


This page is in Unicode. To see the IPA symbols, you may need to download the font Lucida Sans Unicode, 316 KB (download).

IPA symbol SAMPA symbol Keyword in SAMPA Orthography English gloss


(parenthesized items only in loanwords)
p p pAp pap porridge
b b bAs bas bass
t t tOt tot till
d d dAx dag day
k k k@ik kyk look
(g) (g) gOlf gholf golf
f f fEl fel, vel fierce; hide
v v vAt wat what
s s s9us sous sauce
(z) (z) "zulu Zulu Zulu
(ʃ) (S) SAm"pu: sjampoe shampoo
(ʒ) (Z) "Za:nr@ genre genre
x x xAt gat hole
h h hAnt hand hand
m m mAn man man
n n nEt net neat, only, net
ŋ N bAN bang afraid
l l lOl lol be troublesome
r r ra:r raar odd
j j ja:r jaar year
w w twe: twee two


Free vowels
i i sin sien see
ĩː i~: tot"si~:s totsiens goodbye
e: me:t meet measure
a: ma:r maar but
u u suk soek seek
ũː u~: "vu~:sdAx Woensdag Wednesday
o: o:r oor ear
y: fy:r vuur fire
øː 2: my"s2:m museum museum
Checked vowels
ɛ E pEn pen pen
ɛ̃ː E~: mE~:s mens human being
ɑ A pAs pas fit, suit
ɑ̃ː A~: ha:~s Hans (name)
ɔ O pOl pol tuft
ɔ̃ː O~: O~:s ons we
ə @ p@t pit pip
ə̃ː @~: "d@~:sdAx Dinsdag Tuesday
œ 9 p9t put well, pit
Primary diphthongs
əi @i p@il pyl, peil arrow; gauge
œy 9y 9yt uit out
œu 9u 9ut oud old

The adaptation of SAMPA to Afrikaans was done by Daan Wissing.

SAMPA home page.

Maintained by J.C. Wells. Created 2002 07 31