Department of Phonetics and Linguistics
Speech Hearing and Language:
work in progress
1996 vol.9


The 9th issue of "Speech, Hearing and Language: Work in Progress" reflects research in the fields of Speech Sciences, Hearing and Phonetics, resulting from European and nationally-funded projects as well as by postgraduate students within the Department.

The last two years have seen great changes, with further expansion and modernisation of facilities in the Speech and Hearing section of the department. We have gained additional laboratory and office space on the ground floor at Wolfson House, which allows three members of our cochlear implant team to relocate there (John Walliker, Julian Daley and Mark Downing). Also, Stuart Rosen has rejoined the Department as Professor of Speech and Hearing Science.

We have also made progress in the integration of the various postgraduate speech and hearing courses taught by different departments at UCL. Perhaps the most important instance of this is a new postgraduate module presenting an introduction to speech and hearing science to students from: the Department of Human Communication Science studying speech and language therapy; the Institute of Laryngology and Otology studying audiological science and medicine; and our own M.A. Phonetics students. We look forward to further integration of our teaching in this way.

Much effort has also gone into the development of the departmental website which is a gateway to information about education and research programs, individual staff members and their fields of interest, and software and other resources which are produced under the aegis of the department ( This and future volumes of both "Speech, Hearing and Language" and "Working Papers in Linguistics" are available there.

Although University College London provides extensive support for our endeavours, much of our work would not be possible without additional funding from outside bodies. We are therefore honoured to acknowledge contributions from the British Council, the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, the European Union (under TIDE and the TMR programme), the Hearing Research Trust, the Laryngograph Trust, the Medical Research Council, the Ministry of Defence, and the Wellcome Trust.

Valerie Hazan
Martyn Holland
Stuart Rosen

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