RT list: RT Online Bibliography: REVISION OF LINKS (part 1)

From: Francisco Yus <F.YUS@mail.ono.es>
Date: Sat Nov 18 2006 - 11:03:16 GMT

Dear all,

This month I have undertaken an exhaustive revision of all the links to downloadable papers provided in the Relevance Theory Online Bibliography (http://www.ua.es/personal/francisco.yus/rt.html). All the "faulty links" have been removed and, where possible, some of these links have been replaced with new, "fully operative" ones. Below and in the next e-mail I have listed those references of the RT Bibliography whose links have been replaced with new ones.


Francisco Yus

Ahern, A. (2003) "Mood, propositional attitudes and metarepresentation in Spanish." Paper delivered at Where Semantics Meets Pragmatics. First International Workshop on Current Research in the Semantics-Pragmatics Interface. Michigan State University, July, 11-13. Abstrac available.

Akman, V. (2002) "Context in Artificial Intelligence: A Fleeting Overview" [English version of "Contesti in intelligenza artificiale: una fugace rassegna"]. In: La Svolta Contestuale. Ed. Carlo Penco. McGraw-Hill.

Akman, V. and M. Surav (1995) "Contexts, oracles, and relevance." AAAI-95 Workshop on "formalizing context." Boston.

Almor, A. and S.A. Sloman (2000) "Reasoning versus text processing in the Wason selection task -A non-deontic perspective on perspective effects." Memory & Cognition 28(6): 1060-1070.

Assimakopoulos, S. (2006) "Cognitive representation and the relevance of on-line constructions." ZASPIL -ZAS Papers in Linguistics 44(6).

Bott, L. and I.A. Noveck (2003) "The time course of scalar implicature." Paper delivered at Where Semantics Meets Pragmatics. First International Workshop on Current Research in the Semantics-Pragmatics Interface. Michigan State University, July, 11-13.

Bowman, G. (1998) "Radical empiricism: Anthropological fieldwork after psychoanalysis and the Année Sociologique." Anthropological Journal on European Cultures VI(2): 79-107.

Carruthers, P. (2003) "On Fodor's problem." Mind and Language 18.

Carruthers, P. (forthcoming) "Distinctively human thinking: Modular precursors and components. In: The Structure of the Innate Mind. Eds. P.Carruthers, S.Laurence and S.Stich.

Carruthers, P. (forthcoming) "Simple heuristics meet massive modularity." In: The Innate Mind: Culture and Cognition. Eds. P. Carruthers, S. Laurence and S. Stich. Oxford University Press.

Carruthers, P. (forthcoming) "The case for massively modular models of mind." In: Contemporary Debates in Cognitive Science. Ed. R. Stainton. Oxford: Blackwell.

Casacuberta, D. and C. Figueras (1999) "The R files: applying relevance model to conspiracy theory fallacies." Journal of English Studies 1: 45-55.

Escandell-Vidal, V. (1996) "Towards a cognitive approach to politeness." In: Contrastive Semantics and Pragmatics. (Vol. II: Discourse Strategies). Eds. K. Jaszczolt and K. Turner. Oxford: Pergamon, 621-650.

Escandell Vidal, V. (1998) "Politeness: A relevant issue for relevance theory." Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses 11: 45-57.

Escandell-Vidal, V. (2002) "Echo-syntax and metarepresentations." Lingua 112: 871-900.

Franks, B. (2003) "Negation and doubt in religious representations: Context-dependence, emotion and action." Paper delivered at New England Institute Conference on Cognitive Science and Religious Beliefs, August 2003.

Garrido, J. (2003) "Relevance versus connection: Discourse and text as units of analysis." Clac 13.

Gil-White, F.J. (2004) "Common misunderstandings of memes (and genes): The promise and the limits of the genetic analogy to cultural transmission processes". In: Perspectives on Imitation: From mirror neurons to memes. Eds. S. Hurley and N. Chater. MIT Press.

González Rodríguez, M.J. (2002) "La incidencia de la dimensión contextual en la producción del título periodístico." Atlantis XXIV(2): 129-148.

Green, K. (2000) "Creative writing, language and evaluation." Working Papers on the Web 2.

Handley, S.J., A. Feeney and C. Harper (2002) "Alternative antecedents, probabilities, and the suppression of fallacies in Wason’s selection task." The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 55A(3): 799-818.

Hedley, P. (2004) "Gender and the interpretation of pronouns in French: A view from relevance theory." Oxford Working Papers in Linguistics, Philology & Phonetics 9: 67-82.

Hedley, P. (2005) "Pronouns, procedures and relevance theory." Durham Working Papers in Linguistics 11: 41-55.

Heit, E. (2005) "Relations between premise similarity and inductive strength." Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 12(2): 340-344.

Katsos, N. (2003) "An experimental study on pragmatic inferences: Processing implicatures and presuppositions." Working Papers in English and Applied Linguistics 9.

King, J.C. and J. Stanley (2005) "Semantics, pragmatics, and the role of semantic content." In: Semantics vs. Pragmatics. Ed. Z. Szabo. Oxford University Press.

Staller, A., S.A. Sloman and T. Ben-Zeev (2000) "Perspective effects in non-deontic versions of the Wason Selection Task." Memory & Cognition 28: 396-405.

Trujillo Sáez, F. (2001) "La teoría de la relevancia como base para una nueva interpretación de la comunicación." Eúphoros 3: 221-232.

Trujillo Sáez, F. (2003) "Culture in writing: Discourse markers in English and Spanish student writing." Tadea seu liber de Amicitia. Departamento de Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura (eds.), Granada, 345-364.

Utsumi, A. (1999): "Explaining the time-course of literal and nonliteral comprehension." In The Second International Conference on Cognitive Science and The 16th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society. Joint Conference (ICCS/JCSS99).

Van der Henst, J.-B, S. Rossi and W. Schroyens (2002) "When participants are not misled they are not so bad after all: A pragmatic analysis of a rule discovery task." In: Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Eds. W.D. Gray and C.D. Schunn. Mahwah, NJ: LEA., 902-907.

Yus, F. (2003h) "El papel del contexto en la comunicación por Internet." Jaume I University, Jornades de Foment de la Investigació, vol. 7.
Received on Sat Nov 18 10:59:49 2006

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