PC Software Y2K Software Compliance

Commonly used PC software which has been updated in the last two years is
likely to be useable but may have "Minor issues". These are often mildly 
irretating effects which will appear after 1999. Patches for these are
usually available from the manufacturer's website. Old software may exhibit 
bigger problems preventing its use.

Examples of reported problems:-

Minor Issues
MS DOS 6.22, 6.0, 5.0a Must enter 4 digit year for date command after 1999, eg 01-01-2000 Windows 3.1 OK if don't try to set date on 29/2/2000 Windows 98 Filemanager displays incorrect dates after 1999
Major Issues (can't be used after 1999)
Word 5.0 Access 2.0

Operating System Compliance

The following operating systems are used on the department PCs.
Windows 3.x	Y2k Minor issues
Windows 95	Y2K Minor issues
Windows98	Y2K Minor issues
WindowsNT4	Y2K bigger issues, Install service pack 4
DOS		Y2K Minor issues

for more information and bug fixes see Microsoft year 2000 guide

Application Software Compliance

Commonly Used Application Software

Office 95		OK Minor issues
Office 97		OK
Office Professional 97	OK
Access 97		OK	
Netscape 2.02 onwards	OK
Wordperfect 8, pro8     OK
Wordperfect 7           OK Minor issues
Wordperfect 5.2 (win3.x) still testing
Wordperfect 5.1 DOS     OK minor issues
Wordperfect 3.x for MAC OK
Eudora (all versions)	OK