Protecting email addresses on web pages from junk mailers. 

Web crawlers scan websites and automatically collect email addresses which are then used for sending out junk email. If you don't want to receive increased amounts of junk email you should prevent your address from being collected in this way. The method described below achieves this by allowing an email address to be hidden from most web crawlers while allowing it to be read normally when viewing the page containing it with a web browser. It relies on Java being enabled in the web browser and this is normally enabled by default. The fragments of the email address included are assembled by the Java program code surrounding it when run by the web browser.

To make e-mail addresses on web pages unreadable by web crawlers

Replace address in the html code such as

by the lines

<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
document.write('warwick@' + '')

If you want to include the "mailto:" facility then replace the existing with
something like this:-

<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
emailE=('warwick@' + '')
document.write('<A href="mailto:' + emailE + '">' + emailE + '</a>')

You must edit the .html  or .htm  file containing the email address using either a simple ascii text editor or by using the 'view/edit html source' option in a  web page editor
. If you edit the page using normal edit mode in a web page editor, web browsers will display the Java code and email address fragments you entered instead of the email address

Departmental Computing Information