PLIN2108/PLING216 Intermediate Phonetics
UCL Division of Psychology and Language Sciences
PLIN2108/PLING216 Intermediate Phonetics & Phonology A

Introduction to the course


To discuss fundamental theoretical and empirical questions arising from the scientific study of spoken linguistic communication. To provide participants with hands-on experience of analysing phonetic data. To introduce modern experimental techniques in the study of Phonetics and modern applications of Phonetic science.


After completing the module, participants should be in a better position to:


The syllabus covers essential topics in Phonetics, including: the domain of Phonetics, principles of Phonetic analysis, speech acoustics, quantitative assessment of phonation and pitch, acoustic characterisation of vowels and consonants, sound sequences and suprasegmentals, paralinguistic phenomena, speaker characterisation.

Lectures, Labs & Tutorials

Each week the course will offer the student a two-hour lecture, a one-hour practical class in the teaching laboratory, and a one-hour tutorial class.


LecturesThursday 11-1Room B01
Laboratory A & BMonday 9-10Room B07
Tutorial 1Monday 10-11Room B07
Tutorial 2Monday 11-12Room 201
Laboratory C & DMonday 11-12Room B07
Tutorial 4Monday 12-1Room B07
Tutorial 3Monday 1-2Room 201

Contact Details



Assessment is through two 1500 word essays/lab-reports. These will be based around topics that have been covered in the lectures and will incorporate data collected from activities in the laboratory. You will have an opportunity to submit a practice lab report to get feedback on style in advance of the first assessment.

The provisional dates are as follows:

TitleDate SetDate Due
Practice26 October6 November
Assessment 116 November27 November
Assessment 27 December8 January

Assessments must be submitted in electronic format through the Moodle site before midnight.


The course has a moodle page at

The Moodle site will contain links to course notes, lecture slides and to additional resources.


The course handbook is written as a set of web pages and can be found at:

The web design used for the course handbook is designed to be readable on portable devices. Course notes can also be converted for the Kindle e-book reader

Course notes will not be printed. They contain many web links and interactive multimedia that are lost on printing. If you require a printed version you will need to print them yourself.


The course notes will index a range of web sites containing useful information about the topics. Use these to help develop your understanding of the concepts covered.

Each week a small number of readings will be set. Students should strive to read as much as possible around the topics covered on the course. Readings will be described as "Essential" or "Background". Where possible, essential readings will be made available on-line.

The course notes also contain a 'Reflections' heading which you can use to test your understanding of the material. If you are confused by any of these, bring your questions to the tutorial.

Use the Moodle Discussion forum for any specific questions you have outside the tutorial time. Also post messages if you find other interesting web sites relevant to the course.

Text Books

No single text book covers all the material included in the course at an appropriate level of description. The following are recommended and all are available in the Language Sciences Library on the second floor of Chandler House.

If you purchase any of these from Amazon using the supplied links, you will be supporting the web site

Introductory Books

Advanced Books

Word count: . Last modified: 11:44 25-Sep-2017.