RT list: RT Online Bibliography: January 2014 update

From: Francisco Yus <francisco.yus@ua.es>
Date: Thu Jan 30 2014 - 15:51:49 GMT

References updated or added to the RT Online Bibliography
(http://www.ua.es/personal/francisco.yus/rt.html) in January 2014.


Francisco Yus


Adamo, S. (2009) “On the social diffusion of sophisticated ideas.” The
International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences 3(10).

Albu, E. (2013) “Descriptive negation and metarepresentational negation in
political discourse.” Paper delivered at Meaning, Context and Cognition. Lodz
(Poland): University of Lodz.
(pdf at Academia.edu)

Biegajlo, M. (2013) "Relevance at the centre of humorous communication: On
finding the conceptual tools which carry explanatory power in the model of the
comprehension of jokes.” Acta Philologica 44: 31-41.

Bonnefon, J.-F., M. Haigh and A. Stewart (2013) “Utility templates for the
interpretation of conditional statements.” Journal of Memory and Language 68(4):

Breul, C. (2013) "Language in aviation: The relevance of linguistics and
relevance theory." LSP Journal: Language for Special Purposes, Professional
Communication, Knowledge Management and Cognition 4(1): 71-86.
(link added)

Cummings, L. (2014) Pragmatic Disorders (Perspectives in Pragmatics, Philosophy
& Psychology Volume 3). Berlin: Springer.

Dye, T.W. and T. Hatcher (2014) “Video translation: Opportunity and challenge.”
Global Missiology English 2(11).

Gimena Pérez, I. and D. Romero (2012) "Asignación de referencia y categorías
procedimentales." Pragmalingüística 20: 149-163.

Haiyan, W. (2013) “A pragmatic study of metaphorization in English newspaper
headlines.” International Journal of Social, Human Science and Engineering
7(10): 1079-1982.

Labinaz, P. (2009) “Prospettive neo– e post–griceana circa le origini della
comunicazione linguistica: il ruolo delle euristiche a confrontomore.” In:
Origine e sviluppo del linguaggio, tra teoria e storia. Atti del XV Congresso
Nazionale della Società di Filosofia del Linguaggio. Roma: Aracne Editore, 235-246.

Liu, J. and H. Jia (2014) “The study of verbal allusion translation in film
subtitle: Based on relevance theory.” Theory and Practice in Language Studies
4(1): 93-98.

López Pena, Z. (2011) “La teoría de la Relevancia aplicada a la argumentación
publicitaria en España.” Paper delivered at Asociación de Jóvenes Lingüistas -
XXVI Congreso Internacional. Salamanca (Spain).
(pdf at Academia.edu)

Martin, S. (2013) Humorous Texts: A Pragmatic Analysis of Lubukusu Jokes. MA
Thesis. University of Nairobi.

Matthews, T.G., C. Rountree and S. Nicolle (2011) “Implicit aspects of culture
in source and target language contexts.” Journal of Translation 7: 21-48.

Njanga, P.K. (2013) An Analysis of the Comprehension of Ki-embu Idioms: A
Relevance Theoretic Approach. Thesis. University of Nairobi.

Nyakundi, S.O. (2013) Metaphors in the Book of Revelation: A Study of Selected
Seventh-Day Adventist (S.D.A.) Lay Leaders’ Interpretations. MA Thesis.
University of Nairobi.

Pano Alaman, A. (2013) “La ironia, entre polifonia y mencion ecoica. Cuando se
opina en la Red” In: Humor, ironía y géneros textuales. Eds. B. Alvarado and L.
Ruiz Gurillo. Alicante: University of Alicante, Servicio de Publicaciones, 191-212.

Paul, S. (2014) Fluidity in Sheng: A Case of Synonymy rather than Replacement.
MA Thesis. University of Nairobi.

Phelan, M. (2014) “Experimental pragmatics: An introduction for philosophers.”
Philosophy Compass 9(1): 66-79.

Ruiz Moneva, M.A. (1998) "From Roja's La Celestina to Rastell's Calisto and
Melibea: Code versus inference in the translation of irony." Studium 5: 203-221.
(link to pdf at Academia.edu added)

Ruiz Moneva, M.A. (1999) "Ironía, omnisciencia del narrador y parodia en una
traducción española de la novela de Fowles La mujer del teniente francés: una
aproximación desde la teoría de la relevancia." Trans 3: 89-103.
(link to pdf at Academia.edu added)

Ruiz Moneva, M.A. (2001). "Towards a historical synthesis of the concept of
irony." Odisea 1: 101-120.
(link to pdf at Academia.edu added)

Ruiz Moneva, M.A. (2001) "Some suggestions on how to do things with non-echoic
or non-ostensive irony under a relevance perspective." In: Perspectivas
recientes sobre el discurso. Eds. A.I. Moreno and V. Colwell. León: University
of León, Secretariado de Publicaciones.
(link to pdf at Academia.edu added)

Ruiz Moneva, M.A. (2004) "Swift's A Modest Proposal in the pragmatics of irony:
Echoic mention and pretense approaches." Pragmalingüística 12: 123-146.
(link to pdf at Academia.edu added)

Ruiz Moneva, M.A. (2011) "Review of Ciberpragmática 2.0. Nuevos usos del
lenguaje en Internet by F. Yus." Journal of Communication 61(4): E9-E14.
(link to pdf at Academia.edu added)

Saint-Pierre, M. (1998) "Une approche pragmatique cognitive de l'interaction
personne / système informatisé." Alsic 1(1).

Schempp, A.P. (2011) Relevant Blends and Pleasure in Narrative Cinema: An
Account of Pleasure in the Processing of Cognitive Blends within a
Relevance-Theoretic Framework. University of Amsterdam. MA Thesis.

Self, S. (2012) A relevance-theoretic analysis of Catullus 1." Graduate
Institute of Applied Linguistics.
(pdf at Academia.edu)

Tosca, S. (2014) “Amnesia: The Dark Descent. The player’s very own purgatory.”
In: Analyzing Digital Fiction. Eds. A. Bell, A. Ensslin and H.K. Rustad. London:
Routledge, 109-123.
(link to Google books available, see RT Online bibliography)

White, H.D. (2010) "Some new tests of relevance theory in information science."
Scientometrics 83(3): 653-667.
(ref. edited)

Wu, S.-H. (2013) Traducción y recepción de la subtitulación chino-español.
Análisis de la cultura lingüística como referente cultural. PhD Thesis.
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (Spain).

Yus, F. (2013) "Cognición, relevancia y nuevas narrativas digitales." Paper
delivered at AISPI 2013. Le forme del narrare: nel tempo e tra i generi. Pisa:
University of Pisa, November.
(link added, see RT Online bibliography)

Yus, F. (forthcoming) “Interactions with readers through online specialised
genres: Specificity or adaptability?” In: Dialogicity in Written Specialised
Genres. Eds. L. Gil and C. Soler. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Zixia, C. (2009) “A cognitive-pragmatic model for translation studies based on
relevance and adaptation.” Canadian Social Science 5(1).
Received on Thu Jan 30 15:52:14 2014

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