    278.  The angry boy answered but didn't look up.
    279.  Cliff was soothed by the luxurious massage.
    280.  Steve wore a bright red cashmere sweater.
    281.  John's brother repainted the garage door.
    282.  The rose trellis smelled sweet.
    283.  To further his prestige, he occasionally reads the Wall Street Journal.
    284.  Alice's ability to work without supervision is noteworthy.
    285.  The oasis was a mirage.
    286.  Carol and Trish played tag with beach balls for hours.
    287.  The tooth fairy forgot to come when Roger's tooth fell out.
    288.  Planned parenthood organisations promote birth control.
    289.  Jeff thought you argued in favour of a centrifuge purchase.
    290.  The church purchased several signed lithographs.
    291.  Traffic jams occur on many relief trunk roads.
    292.  In the long run, it pays to buy quality clothing.
    293.  Bush fires are common in the dry undergrowth of Namibia.
    294.  Weatherproof galoshes are very useful in Seattle.
    295.  This brochure is particularly informative for a prospective buyer.
    296.  The avalanche triggered a minor earthquake.
    297.  These exclusive documents must be locked up at all times.
    298.  Please take this dirty table cloth to the cleaners for me.
    299.  Should giraffes be kept in small zoos?
    300.  If Carol comes tomorrow, arrange for her to have a meeting at two.
    301.  The two artists exchanged autographs.
    302.  Rock-and-roll music has a great rhythm.
    303.  I'd rather not buy these shoes than be overcharged.
    304.  Shaving foam is a popular item on Hallowe'en.
    305.  Amoebas change shape constantly.
    306.  We like blue cheese but Victor likes Brie.
    307.  Tofu is made from processed soybeans.
    308.  The jay flew just over the high building.
    309.  Cheap stockings ladder the first time they're worn.
    310.  Cottage cheese with chives is delicious.
    311.  A chosen few will become generals.
    312.  The meeting is now adjourned.
    313.  Shipbuilding is a most fascinating process.
    314.  The proof that you are seeking is not available in books.
    315.  The bonnet of the jeep was steaming in the hot sun.
    316.  My desires are simple, so give me one informative paragraph on the subject.
    317.  Those answers will be straightforward if you think them through carefully first.
    318.  Drop five forms in the box before you go out.
    319.  If people were more generous there would be no need for welfare.
    320.  Bob found more clams at the rock-pool's edge.
    321.  That dog chases cats mercilessly.
    322.  The cranberry bog gets very pretty in autumn.
    323.  Please dig my potatoes up before the frost.
    324.  A big goat idly ambled through the farmyard.
    325.  The nearest synagogue may not be within walking distance.
    326.  The hedgehog clearly saw his shadow, but stayed out only a moment.
    327.  A leather handbag would be a suitable gift.
    328.  The fog prevented them from arriving on time.
    329.  The chemist at the local superstore was charged with illegally dispensing tranquillising drugs.
    330.  The full moon shone brightly that night.
    331.  Steve collects rare and novel coins.
    332.  Paul received a joint appointment in the biology and the engineering departments.
    333.  Gregory and Tom chose to watch cartoons in the afternoon.
    334.  Philip postponed alimony payments until the latest possible date.
    335.  Count the number of teaspoons of soysauce that you add.
    336.  The big dog loved to chew on the old rag doll.
    337.  Todd placed top priority on getting his bike fixed.
    338.  An adult male baboon's teeth are not suitable for eating shellfish.
    339.  Often you'll get back more than you put in.
    340.  Russ saw pine trees and redwoods on his walk through the National Forest.
    341.  Rob made Hungarian goulash for dinner and gooseberry pie for dessert.
    342.  Bob bandaged both wounds with the skill of a doctor.
    343.  The dark, murky lagoon wound around for miles.
    344.  Did Sean catch that big goose without help?
    345.  Ducks have webbed feet and colourful feathers.
    346.  The high security prison was surrounded by barbed wire.
    347.  Take charge of choosing her bridesmaids' gowns.
    348.  The frightened child was gently subdued by his big brother.
    349.  I know I didn't meet her early enough.
    350.  Trish saw hours and hours of movies this Saturday.
    351.  The barracuda recoiled from the sea-serpent's poisonous fangs.
    352.  The patient and the surgeon are both recuperating from a lengthy operation.
    353.  I'll have a scoop of that exotic purple and turquoise sorbet.
    354.  The schoolgirl couldn't disguise her feelings about the emergency conditions.
    355.  Many wealthy tycoons were urged to buy both a yacht and a schooner.
    356.  The new suburbanites worked hard on refurbishing their older home.
    357.  According to my interpretation of the problem, two lines must be perpendicular.
    358.  A connoisseur will enjoy this shellfish dish.
    359.  A lawyer was appointed to execute her will.
    360.  Dolphins are intelligent marine mammals.
    361.  Diane may splash out and buy a turquoise necklace.
    362.  The moisture in my eyes is from eyedrops, not from tears.
    363.  George seldom watches daytime television.
    364.  The system may break down soon so save your files frequently.
    365.  I assume moisture will damage this ship's hull.
    366.  The speech symposium might begin on Monday.
    367.  The annoying rabbits slipped into Phil's garden every night.
    368.  The cow wandered from the farmland and became lost.
    369.  Each untimely income loss coincided with the breakdown of a heating system part.
    370.  The gunman kept his victim cornered at gunpoint for three hours.
    371.  Will you please confirm government policy regarding waste removal?
    372.  The surplus shoes were sold at a discount price.
    373.  Laura's costume needed black gloves to be completely elegant.
    374.  Bob papered over the living room murals.
    375.  That noise problem grows more annoying each day.
    376.  Right now may not be the best time for business mergers.
    377.  That diagram makes sense only after much study.
    378.  `Gremlins' is yet another exciting movie by Steven Spielberg.
    379.  A boring novel is a superb sleeping pill.
    380.  John cleans shellfish for a living.
    381.  Growing well-kept gardens is very time consuming.
    382.  Women may never become completely equal to men.
    383.  She always jokes about too much garlic in his food.
    384.  I just saw Jim near the new archaeological museum.
    385.  Pam gives driving lessons on Thursdays.
    386.  Why charge money for such rubbish?
    387.  We welcome many new students each year.
    388.  George is paranoid about a future gas shortage.
    389.  The carpet cleaners shampooed our oriental rug.
    390.  Please shorten this skirt for Joyce.
    391.  His shoulder felt as if it were broken.
    392.  Which church do the Smiths worship in?
    393.  The giant redwoods shimmered in the glistening sun.
    394.  Is she going with you?
    395.  Her right hand aches whenever the barometric pressure changes.
    396.  They own a big house in the remote countryside.
    397.  He picked up nine pairs of socks for each brother.
    398.  They all like long hot showers.
    399.  A young mouse scampered across the field and disappeared.
    400.  She uses both names interchangeably.
    401.  Calcium makes bones and teeth strong.
    402.  I took her word for it.
    403.  The fish began to leap frantically on the surface of the small lake.
    404.  Tim takes Sheila to see American movies twice a week.
    405.  Children can consume many fruit tarts in one sitting.
    406.  They assume no burglar will ever enter here.
    407.  Just drop notes in any suggestion box.
    408.  The taxi-cab broke down and caused a traffic jam.
    409.  We'll serve rhubarb pie after Rachel's talk.
    410.  Her wardrobe consists of only skirts and blouses.
    411.  Bob burned paper and leaves in a big bonfire.
    412.  Of course you can have another tunafish sandwich.
    413.  There was a gigantic wasp next to Irving's big top hat.
    414.  Laugh, dance and sing if fortune smiles upon you.
    415.  I'd tried the tube, but I hadn't enough change.
    416.  Eating spinach nightly increases strength miraculously.
    417.  People might not drink much water with horseradish sauce.
    418.  Butterscotch fudge goes well with vanilla ice cream.
    419.  Gwen grows green beans in her vegetable garden.
    420.  Daphne's Swedish needlepoint scarf matched her skirt.
    421.  Irish youngsters eat fresh kippers for breakfast.
    422.  Move the hostage nearer to the large window.
    423.  A huge power cut rarely occurs.
    424.  Valley lodge yearly celebrates the first calf born.
    425.  Iris thinks this zoo has eleven Spanish zebras.
    426.  The football team coach has a watch as thin as a wafer.
    427.  Seamstresses attach zips with a thimble, needle and thread.
    428.  Those who teach values must first abolish cheating.
    429.  Once you finish greasing your chain, be sure to wash thoroughly.
    430.  Smash lightbulbs and their cash value will diminish to nothing.
    431.  Top zinnias rarely have crooked stems.
    432.  Comedies never have enough villains.
    433.  A moth zig-zagged along the path through Oliver's garden.
    434.  Every cab needs repainting often.
    435.  A violent criminal challenged me, but a quick stab vanquished him.
    436.  A toothpaste tube should be squeezed from the bottom.
    437.  Those who are not purists use tinned vegetables when making stew.
    438.  The fifth jar contains big, juicy peaches.
    439.  Coffee is grown on steep, jungle-like slopes in temperate zones.
    440.  The overweight charmer could slip poison into anyone's tea.
    441.  Each stag surely finds a big fawn.
    442.  The rich should invest in black limousines instead of stylish shoes.
    443.  Please sing just the `Cotton Club' theme.
    444.  They used an aggressive policeman to flag down thoughtless motorists.
    445.  Shell shock caused by shrapnel is sometimes cured through group therapy.
    446.  That stinging vapour is caused by chloride vaporisation.
    447.  The advertising jingle in the Plymouth Variety Store never changes.
    448.  Don't look for unwanted valuables in a bank vault.
    449.  Suburban housewifes often suffer from the gift of the gab.
    450.  A lone star shone in the early evening sky.
    451.  The toddler found a clamshell near the camp site.
    452.  What is this large thing by the ironing board?
    453.  Thomas thinks a larger clamp solves the problem.
    454.  First add milk to the shredded spinach and grated cheese.
    455.  Spherical gifts are difficult to wrap.
    456.  Ralph prepared red salmon with fresh lemon sauce for dinner.
    457.  Roy ignored the spurious data points in drawing the graph.
    458.  The thick elm forest was nearly overwhelmed by Dutch Elm disease.
    459.  In developing film, many toxic chemicals are used.
    460.  Which theatre shows `Mother Goose'?


    001.  DIs w@z i:zi f@r Vs.
    002.  Iz DIs si:sO: seIf.
    003.  D@Uz Ti:vz st@Ul T3:ti dZu:lz.
    004.  dZeIn meI 3:n mO: mVni baI w3:kIN hA:d.
    005.  Si Iz TIn@ D@n aI {m.
    006.  braIt sVnSaIn SIm@z Qn Di @US@n.
    007.  nVTIN Iz @z @fensIv @z In@s@ns.
    008.  waI jel O: wVri @Uv@ sIli aIt@mz.
    009.  we@ w3: ju: waIl wi w@r @weI.
    010.  @ jO: greIdz haI@r O: l@U@ D@n n{nsiz.
    011.  hi wIl @laU @ re@ laI.
    012.  wIl rQbIn we@r @ jel@U lIli.
    013.  swIN j@r A:m @z haI @z j@ k{n.
    014.  bIfO: T3:zdeIz Igz{m rIvaIz evri fO:mjul@.
    015.  D@ mjuzI@m haI@z mjuzIS@nz evri i:vnIN.
    016.  @ r@Ul @v waI@ leI nI@ D@ wO:l.
    017.  kA:l lIvz In @ laIvli h@Um.
    018.  {lIm@ni hA:mz @ dIvO:st m{nz welT.
    019.  {ljumInj@m kVtl@ri k@n Qf=n bi flImzi.
    020.  Si wO: wO:m fli:si wUl@n @Uv@rO:lz.
    021.  {lf{lf@ Iz helTi fO: ju:.
    022.  wen O:l els feIlz ju:z fO:s.
    023.  D@Uz mjuzIS@nz hA:m@naIz mA:v@l@sli.
    024.  O:lD@U O:lweIz @l@Un wi s@vaIv.
    025.  @Unli lOI@z lVv mIlj@ne@z.
    026.  m@Ust jVN r{bIts raIz 3:li In D@ mO:nIN.
    027.  dId d{d du {k@demIk ri:dIN.
    028.  beg D{t gA:d f@ wVn g{l@n @v petr@l.
    029.  help greg t@ pIk @ pep@r @n s@m t@mA:t@Uz.
    030.  get @ t{bi k{t t@ ki:p D@ r@Ud@nts @weI.
    031.  @ gUd {tItju:d Iz Vnbi:t@b=l.
    032.  ti:n@ t3:n@ Iz @ pQp sIN@.
    033.  k@Uk@nVt kri:m keIk meIks @ naIs dIz3:t.
    034.  d@Unt du: tSA:lIz d3:ti dISIz.
    035.  help sel@breIt jO: brVD@z s@kses.
    036.  @Unli D@ m@Ust @kVmplISt A:tIsts @teIn pQpjul{rIti.
    037.  krItIk=l IkwIpm@nt ni:dz prQp@ meInt@n@ns.
    038.  jVN pi:p=l pA:tIsIpeIt In {TletIk {ktIvItIz.
    039.  bQbz g@Uld breIsl@t w@z @ gr{djueIS@n prez@nt.
    040.  stImjuleItIN dIskVS@nz ki:p stju:d@nts @tenS@n.
    041.  etIket rIkwaI@z k@mplaI@ns wID IgzIstIN regjuleIS@nz.
    042.  bIblIk=l skQl@z A:gju hIst@ri.
    043.  eld@li pi:p=l @r Qf=n Iksklu:dId.
    044.  bA:skItbO:l k@m bi @n ent@teInIN spO:t.
    045.  @dIS@n @n sVbtr{kS@n @ l3:nd skIlz.
    046.  D{t pIkpQkIt w@z kO:t redh{ndId.
    047.  mVm strQNli dIslaIks {pItaIz@z.
    048.  gr{ndmVD@ aUtgru: h@r VpbrININ Im petIk@Uts.
    049.  @t twaIlaIt Qn D@ twelfT deI wil h{v S{bli.
    050.  k{t@strQfIk i:k@nQmIk kVtb{ks nev@ wVns nIglekt D@ pO:.
    051.  {mbIdekstr@s pIkpQkIts @kVmplIS mO:.
    052.  h@ kl{sIk=l rep@twA: geInd krItIk=l @kleIm.
    053.  i:v=n @ sImp=l v@k{bjul@ri k@nteInz sImb=lz.
    054.  Di i:st=n k@Ust Iz @ pleIs f@ pjU@ pleZ@ @nd IksaItm@nt.
    055.  D@ l{k @v hi:t k@mpaUndId D@ ten@nts gri:v@nsIz.
    056.  {k@demIk {ptItju:d g{r@nti:z j@ dIpl@Um@.
    057.  D@ praUl@ wO:r @ ski:mA:sk f@r @ dIsgaIz.
    058.  wi IkspI@ri@ns dIstres =n frVstreIS@n w3:kIN f@r aU@ dIgri:z.
    059.  D@ sIN@z fINg@ h{d @ splInt@.
    060.  pA:l@m@nt met t@ dZVdZ D@ steIt @v pVblIk edjukeIS@n.
    061.  tSQkl@t =n r@UzIz nev@ feIl @z @ r@um{ntIk gIft.
    062.  eni kQntrIbju:S@nz wIl bi greItli @pri:SieItId.
    063.  kQntinent=l drIft Iz @ dZI@lQgIk=l TI@ri.
    064.  regjul@ @tend@ns Iz seld@m rIkwaI@d.
    065.  tS{lIndZ i:tS dZen@r@lz IntelIdZ@ns.
    066.  wi gQt drentSt fr@m Di VnInt@rVptId reIn.
    067.  lA:st jI@z glA:s SO:tIdZ kO:zd sti:p praIs Inkri:sIz.
    068.  VpgreId jO: steIt@s t@ rIflekt jO: welT.
    069.  i:t j@ reIz@nz aUtsaId Qn D@ pO:tS steps.
    070.  dId ju i:t lVntS jest@deI.
    071.  pO:kjupaInz rIzemb=l si: 3:tSInz.
    072.  sprIN stri:t Iz streIt @hed.
    073.  klIfs dIspleI w@z mIspleIst Qn D@ skri:n.
    074.  @n @fIS@l dedlaIn k{nQt bi p@Ustp@und.
    075.  fIl D{t k{n @n spreI D@ skri:n wID freS sprIN wO:t@.
    076.  dZentli pleIs dZImz f@Um skVlptS@r In D@ bQks.
    077.  b{gpaIps =n bQNg@Uz @ mjuzIk=l Instr@m@nts.
    078.  dQkt@z prIskraIb drVgz tu: fri:li.
    079.  wIl ju: pli:z dIskraIb De@r IdiQtik prIdIk@m@nt.
    080.  Its Ili:g=l t@ p@UstdeIt @ tSek.
    081.  Its ImpQsIb=l t@ di:l wID bjurQkr@si.
    082.  gUd s3:vIs S@b bi rIwO:dId baI bIg tIps.
    083.  maI InstrVkS@nz desp@r@tli ni:d VpdeItIN.
    084.  k@UQp@reIS@n {nd Vnd@st{ndIN g@U @ lQN weI tu @li:vieIt dIspju:t.
    085.  sIment Iz meZ@d IN kju:bIk jA:dz.
    086.  hIsp{nIk kQstju:mz @ kwaIt kVl@f@l.
    087.  prImItIv traIbz d@Unt h{v @n Vpbi:t {tItju:d.
    088.  flaIIN st{ndbaI k@m bi pr{ktIk=l If j@ wQnt t@ seIv mVni.
    089.  Its hA:d t@ tel @n @rIdZIn=l fr@m @ fO:dZ@ri.
    090.  D@ TINk@r Iz @ feIm@s skVlptS@.
    091.  D@ mIsprInt pr@v@Ukt =n Imi:di@t dIskleIm@.
    092.  @ lA:dZ haUsh@uld ni:dz lQts @v @plaI@nsIz.
    093.  kVt @ smO:l kO:n@r Qf i:tS edZ.
    094.  jVNst@z lVv k{ndi flQs @z @ tri:t.
    095.  IgjuA:n@z @nd {lIgeIt@z @ trQpIk=l reptaIlz.
    096.  mA:sk meIkIN f@ pA:tiz t{ksIz wVnz Im{dZIneIS@n.
    097.  glu:k@Us =n frVkt@Us @ n{tS@r@l SUg@z faUnd In fru:t.
    098.  peNgwInz lIv nI@ Di aIsi {ntA:ktIk.
    099.  ges D@ kwestS@n fr@m Di A:ns@.
    100.  medii:v@l s@saI@ti w@z beIst Qn haI@rA:kiz.
    101.  prQdZekt dIvel@pm@nt w@z pr@si:dIN tu: sl@Uli.
    102.  kInd@gA:t=n tSIldr@n dek@reIt De@ klA:sru:mz f@r O:l hQlIdeIz.
    103.  speS@l tA:sk fO:sIz reskju hQstIdZIz fr@m kIdn{p@z.
    104.  kO:l @n {mbjul@ns f@ medIk=l @sIst@ns.
    105.  hi st@Ul @ paUnd kOIn fr@m @ beg@.
    106.  fju: pi:p=l lIv t@ bi @ hVndr@d.
    107.  j@ mVst IksplIsItli dIli:t faIlz.
    108.  @ hju:dZ t{p@stri hVN In h@ hO:lweI.
    109.  b3:TdeI pA:tIz h{v kVpkeIks @nd aIskri:m.
    110.  hIz sk{lp w@z blIst@d fr@m t@deIz hQt sVn.
    111.  Si slIpt =n spreInd h@r {Nk=l Qn D@ sti:p sl@Up.
    112.  D@ best weI t@ l3:n Iz t@ sQlv ekstr@ prQbl@mz.
    113.  hIz sVd=n dIpA:tS@ SQkt D@ kA:st.
    114.  tVgb@Uts @ keIp@b=l @v hO:lIN hju:dZ l@Udz.
    115.  @ mVskjul@r {bd@m@n Iz gUd f@ j@ b{k.
    116.  D@ kA:tu:n fi:tS@z @ Sru @nd @ t{dp@Ul.
    117.  Di embl@m dIpIkts Di @krQp@lIs O:l @gl@u.
    118.  klA:sp D@ skru: In j@ left h{nd.
    119.  D@ m{Ng@U @n D@ p@paI@ @r In @ b@Ul.
    120.  k@mbaIn O:l Di INgri:di@nts In @ lA:dZ b@Ul.
    121.  D@ mIskw@Ut w@z rItr{ktId wID @n @pQl@dZi.
    122.  D@ dZ{k=l lInks =n haIi:n@ @ waIld {nIm=lz.
    123.  tresp@sIN Iz f@bId=n @n sVbdZekt t@ pen@lti.
    124.  InsaIkl@pi:di@z seld@m prIzent {nIkd@Ut=l evId@ns.
    125.  @ skru:draIv@r Iz meId fr@m vQdk@r @nd QrIndz dZu:s.
    126.  QbdZekts meId @v pju:t@r @ bju:tIf@l.
    127.  westtSest@r Iz @ kVntri taUn nO:T @v jO:k.
    128.  A:tIfIS@l IntelIdZ@ns sQlvz rI@l prQbl@mz.
    129.  Di emp@r@ h{d @ mi:n temp@.
    130.  lQts @v fQr@n mu:viz h{v sVbtaIt=lz.
    131.  {NgO:r@ k{ts @ f3:ri@ D@n saI@mi:z.
    132.  hi eIt fO: ekstr@r egz f@ brekf@st.
    133.  wi pl{n t@ bIld @ nju: bQt@lIN plA:nt.
    134.  pVblIs@ti @n n@Ut@raI@ti g@U h{nd In h{nd.
    135.  pi:tz@ri@z @ k@nvi:ni@nt f@r @ kwIk lVntS.
    136.  dIsemb@r @n dZ{nju@ri @ naIs mVnTs t@ spend Im maI{mi.
    137.  teknIk=l raIt@z k@n @bri:vieIt Im bIbliQgr@fiz.
    138.  saI@ntIfIk pr@Ugres kVmz fr@m D@ dIvel@pm@nt @v nju: tekni:ks.
    139.  tr@dIS@n rIkwaI@z p@rent=l @pru:v@l f@r Vnd@reIdZ m{rIdZ.
    140.  D@ klVmzi kVst@m@ spIld s@m IkspensIv p3:fju:m.
    141.  D@ bVNg@l@U w@z plez@ntli sItjueItId nI@ D@ SO:.
    142.  {grIkVltS@r@l prQdVkts @r Vni:v@nli dIstrIbjutId.
    143.  pledZ jO: pA:tIsIpeIS@n In n@vA:d@z @kw{tIk kQmp@tIS@n.
    144.  sVtS lQN A:tIk=lz @r Qf=n @UpeIk @n ni:d kl{rIfIkeIS@n.
    145.  D@ saUnd @v dZenIf@z bju:g=l ske@d Di {ntIl@Up.
    146.  D@ wIl@Ui wUm@n wO:r @ g{b@di:n k@Ut.
    147.  tu: mVtS kju:riQsIti k@N get ju Int@ trVb=l.
    148.  saIklIk=l pr@Ugr{mz wIl nev@ k@mpaIl.
    149.  k@rekt eksIkju:S@n @v maI InstrVkS@nz Iz kru:S@l.
    150.  m@Ust k@nstItju@nsiz h{d @ T3:d @v D@ v@Uts kaUntId.
    151.  waIl weItIN f@ D@ skIp@ Si krIskrQst D@ skwe@ meni taImz.
    152.  vietn@mi:z kwIzi:n Iz IkskwIzIt.
    153.  D@ pri:vi@s spi:k@ prIzentId {mbIgju@s rIzVlts.
    154.  mQski:t@Us IgzIst In wO:m hju:mId klaImIts.
    155.  {k@demIk {ptItju:d In sku:l Iz dZVdZd baI st{nd@daIzd tests.
    156.  QrIndz dZu:s teIsts fVni A:ft@ tu:TpeIst.
    157.  D@ wO:t@ k@nteInd tu: mVtS klO:ri:n @n stVN In Iz aIz.
    158.  aU@ IksperIm@nts pQsItIv aUtkVm w@z VnIkspektId.
    159.  rImu:v D@ splInt@ wID @ pe@r @v twi:z@z.
    160.  D@ drVnk@d Iz @ s@US@l aUtkA:st.
    161.  D@ gVv@nm@nt sO:t O:T@raIzeIS@n @v Iz sItIz@nSIp.
    162.  @z k@UO:T@z wi prIzentId aU@ nju: bUk t@ D@ hO:ti O:dI@ns.
    163.  @z @ prIkO:S@n Di aUtlO:z bO:t gVnpaUd@ f@ De@ strQNh@Uld.
    164.  h@r O:b@n he@ rImaIndId hIm @v O:t@m li:vz.
    165.  Dei rImeInd laIflQN frendz =n k@mp{nj@nz.
    166.  kjuriQsIti @m mi:diQkrIti seld@m k@UIgzIst.
    167.  Di i:zi g@UIN zu:Ql@dZIst rIl{kst Tru:aUt D@ vOIIdz.
    168.  baIQl@dZIsts ju:z reIdi@U{ktIv aIs@t@Ups t@ stVdi maIkr@UO:g@nIz@mz.
    169.  emplOIi: rIdVnd@nsiz k@UInsaIdId wID D@ kVmp@niz riO:g@naIzeIS@n.
    170.  hu: tUk D@ kaI{k daUn D@ f3:st r{pIdz.
    171.  haU w@d ju Iv{ljueIt DIs {ldZIbreIk IkspreS@n.
    172.  D@ maI@n ni@Ukl{sIk=l skQl@ dIs@pI@d waIl s@veIIN eIntS@nt ru:Inz.
    173.  D@ daI@gn@UsIs w@z dIskVrIdZIN bVt hi w@z nQt @Uv@li wVrid.
    174.  Di {ltruIstIk daUw@dZ@ helpt meni m{lnVrISt veIgr@nts.
    175.  D@ traIVmf@nt wQrI@ egzIbItId naIi:v her@UIz@m.
    176.  huev@ k@UQp@reIts In faIndIN mVmz k{mi:@U wIl bi rIwO:dId.
    177.  D@ hO:ntId haUs w@z @ hIt dju: tu aUtst{ndIN vIZ@l Ifekts.
    178.  sIvI@ maI@UpI@ k@ntrIbjutId t@ rQnz InfI@ri:QrIti kQmpleks.
    179.  baIIN @ TVr@bred hO:s rIkwaI@z IntjuIS@n @nd eksp@ti:z.
    180.  d@z kri@Ul kUkIN ju:z kVri.
    181.  Si InkVrIdZd h@ tSIldr@n t@ meIk De@r @Un h{l@Ui:n kQstju:mz.
    182.  wi k@b be@li si: D@ fjO:dz Tru: D@ sn@U flVriz.
    183.  O:lm@Ust O:l kQlIdZIz @ naU k@UedjukeIS@n=l.
    184.  D@ rItS lUkt f@ spQtId haIi:n@z =n dZ{gju@z Qn D@ s@fA:ri.
    185.  TIk glu: u:zd aUt @v D@ tju:b.
    186.  DeI O:l IndZOI aIs kri:m sVndeIz.
    187.  waI els w@d d{ni @laU VD@z t@ g@u.
    188.  D@ k{ts mi:aU O:lweIz h3:ts maI I@z.
    189.  dId j@ baI eni kO:djurOI @Uv@rO:lz.
    190.  w@d @ tQmbOI Qf=n pleI aUtdO:z.
    191.  DeI Qf=n g@U aUt In Di i:vnIN.
    192.  hu: O:T@raIzd Di VnlImItId Ikspens @kaUnt.
    193.  dIstrOI evri faIl rIleItId t@ maI O:dIts.
    194.  s3:v D@ k@UlslO: A:ft@r aI {d Di OIl.
    195.  wIDdrO: O:l fQls {kjuzeIS@nz @t wVns.
    196.  strO: h{ts @r aUt @v f{S@n DIs jI@.
    197.  waI baI OIl wen ju O:lweIz ju:z maIn.
    198.  DeI IndZOI It wen aI O:dIS@n.
    199.  w@d ju @laU {kts @v vaI@l@ns.
    200.  haU du OIst@z meIk p3:lz.
    201.  drO: i:tS grA:f Qn @ nju: {ksIs.
    202.  nO:wi:dZ@n swet@z @ meId @v l{mz wUl.
    203.  jVN tSIldr@n S@d @vOId Iksp@UZ@ t@ k@nteIdZ@s dIzi:zIz.
    204.  r{lf k@ntr@Uld D@ stQpwQtS fr@m D@ b{k si:t.
    205.  @pr@UtS j@r Int@vju: wID stedi k@mp@Uz@.
    206.  haU mVtS @laU@ns d@ j@ get.
    207.  D@ kO:zweI endId @brVptli @t D@ SO:.
    208.  i:v=n aI @keIZ@nli get D@ mVndeI blu:z.
    209.  mIlIt@ri p3:s@nel @r IkspektId tu @UbeI gVv@nm@nt O:d@z.
    210.  wen pi:lIN @n QrIndZ It Iz hA:d nQt t@ spreI dZu:s.
    211.  d@ j@ hI@ D@ sleI belz rININ.
    212.  rQb s{t baI D@ pQnd =n sketSt D@ streI gi:s.
    213.  maIk=l kVl@d D@ bedru:m wO:l wID kreIQnz.
    214.  dZefs tOI g@UkA:t nev@ w3:kt.
    215.  @Unli D@ best pleI@z IndZOI pQpjul{rIti.
    216.  aI geIv D@m sevr@l tSOIsIz =n let D@m set D@ praIQrItiz.
    217.  D@ nju:z eIdZ@nsi haI@d @ greIt dZ3:n@lIst.
    218.  D@ mO:nIN dju: Qn D@ spaId@z web glIs=nd In D@ sVn.
    219.  D@ s3:m@n emf@saIzd D@ ni:d f@r @f3:m@tIv {kS@n.
    220.  D@ smO:l bOI pUt D@ w3:m Qn D@ hUk.
    221.  haU p3:m@n@nt @ De@ rekO:dz.
    222.  traI t@ rIkO:l Di Ivents IN krQn@lQdZIk=l O:d@.
    223.  nQnprQfIt meIkIN O:g@naIzeIS@nz Qf=n h{v fri:kw@nt fVndreIzIN Ivents.
    224.  D@ m@Ust ri:s@nt dZi@lQdZIk=l s3:veI faUnd saIzmIk {ktIvIti.
    225.  g{ri @t{kt D@ prQdZekt wID ekstr@ dIt3:mIneIS@n.
    226.  ju O:lweIz k@m Vp wID p{T@lQdZIk=l IgzA:mp=lz.
    227.  pUt D@ bUtS@z blQk In D@ g{rIdZ.
    228.  haU gUd Iz jO:r IndjU@r@ns.
    229.  ki:p D@ T@mQmIt@r Vnd@ j@ tVN.
    230.  dZef k@b be@li h{nd=l D@ saIk@lQdZIk=l trO:m@.
    231.  Its helTi@ t@ kUk wIDaUt SUg@.
    232.  k{Ng@ru pOInt @Uv@lUkt Di @US@n.
    233.  A: j@ lUkIN f@r ImplOIm@nt In eIpr@l.
    234.  @laU li:weI hI@.
    235.  aI Qn@ maI mVm.
    236.  hIz feIlj@ tu @Up@n D@ stO: baI eIt kQst Im hIz dZQb.
    237.  r{S@n@laIz O:l er@z.
    238.  haIweI @n fri:weI mi:n D@ seIm TIN In @merIk@n INglIS.
    239.  D@ peIp@ bOI bO:t tu: {p=lz =n Tri: aIsIz.
    240.  aI aIt@maIz O:l @kaUnts Im maI eIdZ@nsi.
    241.  klI@ pr@nVnsieIS@n Iz @pri:SieItId.
    242.  D@ kUri@ w@z @ dwO:f.
    243.  @ dQkt@ w@z In Di {mbjul@ns wID D@ peIS@nt.
    244.  pjU@reI s@m fru:t bIfO: prIpe@rIN D@ skju@d mi:t.
    245.  Its nQt i:zi t@ krieIt Ilu:mIneItIN IgzA:mp=lz.
    246.  D@ hO:lweI @Up@nz Intu @ hju:dZ tSeImb@.
    247.  meI aI O:d@r @n eIprIkQt mu:s A:ft@r aI h@v i:t=n dIn@.
    248.  DeI O:l @gri: D@t Di eseI Iz be@li IntelIdZ@b=l.
    249.  h3:b@ts b3:TdeI fri:kw@ntli @k3:z Qn T{nksgIvIN.
    250.  d@z hIndu: aIdiQl@dZi Qn@ kaUz.
    251.  haU eIntS@nt Iz DIs Vnd@graUnd esk@leIt@.
    252.  D@ sIg@rets In D@ kleI {StreI @Uv@fl@Ud Qnt@ Di @Uk teIb=l.
    253.  ri:dIN Im pU@ laIt gIvz ju aIstreIn.
    254.  aI eIt evri OIst@r Qn nO:r@z pleIt.
    255.  D@ bQst=n b{leI @Uv@keIm De@ fVndIN SO:tIdZ.
    256.  wi @plaI O:dIt@ri mQd@lIN t@ k@mpju:t@ spi:tS rek@gnIs@n.
    257.  D@ gO:dZ@s bVt@flaI eIt @ lQt @v nekt@.
    258.  baI i:tIN jQg@t j@ meI lIv lQNg@.
    259.  du: DeI @laU eITiIsts In tS3:tS.
    260.  maI aIdI@l mO:nIN bIgInz wID hQt kQfi.
    261.  Di aIreIt {kt@ stQmpt @weI IdiQtIkli.
    262.  wi @r @Up@n evri mVndeI i:vnIN.
    263.  Di eseI VndInaI@bli rIflekts aU@ vju: eIbli.
    264.  tO:neId@Uz Qf=n dIstrOI eIv@riz.
    265.  rImemb@ tu @laU aIdentIk=l twInz tu ent@ fri:li.
    266.  d@ j@ h{v D@ jel@U OIntm@nt redi.
    267.  k@n Di eIdZ@nsi @Uv@Tr@U eIlI@n fO:sIz.
    268.  haU OIli d@ j@ laIk jO: s{l@d dresIN.
    269.  wi sO: eIt taIni aIsIk=lz bIl@U aU@ ru:f.
    270.  D@ sO: Iz br@Uk@n s@U tSQp D@ wUd Insted.
    271.  wIDdrO: @Unli @z mVtS mVni @z j@ ni:d.
    272.  drO: evri aUt@ laIn f3:st Den fIl In Di IntI@ri@.
    273.  D@ dZO: Qp@reIts baI ju:zIN {nt{g@nIstIk mVs@ls.
    274.  du eItIpIk=l fA:m@z gr@U @Uts.
    275.  A: hQlIdeI vaUtS@z @veIl@b=l tu Vs.
    276.  bi ke@f@l nQt t@ plaU @Uv@ D@ flaU@ bedz.
    277.  @laU i:tS tSaIld t@ h{v @n aIs lQli.
    278.  Di {Ngri bOI A:ns@d b@t dId=nt lUk Vp.
    279.  klIf w@z su:Dd baI D@ l@kSU@ri@s m{sA:Z.
    280.  sti:v wO:r @ braIt red k{SmI@ swet@.
    281.  dZQnz brVD@ ripeIntId D@ g{rIdZ dO:.
    282.  D@ r@Uz trelIs smeld swi:t.
    283.  t@ f3:D@ hIz presti:Z hi @keIZ@nli ri:dz D@ wO:l stri:t dZ3:n=l.
    284.  {lIsIz @bIlIti t@ w3:k wIDaUt su:p@vIZ@n Iz n@Utw3:Di.
    285.  Di @UeIsIs w@z @ mIrA:Z.
    286.  k{r@l @n trIS pleId t{g wID bi:tS bO:lz f@r aU@z.
    287.  D@ tu:T fe@ri f@gQt t@ kVm wen rQdZ@z tu:T fel aUt.
    288.  pl{nd pe@r@nthUd O:g@naIzeIS@nz pr@m@Ut b3:T k@ntr@Ul.
    289.  dZef TO:t ju A:gju:d In feIv@r @v @ sentrIfju:dZ p3:tSIs.
    290.  D@ tS3:tS p3:tSIst sevr@l saInd lIT@grA:fs.
    291.  tr{fIk dZ{mz @k3:r Qn meni rIli:f trVnk r@Udz.
    292.  In D@ lQN rVn It peIz t@ baI kwQlIti kl@UDIN.
    293.  brVS faI@z @ kQm@n In D@ draI Vnd@gr@UT @v n@mIbi@.
    294.  weD@pru:f g@lQS@z @ veri ju:sf@l In si{t=l.
    295.  DIs br@US@r Iz p@tIkjul@li InfO:m@tIv f@r @ pr@spektIv baI@.
    296.  Di {v@lA:ntS trIg@d @ maIn@r 3:TkweIk.
    297.  Diz eksklu:sIv dQkjum@nts m@s bi lQkt Vp @t O:l taImz.
    298.  pli:z teIk DIs d3:ti teIb=l klQT t@ D@ kli:n@z fO: mi.
    299.  S@d dZIrA:fs bi kept In smO:l zu:z.
    300.  If k{r@l kVmz t@mQr@U @reIndZ f@ h3: t@ h{v @ mi:tIN @t tu.
    301.  D@ tu A:tIsts IkstSeIndZd O:t@grA:fs.
    302.  rQk @n r@Ul mju:zIk h{z @ greIt rID@m.
    303.  aId rA:D@ nQt baI Di:z Su:z D@m bi @Uv@tSA:dZd.
    304.  SeIvIN f@Um Iz @ pQpjul@r aIt@m Qn h{l@Uwi:n.
    305.  @mi:b@z tSeIndZ SeIp kQnst@ntli.
    306.  wi laIk blu: tSi:z b@t vIkt@ laIks bri:.
    307.  t@Ufu: Iz meId fr@m pr@Usest sOIbi:nz.
    308.  D@ dZeI flu: dZ@st @Uv@ D@ haI bIldIN.
    309.  tSi:p stQkINs l{d@ D@ f3:st taIm De@ wO:n.
    310.  kQtIdZ tSi:z wID tSaIvz Iz dIlIS@s.
    311.  @ tS@Uz=n fju: wIl bIkVm dZen@r@lz.
    312.  D@ mi:tIN Iz naU @dZ3:nd.
    313.  SIpbIldIN Iz @ m@Ust f{sIneItIN pr@Uses.
    314.  D@ pru:f D@t ju: @ si:kIN Iz nQt @veIl@b=l Im bUks.
    315.  D@ bQnIt @v D@ dZi:p w@z sti:mIN In D@ hQt sVn.
    316.  maI dIzaI@z @ sImp=l s@U gIv mi wVn InfO:m@tIv p{r@grA:f Qn D@ sVbdZekt.
    317.  D@Uz A:ns@z wIl bi streItfO:w@d If ju TInk D@m Tru: ke@f@li f3:st.
    318.  drQp faIv fO:mz In D@ bQks bIfO: ju g@U aUt.
    319.  If pi:p=l w@ mO: dZen@r@s D@ w@b bi n@U ni:d f@ welfe@.
    320.  bQb faUnd mO: kl{mz @t D@ rQk pu:lz edZ.
    321.  D{t dQg tSeIsIz k{ts m3:sIl@sli.
    322.  D@ kr{nb@ri bQg gets veri prIti In O:t@m.
    323.  pli:z dIg maI p@teIt@Uz Vp bIfO: D@ frQst.
    324.  @ bIg g@Ut aId=li {mb=ld Tru: D@ fA:mjA:d.
    325.  D@ nI@rIst sIn@gQg meI nQt bi wIDIn wO:kIN dIst@ns.
    326.  D@ hedZhQg klI@li sO: hIz S{d@U b@t steId aUt @Unli @ m@Um@nt.
    327.  @ leD@ h{ndb{g w@d bi @ su:t@b=l gIft.
    328.  D@ fQg prIventId D@m fr@m @raIvIN Qn taIm.
    329.  D@ kemIst @t D@ l@Uk=l su:p@stO: w@z tSA:dZd wID Ili:g@li dIspensIN tr{nkwIlaIzIN drVgz.
    330.  D@ fUl mu:n SQn braItli D{t naIt.
    331.  sti:v k@lekts re@ @n nQv@l kOInz.
    332.  pO:l rIsi:vd @ dZOInt @pOIntm@nt In D@ baIQl@dZi @n Di endZInI@rIN dIpA:tm@nts.
    333.  greg@ri @n tQm tS@Uz t@ wQtS kA:tu:nz In Di A:ft@nu:n.
    334.  fIlIp p@Ustp@Und {lIm@ni peIm@nts VntIl D@ leItIst pQsIb=l deIt.
    335.  kaUnt D@ nVmb@r @v ti:spu:nz @v sOIsO:s D@t ju {d.
    336.  D@ bIg dQg lVvd t@ tSu: Qn Di @Uld r{g dQl.
    337.  tQd pleIst tQp praIQrIti Qn getIN hIz baIk fIkst.
    338.  @n {dVlt meIl b{bu:nz ti:T @ nQt su:t@b=l f@r i:tIN SelfIS.
    339.  Qf=n jul get b{k mO: D@n j@ pUt In.
    340.  rVs sO: paIn triz =n redwUdz Qn hIz wO:k Tru D@ n{S@n=l fQrIst.
    341.  rQb meId hVNge@ri@n gu:l{S f@ dIn@r @N gUzb@ri paI f@ dIz3:t.
    342.  bQb b{ndIdZd b@UT wu:ndz wID D@ skIl @v @ dQkt@.
    343.  D@ dA:k m3:ki l@gu:n waUnd @raUnd f@ maIlz.
    344.  dId SO:n k{tS D{t bIg gu:s wIDaUt help.
    345.  dVks h{v webd fi:t =n kVl@f@l feD@z.
    346.  D@ haI sIkjU@rIti prIz=n w@z s@raUndId baI bA:bd waI@.
    347.  teIk tSA:dZ @v tSu:zIN h@ braIdzmeIdz gaUnz.
    348.  D@ fraIt@nd tSaIld w@z dZentli s@bdju:d baI Iz bIg brVD@.
    349.  aI n@U aI dId=nt mi:t h@r 3:rli InVf.
    350.  trIS sO: aU@z =n aU@z @v mu:viz DIs s{t@deI.
    351.  D@ b{r@ku:d@ rIkOIld fr@m D@ si s3:p@nts pOIz@n@s f{Nz.
    352.  D@ peIS@nt =n D@ s3:dZ@n @ b@UT riku:p@reItIN fr@m D@ leNTi Qp@reIS@n.
    353.  aIl h{v @ sku:p @v D{t IgzQtIk p3:p=l @n t3:kwOIz sO:beI.
    354.  D@ sku:lg3:l kUd=nt dIsgaIz h3: fi:lINz @baUt Di Im3:dZ@nsi k@ndIS@nz.
    355.  meni welTi taIku:nz w@r 3:dZd t@ baI b@UT @ jQt =n @ sku:n@.
    356.  D@ nju: s@b3:b@naIts w3:kt hA:d Qn rif3:bISIN De@r @Uld@ h@Um.
    357.  @kO:dIN t@ maI Int3:prIteIS@n @v D@ prQbl@m tu: laInz m@s bi p3:pendIkjul@.
    358.  @ kQn@s3: wIl IndZOI DIs SelfIS dIS.
    359.  @ lOIj@ w@z @pOIntId tu eks@kju:t h@ wIl.
    360.  dQlfInz @r IntelIdZ@nt m@ri:n m{m=lz.
    361.  daI{n meI spl{S aUt =n baI @ t3:kwOIz nekl@s.
    362.  D@ mOIstS@r Im maI aIz Iz fr@m aIdrQps nQt fr@m tI@z.
    363.  dZO:dZ seld@m wQtSIz deItaIm tel@vIZ@n.
    364.  D@ sIst@m meI breIk daUn su:n s@U seIv j@ faIlz fri:kw@ntli.
    365.  aI @sju:m mOIstS@ wIl d{mIdZ DIs SIps hVl.
    366.  D@ spi:tS sImp@Uzi@m maIt bIgIn Qm mVndeI.
    367.  Di @nOIIN r{bIts slIpt Intu fIlz gA:d=n evri naIt.
    368.  D@ kaU wQnd@d fr@m D@ fA:ml{nd =n bIkeIm lQst.
    369.  i:tS VntaImli InkVm lQs k@UInsaIdId wID D@ breIkdaUn @v @ hi:tIN sIst@m pA:t.
    370.  D@ gVnm@n kept Iz vIktIm kO:n@d @t gVnpOInt f@ Tri: aU@z.
    371.  wIl ju pli:z k@nf3:m gVv@nm@nt pQlIsi rIgA:dIN weIst rImu:v@l.
    372.  D@ s3:pl@s Su:z w@ s@Uld @t @ dIskaUnt praIs.
    373.  lO:r@z kQstju:m ni:dId bl{k glVvz t@ bi k@mpli:tli elIg@nt.
    374.  bQb peIp@d @Uv@ D@ lIvIN ru:m mjU@r@lz.
    375.  D{t nOIz prQbl@m gr@Uz mO:r @nOIIN i:tS deI.
    376.  raIt naU meI nQt bi D@ best taIm f@ bIznIs m3:dZ@z.
    377.  D{t daI@gr{m meIks sens @Unli A:ft@ mVtS stVdi.
    378.  gremlInz Iz jet @nVD@r IksaItIN mu:vi baI sti:v=n spI@lb3:g.
    379.  @ bO:rIN nQv@l Iz @ su:p3:b sli:pIN pIl.
    380.  dZQn kli:nz SelfIS f@r @ lIvIn.
    381.  gr@UIN welkept gA:d@nz Iz veri taIm k@nsju:mIN.
    382.  wImIn meI nev@ bIkVm k@mpli:tli i:kw@l t@ men.
    383.  Si O:lweIz dZ@Uks @baUt tu: mVtS gA:lIk In hIz fu:d.
    384.  aI dZVst sO: dZIm nI@ D@ nju: A:kI@lQdZIk=l mjuzI@m.
    385.  p{m gIvz draIvIN les@nz Qn T3:zdeIz.
    386.  waI tSA:dZ mVni f@ sVtS rVbIS.
    387.  wi welk@m meni nju: stju:d@nts i:tS jI@.
    388.  dZO:dZ Iz p{r@nOId @baUt @ fju:tS@ g{s SO:tIdZ.
    389.  D@ kA:pIt kli:n@z S{mpu:d aU@ O:rient=l rVg.
    390.  pli:z SO:t=n DIs sk3:t f@ dZOIs.
    391.  hIz S@Uld@ felt @z If It w@ br@Uk@n.
    392.  wItS tS3:tS d@ D@ smITs w3:SIp In.
    393.  D@ dZaI@nt redwUdz SIm@d In D@ glIs=nIN sVn.
    394.  Iz Si g@UIN wID ju:.
    395.  h@ raIt h{nd eIks wenev@ D@ b{r@metrIk preS@ tSeIndZIz.
    396.  DeI @Un @ bIg haUs In D@ rIm@Ut kVntrisaId.
    397.  hi pIkt Vp naIn pe@z @v sQks f@r i:tS brVD@.
    398.  DeI O:l laIk lQN hQt SaUw@z.
    399.  @ jVN maUs sk{mp@d @krQs D@ fI@ld =n dIs@pI@d.
    400.  Si ju:zIz b@UT neImz Int@tSeIndZ@bli.
    401.  k{lsi@m meIks b@Unz =n ti:T strQN.
    402.  aI tUk h@ w3:d f@r It.
    403.  D@ fIS bIg{n t@ li:p fr{ntIkli Qn D@ s3:fIs @v D@ smO:l leIk.
    404.  tIm teIks Si:l@ t@ si @merIk@n mu:viz twaIs @ wi:k.
    405.  tSIldr@n k@N k@nsju:m meni fru:t tA:ts In wVn sItIN.
    406.  DeI @sju:m n@U b3:g@l@ wIl ev@r ent@ hI@.
    407.  dZVst drQp n@Uts In eni s@dZestS@n bQks.
    408.  D@ t{ksIk{b br@Uk daUn @N kO:zd @ tr{fIk dZ{m.
    409.  wi:l s3:v ru:bA:b paI A:ft@ reItS@lz tO:k.
    410.  h@ wO:dr@Ub k@nsIsts @v @Unli sk3:ts =n blaUzIz.
    411.  bQb b3:nd peIp@r @nd li:vz In @ bIg bQnfaI@.
    412.  @v kO:s j@ k@n h{v @nVD@ tju:n@fIS s{nwIdZ.
    413.  D@ w@z @ dZaIg{ntIk wQsp nekst tu 3:vINz bIg tQp h{t.
    414.  lA:f dA:ns =n sIN If fO:tju:n smaIlz @pQn ju:.
    415.  aId traId D@ tju:b b@t aI h{d=nt InVf tseIndZ.
    416.  i:tIN spInIdZ naItli INkri:sIz streNT mIr{kj@l@sli.
    417.  pi:p=l maIt nQt drINk mVtS wO:t@ wID hO:sr{dIS sO:s.
    418.  bVt@skQtS fVdZ g@Uz wel wID v@nIl@ aIs kri:m.
    419.  gwen gr@Uz gri:n bi:nz In h@ vegt@b=l gA:d=n.
    420.  d{fniz swi:dIS ni:d@lpOInt skA:f m{tSt @ sk3:t.
    421.  aIrIS jVNst@z i:t freS kIp@z f@ brekf@st.
    422.  mu:v D@ hQstIdZ nI@r@ t@ D@ lA:dZ wInd@U.
    423.  @ hju:dZ paUw@ kVt re@li @k3:z.
    424.  v{li lQdZ jI@li sel@breIts D@ f3:st kA:f bO:n.
    425.  aIrIs TInks DIs zu: h{z Ilev=n sp{nIS zebr@z.
    426.  D@ fUtbO:l ti:m k@UtS h{z @ wQtS @z TIn @z @ weIf@.
    427.  si:mstr@sIz @t{tS zIps wID @ TImb=l ni:d=l @n Tred.
    428.  D@Uz hu: ti:tS v{lju:z m@st f3:st @bQlIS tSi:tIN.
    429.  wVns j@ fInIS gri:sIN jO: tSeIn bi SO: t@ wQS j@ h{ndz.
    430.  sm{S laItbVlbz =n De@ k{S v{lju: wIl dImInIS t@ nVTIN.
    431.  tQp zInI@z re@li h{v krUkId stemz.
    432.  kQm@diz nev@ h{v InVf vIl@nz.
    433.  @ mQT zIgz{gd @lQN D@ pA:T Tru: QlIv@z gA:d=n.
    434.  evri k{b ni:dz ripeIntIN Qf=n.
    435.  @ vaIl@nt krImIn@l tS{lIndZd mi b@t @ kwIk st{b v{NkwISt Im.
    436.  @ tu:TpeIst tju:b S@b bi skwi:zd fr@m D@ bQt@m.
    437.  D@Uz hu @ nQt pjU@rIsts ju:z tInd vedZt@b=lz wen meIkIN stju:.
    438.  D@ fIfT dZA: k@nteInz bIg dZu:si pi:tSIz.
    439.  kQfi Iz gr@Un Qn sti:p dZVNg=l laIk sl@Ups In temp@r@t z@Unz.
    440.  Di @Uv@weIt tSA:m@ k@d slIp pOIz=n Intu enIwVnz ti:.
    441.  i:tS st{g SO:li faIndz @ bIg fO:n.
    442.  D@ rItS S@d Invest Im bl{k lIm@zi:nz Insted @v staIlIS Su:z.
    443.  pli:z sIN dZ@s D@ kQt=n klVb Ti:m.
    444.  DeI ju:zd @n @gresIV p@li:sm@n t@ fl{g daUn TO:tl@s m@ut@rIsts.
    445.  Sel SQk kO:zd baI Sr{pn=l Iz sVmtaImz kjU@d Tru: gru:p Ter@pi.
    446.  D{t stININ veIp@ Iz kO:zd baI klO:raId veIp@raIzeIS@n.
    447.  Di {dv@taIzIN dZINg=l In D@ plIm@T v@raI@ti stO: nev@ tSeIndZIz.
    448.  d@Unt lUk f@r VnwQntId v{ljub=lz In @ b{Nk vO:lt.
    449.  s@b3:b=n haUswaIvz Qf=n sVf@ fr@m D@ gIft @v D@ g{b.
    450.  @ l@Un stA: SQn In Di 3:li i:vnIN skaI.
    451.  D@ tQdl@ faUnd @ kl{mSel nI@ D@ k{mp saIt.
    452.  wQt Iz DIs lA:dZ TIN baI Di aI@nIN bO:d.
    453.  tQm@s TInks @ lA:dZ@ kl{mp sQlvz D@ prQbl@m.
    454.  f3:st {d mIlk t@ D@ SredId spInIdZ @n greItId tSi:z.
    455.  sferIk=l gIfts @ dIfIk@lt t@ r{p.
    456.  r{lf prIpe@d red s{m@n wID freS lem@n sO:s f@ dIn@.
    457.  rOI IgnO:d D@ spjU@ri@s deIt@ pOInts In drO:IN D@ grA:f.
    458.  D@ TIk elm fQrIst w@z nI@li @Uv@welmd baI dVtS elm dIzi:z.
    459.  In dIvel@pIN fIlm meni tQksIk kemIk@lz @ ju:zd.
    460.  wItS TI@t@ S@Uz mVD@ gu:s.



    1. SCRIBE Sentence Sets A & B

    Subjects were told that they would be presented, via the PC screen in the recording room, with four blocks each containing five sentences which would be presented one at a time at fixed intervals. They were further informed that each block would be recorded as a single output file, and that they would be warned verbally immediately before the recording started and again after the completion of the recording file. They were asked not to cough, clear their throats or shift position in the interval between the initial and final warnings, since any noise made during this time would also be recorded. In an attempt to forestall some of the problems mentioned in the Pre-SCRIBE Final Report, subjects were given some outline information about the nature of the material. They were told that the sentences had been constructed to contain a variety of possible sound combinations in particular sequences, and that the resulting sentences were often unnatural, silly, or awkward to read. They were instructed to deal with problems in the following ways:

    1. To read the sentences slowly and carefully, pausing silently if necessary.
    2. Not to pay too much attention to the meaning of the sentences, but to try and read them word for word as accurately as possible.
    3. Not to be too concerned about correct pronunciation of any foreign or unusual words, but to keep reading without going back to correct themselves, even if they felt they had mispronounced something.

    If a block contained material that seemed particularly likely to cause difficulty, subjects were warned about this before the block was presented. Disproportionate length of one sentence, unusual or foreign words, words with particularly silly content, or with strong alliteration or assonance were pre-empted in this way. However, extensive pre-reading of tricky material was avoided since, particularly with subjects whose accent differed significantly from that of the experimenter, such rehearsal sometimes proved distracting rather than helpful.

    2. Task-Specific Sentences

    Subjects were told that they would be presented with a series of individual sentences dealing with airline flight enquiries. Specifically, they were instructed to read flight numbers as separate combinations of letters and digits, for example "C-A-1-6- 3", and also to read all noughts as "zero" rather than "oh". More generally, they were told that the sentences had been taken from real flight enquiries, and consequently contained sequences that would not normally be expected in written language. They were told to deal with any such unnaturalness by concentrating on reading the sequence exactly as it appeared on the screen, without worrying too much about reproducing a natural sounding sentence.

    3. Accent Sensitive Passage

    Subjects had the chance of a preliminary look at this passage during the initial settings of the recording levels. For the actual recordings they were asked if they had noticed anything in the passage that they wanted to ask about before the recording began. They were then told that each paragraph would be recorded separately; that they would have plenty of time to read the material, should take their time and try and achieve as accurate a reading as possible and that if they felt they had made a mistake they should not go back to correct it, but to continue to the end of the paragraph with as little disruption as possible.

    4. Free Speech

    Subjects were informed that the purpose of this part of the recording was to obtain a sample of free speech which resembled their natural style of speech as closely as possible within a restricted context. They were told that they would have 150 seconds to describe the journey from their home to the station as it appeared on the sheet in front of them, but were encouraged to embellish the description by adding details from their imagination. They were told that hesitations, repetitions and corrections did not matter, but that when they reached the end of their description they should simply top and sit in silence so that the experimenter could stop the recording. They were specifically asked not to end with comments lie "Is that alright?" or "I can't think of anything else"!

    A copy of the hand-drawn map that appeared in front of the subjects can be obtained from NPL.


    Generation and Definition of the Pre-Scribe Task Specific Sentences

    S.J. Young Cambridge,University Engineering Department

    1 Sentence Generation Procedure

    The Pre-Scribe task specific corpus consists of two sets of 50 sentences relating to an airline flight inquiry application. The first set of sentences, the so-called Natural Set were generated by performing the following manipulations on a set of transcriptions of real inquiries.

    1. Each individual inquiry was in the form of a short question and answer dialogue. The substantive utterances from the inquirer, that is, those utterances containing complete queries, were extracted. All of the other exchanges were either requests for further information or clarification and these were deleted.

    2. All flight numbers were replaced by mythical ones and place names were changed. This was done to protect the anonymity of the co-operating airline.

    3. All errors, hesitations, repeats, etc within the inquiries were removed since these could not be reproduced satisfactorily by subjects reading scripts.

    4. The punctuation of the original transcriber was changed where necessary to make the inquiries easier to read. In some cases, this meant that long sentences were split into two or more shorter ones. The resulting block of sentences was, however, still counted as one sentence for the purposes of the recording. The second set of sentences, the so-called Synthetic Set were generated automatically by the following procedure.

    1. A simple regular grammar was written to represent as closely as possible the types of syntactic forms used in the real inquiries.

    2. The grammar was then used to randomly generate 10,000 example sentences from which its perplexity could be computed. The example sentences were then scanned and any sentence which was semantically inconsistent was rejected until a total of 50 plausible sentences had been found (the rejection rate was about 2 out 3).

    The grammar itself is described in the next section. The natural and synthetic sentence sets are listed in the appendices. Note that these are listed in the form that they were presented to the speakers. For the synthetic set, the grammar generates digit strings by treating each digit as a separate token whereas they were compressed into a single token for presentation to the speakers.

    2 The Grammar

    The grammar used to generate the synthetic task sentences is shown below using a notation 2based on extended Backus Normal Form (EBNF). The EBNF notation is defined by the following meta-syntax. Terminals of the grammar are just sequences of characters and non-terminals are similar except that they begin with a $

    terminal = char{char}

    nonterm = $char{char}

    where char represents any character except one of the EBNF meta characters. Each grammar rule has the form

    rule = nonterm "=" expr ";"

    An expr consists of a set of alternative sequences

    expr = sequence {"|" sequence}

    sequence= factor{factor}

    Each sequence is composed of a sequence of factors where a factor is either a terminal name, a non-terminal name or an expression contained within various sorts of brackets.

    factor = "(" expr ")" | "{" expr "}" | "<" expr ">" | "[" expr "]" | terminal | nonterm

    Ordinary parentheses () denote simple factoring, curly braces { } denote zero or more repetitions and angle brackets <> denote one or more repetitions. Square brackets [] are used to enclose optional items. Finally, the complete grammar is defined by a list of rules followed by a single expression within parentheses.

    grammar = {rule} "(" expr ")"

    Using the above conventions, the Pre-Scribe task grammar may be expressed by the following rules

    /* The Pre-Scribe Task Grammar */
    	$digit	=	one|two|three|four|five|six|seven|eight|nine|oh;
    	$flight	=	(EJ|GT|RY|CA) $digit $digit $digit;
    	$place	=	London|Gatwick|Heathrow|Barcelona|Paris|Madrid|
    			San Francisco|Frankfurt|Crete|Rome|Turin|Brussels|
    			Bonn|Munich|New York|Los Angeles|Washington|Singapore|
    	$hour	=	$digit |ten|eleven|twelve;
    	$hour24	=	$hour |thirteen|fourteen|fifteen|sixteen|seventeen|
    			eighteen|nineteen|twenty [one|two|three|four];
    	$minute	=	oh five|ten|fifteen|(twenty|thirty|forty|fifty)[five];
    	$time	=	$hour (([$minute] [am|pm]) | o'clock) |
    			$hour24 ($minute|hundred hours);
    	$attime	=	(at | by | [some time] around) $time;
    	$approx	=	[later] today | tomorrow |
    			[later] this (evening|morning|afternoon);
    	$when	=	$attime | $approx;
    	$toplace    =	(([going|travelling] to) | (leaving for) ) $place;
    	$fromplace  =	[going|departing|leaving|arriving|
    						taking off] from $place;
    	$where	=	$fromplace [ to $place ] | $toplace [ $fromplace];
    	$flightqual =	$when [ $where ] | $where [ $when ];
    	$aflight    =	a flight $flightqual;
    	$theflight  =	[flight] $flight [ $flightqual ] ;
    	$canyou	=	(I wonder if you could | can you | could you) [please];
    	$canyoutellme	=	$canyou (advise|tell|inform) me [please];
    	$Ineed	=	I (want | would like | need ) ;
    	$Imust	=	I (have to | must);
    	$leaves	=	(is scheduled to leave | leaves | departs | takes off);
    	$arrives    =	arrives | lands | is scheduled to arrive;
    	$qwhen	=	what time | when;
    	$qterm	=	which terminal;
    	$qflights   =	if there are any flights | if there is a flight |
    			about flights ;
    	$Ineedinfo  =	$Ineed to know | Please (tell|give) me;
    	$Ineedtogoto=	$Ineed to ( (go|get|travel) to | be (in|at));
    	$enquiring  =	((Im trying | I want ) to enquire | Im enquiring) about;
    	$Imon	=	(Ive booked [a seat]| Im travelling) on;
    	$details    =	the (details | arrival time | departure time);
    	$it	=	(this|that) [flight|plane] | it;
    	$confirm    =	confirm | check [on] | verify;
    	$preamble   =	($enquiring |$Imon|$Imust meet) ($aflight|$theflight);
    	$query1	=	$canyoutellme $qwhen $it ($leaves|$arrives);
    	$query2	=	(($canyoutellme which [airport and] terminal $it will) |
    					(which [airport and] terminal will $it))
    			(arrive | land) at [please];
    	$query3	=	$canyou $confirm $details of $it for me [please];
    	$query4	=	(is $it|will $it land) on time|is $it delayed [at all] ;
    	$query5	=	(what is | $canyoutellme | $Ineedinfo)
    			the flight number [please];
    	$sent1	=	$preamble - ($query1|$query2|$query3|$query4|$query5);
    	$sent2	=	$canyoutellme ($qwhen $theflight $arrives [in $place]|
     				$qterm $theflight $arrives at|
    			 	$qflights $where [ $when ]);
    	$sent3	=	$Ineedtogoto $place $when -
    		 	$canyoutellme (if this is possible |
    			how to do this | about suitable flights);
    	$sent	=	$sent1 | $sent2 | $sent3;

    The following statistics characterise this grammar when used to generate a represen- tative corpus of 10,000 sentences (of which the Pre-Scribe sentences are a 50 element subset):

    	Number of Nodes = 2161
    	Vocabulary Size = 155
    	Entropy = 1.77
    	Perplexity = 3.4

    where the entropy is the so-called empirical entropy He defined as

    		> log P(Sk)
    	He  =	-----------
    		> |Sk|

    where Sk refers to the k'th sentence generated. The perplexity is then given by

          P = 2

    The number of nodes refers to the number of nodes obtained by representing the grammar as a finite state network (with no state minimisation being performed).


    001.  I'm trying to enquire about a flight tomorrow going from
    Gatwick to Barcelona. I wonder if you could tell me what time it's
    departing from Gatwick?
    002.  I've booked a flight leaving from London, Heathrow, going
    to Paris next Friday, late in the morning.  I'd like to know the flight
    number for that flight.
    003.  Hello, I'm trying to enquire about a flight number, CA269,
    that departs from Chicago and arrives in London today.
    004.  I wonder if you could tell me the time of arrival and also
    which London airport flight GT211 will arrive at and which terminal?
    005.  I've booked a seat on GT199 flying from Gatwick to Washington
    and please could you confirm the time that it's scheduled to leave,
    I think it's twelve forty-five today.
    006.  I'm enquiring about flight CA309 which departs from Frankfurt
    tomorrow and arrives in Heathrow tomorrow. Could you tell me the time
    of arrival and which terminal it will arrive at?
    007.  I'm enquiring about RY309, a flight tomorrow from Frankfurt
    which arrives at Heathrow. Could you tell me which terminal it'll
    arrive at and what time?
    008.  I'm enquiring about the flights coming from Crete. There's
    one due in to Gatwick at approximately ten o'clock this morning. Do
    you know if there's any flight delays?
    009.  I'm enquiring about flight number CA628 flying in later today
    from San Francisco. Could you tell me which airport and terminal it's
    arriving at and what time?
    010.  I'm enquiring about the flight CA628 flying in later today
    from San Francisco and I want to know which airport it's arriving
    at and which terminal, and also what time please.
    011.  I'm enquiring about the flight from Gatwick to New York flying
    at noon today, it's GT137.  Could you just confirm all the details
    about that flight for me.
    012.  I'm enquiring about EJ503, the flight from Frankfurt to Heathrow
    coming in tomorrow morning. Could you tell me what time it arrives
    at Heathrow?
    013.  I'm enquiring about flight CA186, flying in from San Francisco.
    Could you tell me the time of arrival and its destination.
    014.  Can you tell me what time flight GT227 arrives in Turin please?
    015.  I'd like to fly out from London this afternoon to Rome please,
    Italy. I wonder can you tell me what sort of flights you have this
    afternoon please?
    016.  I have a friend arriving from Barcelona this afternoon on
    flight GT218. Can you tell me what time it gets in please?
    017.  A couple of friends of mine have just got married. I know
    they're leaving for their honeymoon tomorrow morning, from Gatwick
    airport to Barcelona. Can you tell me what flight they may be on please?
    018.  I wonder if you could help me. A friend should be arriving
    on flight CA009 at ten past six this evening, but what I wanted to
    know is, is there any delay on the arrival of the plane?
    019.  A friend of mine is arriving from Singapore this morning
    on flight 258.  I need to know, is there any delay on the time of
    arrival please?
    020.  Hello, which terminal do I go to for your flights to Los
    Angeles please?
    021.  I have to meet somebody at Gatwick airport this morning coming
    in from Crete and should be arriving around 10 am. Is there going
    to be any delay on their flight please?
    022.  I wonder if you can give me information on flight 610.  I
    don't really know where it comes in or anything.
    023.  I'm booked on to the EJ flight 227 from Gatwick to Washington.
    I think it leaves at 12.45 pm today but can you confirm that for me
    024.  I'd like to know when there are flights tomorrow morning
    from Gatwick to Barcelona.
    025.  Can you tell me if there are any flights from Heathrow to
    Barcelona tomorrow morning?
    026.  I'd like to know which terminal the flight to New York
    leaves Heathrow from.
    027.  I'd like to know when the flight GT296 from Los Angeles arrives
    in London today.
    028.  Can you tell me what time flight CA102 will have cleared
    customs by?
    029.  I'd like to confirm when the flight from Bonn will arrive
    at Heathrow tomorrow evening. I think it's 9:30 pm.  Could you confirm
    that please?
    030.  Can you tell me what time flight CA903, from Frankfurt to
    Heathrow, arrives tomorrow morning?
    031.  I've booked a flight from London Heathrow to Paris for next
    Friday, late in the morning. I need to know the flight number.
    032.  I want to know what time the flight landed, GT283 from Los
    033.  I want to check the arrival time of tomorrow's flight from
    034.  Can you tell me the flight number of the London Heathrow
    to Paris next Friday, late in the morning, please?
    035.  Can you tell me what time tomorrow's flight from Bonn arrives
    036.  Can you tell me which terminal I should go to for your flights
    to Washington please?
    037.  Can you tell me what time flight number EJ309, from Frankfurt,
    arrives please?
    038.  I've booked a seat on the CA flight 227 from Gatwick to Brussels.
    Can you tell me what time the flight is scheduled to leave please?
    039.  Can you tell me what time the CA193, from Frankfurt, arrives
    at Heathrow airport, please?
    040.  Can you tell me when the GT169 from Madrid arrives please?
    041.  Can you tell me what time the CA173 to New York leaves, please?
    042.  Can you tell me what time RY445 arrives, please?
    043.  I'd like to know when flight 158 from Zurich comes in.
    044.  I've booked on EJ129 flying from Gatwick to Madrid and please
    could you confirm the time that it's scheduled to leave?
    045.  I've booked a seat on the flight from Gatwick to New York
    later this morning.  I think it leaves at 11.30 am but can you confirm
    that for me?
    046.  I'm enquiring about RY309, a flight tomorrow from Turin.
    Could you tell me which terminal it'll arrive at?
    047.  Can you tell me when the evening flight from Los Angeles
    gets in.
    048.  I have to meet somebody at Heathrow this morning coming in
    from Zurich and should be arriving around 10 am. Is their flight going
    to land on time?
    049.  I want to know please when fight EJ114 gets in from Bonn.
    050.  Can you tell me the flight number of the London Gatwick to
    New York flight next Friday, late in the evening, please?


    001.  I'm travelling on EJ811 leaving from Gatwick today - will
    it land on time?
    002.  I'm enquiring about RY064 today travelling to Madrid from
    Crete - could you advise me which airport and terminal it will land
    at please?
    003.  Can you tell me about flights travelling to Brussels going
    from Singapore this afternoon?
    004.  I have to meet RY340 going from London later this evening
    - could you please advise me which terminal it will land at?
    005.  Could you inform me what time CA300 going from Paris arrives
    in Washington?
    006.  Can you tell me which terminal EJ010 arrives at?
    007.  I want to enquire about a flight taking off from Paris this
    evening - can you inform me please when it leaves?
    008.  I want to enquire about flight EJ192 taking off from Munich
    - can you inform me which terminal it will arrive at please?
    009.  I would like to get to Paris later this morning - can you
    advise me if this is possible?
    010.  I'm trying to enquire about EJ306 today from Crete to Bonn
    - could you verify the arrival time of that plane for me please?
    011.  I'm trying to enquire about a flight taking off from Bonn
    to Rome later this afternoon - I wonder if you could please advise
    me when it takes off?
    012.  I'm trying to enquire about GT290 travelling to Munich from
    New York today - could you advise me when it takes off?
    013.  Could you tell me about flights going to Singapore this afternoon?
    014.  Can you tell me if there is a flight going to Heathrow departing
    from Bonn at three twenty pm?
    015.  I must meet GT889 at four fifteen pm arriving from Crete
    - could you tell me which airport and terminal it will arrive at?
    016.  I'm travelling on GT195 going to Gatwick from Brussels later
    today - is it on time?
    017.  I'm enquiring about EJ705 this evening departing from San
    Francisco - which terminal will it arrive at?
    018.  I need to be in Turin later this morning - could you tell
    me please if this is possible?
    019.  I'm travelling on EJ934 - could you check on the arrival
    time of this flight for me?
    020.  I would like to get to Los Angeles some time around one fifteen
    - I wonder if you could advise me please about suitable flights?
    021.  I must meet RY593 from Madrid later this evening - could
    you inform me please when it lands?
    022.  Can you inform me about flights going to Singapore taking
    off from San Francisco today?
    023.  I'm trying to enquire about RY091 today departing from London
    to Madrid - can you check on the departure time of that plane for
    me please?
    024.  I'm enquiring about EJ247 going from New York at six twenty
    - is that plane on time?
    025.  I'm enquiring about CA764 taking off from Heathrow to Turin
    later this afternoon -  will that land on time?
    026.  I'm trying to enquire about GT554 going to Bonn leaving from
    Brussels this morning - I wonder if you could inform me please when
    it arrives?
    027.  I'm travelling on flight GT099 later today leaving from Brussels
    to Frankfurt - could you please tell me when it is scheduled to leave?
    028.  I want to enquire about RY092 departing from Munich tomorrow
    - can you inform me please which terminal it will arrive at?
    029.  Can you please inform me which terminal EJ141 arrives at?
    030.  I'm trying to enquire about EJ250 this morning from Madrid
    - could you inform me which airport and terminal it will land at please?
    031.  Could you inform me if there are any flights from New York
    this morning?
    032.  I wonder if you could please advise me if there is a flight
    leaving from London to Zurich?
    033.  I want to enquire about a flight from Barcelona this
    afternoon - could you verify the arrival time of this for me?
    034.  I'm trying to enquire about a flight later this evening from
    San Francisco to Gatwick - could you inform me which terminal it will
    land at?
    035.  I'm travelling on EJ342 going to Turin this afternoon - will
    that plane land on time?
    036.  I'm travelling on RY876 to Paris at twelve fifty am - could
    you please inform me which terminal it will land at?
    037.  I'm enquiring about EJ257 leaving from Madrid this evening
    - could you confirm the arrival time of it for me?
    038.  I'm travelling on GT930 departing from Paris - can you tell
    me what time it is scheduled to leave?
    039.  I must meet a flight later this morning travelling to Heathrow
    leaving from Rome - I wonder if you could please tell me when it arrives?
    040.  Could you advise me if there is a flight going to Bonn leaving
    from Barcelona later this morning?
    041.  Can you please tell me if there are any flights from San
    Francisco later this afternoon?
    042.  I wonder if you could inform me if there are any flights
    arriving from Crete around nine pm?
    043.  Can you please advise me if there is a flight to Singapore
    around eight am?
    044.  Can you please advise me if there are any flights to London
    from around one o'clock?
    045.  Can you inform me if there is a flight leaving for Bonn at
    11.05 am?
    046.  I would like to go to Brussels by ten - could you inform
    me if this possible?
    047.  Can you please tell me when RY018 lands in Frankfurt?
    048.  I wonder if you could tell me if there is a flight going
    from Washington to Munich tomorrow?
    049.  Can you advise me what time flight EJ733 to Zurich lands?
    050.  I have to meet flight EJ010 from Zurich - can you tell me
    which airport and terminal it will land at?




    This document describes the criteria used for transcription of Appendix A of the scribe corpora for the pilot study. Transcriptions are for South-Eastern English speakers and use SAMPA symbols. There are two levels - citation form and phonotypical transcriptions.


    This is an underlying structure consisting "strong forms" or "citation forms". It is useful as it serves as a point of departure for producing phonotypical transcriptions. In practice, each word is written as it appears in a pronouncing dictionary and not necessarily as it would be pronounced in continuous speech. Linguistic constraints such as the syntactic or phonetic context of a word resulting in effects such as assimilation, elision, weak forms of function words...etc. are not included at this level.


    This type of transcription is described in the ESPRIT (SAM) extension phase final report as "idealised transcription of text in a form which could be produced in careful speech". It can be seen as predictive of what a speaker might actually say. These transcriptions take into account the stress patterns of English and the resulting weak forms of some function words. Function words may also be assimilated or elided depending on the phonetic context. Only some of the more prevalent processes have been used. Those processes that are normally only associated with rapid speech and those which cannot be transcribed using phonemic symbols have not been included. Where two or more distinct phonotypical forms were found to be common in South-Eastern standard British English, consistency was the principle followed. The more "conservative" transcription was selected i.e. the one that was closer to the citation form transcription. In summary the phonotypical transcriptions are a result of "rule based" transformations on the underlying citation form transcriptions.



    Phonemic citation forms have been transcribed using Jones (1967) Everyman Pronouncing Dictionary. Function words are in their stressed "strong" form and many are listed in table 1.0.

    The shortened vowels i and u were used when unstressed in multisyllabic words. The following are some examples.

    1.1 Use of i.

    1. In word final position e.g. "valley" v{li. 2. In morpheme final position when asuffix has been added, e.g. "happier" h{pi@; "happiest" h{pi@st; "hurrying" hVriIN; "hurries" hVriz; "hurried" hVrid. 3. In words ending in "iate" and "ious", e.g. "appreciate" @pri:SieIt; "hilarious" hIle@ri@s. 4. In prefixes such as "pre", "re", "de" when they are unstressed and preceede avowel e.g. "react" ri{kt.

    1.2 Use of u.

    1. Following a glide in weak syllables e.g. "computation" kQmpjuteIS@n; "evacuation" Iv{kjueIS@n.


    The phonotypical form can be derived from the citation forms using the transformational rules outlined below.

    1.0 VOWELS

    The following notes were made with regard to the vowels used in the phonotypical transcription.

    1.1 The vowel i: becomes i in weak form words which are unstressed. These are some examples.

    1. In "he", "she", "we", "me" and "be" when they are unstressed. 2. In "the" when followed by a vowel.

    1.2 The vowel u: becomes u in weak form words which are unstressed. These are some examples.

    1. In "you", "to", and "do" when they are unstressed and preceding a vowel. 2. In "through" and "who" when they are unstressed.


    The following is relevant to the phonotypical transcription of consonants.


    There are few hard and fast rules concerning syllabification of consonants in South-Eastern standard British English. The rules below are an attempt to define contexts where =l and =n are almost always used by South-Eastern English speakers.

    2.11 Syllabic "l" (SAMPA: =l) is used when "l" is word final and it is preceded by the following:

    1. alveolar consonant 2. velar consonant 3. bilabial consonant. The addition of a suffix does not alter the syllabic "l" e.g. bottle, bottled and bottling would be transcribed as bQt=l bQt=ld bQt=lIN.

    SAMPA @l has been used when "l" is word final and is preceded by the following:

    1. palato-alveolar consonant 2. dental consonant 3. labiodental consonant.

    2.22 Syllabic "n" (SAMPA: =n) is used when "n" is word final and is preceded by the following: 1. alveolar fricative 2. alveolar plosive 3. labio-dental fricative

    As with syllabic "l" the addition of a suffix does not change syllabic "n".

    Syllabic "n" is never assimilated to a following velar or bilabial plosive. See "3.1 ASSIMILATION".

    SAMPA @n has been used when "n" is word final and is preceded by the following: 1. velar consonants 2. bilabial consonants 3. palato-alveolar consonants 4. dental consonants 5. consonants l r n 6. If there is another nasal (syllable finally) in the preceeding syllable, e.g. "Camden" k{md@n.



    The weak form function words in TABLE 1.0 that end in t d n but not =n, undergo assimilation of place to the following word-initial phoneme. That is when the initial phoneme of the following word is k g p b m. The assimilation results in the alveolar phoneme becoming homorganic (either velar or bilabial), e.g. "bigger than mine" bIg@ D@m maIn.

    3.2 ELISION

    When a function word with word-final fricative + stop cluster is followed by a word initial stop, the word final plosive is elided. (See TABLE 1.0)

    Word initial "h" has been elided in weak form function words listed in TABLE 1.0 where the previous word ends in p t k, e.g. "caught him" kO:t Im. Word initial "h" is never omitted in words which are sentence or clause initial.

    3.3 LINKING "r"

    This has been transcribed as occuring between two words where the first word ends with a vowel and has an "r" in the orthography and the second word begins with a vowel. For example: either a.. aID@r @...

    3.4 CONTRACTIONS The transcription of verbal contractions (e.g. we'll, they'd, wouldn't etc.) are listed in TABLE 2.0. For both levels of transcription the orthography has dictated whether the full or the contracted version has been used.


    A eI @
    An {n @n*
    Am {m @m
    Are A: @(r)
    And {nd @n* (before consonants but not
                                          after s z t d f v)
                               @nd (before vowels)
                               =n (before a consonant and
                                          after s z t d f v) As {z @z
    At {t @t*
    Been bi:n bin
    Because bIkQz bIk@z
    But bVt b@t*
    can k{n k@n*
    could kUd k@d*
    Do du: d@ (before consonants)
                               du (before vowels)
    Does dVz d@z
    For fO: f@(r)
    From frQm fr@m
    Had h{d (h)@d*
    Has h{z (h)@z
    Have h{v (h)@v
    He hi: (h)i
    Her h3: (h)@(r)
    Him hIm (h)Im
    His hIz (h)Iz
    Into Intu: Int@ (Before consonants)
                               Intu (Before vowels)
    Just dZVst dZ@s(t)
    must mVst m@s(t)
    Of Qv @v
    Shall S{l S@l
    Should SUd S@d*
    She Si: Si
    Some sVm s@m
    Than D{n D@n*
    That D{t D@t* (Always D{t in the demonstrative)
    The D@ D@ (before consonants)
                     Di: Di (before vowels)
    Them Dem D@m
    There De@ D@(r)
    To tu: t@ (before consonants)
                               tu (before vowels)
    Us Vs @s
    Were w3: w@(r)
    Was wQz w@z
    We wi: wi
    You ju: j@ (before consonants)
                               ju (before vowels)
    Your yO: j@(r)

    TABLE 1.0 (CONT'D)

    OTHER FUNCTION WORDS SUCH AS "IN", "ON", etc. which do not have a weak form may be assimilated when they are unstressed.

    KEY * Assimilation if the following word begins with p b m k g. (r) Linking "r" if the following word begins with a vowel. (t) Elision of t (See 3.2 ELISION) (h) Elision of h (see 3.2 ELISION)


    'd (had, would) @d (after consonants)
                     d (after vowels)
    's (is, has) s (after voiceless phonemes)*
                     z (after voiced consonants)*
                     Iz (after s z S Z tS dZ )
    'l (will) =l (after p b t d s z n k g)
                     @l (after other consonants)
                     l (after vowels)
    n't (not) =nt (after t d s z f v )
                     @nt (after other consonants)
                     nt (after vowels)
    've (have) @v (after consonants)
                     v (after vowels)


    There are vowel changes with "n't"e.g. "can" k{n; "can't" kA:nt. There is vowel shortening to u with e.g. "you'll" jul e.g. "he'd" hid.

    HTML Compilation © July 2004 Mark Huckvale University College London