RT list: where is the RT module located? Right or left hemisphere or both?

From: Alessandro Capone <alessandro.capone@istruzione.it>
Date: Sat Sep 19 2009 - 15:16:43 BST

The question Where is the Relevance Theory module located (in the right or
left hemisphere?) which nobody answer (nowe I understand why, since the
answer is not unproblematic) can be given a partial answer following the
literature based on Giora - pragmatics correlating with the right

Then, after reading Kasher et al. Effects of right and left-hemisphere
damage... in Brain & Language 68, p. 566, I realize that the answer is
more complex.

If Kasher is right, then comprehension of inferences connected with
means-to-end analysis, which s urely also pertain to Televance Theory, is
located in the left-hemisphere.

Notice that this ability is clearly connected with speech act
comprehension (what type of speech act is this?) and with linguistic

In other words, a more general means-to-end analysis ability is duplicaed
in the right hemisphere.

So it looks as though a more specific module splits from a general module
(but Kasher does not consider central intelligence and the mechanisms
responsible for implicature interpretation in the right hemisphere a
module or modules).

In short, asked where to locate the Relevance Theory module, one could
reply that both the right and the left hemisphere are involved.

I did not see anything in the literature preventing us from positing a
module spread across two hemispheres.

Can you give feedback on this?
Received on Sat Sep 19 15:17:08 2009

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